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  1. I created a post on the KH Reddit and thought I'd repost it here if anyone was still confused about all the options they have to purchase the game. I think it's at a stage where I've covered everything we know, but feel free to reply on any mistakes or new details I haven't caught on yet, and I'll change this first post. NORTH AMERICA & EUROPE | releasing 2019.01.29 Physical Versions: Standard Game | available at most game retailers | Gamestop (US Only) (Preorder bonus: Exclusive Fabric Poster) Deluxe Edition (Image) | available at most game retailers | Gamestop (US Only) (Preorder bonus: Exclusive Fabric Poster) Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts figures bundle | SE Store Exclusive North America + Europe Limited Edition PS4 Pro (contents are TBD; unconfirmed to include either 1.5+2.5+2.8+3 or just KH3) | Stores TBD Digital Versions: Standard Game | PSN with preorder bonus (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme) + Star Seeker Variant Keyblade) Standard Game | Xbox Games Store with preorder bonus ("Download Content": unconfirmed what is included) All-In-One Package | PSN with preorder bonus (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme + PS4 Custom Keyblade for KH3) NOTE for PSN: Unclear whether the "PS4 Custom Keyblade for KH3" is the same as the "Star Seeker Variant Keyblade"; also unclear whether the "Star Seeker Variant Keyblade" is the same as the Japanese PS4 Weapon DLC for Keyblade. NOTE for Xbox Games Store: "Download Content" is most likely to include a Keyblade DLC exclusive to Xbox but has yet to be officially confirmed. JAPAN | releasing 2019.01.25 (See JP KH3 Official Site Product Page for a more visual breakdown) Physical Versions: (NOTE: In Japan, there are no physical versions for Xbox One) Seven Net Shopping | LINK Preorder bonus comes with the 3 editions below: Exclusive Keyblade (Digital Code) + Kingdom Hearts III Rubber Strap Sora Standard Game Standard Game + Figures Set Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade) Amazon Japan | LINK Preorder bonus: Original PS4 theme (Amazon version) Standard Game: can choose to purchase with or without preorder bonus Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade): can choose to purchase with or without preorder bonus JP Square Enix e-STORE | LINK Preorder bonus comes with all editions EXCEPT All-In-One Package: Original Steelbook Case Standard Game Standard Game + Figures Set All-In-One Package (e-STORE Exclusive): DOES NOT have preorder bonus Limited Edition PS4 Pro (includes KH3 on disc + Original PS4 theme (PS4 Pro version) + Weapon DLC for Keyblade) Other Japan stores will carry the Standard Game, most likely with no preorder bonus. Digital Versions: PSN Standard Game | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (PS4 version) All-In-One Package | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (PS4 version) + Original PS4 Theme (KH3 Impossible Odds Dynamic Theme) Xbox Games Store Standard Game | preorder bonus: Weapon DLC for Keyblade (Xbox One version)
  2. Hello everybody! I´m Narushipu, and I would like to introduce myself: I´m a 20 years old argentinian boy, kinda short, not really handsome but I´ve a girlfriend (Something I never thought to get, jajaj). Im in college and can speak Spanish (Native) and English (Duh!), next year I´ll be studying Japanese (Looking Forward to it!), and who really loves Videogames (Obvioulsy Kingdom Hearts above everything), and Loves comics (Mostly Dc, but I´m also starting to read Marvel, Image and Vertigo ). I also like cosplay, anime and manga, and enjoy Movies, series and some Cartoons. I started playing Kingdom Hearts with Chain of Memories in the Gba, and then I moved to Kingdom Hearts 2. Actually, I´ve got a PS2, PSP, 3DS, GBA and PS4, and yes, I bought them all because I can play Kingdom Hearts there (Before the 1.5 +2.5 remix and 2.8 Final chapter prologue where released ). Anyways, I would really enjoy to get to meet you all, and be friends. Also, I´ve got Whatsapp and Twitter, so if anyone wants to be friends, just send me a PM so we can get on touch. I think thats all! Thanks you all for your reading. P.S.: If anyone sees any mistake, just tell me :biggrin: P.S.2: I´ve cosplayed Hooded Roxas/Xion in a local Anime convention! But didn´t get too much attention, maybe because KH isn´t too recognized in here. Here is a Pic:
  3. I haven't even seen Logan yet, but screw it, make it a trilogy.
  4. ... Oh. That's five kinds of awkward.
