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KH3D New Kingdom Hearts 3D screenshots & renders released

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Update 4: Both Oishii and Sora Keyblade no Yuusha from KH13 have worked together on a complete translation of the article. You can read this below.


“Kingdom Hearts 3D”, the Sorcerer Mickey Introduced in the Awaited World “Symphony of Sorcery”. Also, a Follow-up on the Dream Eaters, Enemies and Companions Alike.


From Square Enix, the firm behind the the 3DS game “Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]” going on sale in March of 2012, we reveal today (1/25) the latest information. This time, along with the follow-up on the enemy and ally “Dream Eaters”, we also report news on the new worlds announced.


First of all, if we review briefly the story synopsis of this production, this work combines Disney characters with an original story making the newest addition of the “Kingdom Hearts” series very popular for its friendly and deep action. This story will depict the new adventure of the familiar boys Sora and Riku.


From Sora’s experience from his “first journey”, Sore traveled to save the world “consumed by darkness”. This objective he accomplished commendably and many worlds were restored. However, the worlds that were not completely restored remained in a world in the state of sleep. In these worlds, it is not possible for anyone to come through their gates. If thought of like the “World of Darkess”, it is a place where the heartless that Sora and others have fought repeatedly against cannot for some reason pass into.


But in that “world plunged into sleep” there exist another dark creature different from the heartless. Those called “Dream Eater”, a name to monsters that eat dreams. For the sake to admirably obtain the power to face against opposition, Sora and Riku will travel into this world plunged into sleep with their eyes set on becoming “Keyblade Masters”.


The Monsters that Eat Dreams “Dream Eaters”


Handsome Pegasus (Spirit)

A Dream Eater who possesses lovely wings. He can glide, deliver a body blow onto enemies and attack with a cutting wind.


Tsunoceratops (Spirit)

With a big body and gigantic horns, charging attacks are his specialty. He also can become a spiky ball and attack enemies by jumping or running over them.


Hasami Kuwagata "Scissors Beetle" (Nightmare)

With a tough defense, his specialty are far distanced attacks. When the enemy is far away, he sets land mines and shoots bullets that seal the commands. He has many troublesome attacking methods.


Obake Pierrot "Ghost Clown" (Nightmare)

He blows cold air and bites many times while floating. If he licks you with his long tongue, you'll be paralysed and unable to move.


The Link Attack activated using only one Spirit is called "Single Link". But there also exists the Dual Link, activated using two Spirits. Its power is far stonger than that of the Single Link, and depending on the pair of Spirits used, different effects may appear.


What's more, the Spirits are deeply influenced by Sora and Riku's growing. The commands Sora and Riku use in-battle can be learned by opening the Abillity Links of the Spirits who have become your partners.


When the Link Gauge of the two Spirits that accompany you becomes full, the Spirit Mark will be displayed on the screen. Touching it will activate the Dual Link.


Dual links


Comet: A Dual Link activated when using two Spirits wich possess the power of Fire. Sora and the Spirits get on a Comet and fall onto the ground, causing a huge explosion.


Wonder Jamboree: A Dual Link activated when using two unique Spirits, starting with Wonder Cat. Wonder Cat absorbs the other Spirit and becomes giant. He then jumps and creates a shock wave arround him.


Union Rush: A Dual Link activated using two Spirits of the Physical Attribute. Sora and the Spirits make a line and charge Awards some enemies while flying at high speeds.


Through the Ability Link new commands are learned.


"The worlds that await for Sora and Riku and the Reality Shift."


The Kingdom Hearts Series' charm comes from Diney's worlds made motif, turned into worlds of fantasy which you can adventure. Of course that isn't different for Dream Drop Distance.


The three worlds announced so far were "Mickey, Donald and Goof, The Three Musketeers" as motif for "Country of the Musketeers", "Pinnochio" as motif for "Prankster's Paradise", "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" as motif for "Le Cité des Cloches".


These are all famous worlds that we miss and have seen at least once in our childhood.


This time, the existence of the world "Symphony of Sorcery", having "Fantasia" as motif, is very clear. In this world, Mickey's role will be an apprentice of Sorcerer. In addition, a well-known world from the series, "Traverse Town" will reappear. There, charming boys and girls are waiting for Sora and Riku.


There is also an interesting Special Skill related with each world, the "Reality Shift". Its effects change depending in what world it is activated.


With "Wonder Comic", the Reality Shift for Country of the Musketeers, we can see a pleasant comic book-like play where Mickey, Donald and Gooffy appear. When it is activated, a Touch Action is required. Input them correctly in order to deliver the enemies a huge damage.


Reality Shift, Wonder Comic (Country of the Musketeers):


A Skill where Mickey, Donald and Gooffy's comics show up and attack. If the touch manipulation is suceeded, the characters from the comics respond to it attacking. When Riku activates this Reality Shift, he participates of the play as well.




The Mickey in this world isn't the King that Sora knows, but an aprenttice of sorcerer. Strangely Sora feels superior to this mickey!?


Why is Darkness coming out from the music score?


He tries to use magic in order to clean, but with so much water he fails!?


Mickey feels he knows Riku even meeting him for the first time. Maybe both of them can be friends wherever they meet?


Mickey displays a magnificent spell that spouts water up high.


Even having just met, Mickey feels the strong bound between Sora and Riku.


