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Found 7 results

  1. Hey everyone! My name is Mark, I go by the handle TacoRemix. I'm currently doing a platinum run of every kingdom hearts game, currently finished every kingdom hearts game, and have gotten a platinum trophy on KH 1 and 2, currently trying for birth by sleep (what a pain in the butt! haha) Going to work on my profile and get everything situated, just wanted to say hi to you guys and hope i can contribute to some awesome conversation
  2. How Old Were You When You First Played Kingdom Hearts? I was in high school, probably a sophomore. That would be age 15 or 16. The first game had just come out. I recall seeing the poster in the mall and being instantly interested. My best friend and I had started it together but then she lost interest and I continued alone. I still have that file.
  3. Didn't see a thread for this, so I figured I'd make one. Add this to the list of superhero flicks i want to see but probably won't be able to.
  4. I'm a little late, but since I didn't find a thread already about this, figured I'd make one: I never saw much of the original cartoon, I was more of a Darkwing Duck fan (if I haven't made that clear in the past), but this version looks pretty fun, especially since the big Donald himself is actually in it, something I never really understood about the original. David Tennant seems to be settling into his Scrooge role pretty well and hopefully he'll do right by the late Alan Young.
  5. Didn't see anybody else post this so I figured I'd post about it. I'm not the biggest X-Men movie buff (especially when discussing The X-Men Movie That Shall Not Be Named) but it seems like for this movie at least, Fox is trying a little harder than usual. It is, after all, a very personal story for a very beloved character, that being Wolverine, so maybe it'll be handled with a little more care this time around. Of course, this is just a trailer.
  6. Hey, Pachirisu here. I am here, with my own creative media: fan story involving KH13 members! Things you won't see: Shipping. (Sorry princessheart25.) ================== Allright, my fan story will be written one chapter a week. (So I can edit, think details, EXT.) This also contains humor LETS BEGIN! WEEDANORT: Location, Radiant Garden. ================================== "Are we there yet?" Yuna asked me, as we were walking towards the castle. "Almost there, be patient!" I said, exhausted. We just reached the garden, and saw a stairway leading to a another section of the garden. Would it kill these people to put in an escalator?, I thought, not wanting to walk up stairs. "This is a nice place, but would it kill them to not have so many stairs?" I asked. There was an unrealistically strong wind blowing from The north, blowing my "OBEY" cap off. "Sheesh, if I knew that it was gonna be this windy, I wouldn't have decided to ask him!" I yelled, trying to speak up over the wind. Then, the wind picked up, blowing over trees. "WHY IS THERE SO MUCH WIIIIIIIIIND?!?!" A voice said. Three seconds later, Flaming Lea, whose umbrella was blown open, and she was trying not to be the next Mary popping. (I love you Lea, as a friend.) the wind died down. "I havnt seen a wind like that since...never!" She said, closing the umbrella. "Oh, weed while you're here, have you seen some Pokemon?" "Go walk in some grass, see if you can find out." Yuna said, trying to crack a joke. "Why don't you see for yourself?" I said, pushing yuna towards the tall grass. "Okay, but maybe I should bring a keyblade, just in case?" Even you had a keyblade, the only thing you are going to find in there is grass and dirt I thought. Yuna began pushing some grass around, the grass shuffling around. "Ay, I'm trying to sleep here!" A voice said. "Who said that?" Tuna asked. KH13's Pangoro woke up, and said "I did." yuna wasn't expecting such a massive encounter in the grass, and tumbled backwards. "It's 11:54AM, Pan." Lea said, checking her watch. "Just five more minutes!" Pan said, rubbing his eyes. I sighed, thinking to myself This is gonna be a long day. "so, where are you three going?" Pan asked. "Yuna is going to find Ansem the wise, for a location." "Oh, I saw Steven walk by earlier, don't know what he wants." Pan said. "Should we go see what he's up too?" Lea asked. "No, we should focus on getting to Ansem." And try not to throw out my back on the stairs, I thought. "Comeon, let me show you where he is!" Pan said. ================================== What do you think?
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