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Found 27 results

  1. Welp, this feeling came up while I was finishing up the PlayStation version of Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory: I want to see Kairi have something worthwhile, like her own game or novel. As an individual, Kairi has had the least amount of screen time to show us who she is. All we got was her past as a little girl in Radiant Garden and with Sora. It’s like she is the third wheel when it comes to Sora and Riku’s bond and their adventures, which stinks for her. With Kingdom Hearts IV as the start of a new story arc, I would like Kairi to have her adventures that EXCLUDES Sora, by a lot. Let Kairi be a person without a man! Also, let Kairi be a person without falling into Disney tropes and clichés like the Disney princesses. Kairi deserves better! Am I done with the demands? Yes. I can say I want a Kairi story as much as I want. But I’m not sure how possible it will be with Square Enix’s current productions. It may take a long time for Kairi to have her own standalone if Square sees potential in telling a story with her front and center. Instead, I might end up sticking to fanfiction. It’s been a long time since I read any fanfiction, so I don’t know any recent takes on Kairi aside from my own piece, “Of Light and Darkness – Chaos.” I only have one problem with that, though: it’s more of a Jack Garland introduction to me than a Kairi piece. The only other idea I have for a Kairi fanfiction comes from the latter half of 2022. The few key points about it were that Kairi would get separated from Aqua on an investigation mission, there would be a lot of original characters, and it would have a different direction from Kingdom Heart IV’s Quadratum and the concept of reality. Kairi’s adventures could function parallel to what was described for Sora’s in Kingdom Hearts IV (and how Roxas explored worlds in 358/2 Days). Kairi would visit a world for a while and return to the hub world and go about her daily life before going back to the field. If it were possible, I would also include costumes for Kairi to wear. Some of them are outfits from the previous titles (Kingdom Hearts I and II) for nostalgia. Other outfits are new costumes to reflect Kairi’s life and events. And finally, there could be outfits that are like Sora’s formchanges, each outfit reflecting a bond from the Guardians of Light (sans Sora and his counterparts). Throughout the story, there could be flashbacks that show Kairi’s life in both Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands. Who are Kairi’s parents and what were they like? How was Kairi as an Islander and as a student? How did she, Sora, and Riku develop their friendships? Currently, in my idea space, I don’t have many original characters for a possible fanfiction. Honestly, I don’t have a full scenario for how Kairi’s story could play out. What I do have is two major original characters: a queen/empress who stands out differently from Kairi, and a former Dark Keyblade Master who protects her for the genuinely good. One of the key ideas is that the worlds surrounding the hub world are aware of each other and go against the known world order. So, there is an issue for Aqua and a moral conflict for Kairi. The core idea, though, is how Kairi handles being on her own without anyone she knows to guide her. Who is she without the Guardians of Light, the Keyblade, or Sora? That’s the story premise I would want to be explored in a Kingdom Hearts title about Kairi. What do you guys think about this? Let me know in the comment section. Until then, thank you for reading this post.
  2. Sacrifice. What a despicable thing, Kairi thought to herself. How can anyone be okay with doing such a thing? This question has been trapped inside her mind since she left the Final World. Every time she thought about him disappearing, not once, but twice, doesn’t just give her sorrow. It provided her with anger. The anger she didn’t know she could have. Why did he smile when he left her? Left them? Didn’t he think things through? How much it would hurt everyone? He didn’t save her. He just gave grief to her and everyone else. Perhaps learning from Master Aqua could give her a chance to release her pain. Kairi didn’t think about it when she announced her decision to Master Yen Sid. If she had, would he permit it? Would he understand? Would the others? Maybe they just wouldn’t care. … It was sometime after she arrived and started her training with Master Aqua that Kairi came to regret it. Even though she knew he wasn’t Xehanort, Kairi couldn’t shake off the resemblance Terra had to the man who took her away from her grandmother. Ventus was so much like Sora, with his smile and his gestures, Kairi wasn’t sure if she wanted to ask Ventus about Sora. Or if she could use him as practice for when she screams her grief at the real deal. Then there’s Master Aqua. She seemed so absolute in her teaching and philosophy; Kairi felt a chilling resemblance to Sora. That selflessness hurts. Then she was told their stories… Kairi had to turn away from the three. She had to go to the training grounds. She didn’t remember what happened next, except for a heavy scream. When she came to, she saw the poles torn to pieces and the shocked expressions of her teachers. The return to the castle was in silence. … Maybe she had darkness in her heart. Yet, she didn’t care. She hated it. She hated sacrifice. She hated them for sacrificing themselves. She hated him for sacrificing himself. She didn’t care if she had darkness. She wanted it. She wanted it to grieve. To cry, to scream, to rage, and to fall. What would everyone say about it? Darkness was the ultimate evil in their eyes. Well, maybe not Roxas and the others in Twilight Town. But Kairi didn’t want to think about Axel and Xion right now. They made the same choice as everyone else she knows with the Keyblade. All but Roxas. He didn’t get the choice. He was forced to give up. … Master Yen Sid called before Master Aqua could call him. He had a task for her. Some worlds were behaving oddly as if they are connected. Such interaction between worlds shouldn’t be possible, nor is it allowed. The task was to investigate these worlds and determine if the World Order needed to be restored. Just what is the world order, Kairi wanted to ask. What was the point of it anymore? She had been in Traverse Town, and she had seen Hayner, Pence, and Olette on her Island’s beach with the others. Too bad Master Aqua was the only one to talk to Master Yen Sid and no one else. Kairi volunteered to go with her to these worlds. Kairi needed to leave the Land of Departure. She reasoned to everyone that if the only Master went, she should follow and learn further from both Master Aqua’s teachings and experience. Terra seemed to have agreed with her argument. Ventus was silent. Perhaps he was afraid of her? Kairi saw it on Master Aqua’s face – she didn’t believe Kairi’s words. But Terra’s support and Ventus’ fear must have convinced her. Master Aqua nodded slowly and told Kairi to gather what she needed. Kairi only sighed in relief when she left the master’s harsh gaze. It was only when they were outside Master Aqua give Kairi a cold, stern glare. She told her student that she must follow her orders at ALL times and disobedience would immediately send her off to Master Yen Sid for discipline. For the first time since she met the woman, Kairi fear her. So, she wisely and formally replied yes. … Despite the fear Master Aqua imposed on her, Kairi felt she needed to do this. She wanted to journey to different worlds with Riku and Sora once upon a time. Now, she was finally going to see these new places with her own eyes. Not from reading or through someone else’s eyes. This was her chance to begin anew, and Kairi won’t let anyone, or anything, stop her this time.
  3. so- uh- last time I posted on here was... interesting. Tried to delete the post, turns out you can't so I'll just repurpose it to a shameless plug of some of my neato KH fanfic! enjoy? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/OriginalDreamer06/works?fandom_id=43473721
  4. Summary: Based on the “Yozora” secret ending and the ending of the State of Play Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind Trailer. What if the meeting between Sora and Yozora in the Final World continued into Shibuya? What if Yozora comes across Sora instead of watching over Riku? Another time, another story. The sky’s changed, Sora first thought to himself as he rose from the water floor. “Now, it’s turned to night,” the Keyblade hero said out loud to himself. “Did I save her?” The last thing Sora remembered was fading. Like his body was turning to dust. There was a sunset and someone to his left. We were holding hands…he—she! She was crying…! Sora gasped. He did it! He saved Kairi and brought her home to their Islands. But at the cost was to say goodbye to her. And to return here, to the world of the sea and sky: the Final World. “Looks like it’s time to pay up,” Sora guessed. “So, who is the collector?” Was it a Lich? That thought made Sora shudder. The idea of seeing THAT heartless wasn’t a pleasing one. Nor is the idea of a Lich taking Sora’s heart beyond the Final World and onto death. Xehanort? While that was also an unpleasant (although very ironic) idea, Sora would rather take Xehanort over a Lich any time for this scenario. But Aqua’s master, Eraqus, already took Xehanort away. So the chance of meeting the old darkness seeker was very unlikely. Annoyed with the quiet and emptiness, Sora cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted: “Hello! Is anyone else around here? HEY!” Once he finished, Sora shift his body to his right side and brought his right hand to his ear, hoping for someone to reply from afar. Silence continued on in Sora’s ear. And then, “…Who’s there?” Alerted, Sora took a look and spotted something in black far into the distance. The direction was forward. Is this a coincidence? Sora wondered quietly before he bolts onward to meet the person. He felt excitement, nervousness, and hopefulness inside his heart. Excitement from the thought of where he was not alone, that someone else was out there. Nervousness over his concerns the person may be Xehanort, or a Lich disguised as a person. And finally, hopefulness with the person being someone Sora can trust and NOT a Lich (mostly). As he ran closer to the person in black who was walking instead, Sora can’t help but think back on something. Was it something he said years ago, or just thought about? “I’ve been having…” Sora began quietly to himself. “…these weird thoughts lately.” Sora thought he heard someone else speak. Was it the person he’s trying to reach? “Like is any of this for real or not?” Sora and the other voice said together. Sora stopped in his tracks. The person before him slowly halted his approach as well. The moonlight’s reflection acts as a divide between them. Who is this guy and how does he know that thought of mine? Sora’s mind was reeling with shock. Even more so, once the person finally stopped, the moonlight revealed his appearance. RIKU?! Wasn’t expecting him to be here, but at least it’s not a Lich. Riku was the first identity that came into Sora’s mind. But that fled as Sora noted the look-a-like’s features: the man’s hair is curved towards his right, the colors on his clothes weren’t just black, but gray and red, and his left eye was red as well. He seen this person’s image before, back at a game store when Sora was a toy— Yozora? But how is that possible? Yozora was from a video game from a single world. Or was Yozora around before the game was even created? One way to find out, Sora took a nervous breath before asking, “Are you Yozora?” The young man blinked in surprise before gauging Sora carefully. Guess he is Yozora after all. Sora let the thought pass through his mind. This beats the last person he ever expected to come to the Final World. This was the one thing he didn’t even imagine happening! “You must be Sora.” Startled, Sora focused on Yozora again and saw Yozora’s expression. Unlike Riku with expressions by the mouth, Yozora’s lips don’t seem to change much so one might mistake a smile for a frown. Therefore to best judge Yozora’s thoughts and feelings, Sora guessed, would be through his eyes. The old saying about eyes being a gateway to a person’s soul might be true in this case. Despite his eyes being two different colors, Sora wondered if he was seeing dismay in Yozora’s eyes at that moment. “You shouldn’t be here,” Yozora quietly mused. What? “Not yet, anyway,” and with that thought leaving his lips, Yozora brought his left hand out towards Sora. In a few seconds, Sora felt the world had shifted. It did. Yozora somehow distorted the Final World’s reality. And now Sora