Skai 3,961 Posted June 26, 2013 (edited) This is the page for the actual Namine's Trio RP. Please do not post in this page if you are not one of the RPers that have joined via this page here: Also, if you want to comment on how awesome this RP is or just criticize it...or anything of that nature, please just use either the Sign Ups page or message anyone of us. But I repeat, do not use this page. Premise: Namine woke up in a cold, white empty room with a very intricate design. Just as the room, she wore nothing but the color of purity, white. As her eyes began to fully open, she realized there was only one door, only one way of vacating herself out. She examined every aspect of the room, turning over everything, and thoroughly checking every nook and cranny. Eventually, she concludes the only way out is to open the large double doors. A hallway bearing the same absence of color greeted her as she opened her only exit. And to accompany the bright corridor… was the movement of many and many bodies. An incredible sight. Each one more familiar to her than her very self. In fact she did not know who she was, the only indication to her identity was the very bodies themselves, stopping to greet her and uttering the name, Namine before leaving. …One week before, your character starts their journey here, Castle Oblivion. It is Day -7. Rules: Rules: Follow the KH13 Rules, linked here: Don't be afraid to be original though, as that is very important! Make sure you follow the flow. Let things take their natural course. Don't undermine the other RPers. Make sense of everything! But the most important rule is have fun. We all should find this RP fun and interesting. Be reasonable with the time intervals you post. If someone has to leave the RP for any reason, please message me and do not use the RP Post to do so. Same with any questions, comments and complaints you have regarding anything in particular. Rules (regarding characters): Only one character period. Some obvious rules that need to be reiterated are no godmodding, no swearing, and no controlling other people’s characters, much less killing them off. You cannot be Namine or any other Kingdom Hearts character. Keep your characters true to Kingdom Hearts, such as no last names. Everyone's characters will look like an original KH character that has been connected to Sora's heart. Scroll down for the list of characters your character can resemble. To show you have read every rule, write your favorite character and 'loves' after it in the bottom of your Character Sheet. Worlds: B12 ~ B1 - Unknown F1 - Unknown F2 - Radiant Garden F3 - Unknown F4 - Traverse Town F5 - Land of Departure F6 ~ F8 - Unknown F9 - Mysterious Tower F10 - Mirage Arena F11 ~ F13 - Unknown Extra Information/My Introduction of the RP: Hi all! If you haven't noticed, Namine is my favorite character and I'd like to make an RP that gives a background story to her. This RP will try to establish the two characters that Namine considers to be her trio of friends. Example: Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Namine is the Sora-like (Ven and Roxas) character, who will wake up in Dive to the Heart later on. Her trio can be all girls, two guys, one girl and one guy, etc. This RP takes place in the seven days before Namine and Roxas are created. But before then, you guys are practically in a competition to see who will be in Namine's trio. Don't worry if you aren't part of her trio at the end, you can still be a main character in the form of an antagonist, neutrality, a lone wolf, or a friend that isn't considered to be part of the trio. Ultimately, I'll have everyone vote on who the trio will be at the end, before we finish this. If this RP is a success, I won't hesitate to make the sequel that this prequel builds up upon. Have fun! Let's do this! At this point anyone may start.If any of the RPers need to talk out of character please use brackets or parentheses that are separated from the paragraph to express any comments, complaints, questions and concerns. Example: (Who begins? Can I just start?) Sekai woke up in an empty room. It was quite barren. In fact, too much for her own liking. She slowly propped herself up, summoning her powers to do so. Even in the midst of an unfamiliar place, she was still as much like herself as can be. Her laziness was unparalleled. Eliza summoned her weapon, planning to deflect the attack and responding with one of her own. Her blades made contact with the vicious creature, destroying it with one swing. She was indeed strong, and nothing about this place scared her one bit. She began to repeat this cycle to the next batch of enemies that approached her. She was getting better, gaining experience. [Hope that post wasn't too long!! etc.] Also, we'll move from day to day with everyone's approval. Right now we are at Day -7 and until everyone is ready to move on to the next day, we will stay the same day. If you've absolutely finished your day and can't go on, then just wait for the others to finish! Also please state the day and the floor you're in, for example: ~Day -6~ F6 ~Day -3~ B9 Edited July 19, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) [so I'll just post to start it off!] ~Day -7~ F5 Sekai woke up, a bit out of breath. She propped herself up using her mastery of aero and stood still. She was on top of a mountain. In her immediate sight, she could see a structure very familiar to her. "Is that..." She recalled her memories. This place was a refuge for those wielders...she had thought. She wondered why, she was not there, but instead here. Knowing this to be an unusual case, she leaped as high as she could, with the support of a pointed aeroga spell to make it to the piece of land, clumsily. She