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  1. I want to create a discussion on which Disney Worlds we may expect to see in the Realm of thhe "Unreality" for the next Kingdom Hearts game after Melody of Memory. As of the Game, Melody of Memory Ansem the Wise mentioned that there are three realms in their realm that they can travel to where many of the KH worlds are explored throughout the series: The Realm of Light (where the majority of the Disney worlds and original worlds like Destiny Islands and Radiant Garden reside) The Realm of Darkness (Where the Realm of Darkness and where worlds that were destroyed by the Heartless end up in) The Realms Between (Where Twilight Town, Traverse Town, Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion and The Mysterious Tower reside) He also mentions the worlds of: Memories Dreams/The Realm of Sleep (Where many of the Disney Worlds that didn't return to the Realm of Light following Ansem Seeker of Darkness' defeat from Sora in the first game appear and also the Final World) Data/Datascapes (Consists of Data worlds from Jiminy Journal or the Book of Prophecies, The Tron worlds (Space Paranoids and the Grid) and Game Central Station (Wreck-It Ralph from Union χ) The Other Side/"Unreality" (The City of Quadratum) - The realm outside of their own reality The world of Game Central Station is one of the obvious Disney worlds to appear in the world of Quadratum (Unreality) likely retelling the events of Ralph Breaks the Internet given that the first film was already covered in Union χ. As of now, were not exactly sure what's going to be the main setting for world exploration in the next KH game it could be the "Unreality" (that Riku is going in), the Realm of Sleep from Dream Drop Distance or the Realm of Light (as Kairi is doing her Mark of Mastery training with Aqua). Other than Wreck-It Ralph, I also could see The Pixar worlds of Coco and Soul along with possibly Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire and the worlds based on the live-action remakes/reimaginings (e.g. Alice in Wonderland 2010, Maleficent, Mulan 2019, etc.) being possible Disney worlds found in "Unreality" for the next game, it just comes down to how Nomura and his team decide on which Disney and Pixar films they would choose as worlds for the next game, the environment the world can offer and how the world based on the film fits in the game in terms of story and themes cause they like to cherry pick certain Disney worlds. But what do you guys think?
  2. I want to address a couple of things regarding the Wreck-It Ralph world in Union χ real quick: So the Wreck-It Ralph world (Game Central Station, Niceland, Cy-Bug Sector, Sugar Rush) when it was introduced in April 2019 according to Brain, isn't a data world projection from the past or future from the Book of Prophecies nor is it a world linked to the distant future, as the story events of the world are currently happening right now in the current timeline of Union χ, but why this past? Now if the Emblem Heartless didn't existed during the time of χ/Union χ and are merely projections from the Book of Prophecies in the various data Disney worlds, how come they appeared in the Wreck-it Ralph world if that world itself didn't came directly from the Book of Prophecies? Following the world's conclusion Union χ sometime soon in 2021, what's going to become of the world in the next KH game(s) coming up and whether or not they are going to retell the events of the film again in a future game, an original storyline or just jump to Ralph Breaks the Internet instead? One possibility they could do is: The idea is far-fetched, and I highly doubt it's ever going to happen when compared to Space Paranoids/The Grid, but it's something that is worth considering Sora never encountered Ralph aside from having him as a Link summon in KH3. Am I the only one who thinks that Wreck-It Ralph should've been used in Kingdom Hearts III instead of Union χ? I mean I actually longed for the film to appear since the film came out when KH3 entered development, plus I always considered that world and film as a successor to the Tron worlds from past KH games and would've worked well as a sub-world within Twilight Town at the Old Mansion, and I feel that Dark Riku would've worked better as the antagonist for Wreck-It Ralph than Big Hero 6 especially his mentioning of "Heart out of Data" which I'm going to be honest I don't even recall the original Big Hero 6 movie talk about "Data" when compared to the Tron films (original and Legacy) and Wreck-It Ralph which seems to have more mentioning of Data than Big Hero 6. It wouldn't surprise me if Wreck-it Ralph was actually one of the worlds Nomura and his team has chosen during the development of KH3 but was scrapped very late in production when they heard that Disney was doing a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph (Ralph Breaks the Internet), which is why he ended up as a link summon in the final game, and why Wreck-It Ralph became the Union χ world.
  3. Story quests no.886 to 890 have been added to the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Union χ [Cross]. Translated footage can be viewed below, courtesy of Everglow and Catherine Mueller! You can support Everglow's Patreon here.
  4. New story quests, quests 881-885, have been added to the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]. You can now enjoy the translations thanks to Everglow, who has produced the video below, and Catherine Mueller, who has provided the translations! You can support Everglow's Patreon here.
  5. Today's new Kingdom Hearts Union X story update added new quests featuring a whole new world, which brings the player to the Game Central Station from Wreck-it Ralph. The announcement of a new world goes back to Tetsuya Nomura's first tease of a world that both had not appeared in the series yet and whose character appears as summon in Kingdom Hearts III. Although the story update is actually available on Japanese server only, it is expected that it will reach North American and European servers soon. Here you can find Everglow's new quests playthrough: This in-game screenshot comes directly from the newly featured world: What are your expectations for this new world? Let us know in the comments!
  6. Well, it'd certainly be quite the...wreck. … Look, KH3 release date behind you!
  7. As Kingdom Hearts fans, we're all excited for D23 because of the new trailer that's going to drop, however, I feel as though we should we should have a discussion about the upcoming announcements from Disney Animation and Pixar, because that's always my highlight for D23. I did this topic in 2015, and I'll do it today. So without further ado, here's what to expect for Disney Animation and Pixar. Disney Animation Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018) Frozen 2 (2019) Gigantic (2020) Pixar Coco (2017) The Incredibles 2 (2018) Toy Story 4 (TBC) Og course, there's surprises, and some movies may have a date change (I swear to god if Gigantic gets delayed further...), but here's the overall lineup. What are thoughts, and what are you excited for?
  8. As I was quickly looking at all the unique heartless present in Kingdom Hearts Chi, something really intrigued me, particularly, the themes of two particular heartless. One theme was associated with Christmas (Arendale) and another was associated with Candy (Sugar Rush). This made me wonder, has Tetsuya Nomura hinted at Wreck-It Ralph and Frozen being in the game through KHChi heartless? Of course, people are going to easily argue that they were there just to add variety to the game, however, I really believe there is more to it than that. For evidence, here are all the heartless that could theoretically reside in the Frozen world. And here are all of the heartless that could reside in the Sugar Rush world of Wreck-It Ralph
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