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Found 8 results

  1. Following today's Kingdom Hearts 20th anniversary trailer announcing a plethora of news for the franchise, Square Enix has also launched the Japanese version of the anniversary website. There is no new noteworthy information on the website so far, but it will undoubtedly be edited with further announced content throughout the rest of 2021 and 2022. The English version of the website will likely launch soon. View full article
  2. Following today's Kingdom Hearts 20th anniversary trailer announcing a plethora of news for the franchise, Square Enix has also launched the Japanese version of the anniversary website. There is no new noteworthy information on the website so far, but it will undoubtedly be edited with further announced content throughout the rest of 2021 and 2022. The English version of the website will likely launch soon.
  3. http://www.shonenjump.com/next_generation/ Out of seemingly nowhere, Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has launched a countdown website obviously related to the Naruto series featuring silhouettes of Naruto's son Boruto alongside Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Sarada and the new Ino-Shika-Cho. The website teases a new project relating to the Boruto story and is counting down to the reveal set on December 19th, also the first day of the upcoming Jump Festa convention where there will be a Naruto stage event the very same day as well. Keep in mind, this is being orchestrated by the owners/publishers of the Naruto manga, not by Studio Pierrot i.e. the animators for Naruto Shippuden. Many have speculated in the past that after Shippuden finishes the remaining content from the original Naruto manga, they will start a Boruto story arc, but this cannot be the case here as the countdown to the project will happen while Shippuden will still be running their current filler arc and still not finished adapting the end of the Naruto story. During the run of Boruto: Naruto The Movie, the creator of Naruto Mashashi Kishimoto has directly stated that he wants to move on from the Naruto franchise and start a new project sometime in the near future, so it's more than likely that this project is solely being headed by Shuiesha and Weekly Shonen Jump, while of course still bearing approval from the author himself as it is the standard. So what exactly is this new project? A new manga series akin to Naruto Gaiden? Possibly taking place after the events of the recent film? Or maybe it might be something else entirely? Whatever it is, the recent Boruto film's success has proven that expanding more on this newly established portion of the franchise has high possibilities for more success in the future.
  4. More DragonBall Super news, in the form of a new website launching for the series: http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/dragon_s/ The visuals/character designs imply that the anime will start sometime after Battle of Gods and before Resurrection 'F'. Seeing events that transpire between BoG/'F' would be a logical start for the anime, and DragonBall is already known for moving around in the time, whether it be 8 months or 7 years. lol The website also hosts a brand new promotional image for the anime, shown here: As you can see, other than the characters we know and love, there are two new characters positioned by Beerus and Whis. One of them appears to be a fatter version of Beerus while the other is a female version of Whis. No information is given about these characters other than the visuals. Fans speculate that this a new God of Destruction/Attendant, and others think they may be relatives of the same race as Beerus and Whis. Again, there is no information other than the visuals, so speculation is all that is apparent for these two characters.
  5. Many people on here use their computers to do stuff on this site, but I must use my Tablet to connect with you guys. (Personal reasons) However, I understand that you can just copy and paste pics onto your signature, but for me, I get it as a URL, I need it to look like the image itself. Any tips on how to do this? Thanks to anyone who can solve this for me!
  6. I found my old photobucket account, and I had a screenshot of the classic KH13 website on it. Naturally, I thought it would be fun and quite nostalgic to share! Took this screenshot to report an error because the website was loading weird and not everything was showing as you can see. Also Mozilla, my gosh has it been ages since i've used that.
