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Found 7 results

  1. Hello! I'm Gadget, a new member of this site. I've been following some of the forums and I frequent them often, so I thought it was about time I join in on some of my favorite conversations. Been a fan of Kingdom Hearts for a few years now, but I've only gotten to play KH BBS thanks to my college bestie. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the gameplay regarding KH, but I love the story aspect to death--even if it is convoluted Because I can't exactly play the games, I do like to watch all the cutscenes and look up the gameplay so I don't miss anything. I've even researched most of the characters just out of pure curiosity and to quench my thirst in knowing as much as I can about KH. To say the least, I'm happy to at least be a part of the community in some shape or form, so I look forward to my time as a member to KH13!
  2. Hey everyone! I apologize, as I never formally introduced myself. My name is Keith and I've been a huge Kingdom Hearts fan all the way back since 2002. The first time I saw Kingdom Hearts being advertised was in an old gaming magazine when I was 10 years old. All I remember seeing was a small description of the game next to a picture of Donald Duck standing next to Peter Pan. I'll be honest, even though I was a huge Disney fan, I thought it would turn out to be nothing major (I was 10, I didn't know any better). It was not until that summer that I took a big chance. I was at the mall with my parents and saw Kingdom Hearts on one of the shelves in what I believe was an EB Games at the time. Completely forgetting about my initial thoughts in the months prior, I spent what was essentially my entire life savings on Kingdom Hearts, and my entire life changed from that moment. I'm now 25 years old, since KH1 I've played each title that has been released on Day 1, and I am eagerly looking forward to experiencing 2.8 with all of you. Admittedly, I'll actually be going "dark" this coming Thursday, as I made a lot of mistakes regarding spoilers in the past and I don't plan on making the same mistake twice. I look forward to meeting many of you in the years to come as well as doing my best to contribute my thoughts and ideas to this already incredible community. Hope everyone has a nice day! - Keith
  3. Hello everybody! I'm Samantha aka Riku's Nobody™! I'm very glad to be here! I've been a Kingdom Hearts fan since 2008. I've played 1 and 2, Re:Chain of Memories, Coded, and Birth by Sleep which is my favorite. I've also been playing KHuX, which is very fun so far. My favorite characters of the series are Riku, Axel, and Terra, and my favorite keyblades are Way to the Dawn and Divine Rose (fully upgraded version from KHuX). Aside from KH, I also like Harry Potter, anime, and Final Fantasy. I enjoy playing video games, reading, writing, and drawing. My passion is music and singing, which is what I'm in school for. And...that's enough intro. So...yeah! ^_^
  4. Hello, nice to meet you all! Feel free to call me Mary. I've been meaning to make an account on this site and now that I've finally gotten the time... well, here I am! :tongue: A tidbit about me: I'm currently a college freshman and my birth certificate says I'm 18 but honestly, I'll always feel like a child at heart haha. I also have a pet cockatiel that needs more attention than a newborn baby. I started playing Kingdom Hearts when I was 12, can't exactly remember how I came across the series but I remember thinking along the lines of "DISNEY CHARACTERS IN A GAME WITH ANIME-LOOKING CHARACTERS??! MOM, I NEED!!!" While most people started off with Sora in KH I, my very first experience with the series was through 358/2 Days with Roxas as my favorite protagonist. Then eventually, I played the rest of the games and got to know and love Sora and the gang. The last KH game I played was Birth By Sleep and I love it, the dark undertones is sad yet refreshing for a Disney game. The characters are also lovable and relatable, in my opinion. I think it would be safe to say to say it's my favorite, right next to KH II. Anyways, I hope to see you guys around on the site! Once again, it's nice to meet you! :biggrin: Hopefully that was a good introduction ^^;
  5. Hey there n.n Thought I'd finally join the KH13 forums! My name is TheGamersJoint but I go by the name of Cynical. Kingdom Hearts has been something I've been extremely passionate about ever since I first ventured through the first game all the way back when I was only 5 years old! To this day I still love the franchise and can't wait to see how Kingdom Hearts 3 turns out! I also do Kingdom Hearts videos over on Youtube as I mainly center myself around the series. Well thats it, I hope to see you guys in the forums!
  6. Hey guys and gals My name on these forums goes by Nightwing213 referring to the DC comic book hero Nightwing who was the first Robin for Batman, and 213 happens to be my favorite number. wanna know why? Idk really, it just has a nice ring to it for me lol I have a more detailed introduction on my page, but to put it briefly: I love to read, write, watch&talk about movies/tv shows/games, Persona games, and KH (obviously)! Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favorite, I can't stop listening to "Let it Go" from Frozen even though it's been months since it's release, anime rocks, and the Pendragon book series is probably the best fantasy book series ever lol I plan to make videos on my new YouTube page once i get my new phone in October 2014, so i can vlog more and share my ever-growing. KH, Final Fanasy, Persona, and Disney collection. Can't wait to make new friends! pc
  7. Hi everyone Im IWasBornAsVentus but you can go by my real name Sebastian. Im 18 and Im a huge KH fan. I grew up with KH and my first of the games was KH2 and I loved it and couldn't stop play it. Through my teen years I had a tough situation with being social but thanks to KH I have grown to a strong person after relating a lot to Ventus character he became my favourite in the whole franchise as I really could relate myself to him. However where I live I had very hard to find people who likes KH and then I found myself here and really liked what I saw. Since the site is about KH I felt really happy and I decided to join. My favourite games is KH2 and BBS. So far I do KH videos on my youtube channel let's plays and KH news. Also I like to write scripts, direct, edit movies I make and collect disney merchandise Im a collector. Im really glad to join this community and I can't wait to make new friends
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