Alright, I am now pressing the button on my patented WABAC machine to take us to the grand old year of... 2009.
Ah, 2009. The U.S. economy started to going to shit, swine flu ruined my plans of vacationing in Mexico, we lost the King of Pop, we gained the Queen of Pop (or at the very least the Queen of Bizarro Fashion Statements), and a little boy named David gets a bunch of hits on YouTube just for being filmed after a trip to the dentist.
But more importantly, Final Fantasy XIII released to home consoles in Japan, and the good folks down at IGN decided to capitilize on the hype surrounding the game and its eventual release to America in the coming months by making... this:
I was about 12 or 13 when this video first dropped. It was hilarious to me back then.
I still find it hilarious now, but in a different way.