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Dead Man's Tale (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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An original RP by Aqua7KH~ (thank Stardustblade for the title though~!)


Purgatory. That's a place not many people wind up. Most people either go to Heaven, or Hell. But what if you died at sea? If you have... Well then your soul belongs to Davy Jones' Locker. Davy Jones' Locker is the deepest bottom of the sea and the grave of those who perish on the sea. What many don't know is that not only does it serve as a grave, but also as a purgatory to lost souls. Once a person dies, their soul is claimed by the seas of which they sailed. Once claimed they have to live all of their afterlife in Davy Jones' Locker. A underwater community, the Locker is populated by the ruthless of pirates and the wisest of sailors and fisherman ranging from centuries into the past to the present day. Some inhuman creatures even live here, for the souls of Mermen and Sirens also reside. Here these souls often try to live a semi-normal afterlife together while others search endlessly for their loved ones and even a chance at life once more.


Dying- Despite being a ghost, it is possible to die again in the Locker. There are three ways to die;

The Abyss- There are deep pits in the Locker known as the Abyss. It's impossible to see the bottom, and no one has ever fell in the Abyss and survived. If you are thrown in one, you're gone. Rumor has it that terrible sea creatures live in the Abyss and eat souls.


Curse- Witches and those who practice magic can curse items (usually weapons) to kill ghosts. Hunters and slavers often carry cursed cutlasses to kill other ghosts. As a result it is pretty important to keep at least a cursed dagger on you for protection.


Sickness- If you have a Master (meaning your soul belongs to someone else) they could kill you at will. If you disobey their direct orders, you could fall ill and die. Symptoms are bleeding from the nose or mouth, light headedness, fainting, fever and weakness. It is also possible to get fall ill through overexerting the possession ability.


Ghost Abilities

As a ghost, there's a few things you can do.

Phasing- Phaze through walls and other solid forms.

Possession- Posses small sea creatures. (This is very rare and takes a lot of energy to do.

Soul Capture- If you are a ghost of someone who is over sixteen and have been dead for at least five full moons, you can capture another soul who is under sixteen. A captured soul is basically a ghost who is spiritually bound to you. They must follow your orders. If not, that ghost under your command will fall ill and die. You can also choose to release a captured ghost.


If you were under sixteen when you died, you could be captured. However when sixteen years pass in the locker, no one can capture you. As a result it is advised that you get an ally to capture you so that way no one else can. Ghost over sixteen who just died must wait five full moons before they can capture other souls.


Hunters and slavers often soul capture young ghosts to sell them to other ghosts in faraway seas. Some hunters and slavers carry illegal cursed charms to soul capture ghosts who are even over sixteen years of age. Many pirates use captured ghosts as their slaves, servants and whatnot.



Standard KH13 rules apply

Do NOT control other characters without permission

Do not kill other characters without permission

Proper English. Plz.

Romance, cursing, and blood is fine. PG-14

No Godmodding

Make your posts not too short (around three lines at least) or not too long. (Don't write like five long paragraphs) it's hard to follow when all the posts are crazy long! Nothing that's tl;dr.

Do not harass your fellow rp brethren

In terms of races, you can be a human or any humanoid underwater creature from folklore or otherwise (mermaid, siren, etc. If it's not listed, then please give a description of what race it is in the signup sheet and I will decide if you're good or not.

Please follow the actual rp thread to stay up to date with what's going on

You may be from any time period from the past to present. Present day in the rp is about the 1960s.






Race: (Human, Siren, Mermaid, Sea Witch, etc.)





Here's mine~!

Name: William Reece

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: English, Human

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: William is a very innocent happy young man with a desire to learn. He loves to read and to practice the art of fishing and sailing at sea. He is somewhat timid although when the time calls for it he will be courageous. He has very good manners although his naïvety has gotten himself into some trouble.

Bio: Born in England and condemned to an orphanage, William was growing as a very sad little boy until a sailor came in and adopted him when he was five years old. Since then he has been a son and an apprentice to him, loving every second being around his new father. William lives for the seas and finds most of his life taking place on the very waters he came to know and love. One day however, the vessel he sailed with his father faced a terrible storm and sunk killing everyone on it including him and his father.


Name: Katia Du'Vall

Age: ??? (Appears to be mid twenties)

Gender: Female

Race: Sea Witch, possibly Human.

