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Helloooooooo, friends. :lol: I'm back again with another interest check and I promise that this premise will actually be interesting this time. I've been kicking around this idea for a bit and I think it's finally ready to show off and see if I can garner an audience. Either that or it's shit, but hey, that's why we're here to test it out. :tongue: Without further ado, cue the synopsis that I totally didn't think up off the top of my head in less than five minutes!!~ The world is a wondrous place, isn't it? This, our world filled with imagination and excitement... connected by the force of Light and the strength our Hearts. Where humans and animals, knights and magicians, fairies and spirits, and all other beings of all shapes and sizes live in harmony. Truly, this is paradise. But there is still such a thing as "trouble in paradise" after all. Where there is Light, there is Darkness. Where there is Darkness, there lies those who have no Heart... those who are Heartless. Those who will do anything to destroy the Light and take the Hearts away, who thrive in conflict. In treachery. In war. So you might ask yourself: how can I, a follower of the Light, do what I can to protect what I hold dear? Am I really that capable of becoming the beacon of hope in which the Light will shine through upon those who wish to bathe our world in complete and utter Darkness? And the answer is... yes. You can. -- PLEASE OPEN -- And there we go. Seems simple enough right? ... okay, maybe not. Let me shed some more light on the situation then, heh heh-okay fine, I said "light" too many times... As the premise should have hinted at, this is an alternate universe take on Kingdom Hearts that has a Keyblade academy in it... I didn't say it was original, alright? :lol: There's more to it though: every world that we know in the Kingdom Hearts plane of existence is not separated into various worlds that require a spaceship made out of Lego blocks to enter through (barring the ones I don't like or make up for the purposes of fanservice) They're all connected into one single world, kinda what we imagine the universe was like before the events of the games in the "Age of Fairy Tales". And in this realm, the place we know as Daybreak Town is the central hub where all the original characters live... well, most of them. There's some secrets here and there that I don't want to spoil just yet. But to make things easy, here's all you need to know: AU, Academy, make your own student, make your own Keyblade with your abilities and junk, and embark on an adventure where all the worlds are connected from the start and feature characters that were introduced after we knew the worlds were disconnected i.e. Mickey Mouse. So don't be surprised if you see a certain protagonist crop up and be one of your classmates as well as a few other students that you might know from different time periods... Sooooo, that's it. Please let me know what you think below. Stay frosty-oh wait, I'm a fire guy... uh... flaming? Wait, that doesn't work either... just comment, dammit!