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Found 8 results

  1. A personal take on the Fenrir Keyblade as well as the Formchange for it. I may have overdone it somehow. A few alternate sword forms and a bike mode for combat and transportation purposes.

    © Fanmade design concept done by me aka ExusiaSword

  2. Storm Flag is my favorite so far, and the animation is SO pretty.
  3. So I've been working on this for a week now, (because full time job and other responsibilities take up most of my time) but I finally finished it. I really want to know other opinions on the different keyblade transformations revealed up until now!
  4. I know the game hasn't come out yet, but still I have noticed two peculiar and interesting things. One of them, Shotlock, was already mentioned about. However, I don't know to what extent. The other one is about the Keyblade Transformations. Let's go further on them: 1) Shotlock I don't remember what was mentioned, but I have checked that most Keyblades (if no all) have a same option of Shotlock: Flowmotion. Was it confirmed if all of them have this shotlock? It consists of going through the selected enemies and unleashing some finisher attack. Aside from this, each Keyblade has two other types of Shotlock. For example, Kingdom Key has "Snakebite" and "Ragnarok", at "max" stat. However, Agile Claws (I guess that's the name) also has the Snakebite option when the shotlock isn't on the "max" stat. At first I thought it was common to all the keyblades, but then I looked further and noticed that Hypper Hammer had "Ghost Harde" instead. I have made a picture where you can check all of this. So I wonder, do you guys think that the Shotlock on non-max stat depends on the environment or is there something like three types of shotlock divided into all the keyblades? 2) Keyblade Transformations We already know that each Keyblade will have two different transformations. However, I noticed something peculiar that I don't remember (too) if it was mentioned. Take a loot at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK15vNqgn74&t=4m25s Is this another way of using the Keyblade? For what I understood, there is the normal combo attack which leads to the finisher and then there is the Keyblade's finish option when the bar is filled. But on the video, it seems that there's another type of attack. I'm guessing it's by pressing Square or Circle. I don't remember if it was mentioned anywhere, however...It would really be cool if all Keyblades Transformations could have this type of attack too! I am sorry if maybe I am speculating too much or if I gave some wrong info. Let me know what you guys think about all of this (also, yay first topic ) Image: https://image.prntscr.com/image/GjdtB4cNQxis-W8JubyaVQ.png
  5. Here I will be discussing a topic that I believe deserves more attention than it's been given. The leveling system in Kingdom Hearts 3 is a huge topic of discussion amongst the Kingdom Hearts Community, yet not many people have decided to jump in and tackle the idea head on. So, I bring to you a complete analysis and concept design for the leveling system, keyblade transformations, forms, and much more! I put 48+ hours of work into this video so if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave a like to help support my channel and content. Thank you so much for watching
  6. Square Enix were not kidding when they stated that Sora is much more versatile and powerful in this iteration... So, what's would be your favourite means of battling with Sora? would it be... Attraction Flow: To see what kind of power and spectacle the Disneyland rides can perform! Keyblade Transformations: To see how powerful and magical Keyblades can really become... Summons: To battle with old favorites like Genie and Stitch and try out new favorites like Elsa and Baymax?! Drive Forms: If they are confirmed, how will they differ for Kingdom Hearts 3?
  7. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to all you to re-evaluate this screenshot. For those who do not know, Pegasus from Hercules is not a "summon" (as he would have his own avatar icon), rather, he is part of many "Keyblade transformations" exclusive to Kingdom Hearts 3. However, that's not the reason as to why I am posting this... no, the reason as to why I am posting this is because of Pegasus himself. Notice how his colour scheme is white and yellow as opposed to white and blue? that may not be too big of a deal until you come to realise that there is no other depiction of Pegasus like this at all! Not in the original Hercules movie nor in any Disneyland rides... this is the first Disney owned character that has a complete recolouring exclusively for Kingdom Hearts (as of posting this): this means two very important things! 1) Other Disney characters who do not fall into the protagonist, deuteragonist, tritagonist triangle can finally be used in battle through the means of Keyblade transformations. For instance, with a Frozen keyblade, you can have Olaf throw his body around as a Keyblade transformation whilst you have Elsa as a summon, or, you can have Iago as part of the Agrabah keyblade transformation who makes it rain diamonds and gold coins whilst you have Genie as a summon. 2) The keyblade transformation characters will be recoloured according to the Keyblade transformation. So, rather than having a black Bagheera for a Jungle Book Keyblade transformation, you may end up getting a green Bagheera as part of the keyblade transformation, or, rather than having a green Louis for the Princess and The Frog Keyblade transformation, you may end up getting a blue and black Louis for the Keyblade transformation. Of course, it's not guaranteed as to whether all Disney world Keyblades will have a Disney character as part of their Keyblade transformation, however, I'm optimistic that this feature is not exclusive to the Mount Olympus Keyblade. So, what Disney character do you think should be a part of a Keyblade transformation?
  8. Hey there everyone, how's it going!? So then, I was going to post this topic tomorrow, but I decided to post it now, so here I go! So then, I was talking with RoxasKoala about what could possibly be shown this year regarding Kingdom Hearts III, and as we talked, I suddenly thought of a theory regarding Keyblade Transformations! And, for said theory, I thought of Lea! As you all know, Lea got a Keyblade at the end of Dream Drop Distance, and while that's awesome and all, I just love his chakrams! And so, that's when I thought of this! Let's say that Lea masters the art of Keyblade transformation. Think about what that would mean! Just imagine Lea, summoning his Keyblade for battle, and as he starts fighting hordes of Heartless, a sudden flash of light takes place, and his Keyblade transforms into his two chakrams, and then he goes on a berserk onslaught, and then, he transforms his chakrams back into his Keyblade, and then he finishes the combo with an explosive Firaga spell, or something along those lines! Doesn't that sound awesome!? If Nomura is trying to implement Keyblade Transformations for every Keyblade Wielder, I'm sure this is how Lea would more or less work! And well, we already know how Ven, Terra and Aqua work with Keyblade transformations, so all that's left now is to see how Keyblade transformations would work on all the other characters! So then, what do you all think of this?
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