Appearance: Posted Image

Personality: Katia works for herself, and although she may appear to only help herself, there is times where she will help others. She favors children although no one knows why. It is never truly known what her intentions are, nor what she truly wants. As a result people often mistrust her and take caution when approaching her. At the end of the day however, she will always take the request of someone especially at a good price.

Bio: Nothing is known about Du'Vall's past life. Currently she runs a small shop in the Reef, selling spells and charms. Although she specializes in Voodoo, many inhabitants of the Locker come to her for aid in their deepest troubles. She does help with her magic, although the customer must have a good price.

Edited by Aqua7KH

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Name: Arthur Reece

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Posted Image


Personality: Stubborn and the type of person that refuses to back down from a fight. He is curious and is a fanatic of myths and lore, willing to share facts and stories out of memory with anyone who is willing to hear. He is very protective over Williams, to the point of suffocation at times, but means well. Distrust strangers, and it takes a while to warm up to him.

Bio: Arthur was born at sea...literately! His father was a fisherman that was taking his wife to the nearest doctor just across the bay when she gave birth on the boat! Since young Arthur has been living by the sea, helping his father on large fishing trips, where he would heard stories and lore from different sailors. It made him wish to become a sailor of his own, and after years of hard work, he became the proud owner of the ship known as The Pariah. He became a merchant and was soon sailing across the seas, visiting places he'd never even heard about while doing his job. However it was back at England when personally delivering some supplies to the orphanage that he met William. He was instantly attracted to his joyful matter and saw potential in him, and so at the age of 21, he adopted William and became his legal guardian. The two have been sailing together ever since, Arthur teaching William everything he knew and everything he could. It would appear that father and son would sail on forever more for many years to come...until that night.


The weather had taken an unexpected turn, and with lightning clacking, wind roaring and the waves becoming violent, Arthur and his crew tried to ride out the storm, to steer away from it into escape. But as fate would have it, they would never see land again, as a tornadic waterspout reigned down right in front of the ship, and tore it to pieces. Arthur called for everyone to abandon ship, running down the ship past the escaping crew members to reach William. He did reach him, hugging him into his arms...before the ship sunk with them inside, killing them and the rest of the crew.



Name: Leonardo Carriedo Santiago the 1st

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human




Before death:

Posted Image



Posted Image



Personality: Cheerful, happy-going and adventurous. He is the type of person to try to cheer up the darkest of moments and situations. He is easily scared, and rather clumsy.

Bio: A long-forgotten prince from the kingdom of Spain who was studying abroad. He was on a ship heading back home when the ship was intercepted by pirates. The prince and his men were ruthlessly murdered before thrown overboard, their bodies lost within the deep forever, their ship sunk to go along with them for the ride. Leonardo has been in Davy Jones' Locker for centuries...and he is always willing to help out new comers to this dreading place.

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Name: Thorfinn Karlsefni
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race: human
Appearance:Posted Image
Personality: A gigantic stick in the mud. He is very angry and almost never cracks a smile. He always acts like a "wild mutt" every time a person comes near him. His most defining trait is his endless fountain of rage. The afterlife made him even worse than in life as he essentially became a wild man searching for a way back to life denying all who said there is no return.
Bio: Thorfinn was born in Island and raised in a family of sheep farmers. However his father Thors had a past among the soldiers as Thors the troll. As years went by his father was found and led into a setup. There a vile man named Askelad had forced the man to give up his life in order to save Thorfinn. That was the turning point of the boy's life where his normal happy self was devoured with by rage. He followed Askelad and wanted to take revenge for his fathers death however was unable to do so. Askelad swore he would allow Thorfinn to face him in fair combat but only should the boy do his bidding. As he did so they traveled from battlefield to battlefield war to war and chances came. Sadly every duel ended the same as Thorfinn always lost on account of mental games Askelad played on him.


He died in a storm to which they came upon by pure chance. There were several people who died among the wreckage however his fate was decided the moment a sword was stabbed into his chest by the man who said he'd face in a honorable duel. He fought for hours but sadly bled out to death.


Name: Nina Kamasir

Age: 15
Gender: female
Race: nereid (altho she dosn't know it) (A nereid is more a tribe than a race. In greek mythology the Nereids were women who rode sharks and other forms of sea-life)

Posted Image
Personality: Nina is an adventorous and funloving person always caught up in some kind of adventure. Towards others she is always nice ant comforting however she herself sees that as her most basic founding principle . She is generous and generally loves to oblige a person. Even so she has her set of morals which she follows to the letter. 