was falling in the sky down towards the sea he was just standing on. Is Yozora trying to send me to my death?! Sora’s thoughts were panicked and disordered. The sea was like a floor. If Sora lands on it now, will he crash into it like he would the ground in the living world? What if the sea was actually the sea thanks to Yozora’s distortion? Would Sora go back to the world of the living or be at his heart’s Station? Why was Yozora trying to send him back to the living world? Did Yozora think Sora wasn’t ready yet? But what if the sea was still like the ground floor? Sora never felt more than a bit of pain and merely rolled safely when he landed during the past two years. Now, as far as he could tell, Sora was without his power, he was a normal teenage boy. Surviving a fall like this one case would be impossible. Sora’s head arrived at the sea’s surface. The two forces collided. SPLASH! Sora was overjoyed that he lived only to catch sight of Yozora looking down on him. The dark silver haired man was still standing at his spot on the other side of the sea. Before he could question it, Yozora blurred away with the water rippling from Sora’s earlier impact, turning the once transparent wall into an opaque sea. Sora continued downward into the sea’s dark abyss. He wasn’t sure how long it was until he arrived at the darkest area. He felt his world going black. Was this because of the darkness or was he out of air like in real life? Like the time, Sora didn’t know the answer as he closed his eyes. ••• The sound of a drop of water stirred his consciousness as he began to awake. Slowly opening his eyes, Sora found himself on wet pavement. Rousing his body to move, he used his hands to lift himself up onto his feet, feeling cool damp gravel and a puddle across his palms. Afterwards, he turned his hands around to check his palms for any damage, and then flexed his fingers to see if he can still use them. Taking a sigh of relief, Sora just basked in that moment. He was alive. As soon as the moment passed, he realized something was amiss. The quiet was too much. He shifts his body to look to his right. He saw a car in the distance. Not to mention there was warm lights all around him. Sora continued to turn himself around to figure out where he was. It seemed like a city, reminding him a little of San Fransokyo. Yet this city seemed larger, the warm lights suggest more vibrancy and night life in most areas of the district. Another thing, as Sora began to walk to the open area of road ahead of him, this city seemed empty like a ghost town. There was no one else but him. Once he reached the start of the four-way crosswalk, Sora looked up to the night sky, its darkness weakened by the warm lights from neon (like that 109 sign he saw to his left earlier), street lights, and screens in the city. All he could do is wonder is what was going on. Was he alone? “Sora.” A short breath escaped Sora as he looks again to the right. A familiar dark clothed man was walking towards him. Yozora was here. “How did—why are you here, Yozora?” Sora couldn’t think of much to say. “Where…where are we?” If Yozora was offended by Sora’s impoliteness, the dark silver hair man didn’t show it. “This place is called Shibuya.” “Shibuya?” Sora repeated. There was only one time someone said that name, and it was Neku Sakuraba, when he and Shiki invited Sora to their world. A slight shrug and shake of Yozora’s head suggest he was reading Sora’s thoughts, “Doubt whatever you hope for is in this Shibuya.” Sora was confused and bothered by Yozora’s response. This Shibuya? Are there different versions of this city? Sora could tell Yozora, with closed eyes, didn’t care to answer that one, so he let slide for now. His first question however, Sora repeated himself: “Now why are you here? The last time I saw you, you plunged me into the depths of the Final World.” Yozora opened his eyes, “Did it feel like you were waking up from a confusing dream?” Sora wasn’t sure what Yozora meant, but he chose to keep silent as Yozora walked around him. “This place, to me, is like an old memory,” Yozora continued. Dream and memory, why does it sound familiar to Sora? Like an old saying… That’s it! “A scattered dream that’s like a far-off memory,” Sora began. “A far-off memory that’s like a scattered dream.” Yozora turned his head to the left and glanced at Sora before turning around to face the teenager, “Sora– about this world…about everything that has happened. I want to line the pieces up. Yours and mine.” Sora couldn’t believe it. That was the second time Yozora spoke his words from the past, yet Sora knew no one but a small few had heard them before. Those words were his deepest thoughts. How could Yozora have said them like he knew them from heart? Just who are you, Yozora? Sora must be like an open book as again, Yozora shook his head as a response. But Yozora didn’t shrug. He cared to answer Sora’s question. Soon. Seems like I can read you as well, Sora thought to himself. By how much and for how long, however, is unknown for now. “All of this is a long story, but we aren’t the only ones here,” Yozora sidestepped figuratively before tilting his head up to see the sky, or rather a building. His eyes sharpened into a glare. “There’s someone else. Someone who has played a role in the past. Long before now in this place.” Sora followed Yozora’s example and tilted his head to see what Yozora was seeing. What he found was a rather tall building, but at the roof was something black standing on the corner. The black thing was a coat. It couldn’t be an Organization member… they were all gone. So who was this man? ••• Just as he finished his hand shaping a heart in the far-off moon, the man felt like he was being watched. Letting his hands drop to his sides, the black clothed man bent his head downwards and hummed. Down on the ground were two young men, both of which are familiar to him. The first one, the one with dark silver hair and heterochromatic iridum, Yozora, glared at him. He knew why, as he had crossed paths with the young man a few times before. As for the other one, a lad with brown spiky hair and confused blue eyes surprised him…somewhat. The lad was from the sights his other eye had seen while a part of the nameless Keyblade. The keyblade Luxu passed down to future generations. Sora, he believed was the lad’s name. How did Sora arrive to this place and with Yozora, he had to wonder. Perhaps, this is an unforeseen result from the role Luxu had to fulfill. A role which should be completed in a bit, based on a brief mental view of Ira, Aced, and Invi in the wastelands with Luxu at the time. “Looks things might get interesting around here.” The man said to himself, knowing the two below won’t be able to hear him. For now, though, the man that is the Master of Masters just smirked. Reconnect: KINGDOM HEARTS A/N: This whole thing was written during the night of January 21st for the Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind DLC. Just came to me like some of the video game stories from the old Archie Sonic comics under the starting line, “Another time, another place…” This is a possible story about the secret episode in the Re:Mind DLC that releases on Thursday. The idea is the main two characters, Yozora and Sora, connecting through the opening lines Sora had said in Kingdom Hearts I and II. Some of the ideas came from the Re:Mind trailer, while other ideas from my own ideas of comic scenarios. Also, big shout-out and thanks to YouTube’s @HMK for his Re:Mind theory trilogy videos (particularly the last video, “Sora & Yozora: The One True Sky”) for the theory ideas of how Yozora and the Master of Masters are connected to Sora and how Yozora was able to meet Sora in the Final World and what Shibuya was and where it was. I hope to hear what you guys think of this story. How does it fare in terms of writing, concepts, and characterization? Thank you for reading. TrinityXaos#
  5. Kingdom Hearts III Skit – Into Verum Rex By TrinityXaos# - Summary: [KHIII SPOILERS] You would think getting your toy dinosaur from a video game store would be so simple. Sadly, Sora and his crew’s problem is not a case of lost and found, but of Xehanort meddling. How will Sora put up with this round of Xehanort shenanigans at Galaxy Toys? - INT. Video Game Store, Galaxy Toys, Toy Box. [Right when the party and Rex begin to leave the area.] YOUNG XEHANORT (Will be abbreviated as Y.X.): Au contraire, I cannot have you guinea pigs leave just yet. The group turned around to discover Young Xehanort had reappeared. Sora, Donald, and Goofy armed themselves before the whole party moved to battle position. SORA: Benanort! Y.X.: It’s “Young Xehanort”! Or plain “Xehanort” to you! And why are you calling me “Benanort?!” SORA: What other nickname would fit for a guy voiced by Ben Diskin? Young Xehanort groans in annoyance as he signals a Heartless to possess Buzz. The Heartless does so. That begins the dramatic Buzz attacks Woody moment, minus the cartoon-y tone in the characters’ voice acting. - Sora turned back to Young Xehanort in frustration. SORA: Didn’t Pinocchio teach you anything about bodies and hearts already?! Y.X. That puppet boy was but evidence for creating this experiment… SORA: Let me guess – dark plans. Now get a taste of Riku’s experiences with my Keyblade’s fury! Sora swung at Young Xehanort, but Young Xehanort vanished. Sora was annoyed. SORA: Not this again. Y.X.: As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted— SORA: Don’t care! Repeat. Only this time, Young Xehanort was on top of a shelf. Y.X.: Rude again! Now let me explain the experiment! Even if I have to go faster than my usual monotone self. The Xehanort monologue from that scene went at 1.5 (maybe 2) times the original speed. Sora, on the other hand, went upwards to hack Young Xehanort down. But Young Xehanort vanished with each hit of the combo. SORA: Will you—just take—a few— Sora spotted Young Xehanort down on the floor and jumped down for another strike. SORA: —proper hits?! Young Xehanort vanished again. That was enough of a “no” for Sora. DONALD: Sora! Sora looked at the situation with Buzz and Woody. Donald and Rex were trying to keep Buzz from attacking Woody who was behind the protection of Goofy and his trusty shield. REX: Do something! Sora looked disgruntled and sighed in dismay. SORA: I’m really not getting paid enough for this… Alright! Just expect some pay cuts though, minions! Sora made a move to help, but Young Xehanort grabbed Sora’s Keyblade handle and held it and Sora up in the air with one hand. SORA: What the –?! Y.X.: Did you know a Keyblade wielder is quite vulnerable to being grabbed by the wrist or their Keyblade while they have it in their hands? SORA: You’re kidding! Aah… Young Xehanort charges up a dark and reddish energy ball and aims it at Sora’s abdomen. Y.X.: This is for “Benanort.” Young Xehanort blasted the dark energy ball into Sora and sends the hero straight into the Verum Rex demo screen. - Sora wakes up in the demo factory area near a blue Gigas robot. Sora rises with annoyance. SORA: Urg…Where am I? Y.X. (Off-Screen) To this world’s resident, you are from a Square Enix game. I merely cast you into their current in-a-game fake game demo world. Sora looks up to the skies as he hears Young Xehanort’s voice. SORA: Wait! Are you saying you Persona 4’d me here?!* Young Xehanort was back in the game store talking at the demo screen’s area. Y.X.: Yes. I sent you into a Gigas heavy mini-game demo. SORA: So you Persona 4’d me, but instead of sending me to a dungeon area, I’m in a Titanfall 2 cliché?** Don’t you think that’s a bit much on the kids with games for older audiences? Young Xehanort was silent for a moment with a deadpan scowl forming on his face. Y.X.: I hope the upcoming Gigas army gives you hell, Sora. After all, I did place a huge wager against you escaping in 3 minutes or less. Ciao! Young Xehanort leaves in a dark corridor. Back inside the game demo, Sora was shocked. SORA: What?! GIGAS: (Off-screen) GET. THE. YOZORA. KNOCK-OFF! Sora gets into battle formation. SORA: Better think twice there, mechas! END Author’s Note: *The whole thing about Persona 4 was thanks to my current playthroughs with Persona 5 and looking up stuff related to the game and its series. The Midnight Channel from Persona 4 was what I was thinking of with that reference. In hindsight, I could have used Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth or Epic Mickey since they had a similar transport methodology. **If you know the general premise of Titanfall 2 or read articles about it, you could see where I was getting at for this reference. The Gigas gimmick reminded me of what I know of Titanfall 2 thanks to Game Informer’s articles, since both involve a human character and a robot that can be piloted for combat.
