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Found 24 results

  1. do you think Nintendo has something special planned for us today, or in the upcoming days for zelda u?
  2. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/07/29/nintendo-lists-expected-2016-titles-but-the-legend-of-zelda-not-among-them.aspx I'm kinda upset by this, but I think the big N is doing the right thing.
  3. In the following video, you will see Aonuma talking about while they were working on the game, they realized that they have several new ideas that they want to impliment in zelda u. I understand why they are probably going to delay the game because the more they work on zelda u, the better the game becomes. I am willing to wait for this game another year so that it could be the possibly the best zelda game ever to exist. Now, what are your thoughts on this?
  4. If you put the volume on the zelda u game awards footage high enough you will actually hear music when Link jumps off of his horse to shoot. This probably isn't a big deal, but you will also hear Link make noises that Skyward Sword Link makes. Does this mean that Zelda U Link IS Skyward Sword Link or could Skyward Sword Link's voice be a placeholder? It's most likely a placeholder anyways. Here's the Link so you can hear it yourself:
  5. http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/report-gamestop-italy-is-listing-zelda-u-for-a-spring-2015-release#.VPJl7vnF9Pe What was gamestop Italy thinking when they did this? Don't believe this. They just want to get people's hype up for nothing.
  6. If you are a zelda fan and like youtube videos about Zelda U theories, these are the videos for you. These two videos go alongside each other so the first link is part one and the other one is part 2.
  7. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/02/16/aonuma-says-zelda-wii-u-will-push-hardware-with-as-large-a-world-as-can-be-realised/ I can't wait until this games come out this year! I love looking at maps and analyzing them for hidden clues or even Easter eggs. This zelda game may just be one of the best zeldas in existence when it comes out and I hope that I won't need any guides to help me complete Zelda U because I want to do it all by myself without spoiling myself by looking at the guides.
  8. I hope: 1. the game will have an excellent story 2. that there is a hidden motive on why Link has to explore the vast open world of hyrule( A reason from the story on why Link needs to explore the vast world of Hyrule) 3. the art style lasts for a long time 4. that the dungeons in the game are awesome 5. hope that the sidequests are 10 times better than the ones in Majora's Mask.
  9. This video got me so hyped for zelda u. Everybody who is a zelda fan and everybody who is interested in the zelda series should watch this. This video is so awesome!
  10. http://www.gamespot.com/videos/embed/6422965/# It's a really interesting video. It opened my mind a little bit on how Zelda U could work.
  11. This is just speculation and NONE of this has been confirmed in zelda u yet. I think it's possible that zelda u MIGHT have it's story scattered across the world of hyrule in zelda u. then I think it's possible that Zelda U's story is going to be unorthodox, which could mean that players are going to have to connect the events of the game like a puzzle. Here's another idea of mine that MAY be in zelda u. You know when you finish a dungeon or two in A Link Between Worlds, a cutscene pops up for a few minutes to advance the story,well I think that could happen in zelda u because zelda u is going to borrow ideas from A Link Between Worlds, which borrowed ideas from the first zelda. Zelda u is going to also borrow ideas from the wind waker hd. Here's one last idea I have that zelda u could have. Remember the awesome sidequests in Majora's Mask that toke place at different times during the three days 3 days Link was in Termina, well zelda u may be like that. .I'm not saying that zelda u is going to be exacly like Majora's Mask, but borrow a few ideas from the game.In zelda u there could be an event that may happen only in a specific part of the day. The game may not warn you about the event, but will still do the event anyways. It may happen when you are on an adventure, in a dungeon etc.
  12. I know it is still to early to tell where zelda u will be in the zelda timeline, but this theory from HMK got me really thinking about where the game could be in the timeline. If you're one of those people who don't like his videos, please don't comment on this post. Interesting theory isn't it? I think this could happen, but with the amount of information we have about zelda u, this is less likely to happen unless nintendo confirms it.To be honest I know that anything can happen with zelda u. It can not even be in the zelda timeline at all.
  13. I have noticed a pattern in the release dates of new zelda titles since 2011. It has started since Skyward Sword got released( which got released in November by the way). When a link between worlds between worlds came out, it came out in November too. You see it right? Do you think Zelda U will follow this pattern. Keep in mind that Star Fox Wii u will come out before Zelda U comes out.
