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Website redesign (second thread).

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Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.

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Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.


Not everyone is on the chat list. Also, it's at the bottom, lulz. xD

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Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.


Not everyone is on the chat list. Also, it's at the bottom, lulz. xD



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Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.


Not everyone is on the chat list. Also, it's at the bottom, lulz. xD




The chat bars list contains all users currently online even if they are invisible via forum. The list goes in Alphabetical order of those Available, Busy and then Invisible.

If you would like to send a user who is offline a chat message go to their profile and click Send "User's name is here" a chat message.

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Just a suggestion, maybe there should be like a little "Activity Stream" somewhere on the forums page. Like it says when someone comes online/offline, or whatever else. I hate having to click the IM and scroll through to see who is Online. Just a suggestion.


Not everyone is on the chat list. Also, it's at the bottom, lulz. xD




The chat bars list contains all users currently online even if they are invisible via forum. The list goes in Alphabetical order of those Available, Busy and then Invisible.

If you would like to send a user who is offline a chat message go to their profile and click Send "User's name is here" a chat message.


Can't you opt out of being on that?

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Okay I'm just gonna review what I still have to do, to make it more clear in my head.


Programming shit:

Make the videos/games/ pages (eg http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/ )

Make the videos/games/form/ pages have categories (as in http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/eng-cut/ ), and allow for trailers ( http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/eng-trailer/ ). At the moment they just display, but don't have categories.

Change gallery to new design.

Change forum to new design.


Design shit:

Design content, including ad placement etc. Informational pages. All videos pages. Work out how infoboxes and shit will look.

Rethink how to make the design less plain.


Make username dropdown sexier.


Yeah that's the majority of it.


Oh and the top level pages, eg. http://kh13.com/videos/ . Which reminds me, http://kh13.com/ is sorta important too. Yeah I should make my definite deadline of "before 2011", but I'm unlikely to meet the optional deadline of "before next week".

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Make the videos/games/ pages (eg http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/ )


Took forever, but I've coded this. Here it is:


//page for game
		$result = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM dchiuch_videos');
		$array = array();
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
			if (strlen(strstr($row[0], 'videos_'.$game)) > 0) {
				$array[] = str_replace('videos_'.$game, '', $row[0]);
		$mysqlquery = mysql_query('SELECT short FROM abbreviations');
		$mysqlarray = array();
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($mysqlquery)) {
			array_push($mysqlarray, $row[0]);
		foreach ($array as &$value) {
			$i = 1;
			$newvalue = $value;
			$value = '';
			while (!empty($newvalue)) {
				$arraytrunc = substr($newvalue, 0, $i);
				if (in_array($arraytrunc, $mysqlarray)) {
					$value .= $arraytrunc.'-';
					$newvalue = str_replace($arraytrunc, '', $newvalue);
					$i = 1;
				else {
			$value = substr($value, 0, -1);
		$order = array('jap' => 1, 'eng' => 2, 'fm' => 3, 're-jap' => 4, 're-eng' => 5);
		foreach ($array as &$value) {
			$exploded = explode('-', $value);
			$imploded = implode('-', $exploded);
			$versions[$order[$imploded]] = $imploded;
		$versions = array_unique($versions);
		foreach ($versions as &$value) {
			$formexplode = explode("-", $value);
			foreach ($formexplode as &$value2) {
				$value2 = mysql_real_escape_string($value2);
				$formquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM "."abbreviations WHERE short="."'$value2'");
				$formarray = mysql_fetch_array($formquery);
				$value2 = $formarray['long'];
			$formlong = implode(" ", $formexplode);
			$content .= $formlong.'
			$formclean = str_replace('-', '', $value);
			if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$game.$formclean.'cut'."'"))) {
				$thumb = rand(1, mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$game.$formclean.'cut')));
				$content .= ' cutscenes: '.$thumb.' ';
			if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$game.$formclean.'boss'."'"))) {
				$thumb = rand(1, mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$game.$formclean.'boss')));
				$content .= ' boss battles: '.$thumb.' ';
			if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$game.$formclean.'trailer'."'"))) {
				$thumb = rand(1, mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$game.$formclean.'trailer')));
				$content .= ' trailers: '.$thumb.' ';
			$content .= '


Now onto sections in the http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/eng-cut/ level pages.

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And you'll still have to make the Contributor and Gallery Manager user groups.

But you would of course have to finish the Gallery stuff before doing Gallery Manager.


That's part of the forum, and yeah, you don't have to tell me what I have to do lol. I sort've realise that I'm gonna have to put these things on the new site.

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Make the videos/games/form/ pages have categories (as in http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/eng-cut/ ), and allow for trailers ( http://kh13.com/videos/bbs/eng-trailer/ ). At the moment they just display, but don't have categories.


Have done this, mostly. Categories now display, however they don't differentiate between top level (Terra) and second level (Radiant Garden). However this might not be an issue depending on the design.


Still need to split trailers into trailers/promotional/commercials

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Interesting. lol, Hum, since you asked us to give feedback, I have to say I kinda prefer this one. you know, the recent one. The other one looks too... eh...

I know it's only the start, but I'm really not enjoying it. Just my opinion.

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Interesting. lol, Hum, since you asked us to give feedback, I have to say I kinda prefer this one. you know, the recent one. The other one looks too... eh...

I know it's only the start, but I'm really not enjoying it. Just my opinion.


It's because people are complaining about the aqua picture near the header

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Interesting. lol, Hum, since you asked us to give feedback, I have to say I kinda prefer this one. you know, the recent one. The other one looks too... eh...

I know it's only the start, but I'm really not enjoying it. Just my opinion.


It's because people are complaining about the aqua picture near the header


No it's not that. If it was just that DChiuch would change it. The whole purpose of it, is to make editing pages like Games, Media etc easier and so that it's not just DChiuch and Aaron doing it, also making the site look better and more content focused. And lastly because the new forum software is better then MyBB.

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Interesting. lol, Hum, since you asked us to give feedback, I have to say I kinda prefer this one. you know, the recent one. The other one looks too... eh...

I know it's only the start, but I'm really not enjoying it. Just my opinion.


It's because people are complaining about the aqua picture near the header


No it's not that. If it was just that DChiuch would change it. The whole purpose of it, is to make editing pages like Games, Media etc easier and so that it's not just DChiuch and Aaron doing it, also making the site look better and more content focused. And lastly because the new forum software is better then MyBB.


Interesting. Oh, ok. well, atr least we're finally getting rid of Aqua der <.<

But anyway, I guess I can live with the new site. just make it lighter blue please >.<

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