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Found 4 results

  1. So after watching the Final Battle Trailer, I have come to believe that there is more significance to the Sora Chess Piece being alone. If you've been avoiding news snippets like the extra stuff that we've seen at TGS, I suggest you turn back now if you want to go into KHIII fresh. As we have seen, there is going to be a part in Kingdom Hearts III where the Guardians of Light are going to get beaten, quite severely, at that. Now, here's the thing. I don't think they're going to die, necessarily, but I do think that they're going to be held captive, or some sort of purgatory. The reason I believe this is because I recall Vanitas speaking in the Keyblade Graveyard: "Only when your hopes have been broken by battle upon battle can the key to Kingdom Hearts be claimed." It seems from this, they are likely going to have their captives keep fighting, as indicated by Riku fighting Replica Riku, and Lea getting slammed with Xemnas' lasers. (Alternatively, they could all have simply been put in various states after getting beaten, like maybe out of commission, but let's assume for the sake of this topic that they're made to continue fighting. I'll explain why later.) They all get captured. The King, Riku, Lea, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, they get taken by the 13... except for Sora. Because of Riku, he manages to escape. He's distressed about it. As we've seen in the 30 second spot, he's only ever fought alongside his friends, but he's never had to do it alone. He feels he CAN'T do it alone. But Riku reassures him. "Sora, you don't believe that. I know you don't." After what happens in the Graveyard goes down for the first time, Sora is left alone. He has to find a way to save everyone on his own. He probably still feels like he can't do it... until a pep talk from a certain best buddy, home skilly biscuit, home slice for life: Chirithy! (That's what I call him, haha) There's probably more to it and more people involved than that, but Chirithy does ask Sora if he knows how to bring back a heart after it's lost. Maybe he learns it there? After that, Sora resolves to continue where they left off: find more Guardians of Light to help save his friends. How does he start? By finding a way to the Realm of Darkness to save Aqua. There have been various cutscenes in the trailers where, oddly enough, we see Sora alone when talking to some of the Darknesses. Vanitas, Young Xehanort. I believe at this point in those times, we're playing as Sora, and he's trying to find a way into the Realm of Darkness. And eventually he does. And as we've clearly seen in the TGS footage, Sora fights Aqua alone. Perhaps this is why? Now, granted, Aqua's scenario may indeed involve the Master's Defender, and I have no sure proof to suggest that it is after he gets the Master's Defender is when they go save Aqua. Alternatively, though, there's also no concrete proof supporting the fact that it is when he gets the Master's Defender is when he goes for Aqua. Anyway, he restores Aqua, and then the next order of business is saving Ven. I like to believe that Vanitas probably still feels Ventus and Sora though his connection to Ventus' heart, and likely surmises what Sora's trying to do. As of the Final Battle trailer, we can see that it seems that Vanitas doesn't really care for Xehanort's plot much. He's mainly trying to merge Ventus' heart with his again. Maybe he lets Xehanort know, or decides to go on his own, and get the heart back himself. Cue them in Castle Oblivion/Land of Departure, trying to get Ventus back, and Vanitas shows up. Aqua hold him off, while Sora dives into Ven's heart. Not sure how this portion will end, but I have a feeling it'll end with my long-awaited showdown between Sora and Vanitas, the later of whom may not survive the fight. Perhaps one of the Darknesses takes Ven while this happens. Maybe he has his heart back, but it's taking him a while to wake up due to how long he's been a sleep. A slow reboot so to speak. They go back to the Keyblade Graveyard, and end up confronting Terra-Xehanort. How he is there, I don't know. Is he one of the Darknesses? I do not know. What I do know is that Sora and Ventus were chained up by dark versions of the Lingering Will chain technique in the Final Battle trailer. Terra-Xehanort has them, but then they're saved by the Lingering Will, which could lead to Terra being saved. If that is the case, he now has 4 Lights to fight the Darknesses. Him, Ven, Aqua, and Terra. I also believe Roxas will be fighting for the Lights as well. Perhaps the whole thing with Roxas takes up a good chunk of the story in the meanwhile. He gets taken out of Simulated Twilight Town, has to get checked up on by Ansem the Wise and Ienzo, and then shows up later to save Lea. He could probably save him from Xemnas' ultimate attack, and point the Kingdom Key at him, before summoning his other Keyblade, and shifting them to Oblivion and Oathkeeper like he did at the end of 358/2 Days. He swipes at Xemnas, and then removes his hood like at the end of the TGS trailer. I also think Sora might recruit Xion and Namine, but I have no proof nor any explanations as to how he will do so. All I know is that if he succeeds, there will be a new group of Seven Lights. Sora. Aqua. Ventus. Terra. Roxas. Xion. Namine. To conclude, I really hope this theory turns out to be true, though I have to stress again this is all merely speculation on my part. Still, it makes for a great character development arc for Sora, that would only have him engaging in a venture worthy of a Keyblade Master. He has always said his friends were his power, and he theirs... Now it's time for him to prove it.
  2. So, as I was writing my theory on the significance of the Lone Sora Chess Piece scene, something occurred to me about the final scene of the Final Battle trailer. Those figures look awfully identical, right? You would think, that since the 13 Vessels have a fragment of Xehanort's heart, they would each be of different sizes and lengths, yes? But they're not. And here is what I believe... I believe that those figures are actually If that is very much true, then some things that we've seen start making absolute sense. First of all, Vexen's introduction to the True Organization XIII. Now, I personally am unsure as to whether or not he's truly loyal to the Organization. Perhaps he's the one Demyx is carrying in that one bit where he appears to Ienzo in the TGS trailer? Regardless, Xehanort would want him in his group for one reason, and one reason only: The Replica Program. Vexen crafted two Replicas who went to greatly form a sense of self: Xion and the Riku Replica. Doubtless, the old Organization was really invested in what could be done with it, but then of course Axel destroyed him. They couldn't go further. But with Vexen now in their ranks, he can do just that. Maybe that's how the other Riku shows up? He recreates it. However, if they all do have fragments of Xehanort's heart in them, then it could potentially be possible that he could see what's in their minds, and can therefore make their knowledge his.It is then potentially possible that he can make his own Replicas of himself if he doesn't already have Vexen doing it for him. And why would he do that? Because, to quote MoM, he's always thinkin' and thinkin' underneath that bald, veiny head of his. Xehanort is known as a master planner and tactician, so it would make sense for him to have a backup plan should this new Organization fail him. And why wouldn't he? Recall that Xemnas admitted that Ansem's apprentices' original experiments with the Heartless were attempts to control the mind, and make it renounce its sense of self. And yet, despite him having 13 Seekers of Darkness, they are still rather individualistic. Examples: Xigbar still kinda antagonizes Xehanort (i.e. What now, you old coot?!") Saix still going to talk to Lea in Twilight Town, even after they've established their sides, instead probably focusing on starting the Keyblade War. Vanitas still wanting to merge with Ventus, even after having been told that becoming the X-Blade will make him whole, meaning he probably no longer believes that. And the fact that they still don't probably know the full extent of Xehanort's plans, though this was as off Re:coded, and might have changed by the time of KHIII. The bottom line is that they still retain their sense of self, and not on the level Terra-Xehanort was (though MX sent his full heart into him, but there should still be signs that his presence should be within them beside the physical yellow eyes and pointy ears.) Overall, Xehanort making Replicas to replace the True Organization should they fail is totally a valid thing he would do. It's in his character, and he would be more than willing to do it. Another hint is that in the beginning of the Final Battle trailer, we see multiple No Names floating behind him when he summons Kingdom Hearts. It made me recall that there was two Kingdom Keys present at the same time, when Roxas and Xion still existed. It would make sense that the Replicas all have copies of the No Name. (Though I'm still hoping all of the True Organization XIII members get their own Keyblades in KHIII.) Overall, this is all still speculation on my part... but I'm honestly convinced that this is what will likely be as to who those figures are.
  3. So, now that we've had a few hours to digest that influx of tidbits at the end of the Big Hero 6 trailer, there's one thing I wanted to discuss that caught my attention. We now know the Keyblade Graveyard is in KHIII. Deep down, I think we all knew it would be showing up, but this trailer shows us our first glimpse of it. What I wanted to ask is this: Considering Vanitas and Xemnas appear, and Vanitas is talking about Sora breaking through battle through battle, would it be crazy to suggest we go to the Keybade Graveyard potentially... halfway through the game?
  4. So, as I've scrolled through forums both on here and other websites, I've noticed that a lot of people are overlooking something since the reveal of the New Seven Hearts of Light. That is, the fact that whomever the lights may be, their origin may very well include whatever worlds we're going to get next. So, to elaborate, let's look at the worlds we have currently. Olympus Coliseum. (Can be overlooked, though, considering that it's most likely the first level.) Twilight Town. (Interesting bit here I'll comment further down.) Kingdom of Corona. Toy Box. Monstropolis. Classic Kingdom. (I've heard them refer to this as a world in several interviews, but since they're really just mini-games, I suppose this can be overlooked as well.) Arendelle. The Caribbean. Radiant Garden. (Still up in the air depending on the plot and whether or not we actually go there and move in that world.) San Fransokyo. (We know this is for sure confirmed, we just haven't seen gameplay yet.) Now, out of all these worlds, there are several characters that we have seen that are considered as candidates for the New Seven Hearts. Of course, we know that Kairi is still one of them, so then we would actually need SIX new characters to take the place of the other Princesses. Now, I will present a list of characters that which are likely candidates of the New Seven, and explain why. Kairi - Obviously, it has been mostly confirmed through interviews that she is considered still a Princess of Heart. Since she is also one of the Seven Guardians of Light, it also gives her placement as one of the Seven with that much more significance. Rapunzel - Now, this one is interesting, because she is actually one of our partners for KHIII. However, Nomura has stated KHIII will be dark, and I can think of nothing darker than having one of our partners permanently taken from our party. Of course, then again, perhaps the Thirteen Darkness can end up being thwarted form taking them before Sora, Donald, and Goofy intervene, perhaps just being satisfied with knowing who they are, and threatening Sora to find their Seven Guardians before they come back and take them. Either way, considering Rapunzel's affinity to light, considering the nature of her hair being due to the magic flower, I can see her definitely having a heart pure enough to b of the Seven. Boo - I mean, come on. A little girl, unafraid (mostly) of monsters? I definitely think she is one of the more overlooked characters as candidates for one of the New Seven Hearts of Light. Also, going back to the underlying dark theme of this game, what's more messed up than kidnapping a little girl to serve your dark ends? Xehanort has been shown to be willing to do anything to see his ambitions through, and will use whomever he needs to do it. I feel like I'm on the mark with this one. Anna and/or Elsa - This one looks very obvious on the surface, but since there's still not enough clarification on Squeenix's part, some explanation should be made. Anna is a very obvious candidate, given her very open, cheerful disposition, which seems to lead her into the frozen darkness that has become Arendelle. Elsa also has a light within, but it's hidden within her darkness. Whether that darkness is indeed hers and not something else - and if she in fact actually has no darkness in her whatsoever - remains to be seen. Perhaps it's the same case with Cinderella in Birth by Sleep, and her love for Anna will reveal her pure heart of light. Now then, let's get on to those who could potentially be candidates. That is to say, these are people who are not as likely to be one of the New Seven Hearts, but could potentially be. Elizabeth Swann - Now, I myself don't fully subscribe to this possibility, but considering this is a list of people who are not as likely, but could potentially be, I might as well make the argument. Now, what do we know about Elizabeth? She's brave, daring, proper, loyal, and intelligent. Aspects that are shown in most of the Princesses. And she's certainly courageous enough to fight against the East India Trading Company and Davy Jones. However, does that willingness to actually kill enemies ( though it will likely just be Luxord, his Nobodies, and the Heartless to keep it PG or close to PG-13) present darkness in her heart? If not that, then how about the fact that she left Jack to the Kraken, and got him sent to Davy Jones' Locker? Would that mean she has darkness in her heart? Probably, but we'll have to wait and see. Honey Lemon - Now, I know a lot of these Princesses tend to be similar in that they're positive, cheerful, and adventurous. While the first two certainly count here, one ought to remember that Honey really didn't come up with the idea to be a superhero herself. She did it believing it would help Hiro come to terms with Tadashi's passing, and later on bringing justice to him. This indicates that she also has a sense of justice, and is also very intelligent, as seen as her knowledge in chemistry and alchemy. She is also very observant, which can grow tenfold around the darkness, as most other Princesses can. Being a Princess of Heart could definitely up her repertoire, as well as be very well deserved. Now for my last potential Princess, we'll be looking at a character that has already been introduced, but is still often overlooked due to their position as a supporting character. Some of you might know where I'm going with this if you've read this far. Some of you might believe this, or think it's complete baloney. Either way, my last prediction for the New Seven Hearts of Light is... Olette - Yes, the third member of the Twilight Trio (not to be confused with the Sea-Salt Trio). She has been a supporting character for as long as Kingdom Hearts II, and has been in that role ever since. So what do we know about her? She's smart and responsible, as evident by her constant reminders of doing the summer homework. She is also very loyal to all her friends, both in the digital Twilight Town during the Struggle, and in 358/2 Days when Hayner accused Pence of dropping his ice cream. She's kind, romantic, and adventurous, as seen towards the end of KHII when checking the Abandoned Manor, as well as in Digital Twilight Town during the Seven Wonders Case. She certainly has the makings of one, but is there definitive proof? Not really, but... did you guys notice that during the Square Enix Showcase Trailer, she wasn't present in that shot inside Ansem's Lab? Could she have already been taken by Xehanort?... Maybe. We'll have to wait and see.If you've read this far, you're probably wondering, "That's great, Da-Awesom-One, but what does this have to do with the World List?" Well, assuming Olette really isn't one of the new Lights, I would wager that at least four New Seven Hearts of Light have been revealed shown thus far, which includes Kairi, even though the rest have yet to be confirmed. Which means 3 of the new 6 have been shown in some capacity. That means we still have at least 3 more New Lights to be shown. However, if one of the new Lights is indeed from San Fransokyo - maybe Honey or whoever Nomura chooses - then that would mean there are two worlds with two New Hearts of Light that have yet to be shown. Of course, that doesn't mean there will on​ly be two more extra worlds to be revealed, be we at least know two of them will have a Princess. With all that said, the next new worlds would have to be worlds from before Big Hero 6's release, since we know from interviews that he chose the worlds from before that frame. So any movies that ladies that embody any of the qualities that are present in Princesses of Heart are suspect in being in Kingdom Hearts III. So that's my theory, guys. What are your choices for the New Seven Hearts of Light? What worlds do you think will be revealed next, and who is the Princess of that respective world? I'd like to hear your opinions. Thanks for reading!
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