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Microsoft E3 Bingo!

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Microsoft E3 Bingo!

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the first Bingo game of the conference. Here are the rules:

  • Visit the original E3 Bingo Thread to see the overall rules and blank bingo cards.
  • Post your board for this conference (using spoiler tags) WELL before the conference starts, so I know no changes were made. 
  • As you watch the conference, cross off your board (I suggest using red X's in Photoshop or MS paint) as things are announced
  • If/When you get a BINGO, post the updated board (with the items crossed off) into this thread. Based on timestamps, I will determine the winner.

Posted Image

You can watch Microsoft's conference on YouTube or on Twitch (with live commentary and real-time chat).

Microsoft's conference starts at 9:30am PDT, 12:30pm EST.


​I'll post my board here (because I assume I will be the only one playing...)

Posted Image

Edited by Toominator

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