The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted January 20, 2014 (edited) Hello there everybody, how’s it going? Well then, here is my first official story of 2014, and it is a sequel to my 2011 story The Keyblade War. I hope that your all looking forward to reading this story, for I’m certainly very excited to be writing it. Before the story starts, below you’ll see a summary of the events of the first story, for those who haven’t read it, or, if you want to read The Keyblade War, the link will be provided below. Enjoy everybody! The Keyblade War Chapter 1 link Oh, and also, the Christmas Special I made also ties in to this story, so here’s the link for the Kingdom Hearts Christmas Special: After The Keyblade War. : ) Synopsis (Start Song Here) The worlds were under siege as a new threat had appeared in the form of the Unborn, and mysterious assailants were foreboding about an impending doom that would come when they unlocked the power of Kingdom Hearts. The unrest had spiraled into a full out war, and our heroes had started their defense of the worlds by finding the root of this threat and exterminating it once and for all. During these days of war and strife, Ventus struggled with his inner darkness, Terra came back from exile, and many other allies entered the fold, using their powers to turn the tide of the war in their favor. Ventus had found a boy named Kyle as Radiant Garden was nearing it’s destruction, and he decided to take care of him. Legions of Heartless and Nobodies had relentlessly attacked our heroes, but Dexeres had gained control of the Nobodies, and so had won them over as allies. Soon after, in a battle against a traitor, Ventus unleashed Vanitas, and to his surprise, Vanitas turned to their side, and the Unversed also became allies. As everyone kept fighting off the hordes of enemies, the mysterious cloaked enemies made their purpose and intentions utterly clear: to dominate all worlds and extinguish all opposition. After many struggles, our heroes reached the enemy’s stronghold, and one by one, they defeated their foes. Many sacrifices were made, and many of our valiant heroes were brought to their limit. Kyle had discovered the power of the Dark Light, and many villains of old had returned to spell doom for everyone. But with determination and with the unwavering resolve to fight, Sora and his friends, along with a powerful artifact called the Atarax Meteor Shard, defeated Dark Orion once and for all, finally bringing a long sought for peace. After this great war, three months of peace followed, but soon after Riku noticed that something was wrong. He knew that things were not completely as they seemed. And now, three years later, we shall see the events that unfold... (End Song Here) Prologue: Keyblade (Start Song Here) Three years have passed since Sora and his friends saved the worlds from Dark Orion’s wrath. The night is calm and peaceful, with a gentle and soothing breeze coming from the west, and the stars shine brightly, perhaps brighter than they have ever been in a long time. Dawn quietly gazes upon the stars, as if counting them, and she smiles and sighs and looks to her right, where there resides a fortress, a fortress she calls home. She wishes nothing more than to just escape from there. It’s not out of hate or despair, not even about disappearing. She just wants to meet Riku. It’s such a simple wish, she thinks to herself. Why then, would the elder not allow her to see him? But that’s something she already knew the answer to, and no matter how hard or how much she could try to convince the elder otherwise, his answer would remain the same. As she thought of this, her resolve and will were slowly fading away, as her dream of being able to meet Riku would never be realized. And with that, she heads towards the fortress. (End Song Here) Upon arriving, she notices that the fortress is oddly quiet. Perhaps a little bit too quiet, she thought. But then she pays it no mind, and instead she goes towards her room. As she walks along the beautifully crafted stone hallways, she can’t help but feel a sudden tinge up her spine, as if something had frozen her from behind. She looked back and saw no one behind her. She thought this rather odd, and so she picked up the pace, hoping to head over to her room quickly, where she knew she could be safe. Suddenly she felt the strange tinge again, and this time, when she looked back, she saw something, or rather, the shadow of something that just passed before her eyes. Now she knew that she wasn’t alone. She cautiously took a few steps back and she looked to both sides, at her right noticing that the stone hallway had become pitch black, and on her left, she noticed that everything seemed normal. Something definitely wasn’t right, and she didn’t like one bit of it. (Start Song Here) Breathing in slowly and relaxing her muscles, Dawn remains calm and collected, despite feeling the tinge on her spine yet again. Then, when she shifts her eyes to her right, she notices that a Neoshadow charges towards her, and she barely dodges it’s attack. The Neoshadow tumbles on the floor and is dazed, and Dawn is completely surprised. “Heartless? Here in the fortress? How can this be? This is supposed to be a sanctuary, where no darkness can enter!”, she thinks to herself, now fearing the worst for the elder and the others, but then she quickly shakes her head. “No, they can’t be dead. They can take on these creatures, it would take more than these things to take them down.” She then regains her focus and notices that the Neoshadow goes towards her again, and this time, she falls to the ground and closes her eyes, ready to receive the final blow. (End Song Here) But as she opens her eyes, she notices that the Neoshadow dissipates before her, and then she’s even more surprised to see that she’s wielding a Keyblade! She gasps and drops it on the ground, and then she looks around, making sure that no one watched the events that just took place. She then looks at the Keyblade and admires it’s design. The hilt is a smooth silver color, while the handlebars are scarlet red and bronze. She then looks at the blade, noticing the smooth curves and sharp edges on either side. She also notices a type of scripture on the blade, in a language she doesn’t understand. Then she notices that at the top of the blade, the smooth curves coalesce into a bronze crown. She suddenly feels uneasy, and then she quickly runs to her room and slams the door shut, and she puts the Keyblade on her bed, uncertain of what to do. “Impossible. How is it that I’ve come to wield a Keyblade?” ,she says to herself. Then she remembered the teachings of the elder, and she remembered these specific words: “Only those with a strong heart that doesn’t waver in the face of adversity can be deemed worthy of wielding a Keyblade.” She then looks at the Keyblade in her bed, and she thinks to herself: “Is my heart really strong enough?” She then thinks of Riku, and she feels a sudden surge of determination. “Riku, you are my strength, you make me feel strong! You’re the reason I can wield the Keyblade!” With that, the Keyblade disappears in a blinding flash of light and then it rematerializes in her hand, and she looks at it, amazed, and already she feels the blade as a part of herself. “I’ll call you, Flaming Crown.” ,she says to herself while admiring her Keyblade. Then she hears a knock on her door, and she gasps and quickly dematerializes her Keyblade and quickly makes her way to her bed. “Come in!” ,she says. When the door opens, she sees that it’s none other than the Elder. He smiles a reassuring smile and then closes the door and sits in a chair near her bed. Dawn smiled appreciatively and she sat on her bed and she put her hands together. “Hello Elder. To what do I owe this visit?” The Elder leaned back on the chair and he smiled. “Well, I came to check on you, for I sensed that you were quite agitated.” He then took a second and is smile faded away into a serious and questionable face. “Dawn, what happened to you? You look very pale…” Realizing his suspicions, Dawn tries her best to improvise and the pretends to cough. “Oh, my apologies Elder, I was out on the porch enjoying the night breeze, and I seemed to have caught a cold.” The Elder kept glancing at her, and then he stood up and started walking towards the door. “Well, at least your safe, and that’s what matters. If you need anything, come to me, or if I am not available, seek the other members of the counsel.” Dawn nodded and she bowed her head down in respect. “Yes, of course. Thank you very much Elder, I appreciate it.” With that, the Elder left her room, and she sighed of relief. This was too close of a call, and if she hadn’t had such sharp hearing skills, she might not have had a chance to dematerialize her Keyblade. She remained seated in her bed, and then she extended her arm forward, and her Keyblade materialized in her hand again. She was dumbstruck that she could wield such a power, but she still had many answers that were gnawing at her mind. “I need to consult this with the one person I trust the most…Valgard.” She immediately reinforced her decision, for Valgard was the one person she could trust in the counsel. It wasn’t that the others had evil intentions, but she never felt comfortable around them, not even around the Elder. And so, she quietly snuck out of her room and then she headed towards the library, where she knew that Valgard would be. As she walked towards the library, she noticed that the cold breeze had suddenly stopped, and now everything felt less eerie and more peaceful. She could hear faint sounds of blades clashing, no doubt other members of the counsel honing their skills in the courtyard. She took advantage of this and headed ever faster towards the library, and as she entered, she saw Valgard perched at the very top of a giant stockpile of books, where he was carefully analyzing one. Dawn smiled and she put her hands behind her back. “Hello there Valgard, and good evening.” Valgard marked the page of the book so he could read it later, and then he closed it, and he gracefully landed towards Dawn, and he smiled warmly, his silvery hair complimenting his silver eyes and fair skin. “Well good evening Dawn. I didn’t expect you to be here at these hours of the night. But then again, you’ve never been one to follow the rules. Come, have a seat. What can I help you with?” Dawn sighs in relief and then she sits and she breathes in and out slowly. “Well, here goes.” She extends her arm and her Keyblade materializes in her hand, causing Valgard to drop his jaw in amazement. “A Keyblade!?” --------------------------------------- As Dawn discovers the power of the Keyblade, what guidance does she seek from Valgard? What did the appearance of that Neoshadow mean? Dawn hopes to find the answers by speaking to her beloved friend Valgard. Stay tuned for Chapter 1: “The Power Of The Heart.” Well everyone, I hope you liked the prologue, and please let me know what you think of the story! I will be looking forward to reading your comments and I’ll try my best to post chapters as often as possible. Oh, and to make things easier, follow my story so that you can receive notifications of updates I make to it. Well, thanks for reading everyone, comment on my story! Edited January 20, 2014 by Golden Fighter 7 Keyblade101, KHLegendIII, Aang and 4 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted January 20, 2014 Awesome! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruby Rose 8,591 Posted January 21, 2014 That was great! Next chapter- now! 2 King Demise and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted January 23, 2014 (edited) Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate them! So then everybody, here’s the next chapter of my story, I hope that you all enjoy, and don’t forget to comment on it, okay? Read on my fellow followers! Chapter 1: The Power Of The Heart At first glance, Valgard was practically speechless, having seen Dawn summon her Keyblade. She was simply quiet, for she didn’t know how else to explain the simple fact that she now owned this mysterious weapon. Valgard shook his head and then got close to Dawn and he looked at her Keyblade with awe and wonder. “Hmm, interesting. May I have a look?” he says. Dawn nods. “Okay.” With that, Valgard took the Keyblade from her hand, but no sooner that he held it tightly in his grip that it dematerialized and then materialized back into Dawn’s hand. Valgard smiled and then he looked at her enthusiastically. “Well, I’m impressed. It seems that your heart has grown strong enough that the mystic power of the Keyblade chose you as it’s wielder. I’m deeply impressed upon this. Since when do you have this power?” Dawn simply shrugged and then she spoke softly, almost in a whisper. “Since a few minutes ago…I fought off a Neoshadow…and that’s when the Keyblade appeared before me.” The minute she mentioned this, Valgard’s face flushed. He found this deeply troublesome, for no Heartless had ever come close to breaching the walls of this fortress, and he found it very odd. “A Heartless? Here in the castle? And none of the members of the counsel sensed it’s presence? Not even me?” Dawn nodded grimly, and then she sighed. “The Elder didn’t notice anything in particular, and I didn’t show him the Keyblade…only you know that I have this power, and I must beg of you that you don’t tell anyone, especially the Elder.” Valgard stood up and turned away uneasily, and he crossed his arms. “Dawn, what your asking me is no simple affair…I can’t guarantee that the counsel will stay uniformed of this. But I will do my best to keep this a secret between us. But you had better get used to using it before the counsel eventually finds out…” Dawn smiled of relief and she hugged Valgard. “Thank you so much my dear friend. You don’t know how grateful I am to you!” Valgard smiled and hugged her back, and then he proceeded to walk upon a small opening that led into his personal study, where he had mountains of books everywhere, but surprisingly, there was still enough room for at least five people to move around freely. “Well, since you now have this new power, then I have to instruct you in the art of combat. Your not going to have that weapon with you as a trinket, your going to learn to use it to defend yourself from any and all threats, understand?” Dawn looked at him surprised, and she lifted her eyebrow. “Does this mean you’ll be my mentor?” Valgard nodded. “Yes, but we must hold our lessons in secret, so that none of the counsel members are aware. If they knew that you now possessed the Keyblade, they would no doubt isolate you in the highest tower of the fortress, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?" Dawn nodded in agreement. “That is true. All right Valgard, I’ll agree to your terms.” Valgard then leaned his back on the wall, the torchlight detailing the silvery essence of his hair and eyes, and then he picked a book from the bookshelf next to him. “Well