  14. I know that we don't know much about zelda u, but I can't really seem to connect realism with zelda u that good. Here is a quote that says that zelda u has realism. It is found on this website http://mynintendonews.com/2014/11/30/zelda-wii-us-visual-style-draws-inspiration-from-anime/
  15. HMK's video pointed it out clearly. I have never noticed it until now. If this is going to happen next year, then zelda u is probably not going to get delayed. if you don't want to look at this video, i'm going to explain what he is saying. The video says that we have got a remake/remaster of a zelda game every 2 years. In 2011 we have gotten oot3d, the remake and Skyward Sword, the new zelda game. Two years later, we got the wind waker hd, the remaster and a link between worlds, the new zelda game. Then two years in to the future in 2015 he thinks that Majora's Mask 3d will come out of the same year Zelda U comes out. It has been confirmed that Majora's Mask 3d will be released sometime in the spring of next year. If Zelda U does come out the same year Majora's Mask 3d comes out, this release date theory will be true Do you think that this will happen? explain why
  16. If you think about it, Zelda U's art style is sort of like that, even Aonuma said it himself in the following article: (note that this article is a year old). http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/15/the-legend-of-zelda-wii-u-will-be-neither-ultra-realistic-or-cartoony-realistic-says-aonuma/ Also, let's take a look at a snapshot of Zelda U's e3 2014 teaser trailer: How would you describe Zelda U artstyle (assuming that the art style stays the same until it releases.)
  17. You know when the sun is in your face and the its bright all around you? It seems to be that way in zelda u. Also, Aonuma did say that he wants to make the next zelda game feel alive. I think he's basically saying that he'll make the game alive by using cell shader with hd. With them put together you get a familiar feeling. Yes, I'm trying to say that the cell-shader with hd almost looks like the world we live in today. The graphics of the wii u are working for zelda u so we can get the the ultimate experience for a 3d zelda game. Choosing a darker art style wouldn't really fit into the alive feeling that a cell shaded art style.
  18. You know the music that plays right before you go into a dungeon in Skyward Sword, it would be cool if it was confirmed to be in zelda u. Everytime I heard the song it basically made me think how challenging the dungeon would be when I get in it. It also brought a little bit of suspense because I wanted to go in the dungeon as fast as possible and when I got their and the song played, the tension inside of me rose.
  19. http://www.christianpost.com/news/zelda-for-wii-u-release-coming-after-e3-2015-open-world-game-to-change-the-nintendo-franchise-124393/ There is nothing wrong with this article. The only thing that is wrong with it is that the poster siad that e3 happened in July, which is not true. It happened in June and Zelda U is going to be released after the events of e3.
  20. http://www.vcpost.com/articles/25249/20140805/legend-of-zelda-wii-u-nintendo-update-2015-release-date-playable-e3-board.htm I'm not sure if zelda u is going to be released in early 2015. Maybe he is referring to a Majora's Mask remake which both has not been confirmed yet.
  21. Imagine it raining there. I hope that the rain in the game acts like real rain in the real world where it makes the ground wet and Link's clothes wet. also, I want to see rain water running down a hill or mountain just like in real life. And if snow is supposed to appear in Zelda U, I would like it to stick to Link's clothing. Seeing snow on the trees and clouds would be pretty cool. What do you think about this?
  22. just like the title says. When will we get more information about zelda u before it releases in 2015. One of my friends is confident that we will get information about zelda u during the holidays.
  23. I think there is going to be a new villain in zelda u, but if it actually happens I want he that Villain to be involved in the resurrection of Ganon similar to what happened in A Link Between Worlds. I don't want Ganon to be totally wiped out of Zelda U because I really like him. He is my favorite villain in the Zelda series and he is also Iconic.
  24. When I first saw the zelda U trailer I kinda liked it. It looked somewhat realistic. It seems as though the characters in the game will be covered with cell shaded graphics. Every thing else around the character looks realistic in my opinion. It doesn't look like Twilight Princess nor does it look like the Wind Waker. It looks like a tie between Skyward Sword and the wind waker.
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