  6. [Start: Right after Elsa leaves the scene] SORA: [Looking at the icicles blocking him.] Wow, those are some thick icicles. LARXENE: [Off-Screen] Now, don’t you know when to respect a lady’s space, young man? SORA: Well, given that it’s rare to see a story relevant girl around in this series, not as much as I should. Larxene: [Still Off-Screen] [-.-] What? SORA: Kind of a consequence for being in a title by Square and Disney – there’s way too many men around that you don’t remember how to interact with girls. Larxene appears behind Sora and his unimportant minions. Sora and his unimportant minions turn around to face her. LARXENE: Alright, I will give you that one. It’s no wonder why fanfiction can sometimes be sausage fests. SORA: Ah-ha! Let’s move on to the Organization stuff then. Is that alright, miss…? LARXENE: It’s Larxene, and thank you for the courtesy this time. For the basic point: we can’t let you be around Elsa for a while, so I need to keep you busy. SORA: How about we talk about why you are in the Organization? I mean, you are the second member I met whom I don’t recognize. LARXENE: Castle Oblivion, kid. You wouldn’t remember me due to Naminé’s repair job. [Sora makes an “ah” to that.] This catch up is quick and decent, but I really must keep you from Elsa a little longer. So…I’m going to use my electricity on those icicles to make a needless filler detour fortress. Ta! Larxene begins the formation. SORA: Wait Larxene! Sora pulls out the Pride Heartbinder. SORA: Do you know what this is? Larxene’s eyes went wide. LARXENE: Aw crap! When do you get that? SORA: The Monsters Inc. world: Monstropolis! Oddly enough, fire-fighting rewards you with Fire-type summons. CAPTION: Key evidence is Ifrit of Final Fantasy and Belias of Final Fantsay XII. SORA: Now, I’m going to use this to stop your fortress plan, skipping utterly needless filler to an already filler world! COME FORTH, FIRE SIMBA!!! SHOW THIS LADY WHY KING’S FLARE IS THE MOST USEFUL AND OVERPOWERED OF ALL THE LINKS!!!* [Simba is summoned, and Sora ends up on Simba’s back] SIMBA: ROAR!! [TRANSLATION: FIRE EXPLOSION!!!] The ice blocks were melted by Simba’s appearance. Larxene wasn’t pleased. LARXENE: That’s not fair! We’re supposed to be part of a cliché JRPG story: the good guys aren’t meant to get past the villain’s traps that easily! SORA: Ha-ha! What’s the matter? Did the cold air go and turn hot on you? LARXENE: ……… Larxene could only stare at him with a miffed face. SIMBA: Rowr. [TRANSLATION: That joke was lame. Even for you, Sora.] SORA: Well, excuse me, critics! At least we won’t have to go through useless filler now. LARXENE: Urg… This whole scene was a waste of time… I’m outta here! See ya at the top and on a frozen lake! Larxene brings up a dark corridor to exit through. SORA: See ya later! LARXENE: (to herself) Seriously, though. I should have just been a boss battle here. SORA: Now onward, Simba! Onward to Els-ahh!!! Simba’s time was up and thus, Simba disappeared. Sora falls to the ground, which was now covered in mushy snow. Face first. It’s “yuk” and “ouch” at the same time. END Author’s notes: Due to my time in the real game’s ice fortress, Simba indeed won the title of best Link. This was an example of a possible abridged or parody of Kingdom Hearts III (and basically post-Kingdom Hearts III) I had in mind for a while. Sorry that the jokes didn’t work. I apparently have little to no skill in joke writing.
  7. (KHIII Spoilers) The Keyblade Graveyard: such an unnerving world. This is a land of dead Keyblades, crazy black robed cults, and a very raged-induced suit of armor. Join our Guardians of Light as they encounter shocking to unimaginable moments they’d rather not come across again. (Parody)(Has some language)
  8. Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU Also Available on FF.net | Ao3 | Tumblr Based on Chachacharlieco's Tarzan AU Chapter One- In Which They Disembark The Land of Departure. Home to Master Eraqus and his seven keyblade warriors. The oldest was Terra, 28, a Master. He specialized in brute strength and using his environment to his advantage. The second was Aqua, 27, the first Master. A mage with a gift of elemental magics. The next oldest was Riku, 23, the third Master. He had been chosen by the keyblade, but fell to darkness before he could wield it. Once he recovered himself, he came to Master Eraqus to train and banish the darkness from himself. Next in the line was Ventus, 22, a boy who had been studying under Eraqus for years. He had arrived in the Land of Departure with no memory of his past, and no darkness in his heart. Though he is not a master yet, his strikes continue to be the swiftest and most accurate, though not always the strongest. Next was Kairi, 16, a Princess from Radiant Garden. The newest student under Eraqus. She, like Ventus, has no darkness in her heart. Many in her home world believe that’s why she is able to wield the Keyblade. Finally, the youngest: Sora. Able to summon the keyblade at the age of three, the youngest anyone had in known history. Though, this is all that anyone knows about him anymore. The memories of those who knew him are bittersweet, and therefore, forbidden. As of late, the students had been busy on the field. Darkness was growing, taking over and swallowing worlds. The job of the keyblade warrior was to go out, find the heart of a world, and lock it with the keyblade, forbidding the darkness from overwhelming it and taking it over. So far, their efforts hadn’t been in vain. But as Master Eraqus waited for everyone to return from their latest missions before assigning more, the pupils began to worry that something was dire. They assembled in the foyer, preparing to depart for the next assignment. “I want to express my pride and gratitude for all the hard work you all have done in these hard times. Because of your efforts, almost all the worlds that were in jeopardy have been saved. Though some were lost to the darkness, we cannot dwell in what was. “There is one world left that needs to be locked. It requires all of you to go. Terra and Aqua are prepared to administer the Mark of Mastery exam to Ventus during your mission. Riku, your job will be to accompany Kairi whenever the party separates. This world is treacherous, and should not be traversed lightly.” “Master Eraqus,” Terra spoke up. “Though you gave Aqua and I instructions on what to look for in the exam, you didn’t actually say what world we were going to.” Eraqus looked down to the floor, hesitating. Finally he answered, “Terra, it is the world in which you took your Mark of Mastery Exam.” Aqua and Terra both gasped in shock and fell silent. Riku, Kairi, and Ventus studied the reaction quietly. Aqua often talked about her exam, and everyone had been around to witness Riku’s, but when questioned, Terra would simply supply, “I passed, that’s all that matters.” Eraqus and Aqua didn’t elaborate on it much either, only saying that the exam itself was a success, but something tragic had happened immediately afterward that was still too painful to talk about. Even ten years after the fact. “Master, surely there’s no reason to lock that world? There’s no people there.” “Whether or not a world is worth saving is not up to you to decide. I do understand your concerns and reservations. But as keyblade wielders, it is our job to protect all worlds from the darkness. No matter how rugged or barren it may be.” Kairi was the brave one that spoke up, “Master? What happened that was so...traumatizing?” Aqua, Terra, and Eraqus looked at each other, considering. Finally, Eraqus answered. “Ten years ago, not long after Ventus came to be with us, the five of us travelled to this world, Deep Jungle.” “Wait, the five of you? Eraqus, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.” Riku counted off on his fingers. “Who was the fifth?” “Sora. A former wielder.” Kairi, Riku, and Ventus all gasped. “There was another one?” Asked Ventus, “Why haven’t you ever talked about them? And...why don’t I remember?” “It’s still too painful to talk about.” Terra admitted. “When you first came here, Ven, you weren’t really all there.” “I know,” he agreed. “But I thought I would be able to remember a whole other person.” Aqua smiled fondly, though it was bittersweet. “Sora loved you. When you were introduced to us, he started asking questions a mile a minute, so much so that you started crying because you were overwhelmed. He did his best to make sure you were always included in things. He actually got you to smile and laugh.” Ventus felt his heart ache. “Really? How old was he?” “At the time, he was six.” Eraqus explained. “Sora was...a prodigy. He was able to summon a keyblade at only the age of three. He couldn’t even speak in full sentences, but he was swinging a full length keyblade around.” “At three years old? That’s amazing!” “It was remarkable. The youngest in