then, you’ll need to get yourself a good night’s rest. Training won’t commence until you are officially well rested and capable of staying aware. Do I make myself clear?” Dawn smiled and she put her hands behind her back. “Of course Valgard. Ha, you’ve always been one for strict discipline, haven’t you?” Valgard chuckled and then he lowered his head as he opened the book he had gotten from the bookshelf. “Remember Dawn, discipline is one of the principles of our counsel, and if I didn’t have any, do you think I’d be who I am today?” Dawn simply smiled and bowed in respect. “All right, fair enough. Good night Valgard.” He then bowed his head to her in respect as well and smiled. “Good night to you too.” As she walked away, Valgard smiled and looked up towards the stars outside. "This girl has an unwavering resolve. She has the power of the heart, and she has yet to discover her potential." With that, he continued reading his book. ------ (Start Song Here) Meanwhile, in what seems to be a deep crevice, an Unborn underling scours the terrain, as if searching for something. It leans its neck up to check its surroundings, seeing nothing but mist and feeling humid air around its vicinity. It then perches itself upon a boulder and then leaps to the ground, ducking itself, as if something had tried to take it down from afar. As soon as it confirms that there is no danger around, it emits a kind of signal, and after a few seconds, three cloaked figures come out from the mist, and they survey the area, and then they stop for a few seconds. One of them takes off her hood and reveals herself to be a woman who’s well in her late twenties, with green eyes and bronze colored hair. She leans on a nearby boulder and then she takes a deep breath. “Whew, about time you guys stopped, I was starting to think we weren’t going to take a good rest!” The other two cloaked figures glanced at each other and they remained with their hoods on. The young woman crossed her arms and shot angry looks at both of them. “Oh come on guys, stop being so secretive! We’re in the middle of nowhere, no one’s going to see your faces!” The tallest cloaked figure stood in front of her, intimidating and imposing. “Unlike you Grixelda, we value our hide, so unless you want to be scolded by our Master, put your hood back on!” Grixelda annoyingly put her hood back on and she gave a furious huff. “Sheesh, remind me again why I had to be stuck with you two bozos? I mean seriously, couldn’t they have sent me with someone else?” The other cloaked figure stood inches apart from them, looking towards the distance, as if in deep thought. Then, he turned around and crossed his arms. “We are three of our Master’s most skilled subordinates, so it would make sense to send us on such an important mission. We need to see if we can scour this sad excuse of a world for synthesis ingredients. We need them to forge weapons for our Unborn armies.” Grixelda rolled her eyes and she waved her hand dismissively, feeling greatly annoyed by his companion’s comment. “Yeah, yeah, I know what we’re here for, I just don’t get why I have to be stuck with you two sticklers for discipline…” The tall cloaked figure raised his hand just as Grixelda was about to keep ranting, and all three of them fell silent. The mist slightly moved in the distance, and the three companions were just about to summon their weapons, but then they realized that it was their Unborn scout who had come back. “What news do you bring, underling?” The Unborn proceeds to make a series of movements and clicking noises, and then the tall cloaked figure nods. “All right. You are at ease. Return to base.” The Unborn nodded and it went on its way to their base. Grixelda looked at the man without the slightest bit of amusement on her face and then she simply put her hands on her hips. “So, what did that little bundle of joy say?” The tall figure looked towards the distance, where the ever blinding fog was present. “It informed me that this area is clear, and that there are many stashes of Mythril and Orichalcum that we can find in the mines nearest from here. Come, let us proceed.” The other two nodded, and then they went towards the mines to dig out these precious materials, swiftly and silently, and they disappear into the mist just as sudden as they had appeared. (End Song Here) ------ Back at the fortress, Dawn had gone to her bedroom, and she was feeling ever so curious about the Keyblade’s power. She had seen Riku and Sora and the others fight with these weapons, but the fact she owned such a thing was something that filled her with much wonder and awe. For a while she looked upon a few books that she had in her room about the origins of the Keyblade, for she was now highly interested in knowing the mythical properties that they possessed. After a while she grew tired, and she realized that it was time to go to sleep. As she went into her bed, she put a fluffy blanket over her to keep her warm from the cold, and then her thoughts immediately drifted to Riku. “Now that I have the Keyblade, does this mean I can be able to see Riku now?” She then smiled, for she herself knew the answer to that question, and as she kept thinking about him, she slowly closed her eyes, as sleep took hold of her and then put her in its comforting embrace. She didn’t remember the last time she felt so excited and so mystified by something. She had enjoyed everything in her life, but this was by far a riveting event that she knew would change the course of her life forever. She gripped her hand and she waved it upwards, mimicking motions that would summon the Keyblade into her hand, and then she felt the heavy mantle of sleep drift over her completely. She had faith that Valgard would teach her everything that she needed to know about combat, and that alone made her sleep with a smile. At that same moment in the library, Valgard was just getting ready to go to his sleeping chambers, as he had finished reading the book he had begun to read before. Just as he was about to leave, the Elder came in, and Valgard bowed down in respect. “Good evening Elder, how are you doing on this fine night?” The Elder smiled and looked at the various bookshelves and then he sat on a nearby stool. “Well, I’m doing good, and you Valgard?” Valgard smiled courteously and he shrugged. “I can’t complain. Things are pretty peaceful and quiet, just the way I like it.” The Elder looked at him for a moment and then he took one of the nearby books and gave it a glance. “Ah, I see. Tell me Valgard, has Dawn been here recently?” Valgard remained unflinching and normal as could be, because if there was one thing he was good at, it was being a pretty good liar.. “Why no, I haven’t seen her since this morning. Were you looking to discuss something with her?” The Elder nodded in disagreement and put down the book. “Oh no, nothing of the sort. I was just curious.” Valgard nodded. “Well, if she does come around, I’ll let you know.” The Elder smiled and then he turned around and started walking out of the library. “You know Valgard…she’s our one chance…our chance to ensure that no chaos erupts again. She is our legacy, and as such we must protect her, at any cost.” The silver haired man simply bowed in respect and nodded. “That’s right Elder. That’s very right indeed.” -------------------------------------- With Valgard’s promised support, Dawn is hopeful that she can be able to master the art of combat. But who are the mysterious enemies, and why are they forging weapons for the Unborn? And why does the Elder show such interest when speaking about Dawn? Stay tuned for Chapter 2: “The First Rule Of Combat.” Okay, so that was the first chapter! Please leave your comments below, and let me know what you think of the story so far! As I stated before, I'll do my best to post chapters as often as I can! Thanks for reading everybody! ^_^ Edited January 23, 2014 by Golden Fighter 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted January 23, 2014 This Chapter was cool. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted January 25, 2014 Thanks for the comments people! Okay then ladies and gentlemen, here’s the next chapter of my story! I hope your all looking forward to reading it! Enjoy! : ) Chapter 2: The First Rule Of Combat Early the next morning, Dawn woke up to the cold and comforting breeze from the outside. She yawned and rubbed her eyes and sat on her bed, feeling relaxed and well rested. She noticed that it was already past 8:00am, and she could hear the sounds of blades clashing, the members of the counsel making their daily combat training routines. She looked at her hands curiously and then she remembered about the Keyblade. “Was it all just a dream…or do I really have this power?” She couldn’t help but stretch out her hand, hoping that the Keyblade would materialize into her hand, and true enough, mere seconds later, her Keyblade, Flaming Crown, appeared in her hand. She sighed of relief, because now that she knew that she had this power, being able to see Riku would be easier. She then proceeded to walk down the stairs leading to the dining room, and she saw one of the members of the counsel, Shira, treating herself to some bread and butter and bacon. Dawn went towards the food trays where she picked some fruits and vegetables, and a few pieces of bacon. “Good morning Shira.” Shira looked at Dawn and smiled and bowed in respect. “Good morning Dawn. I hope you enjoy your meal.” Dawn nodded and smiled, bowing back in respect. “Thank you. So, any news from the outside world?” Shira sat down beside Dawn and she kept eating her food. “As a matter of fact, yes. Just last night I was through a few worlds here and there, and I saw what seemed to be a crater in the outskirts of Twilight Town.” Dawn looked at Shira curiously. “A crater? Was it deep?” Shira’s face then turned serious. “It could be the signal of a new threat…but I can’t jump to conclusions. In any case, I’ve already informed the Elder about this, so he should know what to do. But if there’s indeed a new threat to the worlds, we’ll have to be prepared to face whatever it is firsthand before any of the Keyblade Wielders have to face them…” With that, she bid farewell to Dawn and then left, and Dawn was left to ponder what Shira’s words meant. “A new threat? But Dark Orion was destroyed…there can’t possibly be anything that was overlooked. Anyways, I should go see Valgard for training.” A few seconds later, she finished her breakfast and then walked towards the library, where she saw Valgard cleaning up the dust from the bookshelves. (Start Song Here) As soon as she got in, Valgard smiled and finished up cleaning the dust and then he approached her with a bow of respect. “Hello there Dawn, good morning. How was your night?” Dawn bowed in respect and smiled. “I was able to sleep well, so I’m ready to receive training!” Before she says anything else, she’s pushed back to the other side of the library by sheer force. When she stands up, she looks at Valgard with a shocked expression. “The first rule of combat is to always be on your guard an constantly self-aware. If you fail at even that, then you are not fit for combat.” Valgard said as his Keyblade shone with great radiance. His Keyblade was a pale silver color, with its blades crafted in beautiful design until coalescing to form a cross at the end of it, and the hilt had curved angel wings. “I call this Keyblade Heavenly Cross. I received its power when I was merely thirteen years old, and ever since I’ve learned to perfect the art of Keyblade wielding. If you are to learn, you are to endure each test I put upon you. Do I make myself clear?” Dawn, almost breathless, nodded in agreement, not being able to say anything. She looked around and noticed that the library was in perfect condition, and not one of the books had fallen from the shelves from Valgard’s attack. “This is amazing Valgard! How did you that without making everything inside here collapse?” Valgard smiled almost innocently, and he swung his Keyblade in arcs and then held it in front of him. “Years of practice. Now then, come with me.” Dawn nodded, and as she followed Valgard, she noticed that he was walking into his private study, and then he waved his hand in front of the bookshelf that faced him. Soon, the wooden planks of the bookshelf distorted and formed an entryway, and then he looked back at Dawn. “You are to tell no one about this, for even the Elder doesn’t know that this chamber exists.” Dawn nodded in agreement. “All right.” As soon as they went in, ten torches automatically bore fire from their tips, and the chamber revealed itself to be a rather spacious place, with ten pillars surrounding them in a circle, and mysterious carvings embedded in the floor. The doorway closed behind them, and then Valgard pointed his Keyblade upwards, and a barrier of energy was materialized. “This way, no one can sense our presence inside here.” Dawn looked at Valgard in amazement. “What is this place?” Valgard took a moment to answer her question. “Actually, I myself do not know with exact certainty what this place is. I discovered it a few years ago, but what I do know about it is that it somehow connects to the Chamber of Awakening via these mysterious carvings in the floor. I’ve yet to unravel the mystery behind this thing, but I bet that it must be something of utter splendor. Now then, summon your Keyblade.” Dawn nodded and she stretched out her hand in front of her, and her Keyblade materialized, and then Valgard put his Keyblade in front of him. “Now then, strike me.” With that, Dawn quickly proceeds to swing her Keyblade, and Valgard blocks her attack and then pushes her down to the ground. “Your attacks are too predictable, and your slow in your movements. Strike me, but with the thought that the Keyblade is an extension of who you are. If you think of it as a weapon, that alone cannot guarantee that you can win your battles. But, if you acknowledge it as a part of your being, then you will be able to feel the flow of power course through you naturally. Now then, try striking me again.” Dawn took a few deep breathes and then she quickly struck Valgard again, but he blocked each of her attacks, and for the next few minutes, she was constantly knocked down, but with each time she got down, she willed her way back up. Valgard was impressed that the level of sheer willpower and heart this girl had. “It’s no wonder the Keyblade chose her.” he said to himself as Dawn kept attacking and showing her prowess. But still she kept being knocked down, and just when Valgard thought she was all but done for the day, her eyes shone a bright gleam, and with that, her movements became more fluid, and she managed to catch Valgard off guard, making him step back as he blocked her attacks, and when he unnoticeably left an opening, Dawn took that chance and hit his rib with the hilt of her Keyblade, and he fell down to the floor. He smiled and applauded her for her progress. “Well, it seems that I’m either a good