Bio: Nina was always in sync with ocean-life and water creatures in general. Her father always told her she took that after her mother who died at birth. Her education was mostly overlooked as she never knew how to read or write. As such she never got a job aside from being a tour guide. After several years as a guide she wanted to set sail to unknown lands and visit places like the Caribbean.


​Her journey was ended when she encountered some illegal fishers. Naturally she jumped in to stop the fishermen and for some reason she almost succeeded. Much to her luck a giant jellyfish ( http://amazingdata.com/images/MarinekillerwithlargestbodyHugejellyfish_DBB/amazingcoolstunningbeautifulfreakinghugelargestgiantjellyfishjapan7.jpg  something like that only 4 times bigger)

Was swimming nearby and she pushed three of the seven members down there until finally the giant jellyfish rammed against the boat. Almost saved she swimmed to safety but a harpoon from behind pierced her heart and she died.

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Name: Adeline Gray 
Age: 15 
Gender: Female 
Race: Human 
Appearance: Posted Image
Personality: Adeline is a sweet girl but can be very shy when talking to new people. If they approach her and be nice, y'know, not yelling hi at her face, then she'll gladly befriend that person. She can also be a bit clumsy. 
Bio: Adeline lived a normal life in Maryland. She had a nice house, her parents gave her anything she wanted. But Adeline wasn't happy as others thought she was. Her parents, although they gave her all she wanted, they only did it to keep her away. They worked all day, and work was all they worried about. Adeline didn't even know what they worked at. So she was always home alone and learned to cook for herself. She was also constantly bullied by girls who lived near her. They envied her because she was pretty, rich, had a nice house, and nice clothes. One day, while Adeline shopped for groceries, those mean girls kidnapped her, tied her up, and went out to the sea. One of the girls dad was a fisherman, so she used the small boat, tied Adeline to a sack of rocks, and threw her into the water. Adeline, of course, drowned. 

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 One day, while Adeline shopped for groceries, those mean girls kidnapped her, tied her up, and went out to the sea. One of the girls dad was a fisherman, so she used the small boat, tied Adeline to a sack of rocks, and threw her into the water. Adeline, of course, drowned. 


Sounds like 4th grade all over again

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Just for clarification: What kind of landscape is in the locker? What time period are the buildings based on? Can you die again here?

That is a very wonderful question (I'll also post the answer to this in the signup sheet)In terms of landscape, you are in basically the bottom of the sea. Think of it like a sort of Atlantica or Bikini Bottom kind of town. There isn't that many buildings, only a few open buildings used for pub hangouts and whatnot as well as stores. These buildings are made of wood and look like cabin rooms and old pubs you would see during the 1700's where pirates used to hang out (since a majority of the spirits in the locker are old pirates who died at sea) shipwrecks are often used as homes/pubs/shops as well. In terms of dying, yes you can die again. There's a few ways to die. If you die in the Locker, you just don't exist anymore. It's like being Erased in TWEWYThe Abyss- there are deep pits in the Locker known as the Abyss. It's impossible to see the bottom, and no one has ever fell in the Abyss and survived. If you are thrown in one, you're gone. Rumor has it that terrible sea creatures live in the Abyss and eat souls.Curse- Witches and those who practice magic can curse items (usually weapons) to kill ghosts. Hunters and slavers often carry cursed cutlasses to kill other ghosts. As a result it is pretty important to keep at least a cursed dagger on you for protection.There is another way but I'll explain it in a second. As a ghost, there's a few things you can do. You may phase through walls, posses small sea creatures and perform something called a 'soul capture' on other ghosts.If you are a ghost of someone who is over sixteen and have been dead for at least five full moons, you can capture another soul who is under sixteen. A captured soul is basically a ghost who is spiritually bound to you. They must follow your orders. If not, that ghost under your command will fall ill and die. You can also choose to release a captured ghost.If you were under sixteen when you died, you could be captured. However when sixteen years pass in the locker, no one can capture you. As a result it is advised that you get an ally to capture you so that way no one else can. Ghost over sixteen who just died must wait five full moons before they can capture other souls.Hunters and slavers often soul capture young ghosts to sell them to other ghosts in faraway seas. Some hunters and slavers carry illegal cursed charms to soul capture ghosts who are even over sixteen years of age. Many pirates use captured ghosts as their servants and whatnot. That's basically it. If there's any more questions please ask~

