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Found 38 results

  1. EVIL INFECTS - A Keyblade designed after the fresh begining of the end in Halloween Ends! This Keyblade is designed to have high damage at combo beginners. The hilt of the blade is designed after Corey's motorcycle that he rides through the movie. The teeth is designed to be three kitchen knives, o...
  2. ESSENCE OF EVIL - A Keyblade designed after the fiery nature of Halloween Kills! It is designed to have high fire damage. The hilt and teeth of the blade are designed as stylized fire, referencing the begining of the movie. The handle and shaft of the blade is a baseball bat, referencing Tommy's ch...
  3. VOICE OF OBSESSION - A Keyblade designed after the fresh look of Halloween 2018! It is designed to have peircing damage. The hilt guard is an extremely modified knife handle, with the shaft being an exaggerated scaplel. The teeth of the blade is designed to be the mouth of a Jack O-Lantern. The toke...
  4. PALE DEVIL - A Keyblade designed after the pale horse motifs of Rob Zombie's Halloween II (2009). It is designed to have long reach. The hilt of he blade has another jack-o-lantern but with a pale gradient. The Teeth of the blade is a pale horse head modeled after Myers' memories of his mother. The...
  5. DEVIL'S EYES - A Keyblade modeled after the grim and gritty Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007). This Keyblade is designed to have high damage with short reach. The shaft and hilt ar designed after a tombstone, with the teeth having a blade added to the tombstone. The token is designed after Tommy's hallo...
  6. SCREAM STREAM - A Keyblade modeled after the livestreaming experience of Halloween Resurrection! This Keyblade is designed to have high thunder techniques. The hilt guard of the blade has several monitors, referencing the streaming theme of the movie, with the teeth of the blade being a recording c...
  7. PUMPKIN CARVER - A Keyblade modeled after the Academy seen in Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later! This Keyblade is designed to have high combo modifiers. The hiltguard of the Keyblade is that of a jack-o-lantern, with several knives coming from it. The shaft and hilt is designed after a stylized kitc...
  8. VOICES OF THORN - A Keyblade inspired by the cult nature of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers! This Keyblade is designed to have higher fire based attacks. The hilt is designed in a diamond shape with 4 metling candels along the side of it, coming from the cultists' altars. The blade is that of...
  9. STOP THE RAGE - This keyblade is designed after the run down Myers House of Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers! This keyblade is designed to have longer reach. The hilt gaurd is a coffin inspired by the coffin meant for Jamie Lloyd, with a pitchfork's prongs coming from it. The shaft of the b...
  10. TRICK OR TREAT - This Keyblade is designed after the connection between Jamie Lloyd and Michael Myers in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers! This Keyblade is designed for fast attacks! The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after Jamie's clown costume, that eventually turns into the stylized hil...
  11. PRODUCT PLACEMENT - A Keyblade modeled after the uniqueness off Halloween III: Season of the Witch! This Keyblade would specialized in critical hits and earth based magic! The center of the hilt as a old CRT screen with gears flanking its side. Forming the hiltguard is a series of robotic wires that...
  12. MURDEROUS MALPRACTICE - A Keyblade designed after the medical placement of Halloween II. This Keyblade is designed to increase the effects of healing items. The hilt guard this time is designed with a two sided pumpkin. The shaft is designed after a syringe, with pumpkin juice! The teeth of the bla...
  13. ALL HALLOWS SHAPE - A Keyblade modeled after the festive spirit of Halloween! This Keyblade is designed to have higher attack than other Keyblades! The guard is designed after a Jack-O'-Lantern, with the handle and shaft representing a stylized kitchen knife hilt. The teeth of the blade is designed...
  14. About 2 weeks ago I made a video about some Halloween/Spookier worlds that could potentially work in Kingdom Hearts. Not everyone is going to agree since I not only talk about animated films but also TV Shows and Live Action films. But please enjoy anyway! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U...
  15. Happy Halloween everyone! Sorry I haven't posted a new KH picture in a whike, I've been working on art for my own video game and stuff. Busy busy! Hopefully I'll have some other stuff soon, planning a Naminé, a Larxene, and a Dark Riku soon! Stay safe, stay awesome!
  16. I'm back everyone! This time with a quick fifteen-minute ink sketch of Sora. Happy Early Halloween, everyone! Lately I've been doing five-to-fifteen minute sketches a day. If anyone wants to see a particular sketch, let me know!
  17. At this point, I don't think it's much of a secret: I love the whole Halloween season, I always have loved it, and I always will. Something about it has always made this time of year feel really special to me, and it's something that I love to celebrate. I put as much time and effort into this seaso...
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