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Found 9 results

  1. Zeus-"...Athena...Goddess, of Love...Ares...God, of Hate...in the ever turbulent world of Hephaestus, these two quarreling younger sister and elder brother fight for the right, to sit next to the throne of which their father, the almighty God of Balance, Zeus sits upon, governing over all of the entire multiverse itself, to settle the battles between the two rival siblings once and for all, Zeus has created a tournament, a tournament in which survival of the fittest for the winning side shall be determined and thus, begins the epic war...of the deities and their chosen selections of champion warriors themselves!" Theme Song: https://youtu.be/fwoLfDcddUE. Prologue: The 12th Cycle-The Beginning of Battle: Zeus-"...War had torn the world asunder, its grip was slowly but very surely falling into the hands of the Null Void, the anti existence of the multiverse itself, spewing forth from the Null Void were creations born of negativity, beings that fed on the energies of the chosen that were summoned to fight for the deities in their tournament, the Interval In-between, as the chosen fought for the respective sides on which they were summoned, a few of the warriors started to question the nature of the tournament, of why they were summoned to fight and what would they gain from such fighting to begin with? the road was steep and the road was long, however, the heroes of Athena pressed forward, for despite the many unanswered questions that they had, they nevertheless still persisted and had decided to fight for the Goddess of whom had summoned them, at least, for the time being..." Opening Song: https://youtu.be/QJ5fg0LKozE. Kenichi Shirahama was seen looking up towards the crystal clear sky of the world of Hephaestus, wondering what was in store for both him and his travelling group. Kenichi-"..." Maka-"Hi there." Kenichi-"...Huh? oh, hi Maka." Maka-"What are you up to?" Kenichi-"...Not much, just sky gazing." Maka-"Hmm...i see." Kenichi-"W-What?" Maka-"I know what your thinking about!" Kenichi-"H-HUH!? n-no! you got it all wrong! i was just-" Maka-"Don't worry." Kenichi-"Huh?" Maka-"You'll find your way back home, as soon, as this tournament is over, i know you will." Soul-"Maka!" Maka-"Uh oh, Soul's calling me, i better go and see what he wants, come and join us when your ready okay Kenichi? okay then, see you later!" Kenichi-"...Heh, she read me like a book, yeah, there is "Someone" that i definitely want to meet when this is all over, until then, i'll just play it safe for now, i don't want to drag the others down...right then! let's go!" Maka went on ahead of Kenichi, as she joined up with her own group, as Kenichi traveled across barren plains, he then met with his traveling group, consisting of Haru Glory, Inuyasha, Ushio Aotsuki and lastly his partner Tora, Kenichi proceeds to speak with his group of fellows. Inuyasha-"...Your late." Kenichi-"Sorry! sorry! sorry i got everyone waiting on me, again, sorry guys..." Inuyasha-"Ugh! enough with the sorry already!" Kenichi-"Gulp, that's-that's one big sword..." Haru-"Come on Inuyasha, lighten up! you can't expect all of us here to be on time can you?" Ushio-"Haru's got a point, you need to learn to calm down Inu." Inuyasha-"Oh shut up Cow! like i need to be told that by you!" Ushio-"...Sigh, oy vey, its like dealing with two Toras at once." Inuyasha and Tora-"WHAT WAS THAT!?!?" Everyone-"!?" Haru-"Hey, you see that!?" Kenichi-"...A glowing...light." Ushio-"It must be Athena summoning us, i wonder what it could be." Inuyasha-"Who cares? let's just get this over with! the sooner the better." Tora-"...GAH! as much, as i hate to admit it, i agree with the Dog, come on you sacks of meat, let's get going! i want to eat something and real soon..." Ushio-"...Sigh, like i said." Haru-"Ha ha!" Kenichi-"Awkward laugh...Athena...what does the Goddess of Love want from us exactly?" Kenichi and his group continued traveling, as they eventually met up with the others and were standing in the presence of Goddess Athena herself, of whom appeared weakened... Seiya-"Goddess! are you alright?" Athena-"...I'll be fine, Seiya, thank you...thank you for asking..." Sasuke-"...At any rate, what did you call us all here for?" Aizen-"..." Athena-"...I bring troubling news...this world...it will soon once again be purified by God, my father..." Everyone-"!?!?" Maka-"You mean, we've failed to win the tournament again!?" Jinbe-"Let us not immediately assume that Maka, for now, it seems to me that there is another reason why Zeus is Cleansing the world once more, am i wrong? Goddess?" Athena-"...No, Jinbe, first son and knight of the sea, you are not wrong, the reason...the reason i am sensing that my father is Cleansing the world once