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  1. Thank you for your consideration! I hope this entry still makes it in time. Please enjoy this sketch of Mr. Mew finding his own way to be a dream eater! Materials - Wood - Pencils/Erasers Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to look at my previous entries. I've attached pictures of my Day 5 entry (the wooden dive to the heart stained glass piece. Day 1: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102932-first-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewin/?p=1908843 Day 2: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102960-second-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinwayfinders/ Day 3: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102992-third-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinkhuxmickeymedal/ Day 4: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/103034-fourth-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinoriginalmetalwork/
  2. Hello everyone (early today)!!! Here is my fifth entry for the KH 2.8 Giveaway contest. This week, I will be posting one of my entries every day--each getting more and more intricate than the last! Make sure to look forward to each day's entry! You can also look for my posts with my tag "waytothewin" (inspired by my favorite name for a keyblade and by my hope to win). For day 5, please enjoy this hand painted/drawn/burned, dive to the heart wood piece! Materials: - wood circle - pyrography tool (burner) - acrylics - markers - compass - pencil/eraser - reference photos Some notes: For those of you who don't know, pyrography is an art style where you burn wood to create an image. I sketched a KHUX inspired dive to the heart stained glass with a compass, pencil, eraser, and reference photos, and then used the wood burner to burn the outlines of the circles. Attached, you can see my initial work and see how it progressed. The figure in the center is supposed to be the master of masters, as evident by the ram crest behind him. Near his head, you can see the union leaders. The smaller circles actually tell a mini story since you see three images: a book, some heartless, and lux. The idea is that (and this may be spoiler material) the book represents the tome of prophecy, and the heartless are what you may be fighting while in the book to collect lux. As a result, the book comes first, it creates the heartless, and you collect lux. That is one theory I believe at the moment at least, hopefully we can get an answer in 2.8 Let me know what you think! Also, I am happy to answer any questions! Thank you for your consideration. Links to my previous submissions: Day 1: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102932-first-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewin/?p=1908843 Day 2: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102960-second-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinwayfinders/ Day 3: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102992-third-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinkhuxmickeymedal/ Day 4: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/103034-fourth-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinoriginalmetalwork/
  3. Hello everyone!!! Here is my fourth entry for the KH 2.8 Giveaway contest. This week, I will be posting one of my entries every day--each getting more and more intricate than the last! Make sure to look forward to each day's entry! You can also look for my posts with my tag "waytothewin" (inspired by my favorite name for a keyblade and by my hope to win). For day 4, please enjoy this hand made, aluminum embalmed KHUX inspired artwork! Materials: - Aluminum Paper (average thickness) - Medal Outline (printed) - Wooden/Metal stick (for pushing) - Foam Paper (for deeper pushes) - Wooden Plank (for lighter pushes) - Dark Orange Card Stock - Picture Frame - Original Drawing Some notes: I am proud of how this one came out as well. This is a piece I call "Draw," which is inspired by some of my favorite moments playing kingdom hearts unchained x. I sketched the drawing first, outlined it, transferred it to the aluminum, and then went to work. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think! Also, I am happy to answer any questions! Thank you for your consideration. Links to my previous submissions: Day 1: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102932-first-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewin/#entry1909084 Day 2: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102960-second-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinwayfinders/ Day 3: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102992-third-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinkhuxmickeymedal/
  4. Hello everyone!!! Here is my third entry for the KH 2.8 Giveaway contest. This week, I will be posting one of my entries every day--each getting more and more intricate than the last! Make sure to look forward to each day's entry! You can also look for my posts with my tag "waytothewin" (inspired by my favorite name for a keyblade and by my hope to win). For day 3, please enjoy this hand made, aluminum KHUX Mickey Medal! I am super proud of this one! Materials: - Aluminum Paper (average thickness) - Medal Outline (printed) - Wooden/Metal stick (for pushing) - Foam Paper (for deeper pushes) - Wooden Plank (for lighter pushes) - Dark Brow Card Stock - Picture Frame Some notes: Again, I am really proud of how this one came out. I have always sketched and painted medals, but I wanted to come close to actually making the medal itself for this contest. Since I am not able to work metal (yet), this was the next best thing. This is an art style that my uncle taught me once and that I developed on my own afterwards. It is essentially embalming on aluminum paper so that when you place the medal down, the parts you push out pop out (figuratively and literally). If you like how this came out, who knows, there may be more of this. But there will definitely be more intricate art/submissions on the way--stay tuned! Let me know what you think! Also, I am happy to answer any questions! Thank you for your consideration. Links to my previous submissions: Day 1: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102932-first-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewin/?p=1908843 Day 2: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102960-second-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewinwayfinders/
  5. Hello everyone!!! Here is my second entry for the KH 2.8 Giveaway contest. This week, I will be posting one of my entries every day--each getting more and more intricate than the last! Make sure to look forward to each day's entry! You can also look for my posts with my tag "waytothewin" (inspired by my favorite name for a keyblade and by my hope to win). For day 2, please enjoy these two hand painted Wayfinders! Materials: - 3D Printed Wayfinders (DISCLAIMER: I did not print them, they were gifts) - Blue/Red/Gold/Silver/Pink acrylic - Bracelet thread Some notes: The goal was to make these translucent. One of them is called DawnBreaker and was intended to evoke the sunrise. The other is called Oceana and is meant to evoke the ocean/ocean depths. Try to guess which one is which and let me know which one you like better! A link to my previous submissions: Day 1: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/102932-first-kh13-28-contest-entry-tag-waytothewin/?p=1908843 Let me know what you think! Also, I am happy to answer any questions! Thank you for your consideration.
  6. Hello everyone!!! Here is my first entry for the KH 2.8 Giveaway contest. This week, I will be posting one of my entries every day--each getting more and more intricate than the last! Make sure to look forward to each day's entry! You can also look for my posts with my tag "waytothewin" (inspired by my favorite name for a keyblade and by my hope to win). For day 1, please enjoy these two hand stitched Paopu Fruits! Materials: - Thread/Yarn - Yellow/Green Felt - Sewing Needle - Stuffing Let me know what you think! Also, I am happy to answer any questions! Thank you for your consideration.
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