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That is a very wonderful question (I'll also post the answer to this in the signup sheet)In terms of landscape, you are in basically the bottom of the sea. Think of it like a sort of Atlantica or Bikini Bottom kind of town. There isn't that many buildings, only a few open buildings used for pub hangouts and whatnot as well as stores. These buildings are made of wood and look like cabin rooms and old pubs you would see during the 1700's where pirates used to hang out (since a majority of the spirits in the locker are old pirates who died at sea) shipwrecks are often used as homes/pubs/shops as well.In terms of dying, yes you can die again. There's a few ways to die. If you die in the Locker, you just don't exist anymore. It's like being Erased in TWEWYThe Abyss- there are deep pits in the Locker known as the Abyss. It's impossible to see the bottom, and no one has ever fell in the Abyss and survived. If you are thrown in one, you're gone. Rumor has it that terrible sea creatures live in the Abyss and eat souls.Curse- Witches and those who practice magic can curse items (usually weapons) to kill ghosts. Hunters and slavers often carry cursed cutlasses to kill other ghosts. As a result it is pretty important to keep at least a cursed dagger on you for protection.There is another way but I'll explain it in a second.As a ghost, there's a few things you can do. You may phase through walls, posses small sea creatures and perform something called a 'soul capture' on other ghosts.If you are a ghost of someone who is over sixteen and have been dead for at least five full moons, you can capture another soul who is under sixteen. A captured soul is basically a ghost who is spiritually bound to you. They must follow your orders. If not, that ghost under your command will fall ill and die. You can also choose to release a captured ghost.If you were under sixteen when you died, you could be captured. However when sixteen years pass in the locker, no one can capture you. As a result it is advised that you get an ally to capture you so that way no one else can. Ghost over sixteen who just died must wait five full moons before they can capture other souls.Hunters and slavers often soul capture young ghosts to sell them to other ghosts in faraway seas. Some hunters and slavers carry illegal cursed charms to soul capture ghosts who are even over sixteen years of age. Many pirates use captured ghosts as their servants and whatnot.That's basically it. If there's any more questions please ask~


That actually makes more sense ^^ 


I myself wanted to ask you that. Thank you for explaining :)

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That actually makes more sense ^^ I myself wanted to ask you that. Thank you for explaining :)

No problem~ I'll give this sign ups another day, but I don't think anyone else with sign up so I will start it soon.

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Hey guys just a heads up I'm gonna start this within the next day or two! Guide is gonna join tomorrow so I'm gonna wait for him~!


Okay! Thank you for letting us know :)

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Name: Seto Kurusai
Gender: Male
Race: Sea - Dragon (had to get a little creative here, bear with me)
Appearance:Picture171.jpgJeez thats a large image srry guise
Personality: Very cocky and sure of him self. He's actually not a bad guy, but his heavy use of sarcasm seems to give people the wrong impression. A fiercely loyal ally. 

Bio: *cracks knuckles* wow am i gonna have to sell this one

Seto is a member of a race of human like sea dragons that roam the seas searching for both a living in fishing (and occasionally pirateering) and the Sea Dragon their culture treats like a sort of deity. (think the midgard serpent from norse mythology, just alot less doomsday-ey.) The creatures blend in with humans hiding their serpent like tails in long coats and their forked toungs however they can. some even have had cosmetic surgery. After decades of blending in with humans, their race lost its original name and simply identified as human, although they know the truth. The more "faithful" of the cuture believe that finding their great serpent god will not only reveal the time-lost details of their species' origins, but also allow them to shed their human forms and rule the seas as Sea-Dragons. Sadly, Seto will never know if this is true. Born in a small port town, he was a fisherman at a very young age. when he was 18, he set off with a ship of his kinsmen for what was on paper to be a year long fishing expedition, but it was really a journey to the farthest reaches of the sea in search of the serpent god, a sort of rite of passage for his race. over that year, the crew did little fishing, and resorted to pirate-like ways of attacking other ships for food and supplies. Seto became very independent over that year, a young man among pirates tends to. He developed the very cocky and sarcastic attitude he exhibits in the locker as a means of fitting in with his shipmates, but below that he values loyalty and trust. Once a person shows genuine interest in getting to know him, Seto stops with the rather biting humor and opens up some, although very rarely talks about his past before leaving for the voyage. One day, while Seto was checking some of the rigging of the ship, a huge wave hit and launched him overboard. he was a proficient swimmer, but the shock left him floundering in the water. some of his crew mates tried to save him, but Seto wasnt thinking properly, and despite being from a race of Sea-Dragons, he drowned. Now, he resides in the locker, Proudly displaying his tail to all the humans as a means of intimidation, and trying to play his cards right for a second chance at life.