  5. Since Dumbo was a summon in Kingdom hearts along with Bambi and Simba he had such a strong heart which saved his spirit from the destruction of his world to later turn into a water gem ending in up Monstro. And Dumbo already knew how to fly when Sora met him so the original story of Dumbo learning how to fly have kinda already been used but I think that another story could work in really good to the KH3. Story Sora, Goofy and Donald arrives in Traveling Circus the name I call Dumbo's world where they run into Dumbo who is in a corner crying. Sora and the gang asks Dumbo why he's so sad and then they hear a someone answering them from the ground a mouse. Timothy mouse is introduced to the gang then. Timothy explains that the circus has been taken under control by heartless and on so Dumbo's mom have been held captured and separated from Dumbo. Timothy explains that only Dumbo and he were the only ones to escape the heartless control. Ever since Dumbo has been trying to rescue his mom but failed. Sora tells Dumbo and timothy that that's the reason they are there is to stop heartless. Sora then tells Dumbo that they will put an end to the chaos and help him release his mother. Dumbo now feeling better looks up and recognizes Sora, Goofy and Donald remembering them similar to how Simba remembered them from KH2. and by this Dumbo joins the party while timothy remains a npc. Dumbo's ability is similar to the one he used as a summon but his new ability is that he can do a swing with his ears similar to how a plane doing a looping. Dumbo is really fast also within his ability. As the Gang explore the locations almost all of the circus animals have been taken over by darkness turing some into heartless. All the heartless have dark fur if animals and yellow haunting eyes. After fighting off some heartless and searching for Dumbo's mom the gang find themselves in a dark tent where Goofy spots Dumbo's mom standing in the dark. The gang runs forward only the realize it's fake and then Maleficent shows up. Maleficent tells the gang that such a world full of light was always her desire to turn into darkness. Sora asks why she still wants to turn the worlds into darkness. Maleficent ignores his question telling them that this world is going in to darkness soon. As Maleficent leaves into darkness so does an angry Dumbo flying in after her along with Timothy. As Sora, Donald and Goofy tries to follow a seal of light shows up sending them to the place Dumbo and Timothy ended. Now if you fear the pink elephants this is your chance to defeat your fear for good. Sora, Donald and Goofy arrives in a strange dark realm with Dumbo and Timothy. As Donald points up in the dark sky seeing a pink elephant it only grows and grows and so the fight begins. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Dumbo fights off the pink elephants who acts like the mirror did in BBS. After they defeated the pink elephants a portal made of light shows up sending them back to the circus. It was revealed that Dumbo's moms heart was captured by the ringmaster who had collected hearts from the circus. Sora and the gang finally meets the ringmaster and a huge battle takes place. In this final battle it takes place inside the circus where from the movie the pyramid of elephants was and the ringmaster who collected hearts is like a huge scary clown . He is quite similar to the boss fight with Ursula in KH. When you defeated the ringmaster all the hearts he stolen flies out to it's rightful persons. Dumbo's mom revives and they share a emotional reunion. As Sora sees Dumbo's happiness and light reunited with his mom Sora learns a very important lesson about what light really is. Sora locks the keyhole so that the world can never come to any harm again. Sora then receives the keyblade of believe which symbolizes Dumbo's light. As Sora leaves he says "I understand now what light really is it's love the love we give to the ones we care about" Now this how I think that Dumbo could fit in Kingdom Hearts 3 I wrote and came up with the story myself after watching Dumbo.
  6. I bet the maniac was in the mailbox, too.
  7. Lee His body slumped against the side of a building, Lee slowly opened his eyes, his thick eyebrows arching over his forehead. "Agh... my head..." He said to himself, rubbing the back of his head as he stood up and took in his surroundings.From what he remembered, the last place he was in was his home of the Hidden Leaf Village. Now, as he turned a corner, he found himself in an ominous town-looking setting, filled with buildings stairs and street lamps. Everything was painted a dull gray color, and coupled with the flashing lights and big spaces, it looked almost futuristic. "This place... I have no idea where I am... is this some kind of strange, new village?" Lee asked himself, looking around and noticing the other people scattered around the vicinity. They were almost alien to Lee, as if they were from different worlds...
  8. Synopsis: Across this broad horizon that stretches out to infinity and beyond… lies the key to not only the reunion of dreams… but also the termination of hope. In the vast spaces of this universe exist different worlds, worlds once linked together but now severed apart, where the greatest of heroes live in harmony with their people, unaware of the existence of the others that neighbor them far away. However, among these people arise threats to their peace: villains and wrong-doers from separate worlds who discover the reality of their existence with one another, and come together for a plot to conquer all that is righteous and achieve domination over every single world and rule as almighty tyrants… It started when one of the stars shining in the night sky blinked out, to which more followed suit… But even so, a variety of heroes are thrust from their respective homes and thrown into the eventual chaos brought upon by these villains, to which the heroes respond to a call to action to bring down the marauders and restore peace. Maybe then, the stars will return to the sky. Rules: Characters must strictly be from an original anime property. Exceptions are given only to anime based on manga or light novel series. Other properties such as anime adapted from video games or “anime-esque” properties such as web series are not allowed. Play as your characters in-character. Characters will be “nerfed” in order to be presented as equals in terms of battle power to each other, though the villains will be stronger