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Found 5 results

  1. In KH1, we fought the Rock Titan and the Ice Titan, and in BBS, we fought a fake copy of the Ice Titan called Ice Colossus. I'm really hoping that KH3 follows the story of the Disney movies more and we actually fight all of the villains from each movie in each world. In KH3 trailers, we've seen that the Rock Titan has returned. Do you think the Ice Titan will return as well, and do you think we'll fight all of the other Titans while we're at it? It'd be so amazing to see all of the Titans taking over Olympus and we have to take them down. It'd be nice to hear the Titans actually talking this time around too. And it'd be neat to have their actual names be in the Journal this time instead of just "Rock Titan" and "Ice Titan". Having separate boss fights for Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos, and Cyclops would be absolutely fantastic in my opinion. What do you think? Or do you think that'd maybe be too many boss fights for a single world? In my opinion, there's no such thing as "too many boss fights" lol Oh, and also, if we take down all of the Titans from the movie in KH3, then in a future KH game after KH3, we can move on and fight the Titans from the Hercules TV show.
  2. You know, when I did my review for Attack On Titan some time ago, I think I was a bit harsh. I mean, yeah, it had flaws and stuff that bugged me, but does my opinion really matter? No, of course not! If its not anything but glowing praise that is. But not to worry. Within the span of a day (don't ask how), I re-watched the entirety of the AoT anime and have re-evaluated my views on the series as a whole. So without further ado, here is my new review for Attack on Titan, and just like last time, it will be in a spoiler tab because it's very long and veeeeery spoiler heavy: In conclusion, Attack On Titan gets a 12/10. Best anime ever. Best anything ever. Even better than sex.
  3. Just A Quick Sketch. From Last Year I Think.
  4. (Warning: The following review contains nothing except my opinion. Do not take any of my words as fact, for your mileage may vary. Also, another warning, this review is going to be loooong.) Yep. I said I’d do it so here I am. Welcome, good people of KH13, to my first ever review of an anime series. I’ll be tackling the overly popular and, in my opinion, the abundantly over-hyped “Attack on Titan”... the first season, that is. I’m just going to say this right here and now: most people who will read this will probably get pissed off by it. But, I assure you as a reviewer, I will at least try to be fair and concise with my judgment, even if those judgements may be a little on the negative side. Then again, It’s no secret I’ve spent more time finding error in the show than good; you can easily tell if you’ve been following my statuses about my thoughts on the the show since it started airing on Toonami, so maybe negativity was what most of you were expecting from me. However, I can’t just sit here and bash everything, I have to do it in a fair manner. Besides, before anybody says I hate Attack on Titan, I’ll just say right here, there are things about the show that I like that save it from me declaring it to be absolute trash. Now then, let’s get to the review itself. As per usual, the review itself will be kept inside a spoiler tag because I want to speak freely about the show without spoiling too much for those who haven’t seen it and because, frankly, if you watch any other review of mine, you know that I assume my audience has already completed the to-be-reviewed material. So, strap into your maneuver gear and let’s get started: That is my review for Attack on Titan, in all of its brutally honest detail, and just to clarify, I’m not going to watch the next season or read the manga, though that’s probably obvious.
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