  7. Hey everyone, due to some of our great amazing moderators leaving (Thank you for your help Kishira, Weedanort, Cricket, Mystic's Apprentice and Ajexmi!) we are looking towards 3 more moderators to join! We hope you will be applying and trying it out, and I hope the best of luck to you all! Those that tried before can try again, it would be similar to before What is a Moderator? Moderators take care of the site. They are basically like security for the site. They help keep it safe and friendly environment for all members no matter what. What do Moderators do? There are a list of things Moderators do! Fill out Reports. Reports are made when a member wants to speak to all the mods at once, and let them know if someone is breaking a rule. We can either take down posts or threads that are double posting, or we can delve into personal conflicts and make everything right again. Don't worry, you are never in this alone! Every mod will help and make sure we make the best choices for the situation. We remove offensive remarks When you see a shitstorm you can see it going two ways. One way everyone is either enjoying it and going for a ride, or the second way where people are sad and hurt. We moderators don't want people sad so say "NO" to shitstorms no matter what it is. Another way to contribute to your community. Yes there are news teams which are a great way to contribute to make this site what is meant to be, a fansite with Kingdom Hearts news and archives. But don't you want to also involved into the community? All these friends and people you see everyday where you can help them and make them happier and enjoy this site? That is one of the best reasons to become a moderator, you want people to be joyful and happy. Now not to burst your bubble, but not everyone can become a moderator. However, this may be the few chances you'll get to become one so mind as well try. We are looking for those who are able to complete the tasks above, as well as represent our site in the best way possible, being unbiased and being active. Once you become a moderator, I will explain to you much more on how you should act in certain situations. If you wound up being an excellent moderator, I might even share my position with you into becoming a Moderator Team Leader. --------------------------------------------- Good luck to you all and I want you all to PM me on how should you act in these special situations below: These situations will be a spin on two characters named Adam and Mario, and even though it is the same theme, there are different outcomes. 1) On the forums, Mario is speaking about his opinion on a game. Lets say, he dislikes the game entirely, and he keeps bringing up his hatred against this game. Adam, another member, gets fed up and starts arguing with Mario on why he is hating on this game. What would you do? 2) On the forums, Mario is speaking about his opinion on a game. Lets say, he dislikes the game entirely, and he keeps bringing up his hatred against this game every chance he can get. Adam, another member, sees it happening and reports Mario and in his report he stated, "Mario is really getting on my nerves and is constantly bringing up his hatred on this game". What would you do? 3) On the forums, Mario is speaking about his opinion on a game. Lets say, he dislikes the game entirely, and he keeps bringing up his hatred against this game. He discusses the games flaws while giving little to no regard for the game's strengths. Adam, another member, tries to discuss with Mario about the game in each thread Mario brings it up in. They discuss on what makes the game good and what makes it bad. Another member, Allison, reported both Mario and Adam saying, "These two are arguing on this thread about 'Worst Games of 2014'." What would you do? --------------------------------------------- There obviously more I can come up with, but I don't want to overwhelm you. Take your time with this application. I may ask more questions just in case. If you feel this is too complicated or too hard, then feel free to try these situations. You can fill out both applications if you want, but if you find the first one too difficult but still want a chance then try this one instead. It is going to be same as the previous Moderator Application thread: --------------------------------------------- Tell us through actions and/or words how you would react when you want to talk to a member if they are... Depressed? For example, if someone was really upset that you took away a post or modded him/her. Angry? For example, if someone was angered at the fact that you even decide to mod them. Uncooperative? For example, if someone doesn't care what you tell them to do, and they will continue to do what they want. Selfish? For example, they want things their way and their way only. Ignoring you? For example, they didn't respond yet you know for fact they know the message exists or that they've seen it. --------------------------------------------- Good luck to everyone! If enough people send their applications in, I will end this application at the end of this week on 9/6/14 EST. Remember, it is better trying than not trying at all!
  8. I'm proposing the idea that we have more specific categories for kh related forum topics. e.g. Gameplay, story, strategy. Just some examples. The reason is to make things more organized in terms of discussion. To be honest, it is kind of hard to get a serious discussion going on any topic. There are way too many people who just want to make jokes and not enough serious people. I know there will always be people who make random jokes on forums, but the ratio of unserious posts is much higher on this site than on other sites I've seen. I feel with more specific categories, people who know exactly what they want to talk about can come together talk about those things. The way it is now, the kingdom hearts sections are kind of a mess. Categories being separated only by game is not enough. I really don't want to leave this site, but I really wish to discuss Kingdom Hearts in a mature matter. I hope I can do that here. Thank you for reading.
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