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  1. Ok, so recently I was rewatching all the BBS cutscenes and a question came into my mind that I couldn't answer. After Terra fights Xehanort in the Keyblade graveyard, and Xehanort stabs himself releasing is heart, why is no nobody created? I get why no heartless is created- his heart is in Terras body and thus found a new host and home to occupy. But when his heart is released from his body, his soul and body are left behind- which is the process for a nobody to be created. His body also fades away in a similar manner that Soras did when he stabbed himself in KH1- thus creating Roxas in Twilight Town. I assume if his (Xehanorts) body and soul had died from the release of his heart, it would've either faded away differently or his body just would've collapsed as an intact corpse. So we all know that Xemnas is Terranorts nobody, so he cant be the original Xehanorts nobody. So that made me ask, what then happened to the original Xehanorts body and soul? I mean, I don't think his body died because well it looked exactly the same as Soras process of turning into a nobody rather than a death, and how would he- a dead original Xehanort- be able to come back reformed after Xemnas and Ansem SoD were destroyed ... ...I just realized something...Why did the original Xehanort come back and not Terranort? I mean, Xemnas was Terranorts body and soul, and Ansem SoD was his heartless. So then, when they were both destroyed, why did Xehanort come back in his old form rather than in Terranorts form? Terranort was the one who should've been reformed not the original Xehanort....Unless im missing something.... But yeah even if you over look that why would the release of the original Xehanorts heart not make any sort of nobody? And if his body did in fact die, leaving his consciousness to live in Terranort, why then would the destruction of Ansem SoD and Xemnas bring back old Xehanort and not Terranort? I mean, even if old Xehanort body and soul had died, not making a nobody, and his consciousness was still alive in Terranorts newly reformed body, it shouldn't have reformed looking like old Xehanort. If he had died, his body would've been gone. How can this be? Am I just missing something? I don't think I am...But if I am I am sure you all will inform me of what I am missing! Thanks!
  2. Once again, the Kingdom Hearts lore attempts to boggle my mind. So, hear me out and let's see if we can get through this together. Now before I start yapping, know three things: 1) The reason this is a DDD topic is because the context of the scenarios I'll be referencing are set in DDD, 2) I'm not implying there are two active, young versions of Xehanort in the current story, and 3) if you think I'm over-analyzing this... then please, don't make me feel like even more of an idiot right now. Have some courtesy. So then! In DDD, we find out about the antics and existence of Young Xehanort and how he played a role with infiltrating the Mark of Mastery and blah blah blah blah blah, however... something bugs me about it. We learn that the Young Xehanort we knew from DDD was given time travel powers by Xehanort's Heartless, which allowed him to travel through time and gather up alternate versions of Xehanort throughout time. He then returned to his own timeline after capturing Sora in DDD, and would grow into the current incarnation of Master Xehanort, who is the leader of the True Organization. But you see, after that happens, we see that the Young Xehanort is indeed another vessel in the Organization... wait, what? Now hear me out, I don't understand how this is: the Young Xehanort we know is the current Master Xehanort, right? So how did that Xehanort, in his prime and before he captured Sora, find another version of himself and make him a vessel of the True Org.? If that's even how it happened? If not, then how else would there be another Young Xehanort? Did the original one clone himself? Did he go back in time and pick up himself? Or did Xehanort, the current Master Xehanort, simply give the vessel a piece of his essence to turn him into his younger self? Or is there something else going on that I can't even try to understand?? I don't have the answer to this question. Which is why I'm posing it to you, the smarter-than-me audience of KH13. So tell me: are there two Young Xehanorts: the Xehanort we know as the current Xehanort, and another Young Xehanort made from however-the-hell-it-happened to be used by the current Xehanort as a vessel??
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