recorded history. He came from Riku’s world.” “The Destiny Islands? Really?” “Yes. It took his parents some convincing. I assured them that his training would be light until he got older, and that he would remain safe...but...” He trailed off, thinking. “It was the first world we took Ventus to. All of us went. Besides Terra’s exam, I thought it would be a good way to bond. When the exam time came, Sora and Ventus stayed behind at camp. And when we returned…” Master Eraqus stopped, clenching his eyes shut and shaking his head. Terra continued for him, seeing that Eraqus was having a hard time speaking. “When we came back, the camp was trashed. The tents were ripped to shreds, Ven was scratched and bloody, and Sora was nowhere to be found. When we asked what happened, Ven totally shut down. We searched for three days, but all we could find were his clothes, ripped and covered in blood. Ven found them first, and held them the whole way home. He finally came around to speaking three weeks later, and when we broached the topic of Sora, he had no idea who we were talking about. It seemed like the event was so traumatic he unintentionally blocked it out.” Ventus wanted to cry. His hazy memories at the beginning were often a sore spot for him, but to completely forget a person? A friend? It was heartbreaking. “Since that incident, I had placed a ban on Deep Jungle, but now since you are all capable of protecting yourselves, I am lifting that ban, with the hope that you will lock the heart of the world, and return safely. And for Aqua and Terra, the world may provide you with closure.” “Yes Master,” everyone agreed with a bow. — The flight was quiet. This was the first mission on another world where everyone was present. For this occasion, they borrowed a gummi ship from Disney Castle to get everyone there together. “What’s Deep Jungle like?” Asked Kairi, breaking everyone’s thoughts. “Well,” said Terra with a little laugh. “It’s a Deep Jungle. The trees stretch up hundreds of feet, and there’s all kinds of vines and plants everywhere.” “We set up camp in a bamboo grove when we went. But, it might be a good idea to set up somewhere else instead.” Aqua posed. “There’s no telling how much the world has changed since we were there.” “There’s no people there?” Kairi clarified. “No, but there were a lot of gorillas, if I remember correctly.” “Gorillas!?” Ventus and Kairi shouted in unison. “Now don’t get too excited!” Aqua reprimanded. “They’re still wild animals. This isn’t the zoo, and they will rip your arms off if you get too close. If you see them, leave them alone. Along with any other wildlife you see. We still don’t know what trashed the camp and took Sora. It could be anything.” Despite Kairi’s efforts, the ride fell silent once again. — They landed in the evening. The light fading under the canopy of leaves. “Well, doesn’t like we’re going to get much searching in for the time being.” Riku noted, peering up to the treetops. “You’re right,” Aqua agreed. “We best find a place to camp first, and then we can begin our search in the morning.” All together, they started hiking through the brush, taking care to watch out for snakes and other creatures. Kairi did her best to take it all in, the patterns on the leaves, the flowers desperately sprouting among the tree roots, the vines that twisted and tangled together to create lacy patterns. She stopped suddenly at a vine that looked brown, and oddly like a rope and not a vine. She followed it up with her eyes, and then announced to the group, “Hey, what if we camped up there?” The group halted and followed Kairi’s point, only to see a tree house sitting in the branches of the huge tree next to them. “I don’t remember seeing that the last time we were here.” Terra thought aloud. Riku summoned his armor. “I’ll go check it out, make sure it’s stable.” He transformed his keyblade into a hover board and ascended into the trees. A few minutes later, a boat lowered to the ground. “Hop in!” Riku shouted from above. They went one at a time, just to be safe, until everyone was up in the tree. “Wow, this place is really nice!” Kairi exclaimed, looking over the multiple floors. “That’s not the word I would use,” said Ventus, staring at the moss growing on the wall. Aqua spoke with Terra. “So there are people here after all.” “At least there were at one time,” he winced. “Who knows how long this has been here?” “At least a few years, considering the wood rot.” She kicked at a wall at the corner. “But it looks stable enough.” “Hello?” Kairi shouted up to the rafters. “Is anybody here? Do you mind if we camp here for the night?” “Don’t bother, Kai,” Said Riku, “this place is totally abandoned.” “I don’t know,” said Ventus, looking over some barrels and crates in the corner. “There’s some good stuff here. It might still be occupied.” “What person in their right mind would live in a place like this?” “If they aren’t expecting guests, I’m sure the place would look like junk.” “Hey, check this out.” Riku shoved a crate out of the way, revealing a fireplace made of rocks and clay built into the wall. “Looks like we’ll stay nice and toasty, and Ventus can make us Hobo pies.” “Yay camping!!” The group set to work setting up camp. There was no need for tents, but the boys strung up mosquito nets for some protection. Aqua and Kairi laid out the sleeping bags and stacked crates to make a dressing area. “If someone built this treehouse here, there must be water nearby.” Riku posed, “Aqua come with me.” “Why me?” “It’s only appropriate.” “Oh haha.” She said sarcastically, picking up her canteen. “Then I expect everyone else to get started on dinner while we’re gone.” “Yes ma’am!” Ventus saluted. Terra and Ventus worked together to put the ingredients for dinner together, while Kairi climbed up on the second level, which was just a balcony. There was a pile of rags laid out on the ground, and she wondered if it was supposed to be a bed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move. “Hello?” She called. “Yes Kairi?” Asked Ventus from below. “No...I just thought—never mind.” Soon, the sun set, and the team called it a day. They sat around talking for a little while, the excitement of all being together in a new world buzzing between them. “We should get to bed,” Aqua reminded, motherly. “The sooner we get up, the sooner we can get started looking for the heart.” “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man, healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Ventus parroted, like a good noodle. “Ah,” Riku chimed in. “But early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, but socially dead.” “Good night everyone!” Terra shouted, ending the argument. — Kairi was an early riser. Awaking with the sun. Ventus was usually shortly behind. Eraqus had theorized that it was the light in their hearts that resonated with the early sun. That theory was held strongly, considering Terra and Riku were often up late into the night, and therefore up long after breakfast had been made. Just as usual, Kairi was the first to wake at the crack of dawn. The sun’s rays filtered in through the gaps in the wood of the walls. She blinked once, twice, and then realized what she was seeing. A pair of eyes were staring into hers, watching. She screamed, as expected. The shriek woke everyone in camp, as well as scared off whatever had been studying her before she had the chance to get a good look at it. “Geez, What gives Kai?” Asked Riku, just barely awake. “I was—there—it was—something was staring at me!” The rest of the team looked at each other and then burst out laughing. “Did you forget we’re in a jungle? I’m sure there’s lots of things watching us.” Aqua tried to pacify. “Oh great, thanks for bringing that up. Now I’ll never get back to sleep!” Terra whined. “Oh grow up. We should all get up and get to work already. This isn’t a pleasure outing!” “Hey Kai, do us a favor and next time you make eye contact with something, try not to scream, okay?” Riku muttered, still moments away from falling back to sleep. Kairi didn’t respond. She didn’t bother. But she knew one thing for certain: Those were human eyes, and they were the bluest she’d ever seen.
  9. I wrote this story in the middle of last year, and I want to be able to work with Square Enix as a creative concept writer. Any ideas on how to reach them will be welcomed with open arms. "Listen now, to this long lost chapter in the legend of the BIONICLE. In the time before time, there was a distant planet called Ankoku Nui, stricken by a terrible darkness. The lands were dried, scorched, withered, fractured, and nearly all manner of life has been extinguished. Ankoku Nui was on the brink of destruction, and only twelve warriors from worlds afar, brought to this desolate planet by pure chance, by causes unknown, had a chance to save it. This is their story... This is the Bionic Fantasy...!"
