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Everything posted by wayfinder823

  1. Should study for a final... ends up on here instead.

    1. Oishii


      *story of my life

  2. You probably have to pay a your whole wallet just to get in...
  3. I have to wear matching socks--well--they at least have to be similar cut. I can't wear ankle socks on one foot and mid-calf socks on the other. Color doesn't really matter. Thickness does. If one sock is thicker than the other, that'll drive me crazy. But as long as they're similar, they can mismatch... I promise I'm not OCD. And I think Kairi's cute too.
  4. Oh no... they're playing those strange Christmas movies with the talking wooden/play-dough figurines

  5. Yeah... but still open to change. I want to be a writer.
  6. The same as the title of this thread. "Spell Over You." You can click on the link in my post. Sorry the video isn't working on this site
  7. This is the latest video I made. It took me about... six hours to edit? Maybe? About that. I'm not sure if I will come back and finish off this song or not. I might depending on how well it does. Namine has been lonely for too long, and all she wants is someone to love her in return, but she knows that can't be possible. No one in their right mind would fall in love with a Nobody, so she willing enchants a boy to come to her castle, trapping him for her own lust, and that boy just so happens to be Sora. She keeps him in the mansion even though she knows that Sora will never truly love her in return. Edit: *Sigh* why won't the video upload on the direct page? I guess you'll have to visit youtube
  8. Debating whether or not my video is good enough to upload.... :/

  9. New video coming up tomorrow! :)

  10. Manga doesn't work... :(

    1. wayfinder823
    2. DChiuch


      Could you please link me to a page where it isn't working? I'll try and investigate the problem.

    3. wayfinder823


      Well when I click on "manga" under "Gallery" I'm immediately directed to an error page. http://kh13.com/zenphoto/manga/

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. Quick! Show me your favorite Namine picture!

    1. theultimatesorafan


      You have to admit, that's attractive.

    2. Kirie


      Namine in a bunny suit

    3. theultimatesorafan
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  12. Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Gahhh!!!! I LOVE MERLIN!!!

  13. :) New Christmas avatar that i made by myself! :D
  14. But how can we be "perfect" if we don't know "imperfection?" The way I see it, God wants us to have agency, the ability to choose right from wrong. It's how we grow. Adam and Eve didn't know what right and wrong was until after they ate of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. And what she did wasn't a "sin," even after she offered the fruit to Adam. In my eyes, Adam eating of the fruit is a transgression, which is different than a Sin.
  15. Yeah! and then you can wear it when you come visit!
  16. So.. this video is kind of... not the best, but for some reason, I really liked it. I don't know--maybe it's because I can actually see it working? Looking at the description, it was based off a fanfic, but it looks like that author deleted itself or something. It's a cross-over of Yu-Gi-Oh! and Kingdom Hearts (mainly Namine though it seems) If anyone knows the story of Yu-Gi-Oh and Noah's Arc, it talks about how the Big Five are actually Nobodies wanting to become "whole" or in this case, Human, which is interesting, since that's what the Big Five wants... and that's what Nobodies want. I thought it was interesting. And another thing that I loved about it, for the most part and for it being a cross-over, it felt pretty cannon. here's the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS1unxUphrA
  17. Dear fiction writers, STOP WITH THE DIVINE DREAMING! It's annoying and doesn't make sense. Even the most prophetic dreams aren't that literal. Sincerely, A Reader.

    1. wayfinder823


      It's annoying isn't it? >:|

    2. NightfallXIII


      Actually, I dont' even notice anymore. It's almost become a regular occurence in books for me. But you're right, it is kind of annoying, but it's more predicatble than anything else. Come on, people, come up with something original! Do you really NEED your character to have clarevoyance or prophetic powers?

    3. wayfinder823


      It doesn't even make sense. No one dreams like that in real life. Sure, you may hae de ja vu, but they're never that crystal clear, and if anything, it's the concept of the dream that happens, not the actual individual events. and when most people wake up from their dreams, they shrug their shoulders and think, "that was weird," or "that was a bit freaky," and go back to bed.

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  18. It's always listed as one of those foods people hate, like spinach. (Which, speaking of which, I like spinach too.)
  19. umm... okay... I really like meatloaf :wub:
  20. If Rachel never knew that Ross liked her, she never would have tried to break up Ross and Julie. Ergo, if Rachel never knew, would Ross marry Julie? (FRIENDS Season 2)

  21. Okay Rick Riordan, I used to really respect you, and I still do, but now your books just make me want to scream! (And not in a good way....)

    1. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      they look like they're written by second graders nowadays. Plus, there have been quite a few typos in the last few books especially.

    2. wayfinder823


      I've been noticing that. I hate all the new characters. I hate how they're all coupled. I hate how it changes P.O.V. all the time, and the dialogue is starting to feel like a bad fanfic. Actually... a lot of it reminds me of a fanfic...

    3. Zola


      I know what you mean. I used to admire how clever he could be, but now it feels like trying to hold two negatively charged magnets together.

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