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Found 8 results

  1. In KH, if you ever look in the Journal/Reports or play with subtitles on, you'd know that "realm of darkness", "realm of light", "realm between", and "realm of sleep" are never capitalized, which always led me to believe that those are not the official names of the realms. That's just what all the characters call them. But, in 0.2BBS, the realm of darkness is called "Dark World", which I'm assuming is it's official name. Yen Sid, Aqua, Mickey, etc. still call it "realm of darkness", but in Reports in the game and marketing for the game and stuff, they call it "Dark World", so it definitely seems to be its official name. And in KHX, we learn about a realm called "Unchained". In Back Cover, we learn that this realm is made of "dreams", which obviously means its the realm of sleep. So, the realm of darkness' official name is "Dark World" and the realm of sleep's official name is "Unchained". What do you think the official names for the realm of light and the realm between are? "Light World" and "Between World"? lol
  2. Chirithy says they were given new names by the Master of Masters which are the names they use now. Do you think we will ever find out their true names? What would be the point of adding a story detail like this without having us eventually find out their true names?
  3. Name words and phrases relating to KH that have 13 letters in them. This is what I have so far: Kingdom Hearts Tetsuya Nomura Sora Riku Kairi Roxas Axel Xion Young Xehanort Terra Xehanort Armored Xemnas Ventus Vanitas Lingering Will Mark of Mastery Seven Thirteen Yoko Shimomura Dearly Beloved Hollow Bastion Radiant Garden Thinking of You Heart Body Soul End of the World
  4. Hello, forum. Dontkillmeifitsalreadybeenpostedcrap Decided to pop my head in, and since people seem to be dragging their feet today, I thought I'd nudge you a bit with a simple question. Simple, how did you come up with your username? Is it made from a generator or is it the result of a bad drinking story starting with tequila? You tell me! Op starts first, says the lawbook of the great interwebs. Luzzekatt comes from a Swedish pastry often called Lussekatt. I was probably in the mood for those when I was 14 or so.
  5. Only an idiot of his caliber would even attempt to do something like this.
  6. Hey guys, I need some help. I'm trying to come up with a cool username for my YouTube channel. Words that I like are Jared and King. I would like for the username to have something KH related or something. Or help me come up with a new word to be a username! Idk haha, but it'd be cool if you guys helped me out
  7. Soon on KH13, I will be hopefully having my name changed from Scottish Skarmory to UltimateOrpheus. This means that I'll be moving to a whole new channel, It will hopefully release around Christmas time and I'll have my first ever countdown out by then, the reason for this is that I want to start off fresh, new computer, new software, new channel. No spoilers on what that countdown is
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