teacher, or you’re a good student.” Dawn smiled as she helped Valgard to his feet. “I think it’s both.” she said enthusiastically. (End Song Here) Suddenly, a bell had tolled. Valgard immediately made a grim expression on his face, indicating that this wasn’t a good sign. “Is that the central tower?” Dawn asked with concern. “Yes…I’m afraid so. This must be what Shira had told the Elder about yesterday. Come, let’s go to the counsel room, we’ll get our briefing there.” They both nodded in unison and they exited the chamber and then out of the library. All the members of the counsel were already in the counsel room, and Valgard and Dawn had made it almost at the same time they had. They all looked at each other with unease and with heavy expressions on their faces. Soon after, The Elder walked towards his main seat and then he looked at either side, looking at the worried faces of his comrades, and then he took a deep breath. Damian, one of the counsel members, was the first to speak. “Elder, what news have you for us? Is this what Shira had told you about last night? Is there indeed a new threat that we’ve been blind to?” The Elder took a moment to try and explain everything in the best way possible. “Yes, it is as we have feared. A new threat has indeed emerged, and to make matters worse, we know not who this enemy is. All that we can assess is that they have gained control over Dark Orion’s Unborn, and that alone is reason enough to consider them an immediate threat.” The Elder said with certainty. Shira was then the next to speak. “I was patrolling the worlds and I saw a crater in the outskirts of Twilight Town, so I went to investigate, and as I entered, I saw may swarms of Unborn. They seemed to be looking for something, although I couldn’t guess what it was. Soon after that, after I left Twilight Town, I was somehow transported into a mysterious world covered in fog. It was practically a wasteland. There weren’t any Unborn, but I did feel a strong presence. I tried identifying who it was, but whoever was there was an expert at concealing their identity.” As soon as she said this, the other counsel members could be heard making worried comments, for now things seemed that much more dire. Trevor, another of the counsel members, crossed his arms and had a concerned look on his face. “But Sora and his allies defeated Dark Orion and his Organization, so why then, would the Unborn still linger? Could it be that the Keyblade Wielders were unaware of someone pulling the strings from higher up?” The Elder stood up and then walked towards the center of the counsel room. “My comrades, while Sora and his allies did ensure the safety of the worlds, let us not forget that they had committed reckless actions, and many of them have had past allegiances to the forces of darkness. While they did save all worlds, we cannot discard the fact that in the end, all the forces of darkness are drawn to the darkness that these Keyblade Wielders possess in their hearts.” Valgard then spoke out of line. “But your Elderness, you do know that the worlds consist of a balance of light and darkness. There can’t be one without the other. It’s true that the Keyblade Wielders have a taint of darkness in them, but we can’t accuse them with the charge of the Unborn’s survival.” The Elder glared at Valgard. “What are you saying…?” Dawn could practically feel a lump in her throat, as she was nervous of what would transpire now. Now she understood part of the reason that The Elder wouldn’t let her meet Riku: because of the darkness he possesses. But he learned to master the darkness, and he uses it for good, so like Valgard said, Riku and the others can’t be accused for the survival of the enemy. Now she was going to see what the result of Valgard’s point would make. “What I’m saying, Elder, is that all of us have darkness in our hearts. Even we, the members of the counsel have taints of darkness. We may not even notice yet, or maybe it’s yet to be awakened, but you cannot deny the fact that every living being has darkness in their hearts, except for the seven princesses of heart. We need to find Sora and Riku and the others and ask for their assistance.” At that, the other counsel members were surprised. Some of them had mixed feelings on this suggestion, but it was up to The Elder to decide what should be done. Dawn was hopeful that he would agree with Valgard. But to her dismay, he did not. “Valgard, what you say may be right, but as members of the Order of the X-Blade, we are entrusted with the protection of the light and its survival. We must take this matter into our own hands before Sora and the others take notice of it. If they get involved in this, we won’t know what the result will be. Instead, we shall each go to different worlds to scour the enemy and see where their stronghold lies.” Dawn stood up in protest and she clenched her fists. “But they can help us! They saved the worlds from Dark Orion, so why can’t they help us no!” The Elder remained calm and composed. “I have no meaning to discuss this with you Dawn. You shall remain here in the fortress while we, the members of the counsel, set forth to other worlds to solve this crisis.” Dawn glared at The Elder, with tears in her eyes. “But that’s not fair! Why must you be so stubborn!?” (Start Song Here) The Elder, having lost his nerve, lashed out enraged at Dawn. “Stop being so childish. You’re the one being stubborn, for you don’t even know how to control your own emotions!” The room was then silent for a moment, and Dawn, feeling utterly hurt, stormed out of the counsel room in tears. Valgard was about to follow her when The Elder stopped him. “Let her be. She still has much to learn of the ways of life. She is still young and impulsive. It will pass. Now come, let us discuss how we’ll go about confronting this threat.” Valgard sighed and he bowed. “Yes, Elder.” As Dawn ran, her tears were overflowing from her cheeks, and all she could think of was of how unfair this all was. She ran to her room and slammed the door shut and locked it, and then she summoned her Keyblade and lashed out, destroying everything in her room. She cried and felt so much rage, and she was literally leveling her room, with pieces of her bed flying everywhere, and the floor slowly giving way to her constant strikes. Soon after, she calmed down, but her heart felt heavy and hurt. She thought The Elder would understand her, but she was wrong. Then she opened her eyes wide. “I have to tell Riku about this…” With that, she knelt on the floor, and she lifted her head upwards, and as she closed her eyes, the environment around her started swirling and distorting, as she was being sucked into a black vortex. In her current state of emotion, finding Riku was proving to be a little difficult. “I have to let him know…I just have to. If The Elder won’t seek your help, then I will!” With that, she kept focusing, determined to make contact with Riku. (End Song Here) --------------------------------------------- And so, the new threat has been spoken of. What could possibly be the intentions of these mysterious foes? And will Dawn be able to contact Riku? Will any of our heroes be aware of the malice that is about to unfold? Be prepared for Chapter 3: “The Fleeting Voice.” Well everyone, what did you think of this chapter? Did you all find it to your liking? 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted January 25, 2014 Oh, the DRAMA. I like drama! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) This is a great story so far. I feel so bad for Dawn. Why does the elder have to be so mean? :sad: Edited January 25, 2014 by Keyblade101 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) Hello there everyone, and good evening! I’m sorry for the delay on chapters, but college has kept me busy, and every time I’ve tried to write on my breaks, the computers in the library are already occupied by other students. Ugh, good grief. X3 But anyways, since today I had no class, I took the opportunity to write this chapter last night and finish it up today. Well, here’s the next chapter, and I hope you all enjoy! Chapter 3: The Fleeting Voice (Start Song Here) In Radiant Garden, early in the morning, the sun was just beginning to come out, and its rays pierced through the Great Maw. As the first light of morning signaled the arrival of a new day, everyone woke up and started at their routines and businesses, happy and content with their lives. Ever since the Keyblade Wielders had stopped Dark Orion three years ago, Radiant Garden was able to be rebuilt, and now the people’s hearts fester with hope and happiness, and a peace that has been long fought for. Riku was in the town square, looking at the various supplies and merchandise that the nearby shops were bringing in, and he was looking at the people’s smiles and hopeful faces. He felt happy that everyone was at such ease, but at the same time, he felt worried. Three years ago he had encountered the Unborn and a mysterious cloaked woman that taunted him. He had consulted about this with Kairi and the others, and they had decided to take precautionary measures in order to make sure they weren’t caught by surprise in the event of an enemy attack. He felt tired and restless. All he wanted to do was to be like the townspeople: happy and carefree. But alas, he felt the heavy thoughts of worry seep into his mind, and thus he wasn’t able to sleep well at night. He was getting tired of it. As his mind drifted off, he didn’t notice that a little boy had been watching him all this time, and only when Riku looked down did he notice the boy tug at his shirt. “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess I was a little dazed. What can I do for you little one?” The little boy smiled and held his toy sword up high. “I want to be just like you when I grow up! I want to be a Keyblade Wielder and save the day!” Riku smiled and laughed and stroked the little boy’s hair and he now felt more at ease. “Well, as long as you always follow your heart and you protect the things that matter, you’ll have what it takes to wield a Keyblade.” With those words, the little boy’s eyes shined with hope and wonder, and then he jumped of joy as he went towards his friends and talked to them excitedly. “Did you hear that!? I’ll definitely have what it takes to be a Keyblade Wielder one day!” The other children were amazed and they happily followed the little boy. Riku smiled as he watched the children walk away. (End Song Here) All of a sudden, he felt a sudden jolt race through his body. He immediately felt like someone was standing right in front of him, even though no one was there. “Wow…am I going crazy now?” He shook his head as he headed deeper into town, and then the same sudden jolt raced through him. He then stopped, and for a moment, he could swear he heard someone’s voice. Then he closed his eyes and concentrated, and when he felt the jolt one more time, he heard a familiar voice, loud and clear, as if the person was right in front of him. “Riku…can you hear me? Riku!” It only took mere seconds for Riku to recognize the voice. It was Dawn! His face immediately changed expression, and then he saw the area around him distort and swirl into a pitch black field, with nothing in sight. He knew that this is where he could see Dawn. She was trying to communicate with him. “Dawn, I’m here, I can hear you! I’ve missed you…how have you been?” He then looked up and saw Dawn walking towards him and touching his face. “I’ve missed you too, and I’m all right, but I can’t stay talking for long, otherwise The Elder will notice that I’m communicating with you, and I’ll be in trouble, that’s why my power isn’t as strong as it is in other times.” Riku looked alarmed, and then he held Dawn’s shoulders. “What is it Dawn? Is there trouble?” Dawn nodded, with a concerned look on her face. “Yes, Riku. Tell me, have you noticed strange things in the last couple of years? Or anything recent?” Riku immediately nodded. “Yes, I remember that three years ago, during Christmastime, I fought off some Unborn just outside the city, and then I encountered this mysterious woman wearing a cloak, but she disappeared rather quickly.” Dawn quickly nodded and she held Riku’s hands tightly. “Then you must be careful. For it seems that there is indeed a new threat about to emerge, and it’s somehow taken control over Dark Orion’s Unborn. And it seems this mysterious new enemy is hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike. I suggested to The Elder to ask you and your friends for help, but he denied your assistance, and instead, he’s putting the counsel members up to the task. I know in my heart that it won’t be enough, so I had to tell you about this so you and the others can prepare yourselves!” Riku’s eyes flared with concern, for his fears had come to reality. The peace that he and his friends had fought so hard for was now in jeopardy. “Thank you so much for telling me this Dawn. I’ll tell the others about this at once.” Dawn then pulled Riku closer and she smiled. “Riku, wait! I have to tell you one more thing. I can now wield the Keyblade!” Riku’s eyes opened in shock and excitement, and he held Dawn close. “That’s great news Dawn! That means that we can-“ but before he could finish, Dawn looked back and she panicked. “Sorry Riku, but I have to go, someone’s coming to my room. I love you!” Riku nodded. “I love you too.” And with that, Dawn faded away before his eyes, and he was back in the town square, and then he turned around and headed straight for the castle. “I knew something was wrong. Thank you Dawn. Because of your words, I’m able to confirm this to the others.” With that, he ran as fast as he could, as if time were running out, for he knew that each second was valuable, and he couldn’t waste it. --- At that same moment, in Dawn’s room, she quickly made her way to bed and she pretended that she was just be getting out of bed, and then she heard a knock on her door. “Come in!” she said as she put on her silvery white sleeping robe, and then the door opened, and The Elder smiled at her and he bowed in respect. “Good morning Dawn. How are you doing today?” Dawn smiled and bowed back in respect. “I’m doing all right Elder…I was just waking up, although I still feel a lot sleepy.” The Elder put his hands together and then he looked around her room. “Ah, I see…look Dawn, about what happened in the counsel gathering yesterday…” Dawn raised her hand and smiled. “It’s all right Elder, I understand. You were just doing what you thought was best. You came up with the most efficient and logical solution to deal with the situation. I had no place to object over your choice.” The Elder nodded, and he sighed of relief. “Well, I’m glad to see you understand that. Look Dawn, I truly am sorry, but you cannot meet Riku. You are an important member of this counsel, and your place is her with us. You’ll come to accept this duty as you continue to age.” Dawn made her best attempt to smile, and she bowed in respect. “Thank you