landed on her feet, but rolled right afterwards. Immediately greeting her was the appearance of a red-eyed purple creature. She stood there a bit hesitant and in a battle position, trying not to provoke the unfamiliar creature. As she began to make her move, the creature violently jumped at her. The attack seemed to have caught her off guard, and there was no way she could stop it. But to her surprise, a black creature with yellow eyes intercepted it, tackling it down. After which, a white and silver creature joined the the battle, sort of slivering into it. She backed away and examined the odd occurrence. "Just what is going on here?" she asked in bewilderment. Edited June 27, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) Day -7 ~ F9 The blonde girl laughed as she ran through long green grass next to a path. She was being chased, but that's what friends did to each other. She stopped and her chaser stumbled past her and fell. More laughter, from both the girl and her chaser. The laughing slowly faded as both of them looked out at the castle in the distance... Cykes opened his eyes. That was the most he could piece together from his memories of Namine. That bothered him in someways. It didn't make sense. But he had time to figure that out. Finding Namine was a little more pressing. That castle he could remember might hold some answers. He didn't know of any castles like that, but the town library had some extensive maps, thanks to the Tower. Edited June 27, 2013 by rikunobodyxiii Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) [i assume you're in F9 [member=rikunobodyxiii]. Please press the follow topic button on the top corner and make sure to note the floor you are in. This is to prevent confusion later on. Also, try reading the top if you haven't already, thanks!] ~Day -7~ F5 Sekai continued to watch the mysterious creatures fight. Eventually, the sight became tiresome and she decided to just eliminate the nuisances. With her limited knowledge of magic, she created balls of wind, gyrating in high frequencies. Exactly three, each matching the size of the creature she intended to eradicate. She launched her artificially created currents of wind and destroyed the creatures without a sweat. Once that was over, she headed up the stares to find double doors that she would soon open. Inside was an even more familiar place, suddenly triggering the scattered memories in her mind. "Namine..." she muttered. Edited June 27, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted June 27, 2013 ~Day 7_F4~ Kiru leaned on the wall, trying to remember parts of her memories about Namine "Ugh, why can't I remember anything about her from my dreams except for her name!?" She let out a fustrated sigh as she crossed her arms "I guess memories will unfold the closer I get" Kiru walked up to double doors and had a short premonition. It was like a video playing threw her head, it was kind of fuzzy so some parts she couldn't understand but she knew when an enemy would attack as far as she could see. "Everytime that gives me a headache" Kiru said, shaking it off and pushing the doors opened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 27, 2013 ~Day -7~ F5 Sekai dove into her memories, immediately leaving the outside world, at least inside. She recalled her childhood memories to be filled with Namine and a boy she could never remember. Obviously, he wasn't important. Spending time with her best friend was absolutely the most fun she could have. She imagined the times they used to go in their secret cave and carving pictures on the wall. She was in her own paradise. A huge thud would awaken the girl from her delusions. She looked back, the doors had closed. The young girl tried to open the door, but to no avail. She was stuck inside this building. Not knowing what to do, she decided to investigate the place and find out why she was there to begin with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col.Random 3,683 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) (sorry this might be a bit long) seemed a tad hazy. Eliza walked past one of the hundreds of fountains scattered across the beautiful and majestic Radiant Garden, holding hands with the little blonde haired girl she loved possibly more than her own life. "Eliza?", the little girl looked up at her with those big, blue eyes."Yes, Namine`?", Eliza asked as she sat on one knee in front of her."Could you tell me that story?", she asked."Again?", Eliza asked."Please?", Namine` asked."Oh alright", Eliza giggled. It really seemed impossible to say "no" to her."See...long ago....", the rest suddenly became a blur.Eliza was now sitting by a small field of flowers as Namine` cheerfully brought what appeared to be a seashell."Look what I found! Someone must have dropped it", she said."Namine`, you can't just pick up things like this. It must have belonged to someone and they're probably looking for it", Eliza told her. Namine` took a step back, clutching the seashell."But...but I want to keep it", Namine` said. "If...if they just dropped it, maybe they...they didn't want it"."Now, Namine` we both know that isn't right", Eliza folded her arms. Eliza picked up a small and dull gray pebble from nearby.She brought her finger near it and a small, blue chain of symbols appeared, spinning around her finger. The symbols burst into a small, blue glitter that flew into the pebble. The pebble glowed a bright blue and soon took on that colour, now looking like a beautiful, blue pearl! Namine`'s eyes widened with intrigue."Tell you what, if you put that seashell back you can have this. How about it?", Eliza said."Okay", Namine` beamed as she nodded. Eliza patted her head."I love you, Ka-".Day: -7Floor 2Eliza