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Kingdom Hearts: Vanguard (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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Sorry about signing up a little late


Name: Cade
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short black hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and wears a dark blue trench coat filled with weapons.
Alignment: Darkness (or at least for now)
Bio: After his mother died giving birth to him, his devastated father gave him away to an orphanage in Twilight Town. At the age of fifteen, he ran away from the orphanage and began traveling across the worlds with a group of mercenaries for hire. At the beginning of this story, he doesn't really care whether Xeanort takes over or not. However, he slowly has a change of heart over the course of the story.
Personality: Cade is street smart, crafty, introverted and often impatient. He's also very eccentric, causing some to believe he's insane. He warms up to people slowly, but cares deeply for his friends.
Weapons: No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to use magic. Thus, he makes up for it with a large assortment of weapons. He carries on him a sword, a pair of twin pistols. a pair of nun chucks, shurikans, smoke pellets, and a vial full of a strong sedatave.
Theme Song: 

To Glory

Edited by Xigboss

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I need another character... I don't know why, I just do


Name: Severa Tcartbus

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121217212215/fireemblem/images/e/e9/Serena_(FE13).png

Alignment: Light

Bio: After her parents were destroyed by the darkness, Severa led a wanderer's life. She meandered from world to world, destroying anything in her way. She trained in each world, taking what each world had to offer in skills and items before going away again. Severa's done this for years, until just recently coming across a poster. Now she figures paying a visit to the old mansion couldn't hurt.

Personality: Severa has grown bitter and hard over the years from not having anyone to rely on. She constantly finds something to be angry about, and criticizes others as often as she can. However, under that tough facade, she is quite girly, and emotional. Having so much loss early in her life has affected her much, and still is the driving force in her personality.

Weapons/Abilities: http://www.andreas.blicher.info/images/Short_Sword.jpg

Has trained herself to be an excellent acrobat and unparalleled swordswoman.

Theme: N/A

To Glory

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Name: Sky Vanity /Valor/

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/204/d/2/empyrean_by_lucidskies-d41gd1v.jpg

Alignment: Light

Bio: She has always lived a life of adventure. Traveling where her hearts takes her, aiding those there, and seeing what is to be seen. If the world needed help then she'd be there. So why wouldn't she help the Light? Though weak in power, she prides herself in magic, and in her ability to help her teammates grow stronger in battle. Now she'd help them bring back balance to the Light and the Dark.

Personality: Hyper, caring, and a bit of a nerd. Though she seems happy Valor suffers from depression and has a deep fear of being in complete Darkness unable to see. In those times she freaks out unable to move or keep going by herself.

Weapon: Frolic Flame


To glory!

Edited by Obi-wan

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I'm gonna be gone in a few days for a day or two without Internet and then once more a week after that. Just wanted to make sure you knew

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With my primary character dead, here is his replacements:


Name: Ienzo

Age: early twenties

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.khwiki.net/images/7/7c/Ienzo_KH3D.png


Alignment: Neutral

Bio: Somebody of Zexion. Former apprentice to Ansem the Wise. Unofficial head of the four remaining apprentices. Leads his fellow former Organization members against Xehanort and forces of darkness.

Personality: calm, collected, manipulative, scheming, and intelligent.

Weapons: http://www.khwiki.net/images/e/e5/White_Tome_KHD.png

Theme Song(opt):


Name: Aeleus

Age: mid thirties

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://www.khwiki.net/images/e/eb/Aeleus_KHBBS.png

http://www.khwiki.net/images/6/6d/Lexaeus_KHCOM.png ignore weapon

Alignment: Neutral

Bio: Somebody of Lexaeus. Former apprentice of Ansem the Wise. Ienzo's right hand and most trusted friend. Though he has said little about he and his colleges new agenda, he seems more at ease with their new direction.

Personality: Stoic, loyal, protective, and unshakeable.

Weapons: http://www.khwiki.net/images/0/08/Aeleus%27_Axe_Sword.png

Theme Song(opt):


Name: Even

Age: early forties

Gender: male

Appearance: http://www.khwiki.net/images/a/ac/Even_KHBBS.png


Alignment: neutral

Bio: Somebody of Vexen. Former apprentice of Ansem the Wise. Works primarily as the inventor and researcher for the former Organization members. Doesn't seem to care about the right or wrong of the coming conflict. His only concern is the knowledge and science he is able to obtain.

Personality: Cold, arrogant, intelligent, planning and somewhat cowardly.

Weapons: http://www.khwiki.net/images/6/62/Frozen_Pride_KHII.png

Theme Song(opt):


Name: Dilan

Age: mid thirties


Appearance: http://www.khwiki.net/images/e/eb/Dilan_KHBBS.png

http://www.khwiki.net/images/4/47/Xaldin_KHII.png but with Dilan's hair style.


Bio: Somebody of Xaldin. Former apprentice of Ansem the Wise. Scout and field operative for the four reconstituted apprentices. Seems to only care about getting revenge on Xehanort and Braig.

Personality: Manipulative, sadistic, diligent, and strict.

Weapons: http://www.khwiki.net/images/5/58/Dilan%27s_Lance.png primary

http://www.khwiki.net/images/2/2a/Lindworm_KHII.png as needed

Theme Song(opt):


To Glory

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Is it too late to join up?


Name: Lumiara
Age: Mid-Twenties
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/137/3/0/Marluxia___Lumaria_ver2_0_by_Kaoru_Kina.png  (on the right, ignore the fan name)
Alignment: Darkness. 
Bio: Somebody of Marluxia. Former Lord of Castle Oblivion and sought to overthrow the Organization. Currently is hellbent on revenge against Sora, Namine, Lea, and Riku (even though Replica is dead, he will settle for the real deal) and is in search of Braig for help (since Braig did originally recruit him into the organization). 
Personality: Deceptive, arrogant, vain, and has a superiority complex.
Weapons: http://images.wikia.com/kingdomhearts/images/7/74/Marluxia_scythe.jpg  (Graceful Dahlia)
Theme Song(opt): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpvaxGcazNc


"As light devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!"


To Glory

Edited by Samuel Hernandez

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Thank you all. :)

BTW, rikunobody, are Severa's extra abilities accepted?

Indeed. Sorry about the delay.

Is it too late to join up?

Heck no, still plenty of room. :)Samuel Hernandez accepted.

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Out of OCD I fixed my first two posts. Sloppy as it may be, it's fixed. xD

Aww if you fixed your posts then I have to alter ALL of mine then xD

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Hey, I was wondering if I can have a second character to work with the story better.


Name: Saïx

Age: Mid 20's

Gender: Male

Bio: Number 7 in Organization 13. One of the vessels of darkness to try and recreate the X-Blade, and former best friend of Lea. He is believed to be unwillfuly controlled to do Xehanort's bidding.

Appearance: Posted Image

Alignment: Darkness

Personality: Cold, calm, and emotionless. He seeks only personal gain no matter who it hurts.

Weapon: Unique claymore sword

Edited by <King Mickey>

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I think I'm going to drop from this RP.

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I understand. Though know that if you do go, you shall be missed.


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