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I hate this fandom. I REALLY hate this fandom. I don't understand this fandom. I have moved past this fandom. This fandom is still around?! I don't even want to talk about this one. Uuh... No. I'm done. Moral of the story: All fandoms suck.
- 8 replies
- im sorry
- please dont be offended its a joke
- (and 10 more)
- 4 replies
- Hetalia
- Kingdom Hearts
(and 2 more)
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Me: (I also ship them as boys, but not girls.)
Please tell me what you think.
- 6 replies
- Kingdom Hearts
- Hetalia
(and 1 more)
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Image Me with my two favoirite fandoms (Pairings)
KHUndertaleFan25 posted a topic in Random & Forum Games
Kingdom Hearts yaoi pairings: Kingdom Hearts straight pairings: Hetalia yaoi pairings: Hetalia straight pairings:-
- Kingdom Hearts
- Hetalia
(and 2 more)
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It doesn't end well. Welp, time to fight Death the Kid.
- My reaction: *shoots Belarus* There, Russia. You should be okay.
Alright, i made two pictures of Elsa with Japan: For those that don't like this:
- Just saying.
- Mozaik Role
- Vocaloid
(and 1 more)
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I'd like to ask. In your opinion, which of the countries' horror movies are scary?
Why would you say such a thing, Rapunzel?
That's what she said .
That Axel: Looks like Scotland from Hetalia: (BTW, Scotland is a fan made character. Just saying. He's also the older brother of England, which is actually true.) So what do you think?
Oh well...
Considering that i love Hetalia and i'm starting to like this song, i just had to post it. I find this quite funny . Also, ignore that typo. The person who made this had forgot, okay? Also, here's another surprise:
- 16 replies
- Hetalia
- Five Nights At Freddys
(and 1 more)
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- Go around 3:00. He said Disney. I am very certain he said Disney I am also certain that he was referring to this: What do you think?
what the hell am I doing? (i do not own Hetalia or Kingdom Hearts or Scotland or Argentina. But i do own Mexico and Puerto Rico! and be advised there is cursing.) Chapter 1 ~ The Night of Fate It was the end of a horrible world meeting- as usual. The meeting took place in the capital of England: London. Almost all of the nations were still in the conference room. A small group of nations consisting of Hungary, Ukraine, and Belgium were outside having a little “girl talk” to try to forget what happened in that meeting that night. Belarus was no where to be found, much to the likes of Russia. The nations in the conference room were arguing with one another. “You bloody git! If it wasn’t for you, this meeting would have ended perfectly!” England shouted furiously at France who was smelling his roses. “ohohoho relax mam moizuel zit not my fault you have a poor taste in decoration!” France replied back with a grin. “You bipolar gringo! That was muy stpido of you to deny that you owe pesos to me! You made me look like a idioto in the middle of the meeting!” Mexico yelled at America who both were on a verge to having a big fist fight. “Oh really?! Dude I owe you nothing! No peos or whatever you like to call it! I’m surprised you remembered only that after that big hangover we had the other day And actually, you owe me! You owe me a McDonalds hamburger!!” America yelled while yanking at Mexico’s shirt. Those two were on the verge of strangling each other. “Oh mein got…” Germany mumbled to himself. “EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Germany yelled with all his might. To his surprising and to his inconvience, that did nothing. All of the nations kept on arguing with one another. Switzerland looks like he’s about to kill Austria and vise versa. South Italy or other wise known as Romano, was strangling his poor younger brother North Italy, while Spain tried desperately to calm Romano down, but ends up getting head-butted in the gut. Russia was drinking Vodka and he gave Latvia a scary look that made Latvia burst out crying of fear. Korea and China was arguing while Hong Kong was just staring with a blank face while Japan was desperately trying to stop the argument. “Damn it. Bruder what are we going to do?” Germany said having no more ideas. “Oh West? Sorry but the awesome me is a bit busy. Kesesesesese~” Prussia chucked from behind a video camera. It was pointed at Austria getting beaten up by Switzerland with his peace prize. “NOOOOOOOOO!” came a very loud blood curdling scream from outside. The scream scared all of the nations in the conference room as they freeze in horror. “Bloody hell?” Said England whose voice was trembling and his eyes turned white. The door slammed open as a very scarred Hungary came in with a frying pan and a look of horror on her face as if she just seen a ghost. She was breathing heavily as if she just ran across the whole country. When Prussia saw the frying pan, he panicked and got up as if he was about to leave. “Bruder, I don’t think its for you.” Said Germany giving a weird glare to Prussia as he sat back down. “Hungary, what is the meaning of this?!” Yelled Austria . “I- I - I don’t k-know.” replied Hungary. Her voice was trembling. “I w-was out side with Ukraine and B-Belgium, a-and there was a horrible creature! It was black and had yellow eyes! At first I thought it was cute, but it lunged to attack me! It sank to the ground like a shadow, and it went behind Ukraine, and-and-a-and… “And what?” asked Austria concerned. All of the nations were concerned and anxious to see what Hungary would say next. “Ukraine, she’s… dead.” Hungary said with her voice trembling from fear. As soon as Russia heard those words, his vodka fell to the floor. The sound of glass shattering was heard throughout the room. Every country in the room gasped. “D-dead?” England said as his voice sounded as though as the life has been drained out of him. “That’s preposterous! Were countries! We cant die!” “I saw it with my own eyes!” argued Hungary. “The thing attacked Ukraine and Ukraine faded away into peculiar light orbs! And a heart shaped thing appeared and faded away too. Then more of those creatures appeared. I tried my best to fight with my frying pan but there was too many!” “And Belgium?” said Netherland quietly. “I-I don’t know…” responded Hungary with guilt. Netherland then got up and started to leave. “What are you doing?!” Yelled Austria. “You cant leave! Its dangerous!” “Watch me.” responded Netherland as he left. Then all of the sudden, a great amount of the creatures appeared in the room. They were small but scary. They had bended antennas and they were completely black and had yellow intimidating eyes. “Bloody hell!” yelled out England, as all of the countries started to freak out. Italy hid behind Germany the same way Romano hid behind Spain. Japan drew out his weapon and got into a fighting stance. Same did China but with a wok. “Aiyah! Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan stay behind us aru!” shouted China. Switzerland got up, so did Lichtenstein. “Lichtenstein stay close behind me.” said Switzerland with a very serious voice. “Big brother? What’s happening big brother?” Lichtenstein said scared. “Just do it.” responded Switzerland as he started to shoot at the creatures with his gun. “Yes big brother.” Said Lichtenstein as she stood close to her big brother. “What did that bloody git Scotland do?” cursed England underneath his breath. England quickly pressed a button that was on the bottom of his desk. The button revealed a secret passage way to what hopefully would be “safety”. “Everyone! Escape in this secret passage way! Ladies first!” Shouted England. Most of the nations left in the passage (ladies first). Two young ladies approached England in worry. One lady, was dressed in a red white and blue Spanish dress with her hair tied up in a flower. She has very curly dark brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. The girl next to her has Brown curly hair also in a side pony tail and one blue and one green eye. She had a blue skirt with yellow stripes on and a blue shirt with white sleeves. “E-England have you seen Mexico?!” said the girl with the dress. “No… im sorry Puerto Rico I haven’t.” said England with a frown. “Me y Argentina has been looking for him since the sudden outburst!” replied Puerto Rico with her voice trembling from worry. Then a sudden yell came from the chaotic crowd of nations leaving through the exit. “Mira! Puerto Rico! Argentina! We need to get out of here! Mexico should be outside already!” came the voice “Well be right there Cuba!” yelled Argentina. “England thanks anyway!” Argentina said as the Spanish duo left. “Be careful!” England called out to the girls. England may have had some conflicts with Puerto Rico and Argentina in the past, however, England was always a gentleman towards women. America, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, China, and Spain stood behind to try to battle these unusual dangerous creatures. America was using his trusty pistol, Germany was using his whip (I beg of you don’t ask) Switzerland was using his awesome Rifle, Spain was using his bare hands having no weapon, Japan was using his katana, China with his wok. “There’s too many! We need to leave now!” Yelled Germany as he was trying his best to kill the most of the creatures he can. “Don’t worry! I’m the hero! A hero can handle anything!” Yelled America with his very funny laugh. “No! Germany is right. There is too many we have to leave right now!” Yelled Japan who was already retreating with China and his siblings. The group left in a hurry with England being the last to leave. _________________________________________________________________________________ When the group left, Russia who did not leave, stood up while a group of the creatures surrounded him. “Think you kill my big sister do you?” Said Russia with a dark aura surrounding him. He took out a water pipe. “Kol Kol Kol” Russia chanted as he started to fight the creatures with anger. _________________________________________________________________________________ England was running with his group down the exit. The group noticed a man familiar to England, who has red spiky hair and has a cigarette in his mouth. England then realizing who it was ran faster and tackled the man. He slammed the man into the wall. “Scotland! You bloody git! What the hell did you do?!” England shouted at Scotland who dropped his cigarette from his mouth. “Oi lad I didn’t do anything.” replied Scotland. “How come I don’t believe that?!” shouted England. ________________________________________________________________________________ The rest of the group arrived and stopped to see England yelling at Scotland. “Who’s that?” asked Spain staring at Scotland. “Oh him? Dude that’s Scotland England’s older brother.” replied America. ________________________________________________________________________________ “Well ye should believe me lad.” said Scotland. “Why?” “Because honestly I thought ye did that.” England backed away from Scotland. He had a look of shock in his face. If Scotland didn’t do this than who did? And how can they stop it? “Lad im really worried about Whales and Ireland. I haven’t seen them or heard from them since the commotion started. A lot of countries were separated from each other.” said Scotland with a frown. England’s eyes turned white. His face looked pale. England’s older brother may have gotten on his nerves and truly alloyed him over the years, deep down he still loves his brothers and would die if anything had happen to him. “Then lets leave then.” said Germany as Scotland and England looked at him. They all nodded. So then the group were off. They ran down the dark cold wet hall, only lilted with torches. “Dude this totally reminds me of a super scary video game I played on the computer before.” America said shacking from fear. “That one you showed me with the demons? Amnesia: The Dark Descent.?” asked Japan who was holding his katana out prepared for any sudden ambush. “Yeah! That one!” “I’m so worried about my cute little Romano and Ita (no yaoi intended)! I hope there ok!” said a worried Spain. “All of the chaos separated everyone!” Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and Lichtenstein were walking nervously. Switzerland tuned to them. “Hey, you have no weapons. Here take some of my guns to defend yourselves. Its ok I have spare guns.” he said giving them four pistols. “If you do not know how to shoot, tell me and I will show you how.” “Hey everyone. The exit is just up ahead.” England announced. Everyone walked cautiously. It was surprising to them that those ‘creatures’ did not appear before them. When they arrived at the exit, England opened the door and ran out side. It was like all hell broke loose. A giant rift could be seen in the sky, that was sucking up anything in its path. It was embedding a dark aura that filled the air. The sky was black with purple clouds. Everyone was shocked at what they saw. It was like the world they knew were suddenly trembling down to dust in a great apocalypse that no one expected. But hey, it’s a apocalypse your not supposed to expect anything, well except for everyone you know gone. Just like that. Everyone just stood frozen in horror. When the group went deeper outside, they all heard a frightening deep voice in their heads. “The closer you are to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.” That voice rang in everyone’s head. It gave everyone a slight headache as they all turned to see their own shadows. Everyone stood as they saw their now big shadows animate and come from the ground and forming together to make a giant scarier version of the creatures they faced before. It had a large heart shaped crater in its chest. “GAHHHH IT’S A GHOST!” America screamed out. “W-what do we do?” asked Spain. He was just staring at the thing. Spain looked like he was about to faint. “There’s no other choice but to fight it! Germany yelled out as he started running at the large creature and gave it a lash of his whip. It really did nothing- not even a scratch. “LICHENSTEIN GET BEHIND ME!” yelled Switzerland. Lichtenstein did so. Switzerland started shooting at the thing with his rifle. Trying his best to do damage and to protect Lichtenstein from danger at the same time. “Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea get behind me too aru!” shouted China. Japan was already charging at the monster taking a lash at its leg. America decided the best thing to do was to start attacking like everyone else. “Don’t worry the hero’s got this!” America yelled as he started shooting at the monster with double pistols. England was giving Scotland a somewhat awkward stare. “Just like old times lad?” said Scotland with a grin. “Ugh don’t remind me.” remarked England. Then suddenly, the brothers took out a weird looking old book with symbols on it. Then at the same time, both brothers started chanting words at the same time in perfect harmony. Spain was trying to do what he could and threw rocks at the monster. Which proved to do no significant damage. Well not that much damage at all really. “Man I can tell you one thing for sure, that this thing did not originate from Korea.” Korea whispered to his siblings. Hong Kong and Taiwan stood there in absolute shock that Korea actually said that. They didn’t even believe that they were looking at Korea anymore. “I’m worried about nii-san.” whispered Taiwan to Hong Kong. Hong Kong just stood quiet. England and Scotland kept on chanting. As they were chanting, a ring appeared around them, with a lot of peculiar symbols. One look like a burning flame, another like a snowflake, another a thunder bolt, and one a blade of air. They kept on chanting until the symbols started flashing. “EXPECTO PATRONUM!” England and Scotland yelled. The same symbols appeared below the monster and did significant damage to it. “…” Scotland just stood there. He quickly put his hand over his head and then collapsed “Scotland!” England shouted as he quickly caught Scotland. “Scotland are you ok?!” yelled England in concern. “Y-yes…..lad im fine.” replied Scotland in a somewhat weak voice. “Its….just…that the spell … takes a lot out of ye you know?” Scotland stood back up almost falling over again. “Ill be find lad.” England didn’t say anything. He had to trust Scotland that he was ok. There was really nothing else he could do anyway. The spell had drained a lot of England’s strength too. But then now, the monster was angry. It was almost impossible to defeat him even with the damage he received so far. It raised up his hands and slammed them into the ground, causing the ground to rumble. Then a dark mass appeared in the ground. Everyone started to sink. They were panicking. It was extremely hard to move. China was trying in all of his power to get himself and his siblings out- well at lease his siblings out. Germany was trying to get his whip to tie on to something so he can pull himself up but it did not work at all. Switzerland was calling loudly to Lichtenstein who had fainted. Spain was calling out for any help for his friends and himself but to no avail. Scotland chanted any spell that he could find to help get everyone to safety. But as he chanted the glowing symbols below him became very dim and disappeared with Scotland collapsing. “Scotland!” England cried. America was sinking into the darkness just like his helpless friends. “England! England!” he cried. “What’s going to happen to us?!” “Well America,” said England with a scarred voice. “I think… this is the end.” “no…” said America silently. “no…” “no no no no no no no No No NO!!!” America cried out. Suddenly, a burst of pure light flashed. With that, America look startled to see what looked like to be a giant key in his hand. It has star spikes and French fries as the teeth. The middle was made up of red white and blue stripes, with some French fries on it. The very end of the key is what looks like a hamburger. The handle and handle guards was made up of stripes and stars. The chain was made up of multiple gold stars and a hamburger charm at the end. The ground below him returned to normal. And next to him was a stunned England. “England your ok!” America said happy. “What… what the bloody hell is that thing in your hand America?!” shouted England as he is staring at the giant key. “I don’t know but its totally badass!” replied America with a smile. “Enough of that! Where has everybody gone? Even the monster is gone! What the hell is going to happ-” Just then the ground started shacking. England and America started floating toward the black hole in the sky. America scrambled and caught on a lamp post while England grabbed on Americas pants. “W- what the hell?!” England shouted. “D-Dude! I don’t think I could hold on much longer! I’m slipping!” cried America. “You bloody git! Don’t you dare let go!” But America couldn’t. The force was too strong. He slipped and America and England started to tremble into the black hole. (ok i know there is some mistakes and i assume the characters are a bit OOC but i tried my best! please tell me how i can approve! this is my second fan fic ever!"