Riku confronts a giant black demon with wings.


A man in black coat talks to Sora in riddles. Can Sora understand what his words mean?


Traverse Town


Beat: He is searching all over Traverse Town for his partner, Rhyme. He hates losing and is very vigorous.

Rhyme: Beat's partner. She has lost her memories and doesn't know why she is in Traverse Town.

Shiki: Neku's partner. A very cheerful girl. She is always walking around with a black cat plush.

Joshua: A friend of Neku's. It seems like he knows some details about this world.



Beat: "Shiki told me! That guy is the one who arranged it!"

Who is "that guy" who stands before Beat?


Joshua: "That means these two worlds are not simply occurring together."

Joshua is investigating this world and seems to know more than Sora and Riku.


Sora: "I'm sure your feelings can reach him!"

Joshua smiles at the pure Sora unnintentionaly.


Shiki: "My dear Knight!"

Shiki doesn't show any timidity even towards Riku, who she meets for the fist time.


Rhyme: "It's all right. My memories will come back when they have a chance."

Rhyme isn't very worried about her lost memories and behaves cheerfully.


Riku: "What? A black coat?"

A person in black coat also appeared in Traverse Town?


Joshua: "In short, that is a Gate that links the worlds."

What may be this "Gate" that links the worlds?


Joshua: "Thank you."

Joshua thanks Neku with a lonely face. What lies in his heart?


Other Worlds


The three gaze grimly at the scheming Maleficent


Maleficent proposes to possess the 7 lights of the world. What is she scheming this time...


The person who calls himself Lea is...?!


More and more new places to be revealed!


Update 3: Famitsu.com have posted their own article containing the same screenshots. However, 4Gamer.net's version below do not contain watermarks, so please check them out.


Update 2: Sora Keyblade no Yuusha from KH13 has also translated the article, and the text accompanying various screenshots. You can read this below. Check out "Update 4", which is an even more complete translation.


Update 1: andriasang.com has translated a majority of the article. You can read this below.




Depending on the type, Dream Eaters serve as either your companions -- Spirits -- or your foes -- Nightmares. Square Enix showed art and screens for two of each today.


On the Nightmare side are Obake Piero (Ghoul Clown) and Hasami Kuwagata (Scissor Beetle). Obake Piero can lick you to make you immobile for a while. Hasami Kuwagata is good with guarding and long-range attacks. If you get caught up in the explosions from his mines, your commands are locked out.


On the Spirit side are Handsome Pegasus and Tsunoceratops (Horn Ceratpos... that's like "ceratpos" as in triceratops). Tsunoceratops attacks its foes with its big horns. Handsome Pegasus uses the power of wind for her attacks.




Spirits have link attacks which they perform with your character once you've built up your link gauge. Tsunoceratops turns into a spiked ball, which you ride to deal damage to the enemy.


In addition to solo link attacks, you can also have your two Spirit Dream Eaters team up for a Dual Link. The actual attack you get depends on the Spirits in your party at the time. To unleash the attack, you tap the spirit mark which appears on the bottom screen when both Spirits' link gauge has filled up.


Dual Links shown below include Comet, Wonder Jamboree, and Union Rush.


Riku and Sora can also unleash special Ability Links with their Spirits. These are unlocked as you advance in the game.




Finally, a look at the game's Reality Shift system. Reality Shifts are world specific skills. Below are some screens from "Wonder Comic," the Reality Shift from Country of the Musketeers. Input the proper commands, and comic book Micky, Donald and Goofy will attack for you.


4Gamer.net have posted a set of new screenshots and renders for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. There are 56 images in total! Most of them have been seen before, either in the Jump Festa 2012 trailer, or the latest Famitsu Weekly, however, this is the first time we've seen them in this amazing quality! You can see everything below, in our gallery.




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Nice, but if I remember correctly, most of these are already in the gallery... They're not new to my eyes..


Most of them appeared in the latest Famitsu Weekly, but this is the first time we've seen them in such high quality.

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Ah, apparently this is how you'll be going in Fantasia, you'll be going inside Mickey's Spellbook! Notice the Darkness around it and how Riku is staring at it!

Can see everything much clearer now, thanks!

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Ah, apparently this is how you'll be going in Fantasia, you'll be going inside Mickey's Spellbook! Notice the Darkness around it and how Riku is staring at it!

Can see everything much clearer now, thanks!


then in that case, it really would count as a new world rather than an extension to an already existing world

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Ah, apparently this is how you'll be going in Fantasia, you'll be going inside Mickey's Spellbook! Notice the Darkness around it and how Riku is staring at it!

Can see everything much clearer now, thanks!


It's actually a music book. What are they called... scorebook? That's according to the screenshot with Riku. It has darkness trapped in it :PI bet Riku could smell it

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It's actually a music book. What are they called... scorebook? That's according to the screenshot with Riku. It has darkness trapped in it :PI bet Riku could smell it


It must smell like burned dark chocolate

Well, I can't read Japanese, so yeah. Going into a music book sounds much cooler though!

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Hey, look. It's the infamous Disney Police.


Sorry, Riku. I hope Disney prison isn't so bad...


this picture make me laugh it looks like riku got caught with some darkness in his pocket

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Slideshow of the new screen shots with commentary summarizing new details and features of 3D.

The information is already available here but this is a great and short summary for a fast overview of the 3D news.

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