for obvious reasons. Characters, hero or villain, may not kill each other. Though some series may be rated differently, posts are only acceptable at PG-13 level, including mild language, violence, and sexual content. Keep your posts at a medium length, meaning not too short and not too long i.e. “wall of text”. No “God Modding” or controlling other people’s characters; if caught doing either, it may result in being banned from the RP. No conversing/fighting with other members in the RP thread. Take it to PM or the sign-ups thread, which will also serve as a discussion thread. If you have an question or concern regarding the RP, PM me or Shulk, the co-mod, for assistance. Players must not dwell too long from posting or else they may not continue participating and be kicked. All other KH13 rules apply. Let’s head off the save the stars! Character Sheet: *Two characters max, one hero and one villain; you must have at least one hero but your second choice as a villain or another hero is optional* Name: Origin: (Anime they are from) Good/Evil: Appearance: (Image recommended) Biography: (Try to keep it short) Personality: Abilities: (Limited to three i.e. power of flight, power of using energy, etc.) *Type “Stars” at the end of the sheet so I know you have read everything* My Sheets: Name: Rock Lee Origin: Naruto Shippuden Good/Evil: Good Appearance: Biography: As a child, Rock Lee was ungifted at using ninjutsu and genjutsu, two abilities considered essential to become a ninja. His only talent came from taijutsu, basic hand-to-hand combat, and after becoming a student under the tutelage of Might Gai, it became his greatest ability. It was then that he decided he would prove he could be a splendid ninja without using ninjutsu or genjutsu. He would grow more powerful, joining a team under his master Gai and gaining two teammates in Neji Hyuga and Tenten, and would become a great supporter for the ninja who would become the village's hero, Naruto Uzumaki. Personality: Energetic, enthusastic, simple-minded, determined, and very respectful. Abilities: Strong Fist Taijutsu (form of fighting style that involves delivering hard strikes) Enhanced Speed (is very fast in general and can become faster when taking off weights) Eight Gates (a ninja ability that increases his power by tremendous levels while also endangering his life) Name: Sasuke Uchiha Origin: Naruto Shippuden Good/Evil: Evil Appearance: Biography: Sasuke Uchiha lived in the Hidden Leaf Village as the son of the Uchiha Clan's head, Fugaku. However, his brother Itachi committed mass genocide and slaughtered his family and all the other Uchiha except for Sasuke. It was then that Sasuke dedicated his life to avenging his clan and destroying Itachi, growing an obsession for power. As a genin, he was paired with Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno on a team lead by Kakahi Hatake. Thanks to the influence of Orochimaru and a reunion with Itachi, Sasuke's drive become so strong that he left the Leaf Village, fought off a pursuing Naruto, and agreed to become Orochimaru's accomplice in exchange for more power. Personality: Quite, stoic, apathetic, indifferent, and at times, merciless. Abilities: Ninjutsu (molds chakra in order to perform techniques such as the Chidori and the Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu) Sharingan (special eyes that allows him to cast genjutsu and copy other opponents techniques) Curse Mark (special mark on neck that allows him to grow into a monstrous form and use more powerful versions of his techniques) Name: Raditz Origin: DragonBall Z Good/Evil: Evil Appearance: Biography: Born as a Saiyan and the first son of Bardock and Gine, Raditz survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta along with Nappa and Prince Vegeta. He would later visit Planet Earth in order to convince his long lost brother Kakarot, renamed Goku, join his fellow brethren in conquering and selling planets. Goku refuses, so Raditz kidnaps his son Gohan. Goku, with the aid of Piccolo, pursues and subdues Raditz. His soul was then sent to the Other World. Personality: Overconfident, cruel, prideful, but secretly a coward when the fear of death is put into him. Abilities: Flight: The ability to fly, as most people from his world are able to do. Ki: The manipulation of ki energy to perform energy attacks such as the Double Sunday and Saturday Crush. Saiyan Genetics: As a Saiyan, he has enhanced and almost inhuman levels of strength, speed, and the ability to grow stronger when near death, a trait known as a "Zenkai".
  9. Hell to the no. No more musicals. #StopAtlantica
  10. Hail to all Keyblade Masters! I have been a gamer my whole life and I was introduced into the world of fitness about 5 years ago and now they are both my two greatest passions. I decided that I wanted to narrow the gap between the gamers who do not know where to begin getting in shape and very fit athletes and this is my answer, what I call the Video Game Fitness Program! A series of fitness routines tailored to specific video games. This way gamers can get into great shape WHILE playing the games that they love. This is a concept that I have been unable to find elseware on the interenet. I am aware that everyone has varying levels of physical capability so the routines break down into three difficulties; Normal, Heroic and LEGENDARY. Start on Normal and when you work your way up to LEGENDARY you will feel an amazing sense of accomplishment and your body will reflect that accomplishment! Do not let anything get in the way of your physical goals and do not let your physical goals get in the way of your gaming! Kingdom Hearts Gaming Workouts LEGENDARY Fitness Routine - Heroic Fitness Routine - Normal Fitness Routine - If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I am all ears! Also, I apologize if this is posted inappropriately, I am not sure where else to post something like this. If you have any suggestions I would gladly take them.
  11. I remember in an interview in 2011 They were discussing about the worlds for Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance. And back then Nomura said that he was expecting for us to finally see new worlds in the game. A possiblitly was Dumbo's world and Pinocchio's world. However Dumbo's world never appeared in the game and probably got scrapped for the fact that Pranksters Paradise was also set in a circus. I seriously don't know
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