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The Rocky Shoe

Possible disappointments for KHIII

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I think the character in your avatar should be permanently gone...including spinoff(of course that's all he appears in nowadays but I want him out of those too)

To each their own.

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Meh...rather have Ichabod and Mr.Toad world

A fully blown Fantasia World would be epic too

They already had a Fantasia world in KH 3D. If they just remade Fantasia instead of using another world they haven't used before, that would be fukcing bullshit. Screw that.

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To each their own.

firetruck that...Shadow is one of the worst characters ever


He's a friggin sonic re-color...how lazy can you get...and don't get me started on Silver *shrug*

They already had a Fantasia world in KH 3D. If they just remade Fantasia instead of using another world they haven't used before, that would be fukcing bullshit. Screw that.

They did? I never played that game(dont have 3ds)

Did it have all the segments?


Still would like to see it in better graphics and shit

Robin Hood world would be cool too...Sora and Robin Hood combos FTW

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firetruck that...Shadow is one of the worst characters ever


He's a friggin sonic re-color...how lazy can you get...and don't get me started on Silver *shrug*

They did? I never played that game(dont have 3ds)

Did it have all the segments?


Still would like to see it in better graphics and shit

Robin Hood world would be cool too...Sora and Robin Hood combos FTW

Yeah, the world was huge. It would be the exact same thing with better graphics. That's it. A complete waste of a world when they can do something never-before seen.

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All I really want is for this game to be the longest game in the series by miles.  I have yet to play a Kingdom Hearts game that dissapointed me so I trust that whatever Nomura decides in the end will be phenomenal, but if I manage to beat this game in a under a week I'm going to be livid.  After all these years, there's no way he can screw this one up. 


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I thought Shadow was a great character in Sonic Adventure 2, but he died at the end and it should have stayed that way.

He was awful right from the start...should have never existed in the first place


Yeah, the world was huge. It would be the exact same thing with better graphics. That's it. A complete waste of a world when they can do something never-before seen.

Well what if we sacrifice the usual "Atlantica" for "Fantasia" :D? I fking hate "Atlantica"


I like all three characters. That was not what the subject is, so I do not understand why you would want to raise the subject here.

Cuz you said that a protagonist should die permanently...fk that...Kingdom Hearts is not the series for that...besides killing off characters for the story is such a cliche


And Eraqus already died in Birth By Sleep that's enough

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Well what if we sacrifice the usual "Atlantica" for "Fantasia" :D? I fking hate "Atlantica"

That, I would accept. But I don't think they should include either. I want all brand new.

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That, I would accept. But I don't think they should include either. I want all brand new.

Well the Kingdom Shader would make it look amazing


And also...if I see Agrabah again...I WILL RAGE.....not really...but I will be pissed off...so sick of that world man

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Flame me if you want, but I don't want MX as the final boss (I already saw that $#** in BBS); have it be someone/something surprising, not milked-dry. He'll inevitably be in the final battle, true, but if he's "it," I'll fricking EAT MY TV!!!

P.S.- I'm back, after a half-year hiatus! What was I doing, you ask?

Becoming a brony.


Edited by Alan Smithee

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THERE BETTER BE A BLACK CAULDRON WORLD OR I'LL LITERALLY SCREAM. ...Anywho, with that out of the way, here's my list: - If the game only has as many worlds as KH1 or 2. There better be way more. They have 50 gigabytes to work with. I want it to take at least 2 weeks of playing this game nonstop every single day 24/7 to beat, like Red Dead or a GTA game would take. This game should be huge.- If Sora and Kairi don't kiss, I'll rage.- If Kairi and Mickey aren't playable. This is another MUST. Good thing Nomura basically confirmed it.- If the online feature is only going to be something like the Mirage Arena. They should be more innovative than that.- If the Realm of Darkness isn't a playable world. This is also a HUGE NO-NO.- If the Keyblades are crappy as hell like they were in DDD. There isn't ONE cool one in that game, other than Way to the Dawn. The rest are hideous. I want to see phenomenal designs. Lazy garbage won't cut it for this game.- If Sora's KH2 outfit looks better than his new one.- If Riku's hair isn't grown out to the length it was during KH2 again. FUKC his new haircut. That really pissed me off.- If the game doesn't have any gut-wrenching, tear-jerking moments. If it's all love-y dove-y happy-go-lucky in the end, I'd be pretty pissed. I want some emotion. Nomura is amazing at this, so I have faith. KH3 would be PERFECTLY FLAWLESS if all of these points were made. lol

AND IF THERE IS NOT A POCAHONTAS WORLD I'LL JOIN YOU!Well I accept with everything you said but,-If we don't get the KH2 fighting style back! Yeah sure commands were great in BBS but you ended up loosing only powerfull commands and it was just too easy. KH3 needs to be hard, it need to be challenging! Its freakin KH3!And I agree with the last one! There should be at least one surprise, some tear moments! It has to be epicly epic *.*

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I'd be disappointed if:


Everyone could duel wield (That'd be to much)

In fact, no duel wielding whatsoever would be nice

Drive forms come back (That's KH2's thing)

Everyone got keyblade armor (That is BBS's thing)

If melding doesn't come back

If there was kissing (yuck)

If there isn't a Robin Hood world

If it was short

If it was really easy

If Demyx doesn't come back in some way

Edited by Megaman X

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-there MUST BE A REUNION with all three trios. 

-long, damn good gameplay

-no starwars or marvel or else kingdom hearts 2 onward never happened.

-amazing gameplay with online multiplayer. square. you did it once with bbs, just do it again.

-if there is not a drop of a Roxas and Xion reunion moment, i'll dynamite my television.

-There must be some plot upgrade between Sora and Kairi. up to this point they've literally been staring at each other wondering what to do next.



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...Anywho, with that out of the way, here's my list:


- If the game only has as many worlds as KH1 or 2. There better be way more. They have 50 gigabytes to work with. I want it to take at least 2 weeks of playing this game nonstop every single day 24/7 to beat, like Red Dead or a GTA game would take. This game should be huge.

- If Sora and Kairi don't kiss, I'll rage.

- If Kairi and Mickey aren't playable. This is another MUST. Good thing Nomura basically confirmed it.

- If the online feature is only going to be something like the Mirage Arena. They should be more innovative than that.

- If the Realm of Darkness isn't a playable world. This is also a HUGE NO-NO.

- If the Keyblades are crappy as hell like they were in DDD. There isn't ONE cool one in that game, other than Way to the Dawn. The rest are hideous. I want to see phenomenal designs. Lazy garbage won't cut it for this game.

- If Sora's KH2 outfit looks better than his new one.

- If Riku's hair isn't grown out to the length it was during KH2 again. FUKC his new haircut. That really pissed me off.

- If the game doesn't have any gut-wrenching, tear-jerking moments. If it's all love-y dove-y happy-go-lucky in the end, I'd be pretty pissed. I want some emotion. Nomura is amazing at this, so I have faith.


KH3 would be PERFECTLY FLAWLESS if all of these points were made. lol

I agree with pretty much all of this, except that I really liked the final level reality shift Keyblades from DDD. No that we actually got to use them, but I looooved the design.

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I agree with pretty much all of this, except that I really liked the final level reality shift Keyblades from DDD. No that we actually got to use them, but I looooved the design.

I forgot to add that I'd be so much more than a mere "disappointed" if Utada doesn't make a new song for KH3, that I'm pretty sure not a single word in the dictionary could remotely come close to how I'd feel.


That should have been at the top of my list, lol.

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I forgot to add that I'd be so much more than a mere "disappointed" if Utada doesn't make a new song for KH3, that I'm pretty sure not a single word in the dictionary could remotely come close to how I'd feel.


That should have been at the top of my list, lol.

Also agreed. I like you.


There was a thread about this earlier, and I couldn't believe the people who said that there shouldn't be a new theme for KH3. Some BS about it not being the 'KH staple theme' To which I reply; they've made a new 'theme' for each numbered sequel thus far, so why stop now? Some people just don't know their KH music, man.


Oh! I found the thread!


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Well the Kingdom Shader would make it look amazing


And also...if I see Agrabah again...I WILL RAGE.....not really...but I will be pissed off...so sick of that world man

they HAVE to have that to wrap up aladdin since end of X saga. I will b disappointed if that don't happens there HAS to be Agrabah at east for this game but only if its KOT 

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Also agreed. I like you.


There was a thread about this earlier, and I couldn't believe the people who said that there shouldn't be a new theme for KH3. Some BS about it not being the 'KH staple theme' To which I reply; they've made a new 'theme' for each numbered sequel thus far, so why stop now? Some people just don't know their KH music, man.


Oh! I found the thread!


Yup. I have a feeling she's not going to though, because all she does is complain about how hard it is to create KH songs and how "little" they pay her. I feel that, but really, three songs in a span of 13 years shouldn't be difficult to accomplish at all. 


She should care about her fans that love her and not about money because she's already extremely wealthy to begin with. It's kind of ridiculous. -_-

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I am the opposite with The Black Caludron world. If the game has that world in it *shudders*. Yes I am a hater of the movie but I have a very good reason. First let me say that I loved the movie as a little kid I saw it in the theater and everything. But Disney never released it on video. Then when I got into middle school I found the book series. I vaguely remember the movie so I read them and they became my favorite books for the next several years. I read them countless times. 


When I saw the movie was coming out on DVD I was so excited. I got the movie the day it came out and stuck it in the DVD player and my disappointment began immediately. 


1) The first two books in one movie. Let it slide because the books aren't that long and was already expecting it give the title of the moive as it's the title of the second book. 


2) Cut out a favorite character. Let it slide because he was mostly a secondary character.


3) Changed the main villain to the Horned King - was wondering why but kept going


4) Had him looking for the Cauldron - pretty much gave up by this point. The Cauldron was already in use.


5) Cut out one of the main heroes - by now the movie was beyond hope


6) Changed Eilonwy into a wimp with blonde hair (okay I'll let the blonde hair go but in the book it constantly says she has red-golden hair). By this time I was beyond mad because she was my childhood hero and they ruined her.  She is not the wimpy in the books!


7) Changed Doli into a fairy! In the books he is a dwarf and one of the main characters! By this point I was livid. 


Of course because they combined two books in one they had to dramatically change the end of the movie. That sacrifice is in the second book and how it comes about...well it isn't happy. Don't want to ruin it if anyone wants to give the books a try but the end of the movie diminishes what the characters went through in the second book.


Sorry for the rant but the movie almost had me crying in disappointment. According to my dad that movie did so bad that Disney almost went under. If anyone wants to give the books a try They are called The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. There are 5 books in the series and one book of short stories. 


Sorry for the rant. The movie just always upsets me. :(  If someone wants to say why they like that movie so much and the world I would be curious to hear. Maybe it would make it easier for me to separate the books from that movie. 

Edited by teetee

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Disney characters/worlds beyond Mickey having no relevance to the main plot. There's something very wrong with the series on a whole when I'm having this worry with EVERY game.

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