Elder. As always, your guidance and wise words are reassuring. Ugh, I feel so sleepy…I think I’ll head back to bed and sleep a few more hours.” The Elder then stood up and put his hands behind his back. “Of course. Then I shall be taking my leave. Rest well Dawn.” With that, he left her room and closed the door, and Dawn sighed of relief, feeling relaxed now that The Elder was gone. He hadn’t noticed that she had used her powers, and more importantly, he didn’t notice that she had obtained the power of the Keyblade. But now she was faced with a more difficult task. Since Valgard had said he would train her, now that he was probably going to be sent to a faraway world to deal with the new threat, he wouldn’t be able to teach her anything. At this point she thought that she could learn by herself. After all, Sora and Riku had become skilled in using Keyblades without anyone teaching them how to wield them. “That’s right! If they learned by themselves, then I can too!” With that being said, she summoned her Keyblade, and it majestically materialized in her hand with much splendor and magnificence, and she smiled as she felt the flow of power inside her. “I know I can do this.” With that, she took in a deep breath, and she started swinging the Keyblade in wide and graceful arcs, and she could feel the lightness and fluidity of the blade being complemented by her own arm. She then remembered Valgard’s words: “Do not think of the Keyblade as a weapon, think of it as an extension of yourself.” She then closed her eyes and concentrated, and she felt ever more empowered, and all of a sudden, her energy culminated in a Blizzard spell that ricocheted all around her room, but thankfully, her unconscious spell casting didn’t break anything in the room. “Whoa, I can even cast spells?” She looked at her Keyblade with awe, and she giggled as she wondered all the possibilities that this weapon could hold. But she also kept in mind that this weapon could cause a great deal of problems, so she had to be careful in how she’d tame this power, and how she would keep it hidden from the counsel. --- (Start Song Here) Back at Radiant Garden, Riku was already in the castle, and he had just arrived at the throne room, where Kairi was looking at her plants and flowers in her garden. She then noticed Riku, and she turned around and smiled in greeting. “Hello there Riku. How might I help you today?” Riku took a moment to catch his breath, and then Kairi looked at him concerned. “Riku, is everything all right? Did you come in here running?” Riku took deep breathes and then he stood up. “Kairi, Dawn talked to me again. She was able to establish contact with me. She’s confirmed that there’s a new threat, and that it’s controlling Dark Orion’s Unborn, just like we had feared.” Kairi’s smile turned into a grim expression, and then she walked urgently behind the throne room and then she waved her hand as a crystal emerged from the inner wall. “We have to inform King Mickey and Master Yen Sid about this. I’ll establish communication with this crystal. Riku, we need to gather the others here and establish a plan. Try to see if you can find Sora, Donald and Goofy in Merlin’s house, for I think that’s where I last saw them today. After that, try finding as many of our friends as possible. Also, be sure to let Ventus, Trish and Kyle know about this, they live deeper in the city.” Riku nodded. “Right.” With the words spoken, Riku quickly rushed off to search for the others. After a few seconds, the crystal was at full power, and Kairi concentrated her energy so that she could be able to establish contact with King Mickey and Master Yen Sid. “My friends, if you can hear me, I have grave news. I’ve just been informed by Riku that the threat we’ve feared is indeed real. Whatever or whoever this enemy is, we must be prepared on all fronts, for this might be the continuation of war. We need to make sure we take precautionary steps and ensure the safety of the worlds without causing inter-world panic. When Riku finds all of our friends, we’ll gather at Master Yen Sid’s tower to discuss what should be our first move.” After that, she opened her eyes, and the crystal’s bright light slowly died down, as she had finished delivering her message. Now she was worried of what would happen in the case that the war was indeed not over. But she knew that whatever would be thrown their way, she and her friends would put a stop to it, no matter the cost. But she also wondered just how far the forces of darkness would go just to disrupt peace and cause chaos. It all seemed puzzling and baffling for her, but as a Princess of Heart, she needed to face these facts and stay with a clear and level head, so that she could be able to provide guidance. Still, she felt the heavy weight of worry come over her shoulders, and she then reassured herself that everything would be all right, so long as she and her friends could be able to hold back the forces of darkness at bay. She walked out towards the balcony overlooking the town, and she saw all of the townspeople going about their routines and peaceful lives, and she immediately felt better, for seeing the shining expressions on everyone’s faces was enough to make her smile as well. (End Song Here) ------------------------- Dawn has been able to establish contact, and now our heroes are aware of the new threat, and now they seek to prepare themselves to face what will most likely be the continuation of a war that was thought to have been over three years ago. What will their course of action be? Stay tuned for Chapter 4: “The Gathering Of The Keyblade Wielders.” Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please be sure to comment on it! I hope to post more chapters soon, and I hope not to be delayed! Stay tuned for the next chapter everybody! Edited January 30, 2014 by Golden Fighter 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted January 30, 2014 I really like it! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted January 30, 2014 I'm so gald Riku and Dawn got to see each other again. I hope they get to meet for real soon. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 1, 2014 (edited) All right my fellow readers, here’s the next chapter of my story! I hope that you all enjoy and comment on it! Without further ado, here it goes! Chapter 4: The Gathering Of The Keyblade Wielders (Start Song Here) It is a calm and eerie night in the Dwarf Woodlands, and there seems to be an air of malice pervading the atmosphere. The darkness of the night makes the trees look threatening and fearsome, and the pale light of the moon bathes the land in somber silence. As the night continues to linger on slowly, Unborn can be seen running in hordes, splitting up into different areas of the woodlands, apparently ready to undergo siege of all the fields and villages nearby. An Unborn Captain watchfully gazes upon the field, making sure there is no resistance whatsoever. It then makes a soft growling noise, signaling for the other Unborn to follow. As the hordes move on, one Unborn stays in place under a wide oak tree. It seems to sense a presence. It darts its head about, trying to figure out where the presence is coming from, and then, out of the blue, before the Unborn can react, it is cleaved in half, and it dissipates in thin air. Shining in the darkness, a Keyblade swings back and forth until it stays in place. Then, from out of the shadows, the mysterious wielder turns out to be none other than Dexeres! “Strange…it seems these creatures are acting more strategically and cooperatively then when we had last faced them…” He thought to himself, remembering the events from three years ago. He was all alone, but he had chosen that path for himself. His friends had offered him a home in Radiant Garden, but he passed up on the offer, for he said that he needed to find his purpose in life, and that he felt it was necessary to go away. And so he did. For three years he hasn’t seen any of his friends, but he preferred that they were far away and safe, and not close to him and in danger. He felt it was best. He observed the ground and smelled the grass and then he saw stopped and looked up at the stars. “Whoever’s leading the Unborn has to be a more than capable foe…and he’s nearby.” With that, he took off, swiftly and silently in the shadows, and he summoned two Dusks to serve as scouts. He went through the villages and saw that they were intact, and that there were no signs of destruction to be found. He then went towards the fields and saw that all the harvest was perfectly in place. “Strange…if they didn’t come here to attack the people in the dead of night, then what could they possibly be up to?” He didn’t like this one bit, for it signaled a grave and unpredictable pattern in these suddenly more intelligent foes. He then drew away his Keyblade, as it disappeared in a flash of light, and then he sat on the grass while his two Dusks were off scouting the terrain. He then wondered how his friends were doing. He missed them, but he knew that he had to get to the bottom of this first. (End Song Here) (Start Song Here) Meanwhile, in Radiant Garden, Riku had been searching for Sora, Donald and Goofy. They certainly weren’t at Merlin’s house, and Merlin said that he didn’t know where they had gone off to. After a while, he stopped to take a short break. Then he saw Ventus, Trish and Kyle heading towards the shopping district, and then he caught up to them. “Hey guys, am I glad to see you!” Ventus turned around and smiled. “Oh hey there Riku. What’s the matter? You look like you’ve just been running all over town!” Riku nodded. “That’s exactly what I’ve been doing.” Trish looked concerned and then she crossed her arms. “What is it Riku? Is something wrong?” Riku took a few seconds to catch his breath, and then he was able to speak fluidly. “I need you to go to the castle, it’s an emergency meeting. And if you happen to find anyone else of our friends, tell them to come too.” Kyle looked at Riku curiously. “All right then, you can count on us!” Before Riku left, he stopped and turned around. “By the way, have you guys seen Sora, Donald and Goofy?” Kyle thought for a moment and then he nodded. “Yeah! They were headed towards the bailey!” Riku smiled appreciatively. “Thanks!” Kyle saw Riku run off to find Sora, Donald and Goofy, and then he looked at his parents. “Wow, it looks like it’s something urgent if he was running around like that. So Mom and Dad, let’s head to the castle!” Trish nodded. “That’s exactly what we’ll do!” Ventus seemed a bit pensive, still trying to figure out what was wrong. “Well guys, whatever’s happening, we better get to the castle fast!” With that, all of them ran off towards the castle, trying to make it as fast as they could. On the way, they were on the lookout for any of their friends that might happen to be in town. But as they kept ascending the stairway to the courtyard of the castle, no one else was to be found. Kyle looked around and then he was thinking of the current situation. “Well, you know guys, as this situation stands, it’s been three years that we’ve defeated Dark Orion, so all of our friends went their separate ways. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it though, I’m sure that word of this will spread to our friends soon enough!” Ventus nodded. “Right. Now come on, we’re almost there.” As they arrived to the castle, they saw Kairi out on the garden, in deep thought. They went towards her and then they stopped and looked at her. Trish was the first to speak. “So Kairi, what was this emergency meeting that Riku was talking about?” Kairi stood up and then she greeted them with a warm smile, and then she walked towards the center of the garden, where a beautiful tree served as the centerpiece of the garden as a whole. “My friends, we shall discuss this at Master Yen Sid’s tower. Come on, I’ve opened a portal, so we should get to Yen Sid’s tower in a matter of seconds.” They all nodded, and then soon after, Riku appeared with Sora, Donald and Goofy in tow. “Hey Kairi, Riku said something was up. Is everything okay?” Sora said as he held Kairi’s hands and kissed her gently. (End Song Here) Kairi kissed him back and then she looked at the others. “This is a situation I’ll explain in Yen Sid’s tower. Now then, is this all of our company? No one else of our friends was found?” she said, looking to notice that only eight of their group was present. Donald sighed and tapped his feet. “Waak, sorry Kairi, but no one else was around.” Goofy scratched his head and agreed with Donald. “Gwarsh, that’s right Kairi, but don’t worry, our friends will find out about this sooner or later!” Kairi smiled and looked at all of her companions. “All right then, let’s be off!” With that, each of them stepped through the portal Kairi had created, and in just seconds they were already outside Master Yen Sid’s tower. They felt that everything was eerie and quiet, but then again, this place had always been like this. As they went inside, they climbed the swirling staircase, and as they ascended, they found that the rooms were constantly distorting and changing, which they found strange. Normally they were used to the bizarre workings of this tower, but today it seemed more unusual than ever. But they didn’t question this strange occurrence that they noticed, and they pressed on, and as they reached the top of the tower, the room distorted into what seemed to be a dungeon with torches lighting the room dimly. Sora looked from side to side and summoned his Keyblade. “Hey guys, I think there’s a good chance we may have to fight!” Donald rolled his eyes and laughed. “Ha, fight? Sora, this is Master Yen Sid’s tower, nothing here can harm us, just wait and see!” He walked over to the door leading to the top of the tower, and Donald was electrocuted and then was sent flailing back to the other end of the room. The others looked in shock, and no sooner than they had witnessed Donald’s unfortunate incident that a giant stone beast formed itself from the wall, and it loomed above them, tall and menacing. Donald stood up, enraged and he complained about the current situation. “Hey, what’s the big idea!?” But then he saw what the others had seen, and then he quickly screamed and jumped back. Sora looked at the stone giant curiously. “Interesting. This looks like it might be a defensive spell made by Master Yen Sid to repel anyone that comes inside!” (Start Song Here) Donald squawked angrily. “Well, when we beat this thing, I’ll have a talk with Master Yen Sid, wak!” As the stone giant slowly lumbers forward, Sora quickly disappears then reappears behind their foe, performing a clean cut Zantetsuken attack. But the giant simply shrugged it off as if it was nothing at all. The other were shocked, but then they snapped out of it and wasted no time. Donald quickly cast Firaga and Blizzaga to try and daze it, while Goofy hurled his shield to its head, trying to stun it. Sora, Riku and Kairi circle the stone giant in the case