  10. FlipMode

    Fly Away

    Hello. I wrote a short piece today wile I was waiting for a game to download. Hope you enjoy it. Fly Away The sun had just barely set over Twilight Town; in the distance the sky was a golden red hue, but if Xion looked above her, she could see the dark blue setting in above as day gave way to a night sky with a sprinkle of bright stars scattered throughout. In this town, one building always stood tall among the rest, the clouds were low today, so the clock tower appeared to stretch into them, giving the sense it was even taller a structure than it already was. You could see the horizon as far as your mind would allow you from the top of this clock tower and since Xion and her friends were able to get up there effortlessly, it made it a perfect spot for them to relax and talk after a tiring day of work. At the vertex of the clock tower, was a young girl with dark hair and blue eyes, dressed in the iconic organisation 13 hood that the people of this town came to respect as heroes protecting them from the heartless, unaware of the truth. Xion was restless, she often would come to this spot and watch the people of the town go about their lives, the relationships they formed, she would smile to herself knowing that she would soon be able to feel just as they do once she had a heart of her own. But today she could neither focus on that nor on the beautiful landscape, something else was on her mind. It had been three days since Riku had visited her on that island, the island that at once felt so familiar yet she was certain she hadn't seen before. “Sora's memories were scattered, a part of them found their way to you. Now we are trying to piece them back together except...” “You can't... Because of me.” It was that day that Xion had learned the truth of her existence. The more time she had spent with Roxas and Axel since that day, the more of Sora's memories raced through her mind. Riku had said to her to take some time to think about who needs her more, her friends or Sora. And now she had her answer. She knew it was time fer her to return the part of Sora she kept within her, his memories. Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a portal of darkness closing, from the shadows, Roxas emerged. He walked over to the edge of the clock tower and joined Xion. Now the only question was, how would she tell him? She didn't have long to think about it before Roxas, being his usual happy go lucky self broke the silence. “I figured you would be here when you didn't return home today. Why are you up here alone?” Roxas said. “Huh, well you know, its a perfect day to see the stars and think.” Xion said, looking up at the stars, although a lot of them still were obscured by clouds. This was the first sign to Roxas that something seemed a little off about her that day. There had been many clearer days here recently, if that was what Xion was here for then today was not a perfect day for it. “Man, what a day.” He said, choosing not to comment on what Xion said and pulling two bars of sea salt ice cream from his pocket and offering one to Xion. “Here 'ya go.” He said. Xion paused. For a moment, she could have taken it and acted like nothing was wrong. The way Roxas smiled at her, like she was a real person, it made her feel real, like she had a heart of her own. But this wasn't true and more painfully for her, it never was. “No thanks. Not today.” She pushed his hand back from hers. “Jeez. Not on a diet are you?” Roxas said. He awkwardly laughed to himself but when he looked back up at Xion he noticed something that made him drop both ice cream bars. A single tear rolled down Xion's cheek. “Xion? You're-” “I know.” She said, she didn't wipe the tear, she let it flow down her face and fall, she watched it as it dropped down all the way from the clock tower. If Roxas had any suspicions that something was wrong with her today, they had just been confirmed, nobodies should not be able to cry like that. “I knew it! All the time you said you weren't sure if you had a heart waiting for you in Kingdom Hearts...” Roxas said, he was happy and excited for her. Xion had been questioning whether she really had a heart the last week, now he knew that she could become a complete person. “Roxas, listen. Its not my heart.” She said. “What do you mean?” He asked her. “Xemnas told us that if we create Kingdom Hearts, we will have hearts of our own. But what right do we have to take those hearts?” Xion had been thinking about this ever since she told Riku she couldn't go and see Sora. Her existence meant Sora's heart would never full return to him. “But those are our hearts!” Roxas was starting to get a little irritated by having this conversation with her so many times lately. Xion couldn't do it. Not today. She knew she would have to tell him soon. But if she told him now, he would want to go with her and she didn't want to put him in that danger. She couldn't risk doing that to her best friend. “I guess you're right. She said. And Roxas was calm again “Sure I am. Once we get our hearts back, you, me and Axel will know what friendship feels like.” Roxas moved closer to her. “I went to a new World today. There was a boy there who could fly. He tried to show me how to do fly but it didn't work because I don't have a heart. But then I remembered that I do have one, its up there waiting for me. And then I did it. I flew with them over the ocean.” Xion smiled at him. “That does sound amazing.” “Maybe when we all have hearts we will be able to fly too.” “Yeah! We will fly away from the organisation, away from everything.” Roxas said excitedly, the freedom that would come once the organisation achieved its goal was one of the factors driving him to help them. “We won't need to come back down for anybody.” Xion laughed “Not even for me?” “We'll go together.” Roxas said, without meaning to. He looked surprised by his own words.“Errr I didn't mean-” “That sorta slipped out.” “No Roxas.” Xion shook he head. “That wasn't you. That was him.” “That was the real me, huh?” Roxas thought about that for a moment. And he realised that his true self must be someone who cares a lot about Xion. “Hey. If there was anything wrong, you would tell me, right?” He said to her. Xion took in a breath and answered “I would tell you. Everything.” And she stood up “C'mon, we need to get back.” She wasn't lying, she would tell him everything but she still had a few days. She decided to make the most of that time together with Roxas. Roxas smirked, took one final look out in the distance and took a deep breath out before he got up to follow her. Xion's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts about the days ahead. But she was a bit more calm and sure about it now. She had the luck of being one of the first in the organisation to become their full self again. She would be the first to fly away.
  11. Master's Report: Final entry Y'know, I'm really going to miss doing this. I'll be sure to continue this in the future, when I'm not a heart in a box and I actually have hands again. Destiny, its a funny thing. No I mean really, thinking that you're in control of where you are going when its already been pre decided is hilariously delusional. Destiny, its a funny thing. So its done then, I have done my best to make sure everything happens as the book described. I've heard their snickers and snarly remarks, “Oh the Master, he's so wacky, he is so chilled out, he doesn't seem to care.” I've wanted to let them know that this is all happening according to my design and that its actually already happened, but I've been silently laughing to myself about it, so there's a minor victory. Destiny, its a funny thing Oh and speaking of victory, I have given the key to the kid and told him about his “role”. You should have seen the look on his face when I gave him the keyblade and only told him it had an eye in it after he was already holding it. As I thought though, he quickly grasped what its purpose is, he knows what he needs to do and he also understands that its already been written, he's already fulfilled his role and the war hasn't even started yet. Destiny, its a funny thing. And with all that my homework is done, its time for me to make myself scarce and set these wheels turning. Shame I won't get to see the madness of the keyblade war, but hey, there's always next time. Oh and don't worry, I told him about the whole meteor shower thing. Once his apprentice unlocks the door to other Worlds, the boundaries between them will break and crash down. I've told him to make sure they are somewhere there won't be so much collateral damage, an island perhaps? Destiny, its a funny thing. ~ The Master ~~~~~ “Destiny. It's a funny thing.” The man in the black hooded robes thought to himself. His name was Luxu and this was his role. Take the keyblade with him, make sure it is passed down, a journey which led him here, where there were no shortage of skilled wielders. Either way he had to be here. It was his destiny. “Luxu!” A young girl's voice he recognised shouted and a bright coloured keyblade swooped past his hood as he sidestepped from harm's way. Turning to face her “Ava! Do you see? This! This is the Master's will!” He shouted back and raised his own keyblade in preparation to battle. Ava recognised the distinct keyblade. The stark contrast of the darkness inside it to hers which materialised from the light within her own heart and illuminated with warm colours to reflect that. “Y-you're the traitor! Where is the master?!” She was angrier at him now than she had ever been. Her tone didn't match her soft pink robes. She didn't give him time to answer before she struck at him again. The two exchanged clashes, fitting in with the countless armoured soldiers all around them who were all doing the same. The sound of metal blades striking each other filled the air. Ava and Luxu continued their battle among the screams and flashes of colour as magic shots of fire and ice dashed around, scorching some soldiers, freezing others in spot until their enemies shattered them with a follow up hit. Blocking Luxu's retaliating strike, the two were locked in place. “I have to do this! If you believe in our master you would let me!” Luxu shouted, the two of them grunting as they tried to force the other to lose balance. “But you're risking everything in the process!” Ava shouted. There was a plea in her voice now. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe she could change the future. But destiny cannot be changed. The blast from the X-blade shattering was like an earthquake, with the destructive blast radius of a large bomb. The light expanded like an orb, it tore through everyone in its path, shutting off their hearts instantly. And as the blades and their owners fell, as the light encompassed them, so too did Ava. The last of the foretellers was dead. Luxu stood before the chaos. The last few armoured keyblade wielders were still clashing away with their massive key shaped weapons. The sound as the metal clanged, the swishing with every swing, it was a familiar sight and sound to Luxu. The warriors were locked in their duels despite the carnage as the shock-wave took out each and every one of them, tearing through their armour, leaving them and their blades littered across the barren brown grounds. Then the last remaining keyblade wielders were extinguished like the rest mid combat. Knowing his own destiny was at times a tool Luxu used for his own benefit, knowing fate already determined he would survive this while at others he despised it. This wasn't a game, this was his life and yet here he was, at the fated lands, observing the war just as it was written in the book. After the last keyblade fell with a thud and the clanging of its armour clad owner, there was an eerie quietness and Luxu was now stood under a dark but starry night sky, the bright blue hue radiating from Kingdom Hearts lit up less of the sky as the giant heart shaped moon deconstructed, clouds covering where it once was. He stabbed a dark kayblade into the ground, the blue orb with the strange marking toward the key shaped blade at the end facing forwards at the scene in front of him. His master had told him the importance of this keyblade, the orb was called The Eye, it recorded events it witnessed and wrote them into a mysterious book called the book of prophecies. The grounds were littered with discarded armour, broken and battered keyblades and the mountains. The eye had a good view of the events, the X-blade that materialised and shattered, the summoning of Kingdom Hearts itself and the devastation the keyblade war had left behind. He stood with his hood up, that mysterious box he had been given and told never to open, which he now understood why. And two small children who had also survived. After the war had ended, he had found them asleep just near where he was. Their hearts had been damaged by the blast that erupted from the X-blade but they were alive. “But which one do I choose?” He thought to himself. But he knew the book of prophecies existed already. He hated that book. He hated being a prisoner to his destiny, he could have control over it if he had the book which foretold events yet to transpire. Whatever choices he thought he was making were just illusionary to him. He sensed the light and the dark within people, that's why the master had picked him for this role. And he sensed an equal balance of light and darkness in these two boys respectively. Whether the keyblade would be passed down to the light or the darkness was his choice to make as long as he kept the blade away from them for now. He let go of the hilt and in a flash of dark energy the keyblade vanished. “Come on you two. Let's get you home.” He reached a black glove covered hand out and summoned a portal of darkness, the black and purples coursed through it. He picked up the two young children who were still asleep with one arm and the box he dragged by the handle with his spare hand. “May my heart be my guiding key.” He said to himself as he stepped through into the darkness. And with that the only living things in the area were gone. That land would become the fated place for a war that was still yet to come as per the book of prophecies foretelling. But for now it would be aptly written into history as the keyblade graveyard. ~~~~~~ It was mid morning, although the sun light suggested afternoon as it shone into the room via the massive window, open to allow a small breeze in that made the curtains that laid over them drift but not enough to disrupt the game of light chess being played between the two young boys. A variation of chess where the goal is to get your king in the raised platform in the centre of the board, who has the most strong pieces on the board when they do so wins the game. The light white pieces being moved by a young pre teen boy in a white robe, fair skinned with dark blue shaggy looking hair that matched the colour of his eyes. This gave the other boy the opportune time to bring up the subject. “Have you heard of the ancient keyblade war?” The other boy asked. As he moved one of the black pieces. His skin was more tanned, his grey hair struck out against it as did his distinct golden yellow eye colour. His hair spiked toward the back and the rest neatly hanging around his face. Xehanort was very interested in talking about forbidden subjects, despite Eraqus''s dismissive attitude every time he did. “Yeah. The master's favourite story.” Eraqus sounded like he was starting to get a bit fed up of hearing Zehanort talk about these things. Although he believed them to be true. “So, you know the lost masters then? They are the ones who started the keyblade war.” Xehanort continued to probe, hoping Eraqus would slip up one time. “Never heard of them.” Eraqus replied, but the moment of silence before he did was telling. Besides Xehanort already knew the truth anyway. It frustrated Xehanort that Eraqus always acted ignorant, he was the only person he could talk to about these things he studied so intensely. “...You can drop the facade.” Xehanort said. The two of them moved chess pieces around as they talked, strategically sliding them even during mid sentence. They knew each other's playing style well. Xehanort always was a little more aggressive, trying to take pieces without worrying too much about what comes next, this often would allow Eraqus to make a crucial move at the right moment to beat his opponent. “Well keyblade war or not, the world exists today in a balance of light and dark because of them.” Eraqus said. The boys were almost tied in their game, an equal number of pieces and powers on the board. “But what if it happened again? And this time more darkness is left over?” Xehanort picked up a king piece and moved it forward into a position that would force Eraqus to either lose the game or to call a stalemate. “On that land, shall darkness prevail and light expire. The future... Its already been written.” Xehanort looked over at the door in front of him and then up past the golden frame and up to the plaque above it. The plaque matched the frame of the door in golden colour, seven large keys protruded from the middle at the bottom half, 13 small, sharp looking symbols he didn't quite recognise but knew represented the darkness on the top. In the centre of it all, the master's keyblade which he had heard the master refer to as No Name. The keyblade was still in great condition, its sharp edges and menacing dark glossy finish as menacing looking as ever. Eraqus noticed Xehanort look over at the blade but he remained focused on the game in front of him. Seeing a flaw in Xehanort's move. “Who's to say I can't change it. And maybe light will prevail.” He spoke calm and surely as he moved his king piece to the square Xehanort's had just moved to. Picking it up and moving it off the board as he did so. “There's more to light than meets the eye.” Victorious again in their game, he looked up at Xehanort as intensely as he had at the game board. “You might be surprised.” Xehanort returned the look but with a smirk and cockiness to his voice “Oh I hope so.” The two kings, one of dark and one of light were now in the raised platform facing each other. There were equal numbers of light and dark pieces remaining on the board. ~~~~~~ Ten Years Later ~~~~~~ There were slow and calm crashes as the water folded in on itself, echoed by ripples as it calmly flowed back out to sea. The only other sounds were the slight wind breeze and the squawking of the seagulls that sat atop of the trees that adorned the shining golden sands of the shore of Destiny Islands. The look on the young teenager's face was a vacant one as he watched the waves drifting to and fro from the shoreline, his black boots as close to the water as he could stand without getting them wet. He bit the inside of his bottom lip and his expression changed to one of deep thought, as if he was oblivious to the lush tropical island environment that was around him. For his mind was not on this World, as it often was it was somewhere else that day. The young man looked up from the waves and into the sunset horizon, the clouds furthest away shone more red the closer to the setting sun they were and through the breaks in them a light blue, fading almost to purple as the evening sky began to fade to night. He brought his hand up, brushed some loose strands of his long sliver hair away from his tanned skin, joining the rest of his slick and brushed back hair. "This World is just too small." He said to nobody. He hadn't been aware that his own thoughts had become audible. The sounds he was used to hearing every evening were joined by an unfamiliar one that evening. Shuffling. It sounded like a blanket being dragged slowly across the sands, inching closer to the young man who remained motionless, eyes and mind still focused on the forever fluorescent horizon before him. It was so far away and yet today it felt closer than ever. Although the sound became more apparent to the young man as it grew closer, something was peculiar about it, it wasn't his acquaintances with whom he shared this Island paradise, even entertaining them with the notion they were his friends. For there were no footsteps to be heard. The shuffling stopped as the sound gets next to him next to him. And to his left he could now hear the sound of a robe flapping lightly with the sea breeze. Slowly, looking irritated that his concentration into the endless space was broken, he turns toward the brown robes that stand to his left. The hooded robed figure didn't say anything at first. And more eerie than that, Xehanort could not make out any facial features at all. He looked harder, almost as much concentration as he had shown to the ocean and the sky. Still nothing. Almost as if inside the robes awaited pure darkness, ready to swallow the World whole should it leak out. A deep sounding voice boomed from within the space where a face should be "This World has been connected." No sign of any expressions, its arms, if it even had any remained inside its pockets, and it was hunched over as if the it carried a tremendous weight on its shoulders. "What did you just-" Xehanort wasn't able to finish his question and his usual calm and collected composure was broken for the first time in as far back as he could remember. "Tied to the darkness. Soon to be completely eclipsed." The robed figure continued on. Xehanort had spent years researching the light and the dark the made up this World and the many others that he was certain must of existed beyond his own. Perhaps this being had come from one of them. He had felt the shift as his tranquil home had slowly been infested with darkness. It seemed to pour from that mysterious cave on the raised ledge just behind where he stood now, next to the crashing waterfall with its crisp and clean water. The cave that the Islanders sometimes dared each other to go into. Even Lightning, the bravest of the children on the island had not explored deep enough in there to find what was at the end. But Xehanort had. His expression returned to a more calm one, if this being was to attack him, it surely would have done so already. And the times he had spent training for battle with the other young people on the island made him a competent fighter anyway. "The door in that cave." He said, half asking, but half making a statement that he knew what the mysterious figure was talking about. He could feel the gaze of his eyes meeting another's even though no eyes looked back at him. "Perceptive. You have realised that door is no ordinary door." The figure's tone was calm but cunning. And he was right, that door was far from ordinary. It didn't belong in an otherwise empty cave that otherwise only contained growing fungi and mushrooms and rocks. It didn't belong in this World. The yellow markings that swirled on the perimeter, just before the edges of the frame. The door was wooden but no matter what Xehanort had tried he couldn't break or open it. "It can lead you to other Worlds." The figure continued. They both turned toward the horizon together. Xehanort took a breathe and steadied himself before he replied "Why are you telling me this?" he asked, "Your destiny." the figure spoke back. "It lies far beyond this World, it lies far beyond even many others." It knew that Xehanort's curiosity would easily earn his trust. Xehanort smiled, a small laugh to himself which he kept inside. "Hm. My destiny is my own to create." He dismissed the figure now. Who was he to tell Xehanort what his destiny was? No one has control over that. "But destiny is never left to chance." The voice was starting to become familiar to Xehanort now. "Did you come from another World? Who are you anyway?" Xehanort turned towards the figure again. The brown robes shuffled around to meet his look. Slowly it pulled one arm out and held a limbless figure of an arm out toward Xehanort. The darkness swallowed Xehanort as it rushed out of the robes, it filled him and rushed through his body. Through his feet, all the way to his head, he struggled to breathe, it was like poison that filled him until he couldn't see as it made its way through his head and eyes. And then he could see. Images of what was to come raced through his mind. Faces he didn't recognise, was yet to meet. And fantastical landscapes and Worlds. Figures in black robes that at once were familiar and yet strangers to him. Three armoured warriors, one noticeably shorter with those ancient weapons that the Master had told him about the key shaped blades, just like the one that was back at his home one the wall in the Islands minus the insignia of the eye the blade without a name had. And then the darkness took over his mind and that was all he saw. When Xehanort next awoke it was another tropical and sunny day on the Destiny Islands. The same beautiful sounds filled the air, the same horizon that teased a World beyond this one to Xehanort. It took a moment for his even his golden yellow eyes to adjust to the light. But he knew what he had to do today as soon as he was himself again. "Thirteen seekers of darkness...." He turned toward to cave, the sand crunched beneath his boots as he walked toward it, up the shore, leaving behind the beaut of the island as he stepped further toward it. The sound of the waves were quiet now, louder was the breeze rushing in to the cave, Xehanort pushed aside some vines that he had placed over the top of the entrance to obscure it from the others. And then he ducked down and entered the cave. As he walked down the winding path, small insects curried away from where his next step would be. The scratching of them as they scattered up the walls was the only sound. "All World begin in darkness." He said to himself in thought as he walked further down the creepy path. "And all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it. It grows, consumes it. Such is its nature." Xehanort was now stood in front of the mysterious wooden door. Himself and the other small lizards were the only beings. No sign of the robed figure. Xehanort held his arm out, made a half fist and in a flash of darkness, he summoned the No Name keyblade. Now rightfully his, no longer belonging to his master. "In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came!" He swung the tip of the blade toward the door and a light beamed out from it, it connected with the door. And both Xehanort and the door and the blade glowed a bright gold hue. Then he was gone. And the door remained exactly as it was before. Back at home, Luxu looked up at the wall and at the blank white where the No Name keyblade had once been. Finally his role was over, now it was up to Xehanort to take the keyblade of darkness, it belonged to whoever was the strongest ally of the darkness, it sensed it within them and was drawn to it, like a moth to a bright light. The gathering of the thirteen had begun and with that, the master's return and the second keyblade war was set to happen. That night, there was a meteor shower. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. So, I've been thinking, do you guys and gals believe it's possible that we might see more characters from other Square Enix franchises, aside from Final Fantasy and The World Ends With You? Like maybe we can have some characters from Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger to show up. Heck, what about characters from Square's manga as well, such as Fullmetal Alchemist or Soul Eater. Now I don't think there should be worlds we can visit based on these franchises, since I think we will only be visiting Disney and original worlds for now. But it would be a lot of fun to see these character show up out of nowhere, besides, the Final Fantasy characters didn't serve that much of importance to the story, they were simply a supporting cast and as way to excite Square Enix fans, at least that's how I see it. Having cameos of Final Fantasy characters become a tradition in the series and I really hope we get to see more cameos in KH3, but I believe they could expand more than just characters from that series and add some from franchises we didn't even expect. I'm all for it, cause I love when games get crazy with their crossovers, but what do you guys and gals think?
  13. I've written several stories regarding Xehanort in his younger years, most chief among them being "Broken Brotherhood," which I wrote years ago, and recently began re-writing. Broken Brotherhood is about Xehanort's final days in the Land of Departure as a pupil. Quotev Link: Broken Brotherhood Fanfiction Link: Broken Brotherhood I also wrote a prequel to Broken Brotherhood, called "Broken Bonds," which is about pre-keyblade teenage Xehanort's last days on the Destiny Islands. I've begun rewriting it, as well! Quotev Link: Broken Bonds Fanfiction Link: Broken Bonds There is a sequel to Broken Brotherhood, but it's not complete yet, and though you can read the original Broken Bonds and Broken Brotherhood to understand the sequel's beginning, the later chapters will make more sense once the re-writes of Broken Bonds and Broken Brotherhood are finished, and thusly won't be written until those two rewrites are finished. I love hearing what people think of my take on Xehanort, so feel free to reply to here, or to review the stories directly on the sites if you have profiles there! Thank you!
  14. Please read: Chapter 1 The cargo hold of a massive, great ship sailing off the coast, filled to the brim with things ripe for the taking. Sliding down a pole, his tail tucked up to avoid a repeat of the time he skinned the tip by getting it caught in a gear off the chains, Zidane landed softly on the balls of his feet, catlike. He walked off down the hall, past flickering candles in smoky glass holders, and went in a door, letting it slam behind him. "Man...it sure is dark in here.." He muttered to himself, his eyes barely able to see the floor, let alone anything ahead in the darkness of the room he'd entered. He took three timid steps forward, looking around in the vain hope of being able to see anything in the inky gloom, no light source aiding this fruitless search. "I guess nobody's here yet...figure's they'd all be late." He complained, crossing his arms, his tail flicking, irritated. He'd had enough: striking a match, he could only just see by its dim glow. The room was still empty, no matter what he did, so he tried to be patient, walking around with no real aim in mind, and poking around in drawers. After the first few matches burned the tips of his fingers, he light the candle gracing the simple wooden table in the center of the room, the brilliant glow letting him see at last. "Who's there?!" A voice demanded. "It's...uh...me, Zidane!" He called back. The door flew open then, and a group of people rushed in, smirking. "Hey Zidane!" A man with dark hair cried, "You sure are late! Sleep in again?" "Sorry, Blank...I...ahem.." Zidane cleared his throat. "So, where's the boss?" "Ain't here yet." A short man named Cinna grunted, rolling his eyes. Just then a door burst open, a big creature with armour that looked a bit like a dragon bursting into the room. It let out an ear piercing roar, as the small group fanned out into battle positions, attacking it from the left and right, swinging at any flesh that was open. "To your left, kid! Watch yourself!" Blank cried, taking a careful jab at the monsters left leg. Zidane dodged, feeling the rush of air go by as the monster's punch missed him by inches. A final blow broke the head open, revealing a face shadowed by a beard beneath dark glasses. "Oh...my aching head...you people..." The man whined, rubbing a sore spot on his skull. The group took deep breaths, Zidane's left arm hurting from a hard impact with the floor. "Hey, fools!" The man cried. His name was Baku, and he was the leader of the group. He strode to the front of the room, and grinned at them all. "You're lookin' a lot better! But you need to work out your doge, Zidane." Zidane nodded quietly. Baku strode into the next room, and everyone scurried after, Zidane still rubbing his aching arm. He'd need a bandage possibly. He hoped it was a sprain. "Alright!" Baku bellowed from the front of the room, "Let's start this meeting already!" Everyone took a seat, watching him closely. "Here's the plan: Tantalus, that oh so infamous band of merry thieves," He tipped a wink, "That's us, is headin' to the Kingdom of Alexandria." He nodded at a miniature of the kingdom on the table, detailing every spire and window of the massive place. "Our mission: to kidnap the heir to the throne... Princess Garnet!" Everyone was silent. "I'll take it from here." Cinna said, getting to his feet. "So listen up! Our ship's about to dock at Alexandria, and when it does, we're gonna put on our costumes, and perform "I Want to Be your Canary", the most popular play in all of Alexandria!" The others showed little enthusiasm at this. Cinna grinned. "Break a leg, Marcus: you're our lead." Marcus smirked, "Leave the actin' to me. I'm a born thespian. Course, the real kidnappers'll be Blank and Zidane." "I'll distract the audience from backstage with these." Blank said. He groaned. "Ughh...I can't stand oglops..." He grinned. "But I'll manage. don't you worry your pretty heads about me. And that'll be your cue, Zidane. " Zidane had been only half listening, and jerked to attention. "Uh... that's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, r..right?" "You bet!" Baku declared, "You're gonna kidnap the most baaaabe-ilicious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!"
  15. The curse of being one of the Princesses of heart, is that there always someone out to get you. As Xemnas looked failure in the face, he reached out in a last ditch effort and destroyed Kairi's heart. Now her friends must travel the worlds again. Sora, to find a way to recover Kairi's heart, and Riku, to make amends to those he has wronged. All the while, the darkness grows. I've been wanting to write this fanfic for forever, and I finally have some chapters to show for it. I know fanfiction isn't something that people really do for fun anymore, but here mine is. I wanted to create something original, and by what's on FF.net, I think I have. So, I hope everyone enjoys! You can find the story at Ao3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/8273930/chapters/18954389 And at ff.net here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12188662/1/My-Kingdom-for-a-Heart
  16. A/N: Hello! And welcome to my first ever KH fanfiction! This is my attempt at creating a retelling of the KH series from KH1 and onward. This story will have many alterations from canon - two major examples being a universe where Sora, Riku, and Kairi are best friends who have an unbreakable and fully trusting friendship/relationship. And where King Mickey, fearing the worst is upon them - created a 'Council Of Light' in order to prepare for an inevitable war. This universe will be a bit more darker atmosphere wise (there won't be any blood or gore save for a few cuts and such tho) and the darkness is a lot more ravenous and destructive than in canon. There will be worlds that appeared in KH1 that are swallowed up by darkness early on as well as new worlds that have not been in the KH series yet. The good guys WILL lose battles in the beginning and the darkness will be more powerful than canon. I will be putting a bigger empathize on minor/Disney characters and will give alternate storylines for each world. This will be a long saga and I hope you all enjoy what I have in store! A warning however, my updates are sporadic and thus I cannot give a definite answer when a new chapter will be made, I apologize in advanced. So! Let's get this show on the road! :'] [This is also uploaded on KH Insider and soon on AO3!] Hope you enjoy! _______________________________________________________________________________________ Outshine Act I "Starless" Across the expansive backdrop of the midnight sky lied a canvas of jewel like lights that twinkled merrily through the dark. It was times like these that Mickey Mouse was glad things were generally peaceful in his world. Stargazing was an enjoyable pastime in which he could relax and let the burdens of kingship slip away, if only for an hour or two. Under the cosmos he was not a ruler – but just another normal, average mortal in the eyes of the universe that would never judge him or anyone else for that matter. As he stared at the stars above his joy quickly evaporated as the sight of one of the pinpricks of light winked out of existence. 'Gosh, another star gone – and so soon...' Wide cartoonish eyes stared at the spot where a world once stood a frown curling on his visage. If something wasn't done soon the night sky he loved so much would be starless. Mood ruined the tiny king jumped down from his sitting position on the windowsill of one of Disney Castle's high towers. It seemed that things were getting worse out there. More worlds were being devoured by the Heartless every night it seemed. It was saddening to know that more innocent hearts were suffering because of the growing darkness.The sadness slowly and steadily churning into grief and anger as a angry scowl appeared on the royal mouse's face as he traveled further within in the castle walls from the tower above. 'I haft ta do something! I can't let this continue anymore! Too many lives are at stake!' He thought furiously as he marched towards his office not even noticing as his dear beloved queen – Minnie Mouse called out to him until her white gloved hand fell on his small shoulder causing him to nearly jump ten feet in the air. "Gah! G-Gosh Minnie – ya scared me!" He yelped surprised as he turned around ending up practically nose to nose with the love of his life. Her hands were on her hips as she gave him a stern stare before it dispersed into a small, amused smile. "Mickey dear, I called you three times and couldn't get your attention! You should be more observant!" She admonished lightly as the king blushed embarrassed. "Gee, you're right Minnie! I guess I got a lot on my mind is all." He confessed with an upset expression. Worry spread on the female mouse's face as she held her lover by the sides of his face. "You know you can talk to me about anything dear... Whatever is bothering you, tell me – it's not good to burden your heart with heavy feelings." Putting a hand on her's he gave a comforting warm smile as he nodded. He pulled away with a sigh as he beckoned her to follow him towards his office. Once inside he made his way to his chair behind the large desk as Minnie stood in front of it her hands clasped lightly. "It's about tha' stars – another one went out tonight." A small gasp escaped the dress wearing anthromorph as her hands flew up to her mouth in reflex. "Another?!" A solemn nod was her answer as she looked down worriedly. "That's why I've decided... to call upon the council." Mickey said seriously his expression hardened. "The council? Is it really at that point...?" She questioned fearing that the worst has already happened. "No, not yet at least – but – I can't sit around any longer we hafta act before it's too late!" A sigh escaped the queen's lips as she nodded with a tiny reassuring smile. "I see – very well, I agree but only if you let me in on the meetings – I wish to be present for them. This concerns me as queen as well you know!" Knowing that he couldn't argue with his wife on the subject he gave a nod and a smile before pressing a large red button on the corner of his desk. A newly installed monitor by his good friends Chip and Dale – turned on showing the face of a white furred, female mouse with blonde hair and a pair of goggles on her head. "Gadget? What are you doin' there? Where's Chip n' Dale?" Inquired the confused monarch as the inventor looked up from whatever she was working on. "Oh! Your majesty! Sorry, Chip n' Dale went out to oversee the new shipments of gummi blocks we ordered! It's just little ol' me at the moment –how can I help you today?" She squeaked wiping a smudge off her face as queen Minnie giggled lightly at the tinkering mouse, as she had come around to her husband's side of the desk to hear the conversation better. "Oh, right – I need ya to get a hold of Donald, Daisy, and Goofy as well as..." He breathed in a serious expression replacing his amused one. "It's time to call upon the council." He stated with conviction. As Gadget's blue eyes widened in shock before she straightened her spine and saluted respectively towards her king and queen. "Yes sir! Your majesty! It will be done at once! Gadget over and out!" As the screen went black the diminutive king rose from his large comfy chair as he turned towards his wife. "Welp, it'll take until morning for the whole council to arrive – master Yensid and Merlin withstanding, so I think we should turn in for the night." The couple agreed that sleep was needed to wake up bright and early for the coming dawn. It would be a big eventful day tomorrow after all... With that both King and Queen mice headed to their rooms to sleep. Meanwhile far across the sea of stars on a tiny island world sat three young teenagers on a curved palm tree that held strange star shaped fruits."Hey, do you guys really think we'll see other worlds when we get on the raft tomorrow?" Questioned a young boy with suntanned skin, oddly spiky brown hair, and eyes as bright as the mid-noon sky. "Don't tell me you're doubting everything now, Sora?" Came the teasing voice of another male his voice slightly deeper. He had moonspun silver hair that reached past his earlobes, slightly pale skin, and mature looking aquamarine green eyes – ones that shone with a powerful determination and a hint of amusement. "Of course not Riku! I'm just wondering! I mean – how long will it take? The other worlds are far away right? Scattered, just like Kairi's Grandma's story said!" The silver haired boy gave a grunt before replying "Who knows? It might take one day or even a week – we can't predict these things." A soft obviously feminine voice giggled lightly at her friends antics. The third of the trio and the only girl had eyes as blue and beautiful as the ocean. Her skin was on the fair side and her hair was a bright fiery red. "If you're so worried Sora then we can stock up on more food! Besides, I'm sure the journey won't be too long and if it is – you can always sleep through it, you lazy bum~"A huff was heard as the brunette whined childishly at his friend's nickname for him. "Kairi~! I told you not to call me that!" The other two children broke out into laughter – Riku's a bit more subdued than his female friend – as Sora pouted obviously not pleased with their teasing. "Well then, see you guys tomorrow!" Kairi called out as she made her way to the rowing boats. "And don't you dare sleep in you lazy bum~!" She added loudly in a singsong voice. An indignant shout of "Hey!" Was heard as Riku made his way past his friend to his own rowboat –Sora quickly catching up to go to his own. The day had ended on their little slice of paradise as the three best friends dreamed of the adventures that they would soon experience. Unknowing of what the future held as the night skies darkened with storm clouds and yet another star blinked out.
  17. Kingdom Hearts: The Heart of Chaos Saga - Book I: Journey's Awakening - Start of the Heart of Chaos saga and set before & during Birth by Sleep. Kingdom Hearts: The Heart of Chaos Saga - Book II: Fragmented Keys - Set during the eight/nine-year gap between Birth by Sleep & Kingdom Hearts I. Kingdom Hearts: The Heart of Chaos Saga - Book III: Lost Memories - Set during Kingdom Hearts I, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, & Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts: The Heart of Chaos Saga - Book IV: Trial by Flame - Set during Dream Drop Distance & Kingdom Hearts III. Kingdom Hearts: The Heart of Chaos Saga - Book V: Heart of Chaos - Set after Kingdom Hearts III and conclusion to the Heart of Chaos saga. Characters: Heroes: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - His Keyblade would be the Starlight from Unchained Chi. Ortensia - She'd be equipped with Oswald's remote from Epic Mickey 2. Darkwing Duck - With his trademark Gas Gun. Max Goof - With a shield similar to that of Goofy's, his dad. José Carioca - With his trademark umbrella as a weapon. Panchito Pistoles - Equipped with his pistols. André - With the Paintbrush from Epic Mickey. Launchpad McQuack - He would be the pilot of the Gummi Ship. Master Exin - Similar role to Yen Sid and/or Master Eraqus. Considering him to be a "half-fairy", similar to the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio, or the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella (Who says only a human can wield a Keyblade? ^_^). Wise and noble yet kind and just, he takes Oswald under his wing to teach him the power and will of a Keyblade Master. Arumon - Named after Tetsuya Nomura himself. Whenever he sees one of his friends in need of help, he'll jump in to fight along. Ignis - She's quite a fiery redhead, for she won't waste a lot of time on nonsense. But despite her stamina and confidence, she also has a heart filled with faith and trust, and might also have a crush on Aqua. "Shade" - A 'heroic heartless' that appears in Book III: Lost Memories. Takes on the appearance similar to a Foreteller, but with an Elk mask. Nowon - A Samurai Nobody that helps Oswald in Book III: Lost Memories. Villains: Kasai, Master of Chaos - His Keyblade (or most-likely, double-bladed Keyblade) would be called the Destroyer of Hearts. Mortimer Mouse - His Keyblade would be called the Usurper, to reference his personal intent on overthrowing King Mickey. The Phantom Blot Negaduck Magica de Spell Queen Grimhilde The Horned King Garland Kefka Kagos - A Heartless with a dark and mysterious past, and possibly connected to Oswald... Summons: Baloo Robin Hood Taran Marahute Gizmoduck Morgana MacCawber Neptunia Stegmutt Goliath Tarzan Spring Sprite Aladar John Silver Kenai Bolt Wreck-It Ralph Judy Hopps Elsa Warrior of Light Firion Onion Knight Cecil Harvey Bartz Terra Branford Vincent Valentine Zidane Tribal Aki Ross Vaan Lightning Buzz Lightyear Sulley Mr. Incredible Lightning McQueen EVE Finn McMissile Merida Bing Bong Spot Ideas for scenarios in Book I: Journey's Awakening: Wasteland (Epic Mickey) - Starts with a dream sequence as a prologue, then later gets invaded by Unversed. Oswald then confronts possibly their leader (later revealed to be Vanitas) and somehow obtains a Keyblade known as the Starlight. St. Canard - This is when Darkwing Duck joins the team. Spoonerville - This is when Max Goof joins the team. Duckburg - This is when Jose and Panchito join the team. Pixar Palace - This is when Andre joins the team. Radiant Garden - Disney Castle - Pleasure Island (Pinocchio) - Jumbo Circus (Dumbo) - The Great Forest (Bambi) - Sleepy Hollow (The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad) - Castle of Ages (The Sword in the Stone) - Groovy Jungle (The Jungle Book) - The Pride Lands (The Lion King) - Taking place during Simba's young years, Oswald & Company might team up with Timon & Pumbaa, and might end with the wildebeest chase. Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Deep Jungle (Tarzan) - Nesting Grounds (Dinosaur) - Kingdom of the Sun (The Emperor's New Groove) - Atlantis (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Riley's Mind (Inside Out) - Oswald & Company find themselves entering into Riley's Mind to discover that the Unversed are spotted across the Islands, the Long Term Memory maze, etc, as the creatures plot to consume all the memories. So our heroes travel throughout and eventually bump into Joy, Sadness, and Bing-Bong and team up to fight off the Unversed, then soon they reach the Subconscious and are forced to fight Jangles, who gets turned into an Unversed (like the Magic Mirror in the Dwarves' Woodlands world in BbS) in order to restore him to normal. Eventually, Oswald's team soon find a way out but not before wishing a farewell and a good luck to Joy, Sadness and Bing-Bong as the three carry on with their own goal to get back to Headquarters. Twilight Town - Land of Departure - Keyblade Graveyard - Set as the climax of this installment, Ideas for scenarios in Book II: Fragmented Keys: Wasteland (Epic Mickey) - Mysterious Tower - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion - Traverse Town - Castle of Dreams (Cinderella III: A Twist in Time) - Kingdom of the Sun (Kronk's New Groove) - Prydain (The Black Cauldron) - Mousedom (Basil the Great Mouse Detective) - Hawaii (Lilo & Stitch) - Monsters Incorporated (Monsters, Inc.) - Gusteau's (Ratatouille) - Axiom (WALL-E) - Paradise Falls (Up) - Castle DunBruch (Brave) - Disney Castle - Ideas for scenarios in Book III: Lost Memories: Wasteland (Epic Mickey) - Mysterious Tower - Enchanted Dominion (Sleepy Beauty) - Dwarf Woodlands (Snow White) - Castle of Dreams (Cinderella) - Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Land of Dragons (Mulan) - Beast's Castle (Beauty and the Beast) - New York City (Oliver & Company) - The World That Never Was - It's here that Oswald & Friends would face against the leader of Org XIII himself, Xemnas. Traverse Town - Outback (The Rescuers Down Under) - Castle of Dreams (Cinderella) - Hollow Bastion - Ideas for scenarios in Book IV: Trial by Flame: Dwarf Woodlands (Snow White) - Forest of Spirits (Pocahontas) - Land of Dragons (Mulan II) - Endless Galaxy (Treasure Planet) - Spirit Mountains (Brother Bear) - Port Royal (Dead Man's Chest/At World's End) - The Magic Bayou (The Princess and the Frog) - Underland (Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland) - "Nowhere" of the actual Wonderland. Game Central Station (Wreck-It Ralph) - Arendelle (Frozen) - The Moors (Maleficent) - Nowhere of the Enchanted Dominion. Dark Dream Castle (Kenneth Branagh's Cinderella) - Nowhere of the Castle of Dreams. Zootropolis (Zootropolis) - Dark Jungle (Jon Favreau's The Jungle Book) - Nowhere of the Groovy Jungle. Wasteland (Epic Mickey) - Setting for the ending, when Oswald writes a letter chronicling the events he and friends had been through, and the cliffhanger when Oswald & Company receive a message in response from Yen Sid. Ideas for scenarios in Book V: Heart of Chaos: Mysterious Tower - Agrabah (Aladdin and the King of Thieves) - Notre Dame (The Lion King II: Simba's Pride) - Atlantica (The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea) - Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame II) - Spirit Mountains (Brother Bear 2) - Port Royal (On Stranger Tides) - Dark Beauty Castle (Bill Condon's Beauty and the Beast) - Nowhere of the Beast's Castle. Ocean of Mysteries (Moana) - Land of Giants (Gigantic) - Keyblade Graveyard - This is where the last battle against Kasai and his Brotherhood of Chaos takes place, it also involves the Horned King using the Black Cauldron to bring ancient dead Keyblade warriors to life and control them. Those are my ideas so far, I might post down some more. So anyway, what do you think? Please post down your ideas, thoughts and opinions in the comments below. Thank you.
  18. Hello there! Nora (me) is currently running in a fanfiction writing contest on Inkitt.com. Nora just entered tonight but the contest ends 12am on the 21st. Please, if possible, please help me by voting for my fanfic Blood Petals, by clicking the heart. If you do not have a account, you'll need to make one, but the process literally takes less then 5 mins. Inkitt is a site similar to Whattpad, where many new young authors post their stories or fanfics for others to review. It's a very cool site, and Nora highly recommends joining! If u help Nora do this, you will be doing me the biggest favor EVER!!! The link is below... www.inkitt.com/stories/35566 No, u do not have to read it.
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