Phew. How'd i do? are you sold yet? 

Edited by TheGuide

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Name: Seto Kurusai


Gender: Male

Race: Sea - Dragon (had to get a little creative here, bear with me)

Appearance:Picture171.jpgJeez thats a large image srry guise

Personality: Very cocky and sure of him self. He's actually not a bad guy, but his heavy use of sarcasm seems to give people the wrong impression. A fiercely loyal ally.

Bio: *cracks knuckles* wow am i gonna have to sell this one

Seto is a member of a race of human like sea dragons that roam the seas searching for both a living in fishing (and occasionally pirateering) and the Sea Dragon their culture treats like a sort of deity. (think the midgard serpent from norse mythology, just alot less doomsday-ey.) The creatures blend in with humans hiding their serpent like tails in long coats and their forked toungs however they can. some even have had cosmetic surgery. After decades of blending in with humans, their race lost its original name and simply identified as human, although they know the truth. The more "faithful" of the cuture believe that finding their great serpent god will not only reveal the time-lost details of their species' origins, but also allow them to shed their human forms and rule the seas as Sea-Dragons. Sadly, Seto will never know if this is true. Born in a small port town, he was a fisherman at a very young age. when he was 18, he set off with a ship of his kinsmen for what was on paper to be a year long fishing expedition, but it was really a journey to the farthest reaches of the sea in search of the serpent god, a sort of rite of passage for his race. over that year, the crew did little fishing, and resorted to pirate-like ways of attacking other ships for food and supplies. Seto became very independent over that year, a young man among pirates tends to. He developed the very cocky and sarcastic attitude he exhibits in the locker as a means of fitting in with his shipmates, but below that he values loyalty and trust. Once a person shows genuine interest in getting to know him, Seto stops with the rather biting humor and opens up some, although very rarely talks about his past before leaving for the voyage. One day, while Seto was checking some of the rigging of the ship, a huge wave hit and launched him overboard. he was a proficient swimmer, but the shock left him floundering in the water. some of his crew mates tried to save him, but Seto wasnt thinking properly, and despite being from a race of Sea-Dragons, he drowned. Now, he resides in the locker, Proudly displaying his tail to all the humans as a means of intimidation, and trying to play his cards right for a second chance at life.


Phew. How'd i do? are you sold yet?

Completely sold~! You are accepted with honors friend!

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Woo! My first sign up sheet in months. It felt good.

I understand that feel. If always feels great to do a sign up sheet.Anyway, I'm going to start the rp later tonight~! So stay tuned!

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Name: Kuryu Jigoku 
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human  embodying the Mizuchi Ōyamatsumi no Ryūjin (in particularly a black one)


Posted Image
Personality: Kind, Soft, Frail, Semi- Cowardice, Introverted, Calm, Fair, Shy, Timid, Clingy, Graceful, Kind hearted, Loyal, Sophisticated, Proper, And Appropriate With Deductive reasoning, also a worry some person.


 She hasn't much to say given the way things have happened to her. she can be very untrusting of people at first but being around them for long periods of time would make her feel very attached to them. and she'd try to stick by them, until they were tired of her presents then she would be struck with sorrow and do as they wish by leaving. Probably holding a childish grudge against them if she ever saw them against. Small gestures are the world to Kuryu. Like for instance giving her bread. She'd feel in-titled to help you some how, some way. Even feeling unsatisfied in life if she couldn't achieve and repay the debt she felt she owes.



Bio: Kuryu is a maiden, for the Jigoku Family In edo period Japan. Every 40 years in the Tengoku shrine, they must pick One of the shrine maiden to become the pure embodiment of the deities. Each animal that represents the deities have to be slain over the maiden, in a ritual. the ceremony last til the maiden has become mature.

Kuryu was the maidens to be selected for this generation. She protested, and was severely punished for her disobedience. Lacking the will to handle such strain again, she became the embodiment known as the "Mizuchi Ōyamatsumi no Ryūjin" It is the water goddess's And God's Daughter. Finally, through the days end the ceremony Seized. One year later, She was betrothed to man in a far away land, this was a time of war and battle Selling his own daughters hand would usher their army ten fold. During this eminent demise of the other country, this was crucial they had an arranged meeting. Kuryu was to be shipped across the ocean to meet her new husband. At the halfway point their ships met and Kuryu went directly into her betrothed's arms. She felt warm and happy. Til She felt the piercing pain in her upper left part of her chest. She was stabbed by the man she loved and never knew his face but only for a breathe. what he said to her as she tumbled back was "I'm Sorry, But your body exist only as a weapon and that is what truly fuels this war. Dying here you'd be saving millions" She set at the edge of the boat And he leaned in say softly grasping her hands "Don't look at me with those eyes, How could you be so selfish?" her eyes dimmed and she Plunged Down to the deep, deep, Til her body was swallowed by deepest blue of the sea and she conformed, confided into this cold blank. knowing her body will never be found, she resided in the one thing that was for certain. DEATH. But unheartedly to speak of, During this whole Disorientation, Kuryu Didn't let out one cry. How mystique, seems she does have a will of her own after all.


((I Hope I Did Good, This Is My First Time Doing Rp's Ever. Plus !I'm Really Nervous! :sad:))

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Name: Kuryu Jigoku

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human embodying the Mizuchi Ōyamatsumi no Ryūjin (in particularly a black one)


Posted Image

Personality: Kind, Soft, Frail, Semi- Cowardice, Introverted, Calm, Fair, Shy, Timid, Clingy, Graceful, Kind hearted, Loyal, Sophisticated, Proper, And Appropriate With Deductive reasoning, also a worry some person.


She hasn't much to say given the way things have happened to her. she can be very untrusting of people at first but being around them for long periods of time would make her feel very attached to them. and she'd try to stick by them, until they were tired of her presents then she would be struck with sorrow and do as they wish by leaving. Probably holding a childish grudge against them if she ever saw them against. Small gestures are the world to Kuryu. Like for instance giving her bread. She'd feel in-titled to help you some how, some way. Even feeling unsatisfied in life if she couldn't achieve and repay the debt she felt she owes.



Bio: Kuryu is a maiden, for the Jigoku Family In edo period Japan. Every 40 years in the Tengoku shrine, they must pick One of the shrine maiden to become the pure embodiment of the deities. Each animal that represents the deities have to be slain over the maiden, in a ritual. the ceremony last til the maiden has become mature.

Kuryu was the maidens to be selected for this generation. She protested, and was severely punished for her disobedience. Lacking the will to handle such strain again, she became the embodiment known as the "Mizuchi Ōyamatsumi no Ryūjin" It is the water goddess's And God's Daughter. Finally, through the days end the ceremony Seized. One year later, She was betrothed to man in a far away land, this was a time of war and battle Selling his own daughters hand would usher their army ten fold. During this eminent demise of the other country, this was crucial they had an arranged meeting. Kuryu was to be shipped across the ocean to meet her new husband. At the halfway point their ships met and Kuryu went directly into her betrothed's arms. She felt warm and happy. Til She felt the piercing pain in her upper left part of her chest. She was stabbed by the man she loved and never knew his face but only for a breathe. what he said to her as she tumbled back was "I'm Sorry, But your body exist only as a weapon and that is what truly fuels this war. Dying here you'd be saving millions" She set at the edge of the boat And he leaned in say softly grasping her hands "Don't look at me with those eyes, How could you be so selfish?" her eyes dimmed and she Plunged Down to the deep, deep, Til her body was swallowed by deepest blue of the sea and she conformed, confided into this cold blank. knowing her body will never be found, she resided in the one thing that was for certain. DEATH. But unheartedly to speak of, During this whole Disorientation, Kuryu Didn't let out one cry. How mystique, seems she does have a will of her own after all.


((I Hope I Did Good, This Is My First Time Doing Rp's Ever. Plus !I'm Really Nervous! :sad:))

You did lovely~! And I'm happy to have my rp be your first ever! You are accepted and may post right away.

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Oh i forgot to mention Nina will be calling her oceanic friends often. One of them is Cuddles


Keep in mind all of them are smaller than depicted (except Skippy and Fluffuls)


For reference there are also:


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Fluffuls (couldn't find a smaller image)

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and Peaches

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Who wants to go swimming?

Edited by Firo_Procheniezio

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