that it tries to get any of them off guard, it won’t have a chance. Ventus, Trish and Kyle also stood their guard, and then suddenly, the stone giant punched the ground, sending all of the brave warriors hurling towards the ceiling, and as they prepared for the crash, they simply swirled in mid air, due to the distortive state of the room they were in. Riku climbed on the giant’s arms and tried to stab the nape of its neck to knock it out cold, but this persistent enemy was smart, and it grabbed Riku and threw him a few feet away from the others. Kyle quickly summoned his Keyblade, for he had an idea. “Mom, Dad, cover for me, I’m going in!” Trish gasped. “Kyle, what do you think your doing!?” Kyle smiled and looked back towards them. “Don’t worry guys, trust me, I know what I’m doing.” He went towards Kairi and then he stood in front of their foe, who was looming even more menacing than ever. “Kairi, we need to fuse our powers to directly hit the area that composes it’s upper body. We all have to be in a circle for it to work.” Kairi nodded and then she raised her hand high. “All right, let’s do what Kyle suggested!” They all nodded and they started to form the circle formation, and as the giant was going to swipe them off, Ventus and Trish distracted it by hurling their Keyblades, using Fire Raid and Freeze Raid, respectively. Ventus looked at Kyle, and saw just how mature he had become in these past years. He was proud that he and Trish were able to raise a good boy like Kyle. He then looked at the stone giant and hurled the Keyblade one more time, performing a technique he had been honing, called Bind Raid, which made the stone giant stand in place, paralyzed, unable to move. Trish then noticed the opportunity to strike, and then she shouted. “Now!!!” With that, all of them put their Keyblades in front of them in unison, and a powerful light started emanating from each of them. The stone giant could do nothing except watch, as the brave warriors sealed it’s fate, and they targeted the area composing the upper body, and they were able to crack the stone giant instantly, making it shatter into tiny pieces. (End Song Here) Everyone felt relieved, and Donald tapped his feet, still furious about all this. “That’ll show ya! Now, I have to have a talk with Master Yen Sid!” Kairi looked at Kyle and smiled. “Wow Kyle, you truly knew how to bring us all as a team. How did you find out about the weak point of the stone giant?” Kyle blushed and swung his arms. “Well, that was easy. I noticed an outline that was on its chest plate armor, and I figured that was it’s weakness.” Ventus smiled and went towards Kyle and stroked his hair. “That’s my boy for you. Always surprising us.” Everyone smiled, and then they headed towards the door to the top of the tower, and as they opened the door, the room turned back to normal, and when they entered the top chamber, they saw King Mickey along with Master Yen Sid, who was seated in his chair. Donald immediately went barging in and he didn’t even bow down in respect, and the first thing he did was squawk at Yen Sid. “Hey, what’s the big idea!? You knew we were coming, so why did that thing attack us?” Riku was about to protest to Donald’s furious display of disrespect, but Yen Sid simply laughed, and then he bowed his head to Donald. “My apologies my dear friend. I did not expect for my defensive spell to act on its own accord. I would only use it in the event that this tower would be breached, but for some odd reason it acted on its own.” Donald immediately calmed down and then felt embarrassed. “Oh, uh, sorry.” Yen Sid nodded. “It’s all right Donald. Now then my friends, let us discuss our first move towards this new threat.” ----------------------------------------- Not all of the Keyblade Wielders were assembled, but the few who came will now discuss plans on how to combat the enemy before they attack first. What will transpire? And what is the enemy up to? Are they already aware that our heroes have gathered? Find out in Chapter 5: “Without A Doubt.” Well everyone, that was the chapter! I was able to write it completely today, so I hope it was to your enjoyment! Leave your comments below, because I really want to know what you think of my story! I’ll keep posting chapters as often as I can! Thanks for reading! ^_^ Edited February 1, 2014 by Golden Fighter 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted February 1, 2014 This is nice. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted February 1, 2014 Awesome fight and I love the family moments. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 4, 2014 (edited) Hey there everyone, here’s another chapter! I hope you all like it! Sorry for the delay, but college keeps me busy. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Chapter 5: Without A Doubt (Start Song Here) And so, the Keyblade Wielders had gathered at Master Yen Sid’s tower, and they were now in the top of the tower, about to discuss their plans on how to strike against the enemy. King Mickey crossed his arms and was in deep thought. “Gosh, only eight of our friends are here? Well, we can only hope that the others become aware of the situation in due time.” Everyone else was feeling uneasy and restless, and Master Yen Sid stroked his beard, thinking of what to say first. “Now then my friends, it would seem that a mysterious entity has yet again decided to upset the balance of light and darkness. All we can deduce now is that this mysterious enemy controls the Unborn foes we had fought before, but anything beyond that is uncertain. Therefore, it would seem that we will have to take a strategic approach to this new enemy. The fact remains to be seen whether they will show themselves or not.” Ventus thought about this for a moment, and then he had an idea. “Hey guys, how about we each split up and go to different worlds?” The others immediately looked at him in unison, and Riku stepped forward. “Split up?” Ventus nodded. “Yeah! That way, if there’s any danger, we can be able to take it out from there before it spreads to other worlds! There’s nine of us with King Mickey, so we can all split into teams of three and that way it’ll make things easier!” Master Yen Sid smiled and he nodded in agreement. “What Ventus says is true. Since we are not certain where the enemy will strike first, it is best to split into teams to scout out the other worlds.” Sora smiled enthusiastically. “You know, Ventus has a pretty good point. I’m all in for it!” King Mickey then went towards the center of the room and looked at everyone. “Remember fellas, we’re facing an unknown danger, so you need to be ready for anything!” Everyone nodded, and so it was confirmed that this was the strategy that would be implemented. Master Yen Sid stood up and looked out his window. “The worlds are now more vast than ever before. This is a journey that will perhaps take you to new worlds you’ve never come across before. If that be the case, be sure to stay on your guard. Now then Sora, Donald, Goofy, your Gummi Ship is outside and ready for use.” The three friends nodded in unison. Donald made a salute. “All right, then we’ll get going Master! And sorry about earlier!” With that, they left the Tower and mounted the Gummi Ship to another world. Master Yen Sid then looked at Riku and Kairi. “Riku, with your dark powers, you shouldn’t have a problem traversing the worlds. Kairi, Mickey, be sure to stay at Riku’s side when he opens these portals.” “Right!” King Mickey shouted, and with that, the three companions bid farewell to the Master, and then only Ventus, Trish and Kyle remained in the room. “Now, for you two, here are some special shoulder pads that will enable you to don armor like Ventus.” As he handed down the shoulder pads, Kyle looked at his with awe, and then he saw Trish activate her armor, which was an emerald green color mixed with dark golden yellow and silver. Then he activated his armor, and he looked in amazement, as he saw that his armor was a steel blue color mixed with dark gray and black. Ventus smiled and activated his own armor, which was a blue-ish gray color, mixed with golden yellow and red lines. Kyle saluted Master Yen Sid triumphantly and stood firm. “We’ll make sure the worlds stay safe Master! Without a doubt!” Master Yen Sid smiled, and as the three headed outside the Tower, Kyle flung his Keyblade in the air and transformed it into a Keyblade Glider, thanks to training from Ventus. His Keyblade Glider resembled a stylized ship. Ventus and Trish activated their Gliders, which resembled a skateboard and a surfboard, respectively, and then they left the tower. (End Song Here) --- Meanwhile, in the Dwarf Woodlands, Dexeres continued his silent search for the leader of the Unborn in the area, as he had noticed that the creatures were immensely smarter and saw how they planned their movements. He knew that this wasn’t normal, so he decided to silently follow their trail along with two Husks that he had summoned to scout out the terrain. “I can sense a powerful energy not too far from these fields. Is the enemy camped around here? Or is someone waiting for me to pop up? This could be a trap…” He thought of all the possibilities carefully, but he had to act. He could either lay low or take action, and so in the end, he decided he would take action. Strategic and lethal action. With that, he climbed up a nearby tree and went dashing in between branches, making sure to be swift and silent, and the Husks followed suit. After moving about for a while, he then stopped and then knelt quietly on a firm branch, and he saw what he had clearly suspected: an enemy camp. There were dozens, perhaps maybe hundreds of Unborn, give or take. “So many in one camp? This isn’t good…” Carefully, he went down the tree and moved quickly behind some boulders. He had the advantage that it was night time, otherwise sneaking around this many Unborn would be impossible. He moved about in the shadows, and then he looked over a boulder and tried to see if he could find their leader. But no such luck, as there were numerous Unborn moving back and forth, patrolling the camp, and then he spotted something interesting. He saw one particularly large Unborn who was forging weapons! “Weapons? This can only mean that the Unborn are now capable of using forged weapons in battle. This just keeps getting worse…” As he observed the Unborn’s behavior, he noticed six other distinguishable Unborn, which looked to be Captains of six different squadrons. “Pretty impressive right?” a voice said coming from behind Dexeres. He was so caught by surprise that he summoned his Keyblade in an instant. He leaped back and saw a man in a black cloak. “Who are you!?” Dexeres said, gripping his Keyblade tightly in his hand. The cloaked man raised his hand calmly and then he sat down a nearby tree stump. “Relax, I’m not here to pick a fight. Come on, sit down, you’ve been working hard, haven’t you? I’m impressed that you managed to come all the way to my camp by sneaking around. I didn’t sense your power until only seconds ago. I’m truly impressed!” Dexeres slightly calmed down, but he remained on his guard, and he shook his head. “Answer my question! Who are you!?” The cloaked man simply laughed and then he stretched his arms, feeling relaxed. “Well, since you insist, then I’ll introduce myself. The name’s Emmxett. Now you have to introduce yourself too. Come on, let’s hear your name.” Dexeres lowered his arm and his Keyblade dematerialized, and he looked at Emmxett for quite a while, trying to decipher what possible intentions he could hold. Emmxett simply sat there, waiting for him to introduce himself. “The name’s Dexeres…” he said cautiously. Emmxett took of his hood, and he revealed his semi pale face, with short, orange hair and hazel eyes. He smirked. “So, then your human name was Sedere, correct?” Dexeres nodded. “Yes, and your name was Emmett.” Emmxett clapped slowly. “Ha, good guess. Well, then again, my human name isn’t that hard to decipher. Anyhow, I’m guessing your one of those famous Keyblade Wielders that took down Dark Orion three years ago, huh?” Dexeres thought of this as ridiculous. Was Emmxett trying to buy time for his allies or for the Unborn to mobilize? Or was he simply chatting with him all for the sake of entertainment? Whatever it was, it was simply angering him, and he wouldn’t stand more of it. “Enough of this! I’m tired of your games! What are you doing with all these Unborn here?” Emmxett made a “shut up” gesture to silence Dexeres, and he looked at him puzzled. “Don’t raise your voice, or else my Unborn will hear you and they’ll think your trying to harm me, so they’ll come to my aid.” Dexeres smirked. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Emmxett laughed. “Oh, on the contrary, I’d much rather keep talking, I find this conversation quite lively. Anyways, if it’s a fight you want, let’s take it to a more secluded place where my Unborn won’t hear you.” Dexeres found this quite suspicious and then he barked out. “Oh, yeah, sure, let’s fight in a secluded place while your Unborn attack the villages and fields, yeah, real nice trick buddy, I’m not falling for it.” Emmxett smirked. “My my, aren’t you quite the paranoid Nobody? All right, your accusations are justifiable. Then let’s battle just above the cliff of this camp. It’s high enough that my Unborn won’t hear you.” Dexeres nodded. “All right, let’s do this.” (Start Song Here) And so with that, the both of them teleported instantly to the top of the cliff overlooking the camp, and as Emmxett raised his hand, a samurai blade materialized before him. He grabbed the hilt of his blade and unsheathed it, and then he raised his arm and showed off his blade, feeling prideful and cocky. “See this? I call this beautiful blade Kuzuri. It’s the Japanese word for Wolverine. This blade has been handed down my family for generations, and it’s seen its share of bloodshed. What about your blade, what is it called?” Dexeres did take a moment to admire Emmxett’s Kuzuri, and then he put his Keyblade in front of him. “I call this Keyblade Evanescent Twilight. It channels my Twilight powers, and it’s been of great use to me. It’s the blade I used to help cut down Dark Orion.” Emmxett made an impressed gesture, and he held his blade firm. “Hmm, so both of our blades have experienced combat to a degree. Then I’m sure it will be quite an honor to fight against such a fine swordsman. Now then, let’s begin.” Both of them smirked in unison, and they immediately charged forward, and no sooner than their blades had clashed that sparks went flying. The clang of steel against steel brought great satisfaction to Emmxett’s ears, and Dexeres was impressed at how powerful the Kuzuri blade was, as the impact of their first clash had sent him a few steps back. They darted and dodged each other’s attacks, and only after a few minutes did Emmxett strike the first blow, finding an opening in Dexeres’ defense to break. With that, he stroke Dexeres’ shoulder, and Dexeres took a