opened her eyes. She was lying on the cold floor of a room that was entirely white!" I?", she wondered. Edited June 27, 2013 by Col.Random Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 27, 2013 [i assume you're in F9 [member=rikunobodyxiii]. Please press the follow topic button on the top corner and make sure to note the floor you are in. This is to prevent confusion later on. Also, try reading the top if you haven't already, thanks!] (Got it. I went ahead and edited my previous post with the day and floor. Sorry I missed that.) *Day -7 ~ F9* Cykes studied maps inside the library, occasionally making notes in a small note book. As he put down the name of a possible castle, he paused. Namine did something like this, didn't she? Though it wasn't writing. What was it? "Drawing." He wrote on another page that had on it most of the facts he could remember about her. With that down, he could visualize them both with books, her drawing something and him writing what he saw. He flipped back to the page where the castle names were, but didn't continue. Looking at the names, they all seemed wrong. Most of the castles he had written down were on other worlds. It was reasonably common knowledge of those who lived in the shadow of the Mysterious Tower that other worlds existed, a fact Cykes was thankful for, but it did clutter up the possible locations he was looking for. He drew a line through all of the castles he had made note of and continued his search. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) (Col. Random, I think that's good. Try to shorten a bit if you could. I know you can only post once in a while, so I guess that's understandable.) ~Day -7~ F5 Sekai continued to search through the mysterious, but very familiar landscape of the building. She begun to enter every room and found herself in a bedroom, a bit small for her liking. Not really knowing what to do, she locked the door behind her and jumped on the bed. A long needed nap awaited her. Not too long after, the young girl was immediately woken up by a sudden jolt. She looked around and began to struggle. Sekai was covered in nothing but darkness. The small yellow-eyed black creatures had appeared once again and this time they were teeming in huge packs. As much as she tried to escape, it was no use. She was sinking into darkness. Edited June 27, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted June 27, 2013 ~Day 7_F4~ Kiru walked into the door, she took out her sword as a black creature came out of nowhere "What is this thing? Well whatever it is, its in my way!" Kiru said to herself as the creature charged at her and she swung her sword at it making the creature disappear. Kiru sighed then continued walking "Only if I had a map this would be easier then just relying on whatever its called again" She said aloud, coming up to another door and then walked inside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 27, 2013 ~Day -7~ F5 Falling. Sinking. Deeper and deeper. Sekai had no means of controlling her plunge into darkness and soon she would be swallowed hole. She descended into the deepest pits of darkness as she fell unto the floor below hers. F4 (Traverse Town) Sekai slowly levitated down as dark, black and purple colored aero magic surrounded her and guided her to the floor. Her body laid there very still and steady. She blinked a couple times and could not move. It was some sort of paralysis. There was no longer any ominous colored creatures around her, which she found to be a huge relief. Soon, she would regain her mobility. She found herself to be in an oddly colored town in front of what she recognized to be a shop for accessories. Just where was she? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Blade_Wielder 13 Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) ~Day 7_F4~ Once she got through the door there were a few more 'friends' waiting there for her "There's more? Ugh I don't have time for this" Instead of fighting them she tried dodging until she got to another door. Kiru soon went through it and found herself where she had started "How did I get back here?" She asked herself, making sure that she was in the same place as she was in the first place. "Guess I'll try the other door then" Kiru went inside the other door. Edited June 28, 2013 by X-Blade_Wielder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) (Decided to jump around the floors for some variety.) ~Day -7~ F4 Sekai looked up and saw a large opening of darkness. She knew that was where she came from, as it was the only clue to why she was in this mess to begin with. She used her aero powers to support her jump up to the portal. Just before she could reach it, the portal began to recede and only moments away from it completely disappearing she made it through. F9 She found herself on top of brown, brown everywhere. Just land that had been ruined. She walked around it and saw it was somewhat elevated and slanted. After looking around the edges, she knew this island was floating. She saw a mysterious tower built under the land, which made no sense to her whatsoever. Eventually, she realized that she was upside down and not the tower, causing her fall back down. "NOT AGAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN!" she yelled. F2 She found herself in a very dark castle, with a huge heartless sign that she did not identify to be in front of her. There were different colors inside of it, forming an X inbetween. "Where am I now?" Edited June 28, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 28, 2013 *Day -7 ~ F9* Cykes's head jerked as he heard something. It was fait, but it sounded like someone yelling. He raced out of the library. He couldn't see anything when he was outside, but he was sure he had heard it. "Odd." He murmured to himself. He turned back and went into the library. He stopped when he got to the table he had been using. In his haste, he had knocked over a pile of maps to reveal an image of a castle. It looked different, but he could swear he had seen it before. He checked the name on the map. "Land of Departure." He read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 28, 2013 (When exactly do you think everyone would get Keyblades, guys?) ~Day -7~ F2 "I had enough of this!" she yelled out loud. She summoned her wind powers as she started attack everything in sight violently. She slashed away at everything, creating a unique kind of aero form. They were wind swords...or more like aero swords. Her fury could not be diminished as she savagely blasted a huge gust of wind and every direction. Suddenly, the doors behind her, huge double doors, opened from the blast. She looked back and noticed people inside blue pods. She jumped down from the platform where she stood, bypassing the stairs on both sides. She ran towards the blue pods and saw six of the seven princesses of heart. Although she did not know of their importance, she first thought to let them out. Just as she did before, she summoned aerora powered wind swords and began slashing away at each pod on the wall. Each princess fell to the floor in succession. After of which, they disappeared in a mysterious glimmer of light. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!" she yelled out loud. She ran through the dark corridor, hoping she would find a clue to where she was and how to get out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 28, 2013 (When exactly do you think everyone would get Keyblades, guys?)(I'm thinking after Namine awakes. But then, I'm also thinking it depends on the character. I personally see it being awhile before my character gets one. Soooo....hmm...whenever, I guess.)*Day -7 ~ F9*Armed with a destination, Cykes cleaned up the maps after himself and left the library. He had been fairly certain that his destination would be on another world, so had planned accordingly. Near his abode was a work shop he worked at, where he stored a Gummi ship. He always enjoyed building things and Gummi blocks were an excellent medium for such endeavors. He trekked over to the work shop and began the preflight checks of his Gummi ship. He was particularly pleased about the Warp block he had traded for recently. It had been a steep price, but worth it. This should allow him to simply warp to the Land of Departure with the coordinance he had copied from the map.With the preflight check complete, Cykes strapped himself in and slowly floated the ship out of the work shop and into the sky. Once he was well away from anything, he keyed on the Warp block. One moment everything was going well and in the next, Cykes found himself spinning out of control through hyperspace as his ship began to come apart around him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 28, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai emerged from the darkness and into a blue colored place with an intricate design. It seems to have been used to get up there in a very roundabout way. Luckily, whatever system was set up, was disabled at this very moment. She left the place and went outside to find she was very high up. "I'll just jump!" she said as she leaped off the cliff and into the clouds underneath. Just where was she going? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col.Random 3,683 Posted June 29, 2013 Day -7F2Eliza quickly looked around. She could have sworn she had just heard someone."Hello? Is anyone there?", she yelled, her voice echoed in the big empty hall.There was no response. Eliza noticed a door behind her. It seemed like a bad idea, but she wasn't the type to sit in one place and expect a rescue team.Eliza walked towards the door and, at that moment, dark patches appeared on the floor in front of her followed by a small group of yellow-eyed, shadow-like creatures popping out of them."What ar-", the creatures gave her no time to process their appearance as one of them proceeded to strike her. Eliza jumped a few feet back to avoid and proceeded to put on the arm-blades that she had strapped on to her jeans, but the creatures had no intention to let their target arm herself.Two more of them slashed at her with their long, shadowy arms .Being forced into a lack of options, Eliza simply raised her hand as if to say 'stop'. A large blue chain of symbols appeared encircling her.Eliza jerked her arm and the chain burst into a blue light which struck one of the creatures. The resulting explosion successfully took down the other four as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 30, 2013 (edited) (Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and introduce some keyblade elements to my character.) ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai fell through the sky and saw a large piece of blue land before her, a ravine. She kept plummeting as she entered a pit. Instead of landing, she was tossed back up by a strong current from a bottom draft. She used this to push herself back up and onto the ravine. There, she saw teeming heartless. She climbed back up, on top of a mountainous region and stayed put. "Am I okay?" she said, examining her body and ending by looking at the palm of her hands. She turned her hands as a quick flash of light revealed what appeared to be a Keyblade for a very rapid half a second and dissipated in the same amount of time. She did not know what it was or how it came about. She had thought she was delusional and passed it off. She cast a strong Aeroga spell underneath her to propel herself up in the air for a good 4 hours. She decided to take a nap. Edited June 30, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted June 30, 2013 I heard my name said several times. I opened my eyes to see Namine standing over me, looking worried. "I'm fine." I told her. She looked a little relieved then chided me for not being more careful about my plans that involved speed and lack of contact with the ground. Part of me is planning on how to deal with gravity while the other smiles slightly at her concern. *Day -7...* Cykes opened his eyes to see that he was floating in midair. A few Gummi blocks floated beside him, through the looked pretty banged up. He smiled slightly to himself at how well his failsafe system, a small gravity devise that would suspend the pilot in a null gravity zone during a crash, had worked. He looked around and spotted the pilot's chair. He pulled it closer to him and hit a switch. The gravity field collapsed and he fell. He used his own power over gravity to alter his speed and direction to the top of a tall structure. He landed and took a moment to center himself. He looked around to see where he was. His eyes narrowed as he saw land marks he could recognize. "Radiant Garden?" He questioned. *...~ F2* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted June 30, 2013 ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai woke up in two hours time as a variety of nightmares proved it too hard to stay asleep. She looked around and noticed that her aeroga spell was still in effect. "That was some dream!" she said, letting out a huge gasp. She recalled the dream. In her dream was Namine and also her, protecting her best friend. She was hold a mysterious weapon that she could not recognize. After which, she could not remember more. "I better go explore the place!" She decided it was best if no one had noticed her and moved along her varied path in the air. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silvia Kuroi 1,480 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) ~Day -7: Floor 10~ Lyon gasped. His heart was beating fast as he woke up in a cold sweat. "Namine!" He shouted, looking around wildly. He was on a floating platform, with spinning gears rotating around him in the small area he was in. The platform was cold to his touch, but hummed with a relaxing energy. "The Mirage Arena.." He whispered, looking around. How he knew the name was confusing to him. The place was familiar, yes. He had memories of this place--fighting monsters here. But there was something else. Some other connection to this world that seemed lost to him. As was his connection to the 'Namine' person. He remembered a young girl with blonde hair. "Gah!" Lyon cried, clutching his head. The memories were hurting him. Edited July 1, 2013 by Silver Kuroi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skai 3,961 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) (Umm, just to clarify we're on Day -7, since we're going by Roxas' time, we're counting down to Day 0.) ~Day -7~ F2 Sekai continued to fly through the sky, showing off her mastery of aero, when mysterious creatures appeared before her. Heartless. There were three; a flying pirate, an air soldier, and one she could not recognize. Suddenly, information regarding heartless had entered her knowledge bank and she was not familiar most of the creatures that attacked her before in the darkness. How did this happen?"Aerora!" she yelled, sending blasts of wind towards the fiends, destroying all, but the unrecognizable one. The last turned pure black, a sort of mini Dark Side mixed with a Neo Shadow and headed straight for her, passing through where her chest. The monster formed a shape of a heart with it's hands, apparently aiming for it, but once it exited her body, nothing happened. There was no damage and especially, not heart. She turned around quickly. "Aero!" She formed a quick wind sword and slashed the monster down, disappearing through the air. Edited July 2, 2013 by Sky Heart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) *Day -7 ~ F2* Cykes wandered through the streets of Radiant Garden for a bit. He had satisfied his question of why he had crashed here when he remembered that Radiant Garden was a hub world. The question of why he crashed still bugged him. He had built that Gummi ship himself and knew it was space worthy. Perhaps the warp block had been defective? But he had never heard of that happening before. Also the way it happened troubled him. His ship just came apart. But how...? A small troop of Neoshadows cut across the street Cykes had been using, looking to be in a hurry to be somewhere. A few stopped and looked at Cykes. He slid his hand under his coat carefully to get a hold on the folding blade he kept on him. The Neoshadows stopped their odd fidgeting and dove into the ground. Knowing this tactic, Cykes got a hold on his blade and jumped back and up as the Neoshadows erupted from the ground before him. He slashed viciously, taking out the Heartless in rapid succession. He landed with disentigrating Heartless landing around him. One whole Neoshadow landed behind Cykes and lunged at him. He looked over his should at it with contempt. He snapped he fingers and a large black case appeared above the Neoshadow. It dropped and crushed the Heartless with a thump. "So, that is how it is going to be." He commented as he turned and moved to the case to arm himself. Edited July 2, 2013 by rikunobodyxiii Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col.Random 3,683 Posted July 1, 2013 (sorry i haven't posted, guys. I just moved and it took like 2 days to successfully get my internet working. I'll post soon) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites