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KH3D Fantasia world confirmed, and Tron Legacy world featured in V Jump February 2012 article for Kingdom Hearts 3D

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In that first trailer it should have been raining Mickeys instead of Soras xD


Btw, the world is called "Symphony of Sorcery" (I believe. That's the only thing I can think of that sounds like 'soosarii') I'll try to gleam some more info off this. It's a little blurry and my damn internet is going out every 10 seconds -.-

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omg moar mickeys


Since Riku appears in that screenshot with the flooded room, I reckon that he's the main character in that world, and will meet Sorcerer Mickey, whilst Sora gets hitched with Musketeer Mickey. Sounds fair. Hope we get to see a younger Yen Sid too. :3


So, six dream worlds so far? Traverse Town, the Hunchback world, the Pinocchio world, the Musketeers world, the Tron: Legacy world, and the Fantasia world. That leaves one more, right?

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I'm hoping this world shows us how Mickey met Yen Sid and became his apprentice. I also think this world has some mini-games from the look of those musical notes.

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In that first trailer it should have been raining Mickeys instead of Soras xD


Btw, the world is called "Symphony of Sorcery" (I believe. That's the only thing I can think of that sounds like 'soosarii') I'll try to gleam some more info off this. It's a little blurry and my damn internet is going out every 10 seconds -.-


Thanks Oishii.


Update: Thanks to Andriasang.com and Oishii we now know that the world based on Fantasia is called "Symphony of Sorcery".

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Awesome, the world from the movie that made me sleep while watching it when I was a kid lol. xD I am off to find my Fantasia 2000 DVD, need to rewatch it xD


omg moar mickeys


Since Riku appears in that screenshot with the flooded room, I reckon that he's the main character in that world, and will meet Sorcerer Mickey, whilst Sora gets hitched with Musketeer Mickey. Sounds fair. Hope we get to see a younger Yen Sid too. :3


So, six dream worlds so far? Traverse Town, the Hunchback world, the Pinocchio world, the Musketeers world, the Tron: Legacy world, and the Fantasia world. That leaves one more, right?


I thought there was like 13 worlds in each game?

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Awesome, the world from the movie that made me sleep while watching it when I was a kid lol. xD I am off to find my Fantasia 2000 DVD, need to rewatch it xD


Wasn't it re-released on Blu-ray?

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Mickey is everywhere, call Karlo!


Please, let us see how Mickey stranded in the RoD ... would be a good opportunity now, wouldn´t it?

Sora or/and Riku could "follow" him there or at least see how he got there, because I don´t think that we will see the RoD in the RoS itself, because it is not a world that must be brought back.

If Riku would be the (only) one to see it - he could remember back and then we could see, viva flashback, what he (Riku) did there - tada.

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I never watched Fantasia, is it worth my while or will it be better to wait and play the game and be surprised?


Fantasia's a collection of short clips set to music. I'm guessing that in the game they'll mainly focus on 'the Sorcerer's Apprentice' (Mickey and Yen Sid back when he had no name). The movie itself is worth your while, but if you're going to watch it particularly for the game, I'd say just watch that bit (youtube or sth).

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Fantasia's a collection of short clips set to music. I'm guessing that in the game they'll mainly focus on 'the Sorcerer's Apprentice' (Mickey and Yen Sid back when he had no name). The movie itself is worth your while, but if you're going to watch it particularly for the game, I'd say just watch that bit (youtube or sth).


I know I've watched the Chernabog bit and pissed myself.

I guess I'll try and watch the whole thing since I do enjoy these kinds of soundtracks a lot.

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