few steps back. He then noticed blood starting to come out of his shoulder. The cut wasn’t deep, but it was enough to make him bleed like he was doing now. Dexeres was impressed but shocked at the same time. “Hmm, your technique is quite astounding Dexeres…but your defense could use a bit of work. Now then, come at me!” Infuriated, Dexeres quickly made a sidestep reversal move, and he got behind Emmxett and just when he was about to strike, Emmxett pretty much disappeared, leaving a surprised Dexeres tumbling to the floor. “Hmm, you know, you should also learn to be more precise with your attacks my friend.” Emmxett said as he repeatedly attacked Dexeres, who was barely blocking all of his attacks. But the more he fought this skilled foe, the easier he was able to adapt, and then he took advantage of a certain opening in Emmxett’s defense, and then he took the opportunity to strike, and he pressed his blade towards his foe’s rib area, and he managed to wound him, and he saw the blood dripping. “An eye for an eye, don’t you think?” Dexeres said as he smirked. For a moment, both of them stood there, and they both laughed. Emmxett nodded. “I have to admit. Your more skilled than I first thought you to be. Well, let’s call this a draw. Since you provided me some decent entertainment, I’ll take my Unborn with me and we’ll leave this world alone…at least for now.” (End Song Here) “What?” Dexeres said, quite surprised. But before he could ask another question, Emmxett disappeared, and the Unborn disappeared with him, leaving the camp barren, almost lifeless. Dexeres couldn’t figure out the deal with this guy. At first he thought that he’d send his Unborn to attack the villages and fields while they were dueling, but he actually didn’t do such a thing, and not only did he leave, but he took his Unborn with him. “It seems that this man is quite the unpredictable one…I wonder if he was testing my strength? Well, I can safely say, without a doubt, that this was something unexpected.” After much thinking, he grunted as he remembered that he had been wounded, and he saw the blood dripping from his shoulder and staining his clothes. He cast Curaga on himself and sealed his wound, and then he sighed. “Well, it looks like I’m going to have to take this somewhere to get it cleaned.” With that, his two Dusks returned to him, and along with Dexeres, they left the Dwarf Woodlands, for they knew that there was no threat to the inhabitants of this world anymore…at least for now. ------------------------------------------------------ With our heroes off to different worlds, and with Dexeres’ encounter with the elusive and laid back Emmxett, what mysteries lie ahead? Will our heroes find any signs of their new foes on other worlds? Will any other of their allies join them? Will more of these mysterious enemies appear over time? Stay tuned for Chapter 6: “The R.L.S Legacy.” Well, that’s it for this chapter! I hope you all liked it! And in case you didn’t get the name of the next chapter, then I’ll tell you what it means. It means that in the next chapter, the first Disney world in this story will be the one from the movie Treasure Planet. I hope you all look forward to the next chapter, and please leave replies and comments on what you thought about today’s chapter! Well, until then, thanks for reading! Edited February 4, 2014 by Golden Fighter 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted February 4, 2014 This is so cool! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 5, 2014 All right ladies and gentlemen, here’s the next chapter! I hope you all find it to your liking and that it provides entertainment for all of you! Make sure to keep on reading my story! Chapter 6: The R.L.S Legacy (Start Song Here) Riku, Kairi and King Mickey had gone through a portal that Riku had made, and as they were traversing from The Mysterious Tower into another world, they could only wonder what mysteries awaited them. Kairi felt calm and composed. “I have to say Riku, you’ve gotten quite the hand of your dark powers. I’m impressed.” Riku smiled and he stroked his hair. “Well, it took a long time, but in the end, it’s been worth all the struggle. Now I can fully and confidently say that I’ve mastered the darkness.” King Mickey nodded in agreement. “That’s right Riku! All the things that we went through together helped us become stronger as people, and the fact that we’re here today is proof of that!” They all smiled, and then they noticed a world that was appearing before them from the other side of the portal. They carefully stepped out, and what they saw left them dazzled. They were in some kind of airport, or rather, a spaceport, with ships sailing away, but here was the dazzling part. These ships were sailing in space! And no sooner than that, they noticed that all around them, life forms of different kinds were all around them. They saw these creatures, aliens, you could call them, in so many varieties and shapes and sizes. Some looked fearsome while others looked harmless, and from the looks of it, this spaceport was a place of bustling activity. Riku himself felt dwarfed by the size of it all. “Wow…I never dreamed I’d see something like this.” Kairi smiled and looked all around her. “Hehe, it makes you wonder just how small we truly are, don’t you think so?” Riku nodded. “Agreed.” King Mickey, who had already walked a distance away from them, waved his hand to them. “Hey fellas, over here!” They went towards King Mickey and they saw an alien that had two heads and a furry body, looking at them. “Excuse me. What exactly is this place?” Riku asked. The alien looked at them quite puzzled, as if Riku was asking a dumb question. “Well sonny, this here is Montressor Spaceport, where different people from different species gather around to visit other planets. It’s also a big spot for trading business and for bringing in goods and such. Any space traveler knows who this place is! Ha, it looks like you three come from the far reaches of the galaxy, am I right?” Kairi nodded. “Well, I guess you could say that. Thank you for the information.” The alien smiled meekly. “Anytime missy.” With that, the three companions made their way through the bustling crowds of aliens and other life forms, and all the while they kept having the sense of awe that they felt ever since they entered this world. As Riku looked upwards to the sailing ships, he accidentally bumped into someone. He looked down and he was going to apologize when the person he bumped into let himself up. This person looked like a humanoid dog creature, a scientist by the looks of it, who had quite the ridiculous outfit on. “My apologies good sir, I didn’t mean to bump into you!” the humanoid dog said. Riku smiled. “It’s all right, I was in a daze myself, so there’s no harm done. I’m Riku, and these are my friends Kairi and Mickey.” The humanoid dog gave enthusiastic handshakes to all three of them, and he felt quite at ease. “Ah, well it’s a pleasure to meet you three fellow space travelers! My name is Doctor Delbert Doppler, and I am quite the genius if I do say so myself, an astrophysicist if you will! Now then my good fellows, have you seen a young boy by the name of Jim Hawkins around here?” King Mickey thought for a moment and then he remembered. “Hmm, is he a teenager with blue eyes?” Delbert nodded. “Yes, that’s the one! Did you see him go by?” King Mickey smiled and nodded in confirmation. “Yeah, I saw him a few seconds ago while I was looking for someone to tell me what this place was. He seemed to be heading for a certain ship in the area!” “Oh, then he must have already found the R.L.S Legacy!” Delbert replied with a smile. Kairi looked at him curiously. “The R.L.S Legacy?” Delbert nodded. “Yes, that’s the ship that Jim and I shall be boarding. You see, we’re going to go on an expedition, and I’ve made sure to hire the best captain and crew! If you want, you three are more than welcome to come along!” At that, Riku, Kairi and Mickey looked at each other in unison. “Well, I guess there’s no harm in tagging along.” Riku said. Delbert smiled enthusiastically. “All right, then it’s settled! Come follow me, and I’ll show you where the ship is!” And so that is exactly what they did, and as they followed Delbert, Riku started feeling a dark presence in the area, but it was decidedly faint, almost as if it was nonexistent. He decided to keep it to himself, since there was no immediate visible threat around them, and so he pressed on, while Kairi and Mickey were walking in front of him. After a few minutes, they saw a majestic, brightly colored ship with magnificent sails docked nearby, with the crew on deck keeping the ship clean and ready for use. It was all quite an amazing sight. Riku immediately felt like a little boy again, and then he remembered the time that he and Sora and Kairi had spent days preparing their raft to travel to other worlds. (End Song Here) “Behold, my friends! This is the R.L.S Legacy!” Delbert said triumphantly. Riku and the others took a moment to admire the great and exceptional craftsmanship of this vessel, which was decidedly incredible. By their side was a young boy who looked to be in his teens, with blue eyes and brown hair with a ponytail. He had a bag over his shoulder and a black shirt with long, brown, baggy trousers and some boots. Riku went over to the boy and stood by his side. “Quite a sight, isn’t it?” The boy shook his head, as if he had been in a trance, and he glanced over his shoulder and he casually replied. “Yeah, it’s a pretty decent ship. I’m going aboard it soon.” Riku then saw that this was the boy Delbert had been searching for. “Oh, so you must be Jim Hawkins, right?” Jim turned around and he glanced at Riku momentarily and then looked over his shoulder and noticed Delbert along with Kairi and Mickey. “Yeah, that’s me. And I see you’ve met Delbert.” Riku nodded. “Yeah, he said he was looking for you so you both could board the ship, and he decided to invite us, so we’ll be along for the ride.” Jim seemed to not care about Riku’s explanation and he simply shrugged. “Well, whatever. I’m guessing you guys want to see Treasure Planet too, right?” Riku shook his head, noticing Jim’s cool and collected responses. “Well, I don’t know what Treasure Planet is exactly.” Jim’s eyes immediately opened wide when he heard this. “Wait, you haven’t heard about Treasure Planet? Didn’t you ever grow up reading stories about Captain Flint and his treasure trove?” Riku crossed his arms. “No, sorry Jim, but I’ve never heard stories about that guy before. But it seems you know the stories pretty well.” Jim nodded. “Yeah, I’d read the stories when I was a kid, and I know that the treasure is real…and I’m going on this ship to find it!” Riku looked at the boy questionably. “And what exactly do you want to do with this treasure trove once you find it?” At that, Jim’s face turned grim, and he simply frowned. “That’s none of your concern.” Riku thought about saying something else, but he decided to drop the matter. Seeing Jim reminded him of himself when he had been yearning to explore other worlds with Sora and Kairi. It was almost as if he was looking into a mirror of himself. Delbert called out to them, and so they, along with their friends, boarded the ship, and saw all manner of different aliens, who were all part of the crew. One was a spider like creature that was on top of the masts, tying up the sails, and there was also a snail looking alien, an octopi type of alien, and many others. Riku didn’t like the looks of their faces at all. They looked more like bandits than honest sailors. He glanced over at Kairi and Mickey, and he noticed that they too had the same thoughts Riku had. But Jim and Delbert didn’t seem to notice, or rather, they didn’t pay enough attention to see their faces in detail. As they went about the deck, they came upon a considerably tall crew member who seemed to be made of stone, for his face and arms looked like hard stones. He had a formal uniform, which suggested that he should be the captain. Mickey went towards the tall crew member and then saluted cheerfully. “Ahoy there Captain!” Delbert then followed suit and stood beside Mickey. “Ah, everything ship shape Captain?” The crew member smiled and went towards them. “Aye, everything ship shape, but I’m not the Captain. The Captain’s aloft!” He looked upwards, and so did everyone, and they saw a humanoid feline creature with an outstanding uniform acrobatically moving between the masts and sails, and she landed gracefully alongside the tall crew member, and an impressed Delbert was speechless. “Now then Mr. Arrow, I’ve been in every nook and cranny of this miserable tub, and everything is…spot on! Can you get nothing wrong?” Mr. Arrow bowed his head, smiling, and replied. “You flatter me Captain.” The Captain smiled. “Oh pish-posh, think nothing of it.” Jim looked pretty enthusiastic as he saw the interactions between the Captain and Mr. Arrow. Shortly thereafter, the Captain walked towards Delbert and then examined him. “Ah, Dr. Delbert Doppler I presume.” Delbert was about to reply, when the Captain purposefully knocked on Delbert’s helmet. “Hello, can you hear me!?” Annoyed, Delbert exclaimed and stretched out his hand, as he was about to point his finger at her. “Of course I can hear you, I’m not-“ But the Captain interrupted and shook Delbert’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you Doctor, the name’s Amelia, Captain of countless voyages and expeditions and victor of grueling battles, but I won’t bore you with my scars. And this here is Mr. Arrow, my second in command, who’s dependable, honest, rough, brave and true!” Mr. Arrow bowed in respect. “Again Captain, you flatter me.” Amelia laughed. “Oh shush Arrow, you know I don’t mean a word of it.” Riku and the others were trying their best not to laugh, as Amelia had made Delbert make a complete fool of himself. They simply swallowed up their urge to laugh and kept silent. Delbert cleared his throat and waved his hand dismissively. “Ahem, excuse me, I hate to interrupt this lovely banter, but I want to introduce you to Jim. Jim, you see, is the one who discovered the ma-“ not even finished with his sentence, Amelia quickly covers his mouth, and the other crew members, who were listening closely, went about their business again. Riku, Kairi and Mickey found this strange, and Amelia then turned around and started heading towards her quarters. “I would like a private word with you in my office…” she said, and everyone followed. (Start Song Here) Before going inside, Kairi tugged at Mickey’s shoulder and she knelt down so that she was level headed with him. “Mickey, keep a sharp eye out. I don’t think these crew members are good hearted sailors…they’re eyes gleam of darkness…but we can’t make it obvious that we suspect of them.” Mickey nodded. “Right! I felt it too, and I’m pretty sure Riku felt the same.” They both nodded, and with that, they went inside, where Riku had gone to the far corner of the room and