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  1. What Square Enix game would you like to see have an episode in "Secret Level" Season 2?
  2. Square Enix has announced the launch of their new pet goods brand SQEX PETS, which will feature various merchandise for pets such as leashes, bandanas, clothing, beds and toys based on the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. With the exception of the Dragon Quest items, the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts items were supervised by Tetsuya Nomura, who also serves as character designer, game designer, and director for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He also designed and drew the logo for FINAL FANTASY & PETs. The Kingdom Hearts & Pets merchandise line contains six items Cafe Monogram Mat Sora dog wear Monogram Pet Bandana Monogram Pet Bed Monogram Pet Leash Paopu Fruit Rope Toy You can take a closer look at the items in our gallery below It should be noted that the products are currently listed as coming soon, and there is currently no release date or pricing information available for them as they are still under development and may not be sold depending on their development status. Would you purchase Kingdom Hearts merchandise for your pets? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to our team's Ryuji for the translations. View full article
  3. Square Enix has announced the launch of their new pet goods brand SQEX PETS, which will feature various merchandise for pets such as leashes, bandanas, clothing, beds and toys based on the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. With the exception of the Dragon Quest items, the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts items were supervised by Tetsuya Nomura, who also serves as character designer, game designer, and director for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He also designed and drew the logo for FINAL FANTASY & PETs. The Kingdom Hearts & Pets merchandise line contains six items Cafe Monogram Mat Sora dog wear Monogram Pet Bandana Monogram Pet Bed Monogram Pet Leash Paopu Fruit Rope Toy You can take a closer look at the items in our gallery below It should be noted that the products are currently listed as coming soon, and there is currently no release date or pricing information available for them as they are still under development and may not be sold depending on their development status. Would you purchase Kingdom Hearts merchandise for your pets? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to our team's Ryuji for the translations.
  4. Hey, FFVII fans and bookworms! Anyone heard of or read this? This was an amazing read, satisfying both my interest in learning about different folk lore and mythology but also my craving to understand the expansive story of the VII compilation. It was so accessible that even if I had known nothing about Norse lore I would probably have got on quite happily with it, and revisiting story from games like Dirge of Cerberus and Before Crisis was such a nostalgia trip. I'm quite surprised more people haven't heard of it, so I figured I'd see if anyone else here had gotten their hands on a copy and enjoyed it as much as I have.
  5. My overarching theory is this. Tidus disappears in FFX, after killing jecht/sin. We know in FFX that whoever defeats sin becomes sin. Yuna was SUPPOSED TO. But Tidus changed Fate. I think Tidus is the one dreaming the realm that sora is currently existing in. Here’s why. Final fantasy X, X2, 13, and 7 are all along the same timeline. The Jenova project of FF7 was to make a hybrid of a human and raw energy. They found out that was the life of the planet. The light. Kingdom hearts bad guys have consistently tried to create a being, capable of copying the keyblade. Every time failed, and even Xion couldn’t wield its true power without shattering. What if Yozora is that project completed somehow? In KH3 remind he scans the keyblade. And he knows how to use it, very well. He could be the replica project come to fruition somehow. Could the dandelions have been sent to quadratum for yozora to copy? It would make sense as to why he’s so keen with a keyblade If Tidus is the dream, and all of KH is in this, quadratum could be another dream, and they could be touching via sora being in the realm of sleep currently. If Tidus is actually the dream, this is what’s also true. The overwhelming karma imbalance in Verum Rex, the inability to vanquish the heartless, even time travel, as Tidus traveled 1000 years into the future. It would all be cannon. Along with every FF character in KH to date. In application of this theory to FF and KH, EVERYTHING remains cannon. And it doesn’t influence the story at all. Everywhere you apply the theory that Yozora is the ultimate Replica program completed, you realize this. Xehanort, MoM, Tidus, and the Shinra corp would all have the same motive. To create a being strong enough to capture the keyblade’s light. They would still always need sora to go through how his events have unfolded, and yozora would have motive for wanting to stop sora too Noctis, would still be the FALSE KING. Because although he can copy every weapon in his world, YOZORA would be the true king, able to copy any weapon in any dimension. The arena in verum rex is offshore of a city. The buildings around it are the same shape, size and look like storage containers. Like In FF 7. Maybe, verum rex is attached to the data world somehow, and MoM made a replica of the system from FF7, but because it’s a videogame, it would allow for unlimited use of energy. But it also allows for what? BUGS. The mechs are eerily bug shaped. in this arena too, I think the gold mech we fight, is actually yozora. He might think “beating sora” to gain the power is all a game because KH might be a game in his world. But it could be Sora’s reality that’s in jeopardy. We’ve seen this format in Re:Coded. What if baby Xehanort was copied? Xehanort decoded is heart, and Nox. A nox is a goddess of the night. But in GREEK. Not Latin. Quadratum would have an entirely different “Origin” as we all know. Heart of the night could mean that yozora is the alternate timeline of XEHANORT in the data realm. It would account for his identity problem, along with every player being in his heart from KHUX. It would explain his ability to use the keyblade instantly after copying it. it explains his motive to stop sora. That could be why we also plan through TWO versions of the ending If baby Xehanort was also copied, and that’s who resides inside yozora’s body, it accounts for his red and blue eye. He would never have needed to choose between light and darkness because they don’t exist there. But I think he will become the ultimate villain. A Gilgamesh. Which would explain VERSUS 13’s idea I just don’t think remind was either or. I think it was Both and It seems like this is basically what phase 2 is comprising of. Shaping out Sora’s scenario. But I think Riku is going to be in trouble and that’s what Sora’s oath will change to. Saving Riku somehow, even though Riku went to save sora. I think yozora and sora met, because yozora was dreaming in his world. Maybe— Yozora sets his sights to save nameless star, which I have a sneaking suspicion has connective ties with kairi, so they all race to kairi but all for different motives. Sora’s oath to return could still be to kairi, but a new oath in is heart could be forming. One larger than them all. I think yozora is going to choose the darkness and become what sephiroth is to cloud. What Seymour was to Tidus, etc. the parallels are wild. Even Final Fantasy X has 7 characters of light in the party. please subscribe to my YouTube channel as I will be fleshing this theory out starting next week. https://youtube.com/c/jonvega10131
  6. Hey people, I hope this isn't against the rules, but I just wanted to drop a vanity post to say that my book, Melodies of Life: A Final Fantasy IX Retrospect and Analysis, is out now in paperback. The kindle edition is open to pre-orders, and will be released 31/01/2020. (links at the bottom of post) I thought I'd drop the contents breakdown here, so if you're interested in checking it out - you have an idea of what you might be in for: Contents: A Voice From the Past, Joining Yours and Mine... Foreword Introduction The Party Plot Summary What it Means to be Alive Authenticity & The Artificial Either You Do, Or You Don't The Iifa Tree & The Angels of Death Identity & Autonomy Raison D'être Vivi: Golem Among Golems The Genomes With Soul: Zidane, Kuja and Mikoto Garnet x2 (or x3 or x4!) A Knight's Duty Lost & Forgotten Music & Narrative Echoes, Reflections and Foreshadowing Not Alone Melodies of Life Something to Protect The Storybook Motif & Nostalgia Legend, Lore and Callbacks Life's a Play, The World a Stage Who's the Bad Guy? Hierarchy & Rebellion Decadent Jesters The Will to Live vs. The Will to Power Et Tu, Kuja? Life Cycles & Internal and External Conflict Gaia & Terra Eternal Life/Strife Existentialism: The Reality of Mortality Love, Fealty & Self-Determination Relationships Why These Characters Work (And Work Together) Romance Personal Influence Respect Camaraderie And So it Goes, On and On... Afterword A Few Things You May Know... Acknowledgments Thanks for indulging me, and I hope this of some interest! A lot of work went into it, and any feedback/criticism is welcome. I am going to take a nap now.... US link: https://www.amazon.com/Melodies-Lif...keywords=jamie+L+cruise&qid=1611656028&sr=8-2 UK link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08TS5DY7B/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1611577360&sr=8-2 DE link: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08TW5GTM2/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=jamie+L.+Cruise&qid=1611656250&sr=8-2
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