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Faithful Owl

Let's Play (Sign Ups and Discussion)

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If you lack roleplay experience, I suggest reading here
Also, if you haven't yet, or just need a refresher, the roleplay rules (though since slightly adjusted for a roleplay to roleplay basis) can be found here

Hello, roleplayers young and old, amateur and experienced. I, once known as Sikota Urinakano, come to you with a reboot of a new world to experience. Now is your chance to recreate yourselves for whatever purpose or lack thereof to drive forward this world I shall guide you through.
I shall say little of where this journey will take you, where every corner you turn will have something new for you that you most likely would not have expected. I shall spoil nothing, only welcome you to this... Game.


-Your posts must be no less than three lines long. I will accept occasional shorties, but post too little too often and you will face consequences
- Minimal profanity. Keep your swearing to a PG-13 level, but even so: the less the better.
- Minimal gore. You can bleed, but you best not bleed out.
- Keep any romance appropriate. Nothing more passionate than a 10 second, relatively light kiss.
- Leave the discussion for this thread, not the roleplay thread. I'd honestly love to hear your theories, opinions, etc.
- Leave room for reaction. Don't automatically land a hit, end the action (but not necessarily the post) with the moment before it makes contact. Examples: attacks, kisses (in certain situation), and most actions that the person could try and dodge. Negligible actions such as a friendly flick, or maybe a surprise kiss, or other harmless surprises are allowed, however. ALSO, if the action is something that will drastically effect things, consult the creator of the character you are interacting with. This primarily will pertain to character deaths.
-At the end of your sign up, tell me what you think this RP is about, or what you think will or should happen to prove that you've read these rules.

-Character Template-

Name: First Last (Exceptions can be made, of course,)
Age: I guess this doesn't matter. Double digits is probably for the best. (Again, exceptions can be made)
Sex: Gender is masculine or feminine, sex is male or female. You had to have been born one or the other. I don't care how they look. (But if your using a girl image for a male character, watch for breasts.)
Appearance: Image link, image in a spoiler, and/or or written description.
Ability: Your character has powers. It's up to you what they are. But you are still mortal. Limit yourself.
Weapon: Image link, image in spoiler, or written.
(Note: you can have powers, a weapon, or both. But don't overdo either)
Bio: Your character's past. This part is more important than in most roleplays, so don't be lazy here.
Optional Theme: Link a song in a spoiler here. Just to give me ideas of songs to play in critical moments in the roleplay.




Edited by Faithful Owl

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Sikota, your first link is broken. I assume it was Silver's guide. I recommend replacing it with Javelin434's guide. A quick look at the Roleplaying Guides topic will help you find it easily.


Name: Sekai Gea
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Appearance: Posted Image
Ability: Brilliant at parkour and more traditional acrobatics. Sekai is also a world class fighter, proficient with her fists and feet, and most anything she can find though she doesn't carry any weapons on her person. Despite being normally loud and obnoxious, Sekai is also incredibly good at erasing her presence, making herself not heard or felt to even the most careful of people, making her a god at stealth and thievery.
Weapon: None.
Bio: A thug and a thief to the highest degree, Sekai has been a part of street gangs since she elementary school. An orphan with few other gifts aside from criminal activities, she had decided to follow these gifts no matter where they led. As she grew up surrounded by thugs and criminals, she learned very well. How to pick a pocket, how to disable a house alarm, how to tail a person. And she was really good at them... In some solace of her mind, she felt bad. But her reason won through most of the time. We all do what we need to to survive. Stealing is no different than working an honest job when it is your only marketable job. Though Sekai has never been the head of a gang, she has more than once been the second in command, the right hand. But she has little loyalty, going wherever the power is held and not looking back. Though she has no aversion to other people, she knows through her experiences in the dregs of society that they should rarely be trusted. 
Theme: This is a brand new character... so I don't have a theme for her yet. Should I find one, I'll post it though.


As for the meaning of this RP... If its predecessor has anything to say, we'll be journeying through a realm that is completely mysterious, with several challenges and a gradual learning of the truth. Like an MDS RP, but with no information about the setting.

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I'll join later Sikota, need to decide what character to use. I'm literally drop dead exhausted so give me time. Probably on Monday, I can do it all.

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It's been a while since i've RPd  and i'll probably be rusty as hell but i'm submitting regardless



Name: Lihkan Felender (nicknamed night-bird)
Age: 17
Sex: male
Appearance:Posted Image

If you count a mutation as an ability i guess super strength (not really all that super just say enhanced from 10% to 34% of physical human capabilities roughly 3 times as much as a human) goes here. Same goes for a faster metabolism, enhanced sight and hearing. 

His ability is manipulating physical properties of matter (does not affect humans although it does affect all other organic beings). It takes time and lots of it depending on the change (radiation for example takes 1 - 2 hours) This extends on two areas:

-removing or decreasing properties such as weight, hardness, toxicity in liquids, sharpness on things like paper or items that have edges etc

-adding completely new properties such as radiation for example


Carries around a large case roughly the size of a short human in which he carries around several kinds of bombs, oils, ointments, poisons, hallucinogens, mutagens

-pyramidal spikes

-ring shaped flints for a fire breath effect (needs to be put in his mouth and are for one time uses)

-needles (usually poisoned)

-a sword made so the blade can be fired from it

-a bracelet he tempered with so he can control air pressure in a small radius around his body allowing short distance flight and easy descents

-boots made with a bottom that can provide a shock wave to boost jumps (without the bracelet it breaks bones along the leg)

Born into a tribal society (much like the ancient Aztecs) early in life he had no place in society due to his hair color (he was thought a genetic accident). His father was a hunter and mother a seamstress. He spent days studying all manner of tomes and scrolls his village witch doctor had. It was in him he saw a father figure and spent time in his hut. While others learned to hunt and forage he learned math, chemistry, physics, geometry, geology end so on. The villagers also often sought his aid when there were sick and he even helped deliver several children. As time passed he became a medicine man and apprenticed under mentioned witch doctor. But that didn't last long due to the fact his intellect surpassed the master to an absurd degree making his master disown him. As this was done so his position was lost and he was placed as the herbalist of a hunting group away from the village and spent two years away. The party had died out him being the only survivor due to several accidents and an unknown illness. He himself would have died had he not used a strange combination of mutagens to hasten his metabolism and certain body functions.Along the course of this time he developed the property manipulation ability.The village judged him as responsible for the deaths of the others and exiled him. Since then he went to the "advanced lands" and wanted to make a place for himself there. 




I honestly rather not guess what this is about i have below 0 idea

Edited by Firo_Procheniezio

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