leaned his back on the wall, while Jim and Delbert stood in front of Amelia’s desk, where she was sitting, and Mr. Arrow stood firm by her side. The room was exotically extravagant, reflecting a clean atmosphere, unlike the crew who was outside. The carved wood was clean and smooth, and everything was tidied up and in order. Amelia looked at Delbert and Jim with grim looks, but before she said anything, she turned her attention to Riku and the others. “I see you three must be friends of Doctor Doppler over here…and judging from the looks of you three, you seem to be more discrete than this mongrel…” At that, Delbert exclaimed with a huff. “Mongrel!? How dare you? I-“ But Amelia cut him short and she raised her hand, and frankly, she didn’t seem to have patience. “Now Doctor Doppler, I’m not quite fond of this particular crew, which you hired. So I’m going to say this as politely and simple as I can. Next time, shut your howling screamer!” Amelia abruptly proclaimed. Then she went towards Jim and looked at him grimly. “Now then Mr. Hawkins, the map if you please.” Jim reluctantly gave her the map, and she took a moment to admire it, and then she opened a nearby drawer and she looked back at him. “From now on, you’ll address me as either Captain or Ma’am, understood?” Jim didn’t say a word, and Riku thought things would get messy from here. Amelia glared. “Mr. Hawkins…? Jim nodded. “Yes ma’am.” Amelia then put the map in the drawer and locked it with a key. “All right, that’ll do.” Delbert furiously protested, but again was cut short by Amelia. “Mr. Arrow, take these two gentlemen down to the lower decks. Mr. Hawkins will be working for our cook, Mr. Silver.” Jim quickly opened his eyes wide. “Wait, what, the cook?” But before he was able to protest, Mr. Arrow took both Jim and Delbert out of Amelia’s quarters. Then Amelia looked at Riku, Kairi and Mickey. “Now then, let me ask the real question here? Who are you three, and what is your purpose on this ship?” (End Song Here) ---------------------------------------------- As an amazing new world opens up to Riku, Kairi and Mickey, they are now thrust into a voyage inside the R.L.S Legacy. And there are no signs of Unborn around as of yet. What will await our heroes? And what new world have Sora, Donald and Goofy come upon? Find out in Chapter 7: “The Spirit Totem.” All right everybody, that was the chapter! I was successfully able to write it today during my breaks in college, so I’m immensely happy I was able to post it today! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and be sure to look forward to the next one! Leave your comments here everyone! 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted February 5, 2014 I like it. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted February 7, 2014 Great two chapters. And I absolutely love Treasure Planet! I can't wait to see what happens. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 7, 2014 Okay everybody, here’s the next chapter! I hope that you all enjoy it, and let me know what you think of it! Chapter 7: The Spirit Totem (Start Song Here) Ever since Sora, Donald and Goofy left Master Yen Sid’s tower, they were so excited at the chance of seeing new worlds unravel before them. But all the while they remained conscious of their mission, and they made sure to make it their top priority. “Wak, I wonder what world we’ll come across?” Donald squawked curiously. Goofy enthusiastically smiled, and he scratched his head. “Hmm, who knows? But one thing’s for sure, we have to be ready to face the Unborn, a-hyuck!” Sora looked at both of them and smiled as he was driving the Gummi Ship, and he remained silent, for even though he was cheerful and happy being with his friends, the threat of the worlds falling to a new threat was gnawing at his mind. He had saved the worlds countless times before, but even after all those perils, he still felt scared. He put on a brave face to comfort his friends. And then he thought of Kairi. He loved her so much, and he just wanted to be with her, and he was even thinking of proposing to her! But considering the situation now, he thought it best to propose to her after all this is over. (End Song Here) Sora was then suddenly snapped out of his daze, as Goofy poked his finger at the window. “Heya fellas, I see a new world!” Sora nodded. “Right, let’s go land the Gummi Ship.” With that, he carefully drove the Gummi Ship into a dense forest with skyscraper tall pine trees, and then a blinding flash of light made the three friends unable to see for a few seconds. After the light dissipated, Sora was a few feet shorter. “Huh, why am I suddenly so short?” He turned back to look at Donald and Goofy, who had transformed into a pelican and a turtle, respectively. They looked at him while trying not to laugh. “What’s the matter? Do I have something on my face?” Goofy nodded. “A-hyuck, Sora, you should see your face in the water!” Sora looked quite puzzled at the moment, although he had noticed that Donald and Goofy had transformed. And so he listened to Goofy, and he went towards a nearby pond, and then he screamed for a moment, which turned into a roar. He had transformed into a bear! He then looked again, just to make sure that he wasn’t seeing things. After seeing his reflection again, he sighed. “Geez, why do I never notice these things?” Donald then remembered. “Oh, this was like that time you transformed into a lion when we went to visit the Pride Lands, remember?” Sora then agreed with Donald. “Oh yeah, that’s right! Well, I guess if I’m going to fit into this world, then that’s why I was turned into a bear. Well then, come on guys, let’s do some exploring!” They all nodded in unison and marched forward, as they headed deeper into the forest. “Wow, this place sure is peaceful isn’t it?” Goofy said as he admired the landscape. Sora and Donald agreed, for the landscape was indeed beautiful. This place looked like it didn’t have signs of human population, and so there were no houses or buildings or anything of the sort. Instead the forest opened up into an enormous valley, with tall mountains, whose peaks were filled with snow. Many cliffs and rock formations could be seen around and about, and there were also beautiful waterfalls and frozen water below, which meant that it was winter here. As they kept exploring, they saw a great variety of forest wildlife, like reindeers, squirrels, rabbits, and more! But after a few minutes, they heard a distant roar. “Uh oh, sounds like somebody’s in trouble!” Sora said. “Come on, let’s go!” With that, they went running towards the source of the roar, but Sora kept constantly stumbling and falling, since he wasn’t quite used to his bear form yet. But then he remembered how Nala taught him to be a lion, and so he figured similar principles applied with his bear form, and so with that in mind, he started to walk, and then, as he got the hang of it, he sprinted, and then he got better control over his bear form. (Start Song Here) Sora, Donald and Goofy went as fast as they could, and when they came into a small berry patch, they saw two bears, one adult, and the other a cub. They were being attacked by Unborn! “Come on guys, let’s go help them!” Goofy said. Sora and Donald agreed, and they headed towards the two bears. Sora looked back at them reassuringly. “Don’t worry, we’re here to help!” The adult bear nodded. “Thanks!” With that, they all charged towards the Unborn, and Sora summoned his Keyblade and placed it in his mouth, and he started flailing side to side, making sure that he could swipe off the pesky Unborn. Donald cast Thundaga and Firaga spells while Goofy stumbled and took down a dozen Unborn. The other two bears used their claws and teeth, and they valiantly pushed through the battlefield, driving off their enemies. Then the Unborn came in even bigger numbers, and they started to attack ever more intensely. “What’s up with these guys!? They weren’t like this before!” Sora exclaimed. “I don’t know, wak, let’s just worry about defeating them!” Donald squawked demandingly. “Right, let’s do this!” Sora replied as they faced off the ever menacing and increasing numbers of Unborn, which were attacking relentlessly. Noticing the dire situation, the other two bears tried to come up with a solution. Up above them, they saw a few logs nestled in a cliff, and they quickly went towards it, so they could be able to crush down the enemy with the logs. They struggled to climb and clawed their way up as Sora, Donald and Goofy kept holding the enemy at bay. After a few seconds, the two bears were finally able to climb the cliff, and then they pushed the logs with all their might, and the logs started rolling down the cliff and towards the swarms of Unborn. “Look out!” the little cub screamed, and instantaneously, Sora, Donald and Goofy made it out of the way barely in time, as the Unborn were crushed under the weight of the logs. Sora sighed of relief and his Keyblade dematerialized, as he fell on his stomach and rested on the ground momentarily. He felt exhausted. (End Song Here) The other two bears came down and checked to see if their defenders were all right. “Thanks for saving us back there fellas!” Goofy said with his trademark smile. The adult bear smiled appreciatively. “No, thank you for coming in time to save us! We were passing through the berry patch when those things came and attacked us. My name’s Kenai, what’s yours?” Goofy nodded. “Well, I’m Goofy, and that there’s Donald, and the bear over there is Sora! Nice to meet you!” Before Kenai could speak, the little cub popped out from his back and landed in front of Goofy. “Well thanks buddy, my name’s Koda, and I’m sure grateful that you came along and helped me and my friend Kenai here out of that sticky situation! But you know, I was saving my killer moves to surprise them, with my super awesome techniques!” he said as he flailed his arms around in a cute and childish manner. Sora smiled and he stood up. “Well, I’m glad that you’re a brave little cub. So, what were you two doing out here?” Koda sat on a boulder, at a considerable height from the others, and Kenai sighed. “Here he goes…once he starts talking, there’s no stopping him.” With that, they all sat down, and Koda made a determined smile. “Well, the thing is that my buddy Kenai here wants to see the floating lights up on the mountain, and since he’s never gone there before, I’m his personal guide!” Kenai laughed sarcastically. “Ha, yeah, and we’ve hit many sidetracks and distractions, not to mention those things that attacked us!” Sora, Donald and Goofy laughed, and Kenai pouted. “Hey, what’s so funny?” Goofy smiled brightly. “Gwarsh, well, the thing is that you and Koda would make silly brothers!” Koda nodded cheerfully and he pounced on Kenai’s back. “Ooo yeah, it’d be great if Kenai was my brother! Haha, we could hunt for berries and catch some fish in the river, and we’d take long naps!” Kenai then looked around. “Say, are you three going anywhere?” Sora pretended to be unsure and he shrugged. “Well, right now you could say we’re kinda lost.” Koda then jumped up and down. “Hey, how about you come with us!” Sora agreed. “All right, sure, we can all go-“ but before he could finish speaking, a spear flew past him and landed near Kenai. Everyone was taken by surprise, and then Koda started sprinting away. “Run!” Kenai screamed, and so everyone started running away. Sora tried to look back to get a glimpse from the attacker, but he couldn’t risk slowing everyone down, so he kept on running. He heard the increasing sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and just when he was about to turn around to fight the attacker, Kenai quickly pulled him towards a small opening. They all hid until the attacker revealed himself. He was a young man, probably in the middle of his twenties, with black, silky hair, blue clothes made of wool, and boots made out of animal skin. He was holding the spear he had thrown in his hand, and then Sora noticed that there was a necklace tied to the spear with a little figurine of a bear. After minutes of the man searching for them, he left into the mist, and he didn’t appear again. “Hey, what was that for!? I was going to battle him!” Sora exclaimed. “No, you can’t!” Kenai suddenly said, and then he looked away, with a pained expression on his face. Koda said nothing and simply stayed at Kenai’s side, offering comfort. Donald and Goofy looked concerned, and Sora was left wondering why Kenai didn’t let him thwart their attacker from chasing them. A calm but uncertain silence loomed in the air, and then Sora peeked out his head. “Well, it looks like the coast is clear. We can all come out now.” With that, everyone went out of their hiding spot, and they remained silent, just in case their attacker was waiting for them. When they confirmed that no one was around, Koda walked ahead of everyone else, providing guidance for them. “All right guys, come on and follow me!” he said confidently. (Start Song Here) As the group walked away, a cloaked individual was on top of a nearby cliff, observing their movements. She smiled, for it seemed that she had found what she was looking for. Then, another cloaked individual appeared beside her, and he was simply standing there, as if waiting for the woman to finish observing. “So, did you find what you were looking for?” he said, in a rather bored and irritated tone. The woman took off her hood and put her long, silver hair to the side, and she smirked, her dark green eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Well, when you see a bunch of animals fighting against Unborn and one of them summons a Keyblade, well yes, I have found what I’m looking for.” The cloaked man scoffed and looked from side to side. “So then, was it Sora?” The woman nodded. “Undoubtedly.” “Well, I’m sure that our Master will find this interesting, do you not think so Xisri?” the man asked with a hint of malice in his voice. “Oh yes, that’s for sure. You know Braxdonn, you should come join me on these missions more often. Who knows, you could get a kick out of it, don’t you agree?” Braxdonn thought for a moment and then he waved his hand vaguely. “Well, I’m not the type of person that likes to get dirty, but when it comes down to finding interesting things, my curiosity can’t help but outshine my sense of caution.” At that, Xisri laughed to her heart’s content, feeling pretty good after Braxdonn’s statement. “Wow, you sure never cease to impress me. You always have something interesting to say, don’t you?” Braxdonn smirked and nodded. “Now then, let’s get going. Our Master will be expecting a report, so we cannot linger here any longer. The important thing is that we know Sora and his friends are here. We’ll dispatch them soon enough.” Xisri shrugged and put her hands on her hips. “All right, will do. After all, I was getting quite tired of simply hiding and watching. By the way, did Emmxett fulfill his mission?” Braxdonn nodded in disapproval. “No, it seems that he clashed with another of the Keyblade Wielders, and he retreated along with his Unborn. When he came back to headquarters, he was with a most unnatural smile.” Xisri then shook her head. “That’s Emmxett for you, a crazy guy with an appetite for a fight.” (End Song Here) ------------------------------------------------------------ After being transformed to fit into this new world, Sora, Donald and Goofy accompany Kenai and Koda towards the mountain of the spirit lights, and now more of our heroes’ enemies have surfaced. What is happening behind the scenes? And in which world have Ventus, Trish and Kyle arrived to? Next time, be here for Chapter 8: “The Old Bayou.” Okay ladies and gentlemen, that’s it for this chapter! I sincerely hope your enjoying my story so far! And just so you know, I’ll be shifting character perspectives in the following chapters, like I’m doing right now, so that everyone makes sure to catch up on what the characters are doing. The three character groups so far are Riku, Kairi and Mickey, then Sora, Donald and Goofy, and finally Ventus, Trish, and Kyle. I’ll keep the story on par with these three character groups, and more will come into the fray as the story unfolds! Again, thanks for reading, and make sure to post your thoughts on this chapter below! 