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New Kingdom Hearts III artwork revealed

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Interesting that they're keeping with the KH2 look. 

They wont keep it. Nomura pretty much said he'll have a new outfit. 


Story, worlds and characters

- The battle against Master Xehanort and Organization XIII will end in Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts (the location) will appear in Kingdom Hearts III.

- The world selections in Kingdom Hearts III will contain some stable choices, as well as some surprising factors. There is a particular surprising world.

Kingdom Hearts III will contain Final Fantasy characters.

- Sora's outfit is yet to be unveiled.

- Whenever Nomura hears about a new Disney acquisition (Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, etc), he contacts Disney and sees if it's something that he can use in Kingdom Hearts. Nomura says that the answer is sometimes 'absolutely no', but sometimes 'we don't know'. No more details were given.

Edited by Megaman X

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The Kingdom Shade really made it look beautiful, eh. It is trully amazing.




Square Enix have released new <a href="http://kh13.com/games/kingdom-hearts-3/"><em>Kingdom Hearts III</em></a> artwork. You can view it below.
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://i.imgur.com/pkg5yqc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/pkg5yqc.jpg" style="height: 500px;" /></a></p>


How about putting a KHII artowrk beside that KHIII new artwork so we can compare and have a clear idea of the difference Kingdom Shade makes?

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If you look at his arms and legs and general body structure, it seems to fit well, its just he wears that loose jacket and those super baggy pants and don't forget the giant shoes.


Minus his hair, his head is actually slimmer than his pants. Now I'm just gonna look at him like a child who dressed up in his dad's oversized clothing


I've also just noticed how creepily skinny Goofy's ankles are.  

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