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  1. April is the official National Poetry Month in the United States! However, online, anybody can take part in the festivities of this month! You could write a poem and share it on here! Look up and read or listen to other poetry! Or if you want to try a different kind of poetry, maybe you could make a Haiku! If you wanna participate, check out some of these cool ways to get into the poetry spirit! http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-ways-celebrate-national-poetry-month/ Right now, I'm focusing on writing a poem that expresses myself. Hopefully, it'll turn out great! Again, Happy National Poetry Month! Rock on!
  2. Hey there everyone, how's it going? Well then, I'm going to post a poem here, since I haven't done so in a while. This poem is inspired by a scene in Re:Coded, where Roxas teaches Sora the meaning of hurt. And, well, it's also inspired by my emotions. Hope you all enjoy! Hurt The heart is a mysterious thing, something we cannot comprehend. A part of us that guides our emotions, even to the bitter end. While the heart can be filled with joy, it can also be filled with hurt. A pain that reaches inside you, which is the worst. Pain, sorrow, sadness, suffering. Why do we go through such things? Could it be that this is some sort of test? Is it a game that challenges us to discover what's next? The hurt inside can cause searing pain. Making us feel barren and plain. We wander the world with this lingering feeling, wondering if it has any meaning. To find is to lose, and to lose is to find. Are emotions what you want to lose? Or is it love that you want to find? Whatever the case, it is up for you to choose. Cast aside your hurt, and forget that the pain was there. You don't need to remember, it's only fair. Or will you keep the hurt and let it gnaw at your heart? Carrying it with you will just make you want it to stop. What is love? What is suffering? What is the meaning of such things? If you choose the hurt, then know one fact. It's something simple, elementary, at that. Learn to accept the hurt, and it'll make you stronger. Meanwhile, I shall rest, until my heart is ready to awaken again... ------------------------ So yeah, that was the poem! I hope you all found it to your enjoyment!
  3. Tonight I really wish the world was silent I've got strangers at my door and in my house Notice I did not say home, Because I'm not home with all these shouts echoing out. I hear her crying, and him screaming to get out (These walls are too thin, they'll never hold for my nightmares at 2 AM) And Im stuck hiding in my closet with muffled sobbing Wondering if the angels knew What having family problems was all about. Actually, I'm the one who doesn't know- I won't turn the lights off any more at night I see my future in five years Just close the door and lock it tight Good night, good night, good night. There isn't anything wrong with me, the world, or this house- But please, turn it ( lock it) away - n o, s t a y - I'm having trouble blocking it out. These words, my songs, our screams They don't mean anything. Why can't it all go quiet? Can I say I wish the world was silent? All right, all right, all right.
  4. So, as the thread title would suggest, this a short poem of mine. The inspiration for this is something that happened not too long ago. At least one person is sure to get it, and one other person might get it. The rest of you feel free to guess. Two travelers wander a labyrinth, wander of their own free will. A maze of many twists, and of many turns, A labyrinth whose twists and turns always lead back to the beginning. A maze made of anger and despair, A labyrinth of worry and frustration, All centered around one, and only one. The travelers are both troubled, in their own way, They are both worried, also in their own way, And their worry, and their frustration converge on that one, that single one. So the two continue in their walk, looking for a way to get to that one, But a way they do not find, no matter how long they look. They despair, but they press onward, knowing it is only a matter of time. Once more they go around the maze, when suddenly, a way appears. This way a simple one, and the only. They both know the way, and rejoice it is now open, They both go, go into the hole leading to that one, that only one. And that one's words are those which relieves the two. And that relief causes the labyrinth to fall around them, crumbling until nothing is left. And then those two, now three travelers, wander around the maze of life, which does have an exit. And that's it! I... have no idea if it is really a poem, per say, but that's what I'm going with!
  5. echo


    I wrote this for a friend of mine who is writing a short story about depression. Thought I'd post it here for any that wanted to read it. I put on a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. It bruised me, it squeezed me, and I begged for mercy. I change my mind! I’d rather bleed! I can no longer love, or hate, or mourn, I put a tourniquet around my emotions and now, I can’t feel anything at all.
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