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted February 7, 2014 This is.... AWESOME!!! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted February 8, 2014 Yes, Brother Bear! I love Phil Collins' songs in that movie. I'll have to see if I still have that movie, I haven't seen it in years. I can't wait to see what happens next, keep going! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted February 11, 2014 Good evening everybody, how’s it going? Well, here’s the next chapter! Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to take the weekend off from writing chapters, and so I did. But now, rest assured, here’s the chapter as you’ve been waiting for! I hope you all enjoy! Chapter 8: The Old Bayou Ventus, Trish and Kyle had been travelling the lanes between on their Keyblade Gliders for quite some time now, and nothing had come in their way. No enemy ships, nothing of the sort. They felt relieved that they had such a smooth trip, but they were also cautious, keeping in in mind that the enemy could attack at any time. Suddenly, Kyle noticed what looked to be a swamp. “Hey guys, I think we can land down there!” Trish looked down where Kyle was pointing at, and she nodded. “He’s right! I can see a good landing spot, come on!” With that, all three of them landed in this swamp, and they reverted their Gliders back into Keyblades, and their armor dissipated, for they had arrived to a new world. Kyle looked around curiously. “Hmm, I wonder what is this place? Hey Dad, have you been here before?” Ventus thought for a moment, but then he shook his head. “No, I can’t say that I have. Wow, it’s incredible how new worlds keep appearing, don’t you think so?” Trish nodded, and looked up and saw the big trees covering the sky. “Yes, that’s right. The worlds are truly expanding. All the more reason for us to do our duty.” she said confidently. They all nodded and went about exploring this swamp, which seemed to go on for a considerable amount of miles. Kyle peeked around every corner of their landing spot to see if there were any people, but so far, no one was found. Ventus waved at Trish and Kyle, signaling them to follow him, and so they went down a narrow path that Ventus had discovered, and they made sure to be careful and not fall in the swampy water. All of sudden, they heard a strange noise, one that couldn’t have come from an animal. Ventus raised his arm, and all of them stopped, keeping quiet and being extra cautious. They walked ever so carefully, making sure to catch whatever it was they heard off guard. (Start Song Here) “I wonder what made that noise? Whatever it was, it’s close by, I can feel it.” Kyle said cautiously, looking to either side as they made their way out of the narrow path. A few seconds later, a giant Unborn in the form of a swamp tree landed merely inches from crushing Ventus, Kyle and Trish, and it gave out a fearsome roar. “Gahh, it’s the Unborn!” Kyle exclaimed. Trish smirked and summoned her Keyblade. “Yeah, and a really big one at that. Let’s take it down!” They all agreed, and so they donned their armor, ready for battle, and the Unborn laid waste to the surroundings by leveling the ground from beneath their feet, and it made the swampy water splash on them, sending them flying and crashing towards other trees. Ventus looked at their fearsome opponent and he gripped his Keyblade tightly. “This is going to be a tough fight.” With that, they made their stand, and they created a barrier so that the Unborn creature couldn’t be able to try to escape. Trish focused her energy and then let out a devastating slash that sent their foe upwards, and then Ventus ran and jumped from tree to tree until he performed his Aerial Slam attack, sending the Unborn plummeting to the ground, and then Kyle deals massive damage with his Bitz attack. So far, the battle looks to be going smoothly, and for now the determined trio is holding the upper hand. But unexpectedly, the Unborn creature opens its wide mouth, and it starts spewing a foul smelling mist, covering the battlefield. Trish immediately noticed what the mist was, and she screamed to Ventus and Kyle. “Guys, that’s toxic fumes, you have to get out of there, if you breathe it in, you’ll be poisoned!” Ventus and Kyle jumped upwards to the trees just in time, but now a problem had surfaced. With this mist, the Unborn was practically invisible. Now it held the upper hand against them. Now they had to counterattack as safely and swiftly as possible. Ventus gritted his teeth, waiting for the chance to strike, and when the mist cleared, all three of them combined their attacks to form their Wind Arrow technique, which ensured that the remaining toxic fumes would dissipate. They saw their foe trying to escape, and when it realized they had cleared away the fumes, it attempted to once again intoxicate the field with his poisonous fumes. But Trish was able to slam its mouth shut just in time. “Guys, now!” Ventus and Kyle nodded in unison, and they both leaped in the air, attempting to deal the killing blow, but the Unborn lashed out with its branch like arms and swiped them away, and then it sunk its arms into the ground, as if absorbing the earth. Kyle gasped. “Guys, we’ve got to-“ But before he could finish warning his parents, the Unborn creature had uprooted the earth, causing huge cracks in the ground, and roots of countless trees thrashed wildly, and one by one, the trees fell down. Trish was luckily conscious, and she was able to carry Ventus and Kyle away from the falling trees, and she laid them near a small cave while they regained their consciousness. Trish tried taking the Unborn head on, but then realized that it had already disappeared. (End Song Here) About two hours later, Kyle woke up to the delicious, aromatic smell of fried eggs and bacon, and he noticed that he was drooling. He shook his head and he felt dizzy. “Mom, what happened?” Trish smiled and looked at Kyle and then she sat beside him and kissed his cheek. “Well, that Unborn we were fighting got away, but I was able to save you two from getting crushed by the trees. Since you two were knocked out cold, I decided to cook us some food from the supplies we brought along with us. Here, eat up.” Kyle nodded appreciatively and he started eating his food, taking the time to digest it and feel its flavor, and then he noticed that Ventus was in the corner of the small cave, sleeping. “Oh, did Dad already eat?” Trish nodded. “Yeah, he woke up about an hour ago and he ate his food and then went to sleep.” “I see.” Kyle said, as he looked outside the small cave. It was rather misty, and a bit cold, and then he looked at Trish, who was eating her share of the food, and then she sighed. “You know, things are bound to change soon…” Kyle looked at her curiously. “What do you mean Mom?” She looked at Kyle and then she clasped her hands together and held her knees to her chest. “All of this…I know that what we’re trying to do is prevent something of grim consequence from happening…but what if we fail? What if everything we’ve worked for crumbles before our very eyes? What then?” She felt anxious, but then she felt Kyle hold her hand, and she looked at his warm smile as he gazed upon her. “Don’t worry Mom. As long as we stick together as a family, we’re bound to figure something out.” Trish smiled appreciatively at Kyle and kissed his cheek, and then they heard some noises. But this time, they were animal noises. Trish urged Kyle to follow her to see if there animals were hostile. After a few seconds of looking around, they noticed that the animals must have seemingly gone away. Then they heard the sound of an amazing trumpet, which left them quite impressed. “Oh, someone’s playing music! That means there must be a town near here!” Trish examined the source of the noise. “No…it’s relatively close.” Then, as they went to investigate the source of the noise, they saw an enormous alligator rise before them, and then Kyle gave out a horrifying gasp and he was shaking restlessly. Trish was trying to remain calm, but she felt uneasy as the alligator loomed above them. Just when they thought the worse was going to happen, they saw the alligator put down a trumpet he had in his hands. “Well hey there, whatcha think of my trumpet playing? Pretty impressive huh?” At that instant, Kyle and Trish calmed down, and Kyle smiled and looked on in awe. “Wow, a talking alligator! I didn’t know that other animals could talk too! Just like Lunar! My name’s Kyle, and this is my mother, Trish! It’s nice to meet you! What’s your name?” The alligator proudly strut his trumpet side to side and he cleared his throat. “Well, I am the great gator Louis, a trumpet playing prodigy! It’s nice to meet both of you!” (Start Song Here) Trish looked at Louis in amazement. “How is it that you’ve learned to play the trumpet with such skill?” Louis cheerfully looked at them. “Well, you see, ever since I was a kid, I would watch the humans play jazz music, and oh, the sounds were amazing! I saw how people smiled and felt happy hearing the music, and that’s when I knew that I had to do that too! I loved the trumpet, and as I kept watching the humans play jazz, that’s how I learned to play the trumpet! I’ve always wanted to perform with them! But sadly, since I’m a gator, all other humans are scared of me. Well, I can’t really blame them. But you know, I’m surprised you two didn’t run away from me!” Kyle made a despaired expression on his face and waved his arms in front of him. “But you can’t let such a talent go to waste! If only people could come to know you, they’d sure let you perform with them!” Louis nodded appreciatively and then he remembered something. “Oh, that’s right, now that I’ve met you two nice folks, have you seen Tiana and Naveen? They’re two little frogs who are good friends of mine!” Both Kyle and Trish shook their heads. “Sorry, but we haven’t seen any frogs around here. But if you want, we can help you search for them.” Trish said with a bright smile. Louis clapped his hands and nodded. “Oh, that’d be great! I’d really appreciate it!” Kyle then clasped his hands together and nodded. “Right, I’ll go wake up Dad!” With that, he went running towards the small cave, and he saw Ventus, who was still sleeping, unaware of what had happened just now. He then gently shook his father’s shoulder to wake him up. “Huh? Ugh, my head. Hey Kyle…did the Unborn come back?” Kyle shook his head. “No, but Mom and I made a new friend, and he needs help finding his friends, so let’s go!” Ventus nodded. “All right, let’s do it then. Let me just stretch out first.” he said as he yawned and stood up. (End Song Here) When Ventus finished stretching out, he and Kyle went towards Trish and Louis, and Ventus smiled and put his arms above his head. “Oh, so you must be that friend Kyle told me about, right?” Louis nodded. “Yes, and I’m surprised you didn’t get scared when you saw me! Whew, what a relief!” Ventus looked at Louis curiously and then, after hearing the explanation from Kyle and Trish, he agreed to give the friendly alligator a helping hand. As they set out, they didn’t find any danger ahead, and the Unborn creature that had battled them before was nowhere to be seen either. Kyle felt a bit restless, but he knew that he’d be all right as long as he and his parents were together. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. He walked along cautiously, keeping his eyes peeled. All the while, Louis was playing his trumpet, cheerfully walking with the group, providing upbeat melodies that made everyone smile. The swamp itself seemed more lively and cheerful, as Louis’s tunes were satisfyingly calming. After many minutes of walking, they came upon a wide gap dividing the swamp into sections, and the murky water was what divided the swamp in two. The party wondered how they could cross, seeing as how the three of them couldn’t simply get on Louis, since all three of them would be too heavy for him, and then they heard a noise nearby. Louis quickly exclaimed. “Quickly, hide!” And so they all did, and after a few seconds, they saw a small boat pass by with three fishermen, all of whom looked quite odd and one could say pretty dumb. They seemed to be admiring their latest catch, and all of them were fighting over who would get the first bite. Kyle looked onwards, and the more he focused his gaze, he noticed that the fishermen’s catch were two frogs! “I see them Louis! Your friends are captured by those fishermen!” Louis gasped. “Then we have to go help them at once!” Ventus raised his hand and urged them to wait. “Give it a moment…I’m getting the feeling we won’t have to do much.” Ventus knew that these frogs would be capable of getting out of their predicament. -------------------------------------------- With the Unborn creature gone, Ventus, Trish and Kyle have decided to help Louis find his missing friends. As they encounter these fishermen, will the two frogs be able to get out of their predicament? We’ll have to wait and see, for next chapter we’ll see how Riku and the others are faring in their voyage on the R.L.S Legacy! Stay tuned for Chapter 9: “Mr. Silver.” Okay everyone, that’s the chapter for you! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! As always, make sure to leave your comments on the story below, and also let me know if my writing skills have improved from the first Keyblade War story that I had written. Until then, thanks for reading! ^_^ 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted February 11, 2014 Awesome! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted February 14, 2014 Princess and the Frog has an excellent villian song! I love that movie! Please, keep going! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites