Infamous troll and secret Rosalina fanboy Mariotehplumber decided to bother Chirstopher Sabat, known voice actor at FUNimation known for his roles in DragonBall Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, etc. after he was just trying to talk with Charles Martinet, aka the voice of Mario. Naturally, Christopher Sabat, along with the help of his fans, handled the situation with the best way possible... by tearing him a new asscrack.
And these are just some of the highlights of the ordeal. You can go to his twitter page for the whole scoop: @Chris24_Sabat
Honestly, I don't know where tehplumber gets the nerve to mock Sabat in public out of nowhere. The kid must have been off his meds. And yes, I know I'm sounding a but harsh, but to be frank, I've seen enough of this guy's antics to lose all possible sympathy for whatever he says or does. Plus, the fact that he thinks Stephanie Nadolny was a better Gohan just makes me love Coleen Clinkenbeard even more.