more is because the Null Void has grown closer to Hephaestus then it has ever done so in the past beforehand, because of that, monstrous beings that can copy your likeness and abilities have mutated from the Null Void and are now spreading throughout the world, for now, we shall just call them doppelgangers or copies, at any rate, these manikins...they, are leeching off my powers...meaning, if any of you were to die during this cycle, i...i will not be able to bring you all back with my powers and if that were to happen-" Yusuke-"I wouldn't know what to do, is that what you were about to say? no sweat, we'll just make sure not to die is all, simple-as-that, right? who here agrees with me?" Natsu-"Yeah! no sweat! in fact, this is getting me all fired up! i love a hot spicy challenge!" Kenshiro-"..." Eren-"...Hmph, idiots." Trunks-"...Well then, what do we do now, Goddess?" Athena-"..." Athena decides to use the last of her remaining usable energy to gift all of her chosen champions with special powers, enough that hopefully, her chosen warriors will be able to withstand the effects of the Null Void ever encroaching upon Hephaestus, immediately upon receiving her powers, the heroes were uploaded with a mission inside their minds on what to do, taking heed of Athena's desires for the sake and the future of not just her world but all worlds in total, the heroes set out, journeying across different parts of the world in an attempt to seek out the enemy and issue a counterattack against them, Ares' forces having gained the upper hand in the tournament so far. meanwhile... Zamasu-"...It appears that the Mortals are now on the move, shall i go and dispose of them?" Shishio-"Leave them be for now! the fun has only just begun, soon enough, the whole world will be set aflame and then there will be nothing no one will be able to do about it." Zamasu-"Hmph, such crude thinking." Gitsune-"Be that, as it may, what Shishio says speaks the truth, Zamasu, soon, the Null Void will completely engulf this world and who knows what will become of it, for now, let the heroes play their little games, it will be fun watching them to sink into deep and utter fear, right? Sesshomaru?" Sesshomaru-"..." Raoh-"...The battle of the deities has entered its 12th cycle and i am thinking, for all our sakes, both ours and theirs that this cycle will be one to remember." said Raoh, as some of the chosen champions of Ares had assembled together with one another, plotting what do they intend to do next concerning their next move on the checkerboard that was now the 12th cycle of the war of the tournament of the Interval In-between... Chapter 1: Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans-Resonance: Opening Theme Song: https://youtu.be/WeCEjloQ-qE. Maka-"...Hmm..." Soul-"What's up?" Maka-"Its just, i don't know what Athena expects of us to do, you know? where are we suppose to go? what are we suppose to do? do we fight? or do something else? its really bugging me Soul." Soul-"Don't let it get to ya, that's one of your bad habits Maka, every-time you get fixated upon something, all you can do is think of ways of how to try and solve it, just like a puzzle or a really hard riddle on and of quiz questions, know what i mean?" Maka-"I resent that remark Soul! i'm...not...picky..." Soul-"Yeah, yeah, say it to my face without your eyes turning away." Maka-"!?!? Soul, you jerk!" Soul-"OW! what was that for!?" Maka-"Forget it! i'm going on ahead!" Soul-"Ah Maka wait! don't go on ahead by yourself! ...tch, damn it..." Zamasu is seen watching the two hiding from within the shadows. Zamasu-"Hmm...this could prove rather interesting..." Maka continued on ahead, as she was trying to shake off what was embarrassment for her upon taking Soul's words the wrong way, although she knew he meant them in a different context, she still couldn't help herself blushing and thus, before Soul would have noticed Maka's red face, she slapped him and proceeded to run away until she cooled down. Maka-"...Sorry, Soul...i didn't mean to do that..."sigh"...i'll apologize to him when he catches up." Zamasu-"I'm afraid you won't be seeing your friend ever again, mortal." Maka-"!? HUH!?!? who-who are you!?!?" Zamasu-"You don't need to know, just know that i will be the one that shall take your life." Zamasu prepared his signature Ki hand blade technique, just when he was about to strike Maka- Soul-"MAKA!!!!" Soul appeared, transforming his arm into a scythe blade, causing Zamasu to dodge, saving Maka just in the nick of time. Maka-"Soul!" Zamasu-"Hmph, another mortal." Soul-"Oi, bastard, try and hurt Maka again and you'll be answering to me." Maka-"Wrong Soul, he'll be answering...to the both of us!" Soul transforms completely into a scythe, of whom Maka proceeds to wield in battle, preparing to fight against Zamasu. Zamasu-"Mortals, thinking that they have the right to oppose god, much less even dare to exist altogether, the Zero Mortals Plan...no matter what world or universe i am in, there are always these accursed Mortals! i will wipe out every last single Mortal that there is, regardless of Ares! i will only tolerate my "allies" for now but when the time comes, i shall eliminate them, as well, including the deities, so then, how shall we go about this? ...Zamasu?" Goku Black-"I think that we should destroy everything and everyone together, just like we still originally had planned." Goku Black, a-k-a, the alter ego of Zamasu appears. Maka-"G-Goku!? what-what are you doing here!?" Soul-"Maka wait!" Maka-"Soul?" Soul-"Use your soul! now!" Maka-"R-right!" Using her soul perception powers, Maka looked into Goku Black's soul to see that it was an exact copy of Zamasu's. Maka-"!?!? That-that can't be! they're...the same!?!? but! he looks just like Goku! he IS Goku!" Trunks-"Maka! Soul! don't be fooled!" Maka and Soul-"Trunks!" Trunks-"...Zamasu!" Goku Black-"Tch, Trunks is it?" Zamasu-"Pitiful Mortal." Maka-"Trunks, you know these guys?" Trunks-"...Yeah...all too well, as a matter of fact, their names are Zamasu, they come from both mine and Goku's world, the one that looks like Goku is called "Black" and he is Zamasu after he took over Goku's body in an alternate reality..." Soul-"...That's...complex to say the least." Trunks-"Yeah, tell me about it! anyways, it seems because when Ares summoned Zamasu, he also brought Black here, as a side effect of that, thus, the worst combination possible is now standing right in front of us!" Maka-"...Yeah, his soul...its giving off...a disgusting aura." Zamasu-"Hmph! as if the likes of you know how to judge a god's soul, why, you can't even begin to comprehend a god's power, come, Trunks, let me show the both of you..." Goku Black-"What a god..." Zamasu and Goku Black-"TRULY IS!!!!" Trunks-"Maka, let's separate! i'll take Zamasu, you take Black!" Maka-"But-!" Trunks-"Trust me, its better this way! take care of things here!" Maka-"Ah Trunks wait!" Soul-"Maka focus!" Maka-"Ah!" Goku Black-"Now then, shall we begin? mortal?" Black summons his pink colored energy scythe, preparing to fight both Maka and Soul, he charges against them, of which Maka blocks his attack, however, Black proceeds to unleash an onslaught of continuous attacks, of which Maka has troubling keeping up with, Black also unleashes multiple Ki blasts straight at Maka, intending to catch her off-guard and destroy her outright, however, thanks to Soul Eater's protection of Maka's soul, the power of their unified souls was enough to force back Black's Ki attacks, as the two partners charge up their energies, intending to unleash a final attack to engulf Black in one fell swoop, Maka and Soul use their Soul Resonance to unleash their Witch Hunter technique against Black, however, just before they could ultimately use Witch Hunter against Black, Black starts talking in a more British sounding tone and transforms into his Super Saiyan Rose transformation, overwhelming both Maka and Soul, forcing the former back and causing the latter to revert back to Human form. Goku Black-"My, my, my and here i thought that you two Mortals would put up a decent fight, oh well, time to eliminate i guess, i wonder if the other Zamasu has finished off Trunks already." Soul-"Bastard!" Maka-"...You'll pay for this." Goku Black-"Unfortunately it won't be by your hands, goodbye, Mortals!" just when Black was prepared to finish off both Maka and Soul, suddenly- Goku-"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!!!!" Goku Black-"What!?!?" Goku, the real Goku had arrived to save both Maka and Soul Eater from Goku Black. Goku-"...Maka, Soul, you guys okay?" Soul-"Goku! how did you get here!?" Goku-"I sensed both you two and Trunks fighting someone and...much to my horror, it turns out to be Black of all people, isn't that right? Black!?" Goku Black-"Hmph, so, Goku has arrived has he? ...very well, i shall leave for now but be forewarned Mortals, this...is not the end." Goku Black disappears, leaving both Maka and Soul with bittersweet tastes in their mouths, after recuperating a short while, they speed Goku on things up, namely of how Trunks came to their rescue beforehand and how he went to fight Zamasu on his own. Maka-"...We've got to go save Trunks!" Goku-"Hold on you two." Soul-"What? what is it?" Goku-"...There's something you two need to know about Zamasu, not only has he a doppelganger that looks like me, Black, the original Zamasu himself is immortal, he can't be killed, i think that's why Ares summoned him, Trunks knew that you two wouldn't be able to defeat, much less kill Zamasu so he made sure that you two stayed safe and went off to lure Zamasu, allowing you both to fight Black and see for yourselves the kinds of power that both he and the original Zamasu possess together." Maka and Soul-"!?!?" Maka-"IF-IF THAT'S THE CASE THEN-!!!!" Soul-"The guy's basically gone on ahead to get himself killed for our sakes!" Goku-"...Yeah, that appears to be Trunks' plan..." Maka-"Goku! we can't just stand by and watch Trunks get himself killed! we've got to go find him and now!" Goku-"Alright, then let's split up, i can sense both Zamasu's and Black's separate yet similar Ki signatures on the opposite corners of this world, i'll go look for Black and you two go look for Zamasu but if you see him and Trunks fighting, just immediately get yourselves and Trunks out of there, do not engage, understood?" Maka-"Yes sir!" Soul-"..." Maka and Soul split up with Goku, heading in the direction Goku was pointing at that leads to Zamasu, as Maka and Soul traveled and fought multiple lookalikes along the way, Soul asks Maka a question. Soul-"...Maka." Maka-"?" Soul-"You intend to fight Zamasu, don't you?" Maka-"...That's right, i can't forgive him, not after how he's treating everyone! Soul, don't try and stop me!" Soul-"...On the contrary, we're partners, right?" Maka-"!? ...heh, yep!" Thus Maka with Soul by her side continued onward, eventually they reached a destroyed city filled with rubble everywhere and dark clouds eternally covering the sky, as they then see Trunks having been defeated and at Zamasu's mercy. Maka-"Trunks!" Zamasu-"Farewell, Trunks, it was fun using you, as a punching bag but now, your time...has come!" Just then, Zamasu shockingly stabs Trunks within the chest using his Ki hand blade, causing Trunks to cough up blood, as Maka and Soul look on powerless to do anything to help their friend. Maka-"Trunks!!!!" Zamasu-"...Oh? it seems your pesky fellow Mortal friends have arrived, hmm...it seems that my other self wasn't able to dispose of the two of them, i wonder why? ...no matter, this just means i get another chance at wiping out more Mortals...how utterly delightful." Zamasu drops Trunks towards the ground, turning his attention towards both Maka and Soul, enraged by their fallen friend's defeat at the hands of the evil Zamasu, Maka and Soul immediately decide to switch up their fighting style and straight off going in to use their Genie Hunter technique. Maka-"...Zamasu...you'll pay! for everything!" Zamasu-"Please, spare me the lecture pitiful Mortal, come! your hour of death is now at hand! i shall now do what the other Zamasu failed to do and eliminate you both!" Maka and Soul, joined, as one in battle, proceed to battle the immortal Zamasu, every-time they land what appears to be a fatal strike upon Zamasu's body, he instantly regenerates it and tries himself to kill both Maka and Soul by slicing off Maka's head with his Ki hand blade technique, Maka dodges swiftly and nimbly against Zamasu's attacks, trying to figure out how to counterattack him until finally, she finds an opening and uses it to her advantage, she swings down her scythe right on-top of Zamasu's shoulder, causing him immense pain, Maka had realized a fatal flaw in Zamasu's regeneration abilities, although he can heal himself constantly, what if he were to suffer a continuous wound? in other-words, what if her scythe was embedded into Zamasu's body and he was unable to move it? deciding to end the battle once and for all, Maka and Soul use Soul Resonance to give their powers full maximum strength and upon doing so, Maka slices Zamasu in half, although he still lives, his body is having trouble attaching itself back together due to the effects of Maka and Soul's Genie Hunter, Zamasu curses the pair, vowing vengeance upon them. Zamasu-"...GAAAAHHHHH!!!! you-you-you MORTALS! I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS! MARK MY WORDS!!!!" Zamasu retreats, leaving Maka and Soul to tend to Trunks, just, as Goku arrives on the scene of the fight's end, Maka tends to Trunks, holding him within her arms, as she tries to stop his bleeding but, as Soul points out using his head to no avail. Maka-"Come on Trunks! stay with us! we can't, we won't let you die! i refuse!" Trunks-"...Maka...Soul...Goku..." Soul-"Easy, you're-" Trunks-"No, its fine, Soul, i'm...fine..." Soul and Goku-"..." Maka-"What-what do you mean?" Trunks-"...I knew, i knew taking on Zamasu would lead to my death but, i'm glad, i'm glad that you guys survived in my place, now...you'll be able...to grow, stronger, from, this..." Maka-"Don't say that Trunks! we're...we're all going home, back to all our worlds together! so then please...please don't die!" Trunks-"...Maka, your very kind...you...remind me, of Mai..." Maka-"Mai?" Trunks-"Yeah, she's someone...very...special...to me..." Goku-"Trunks..." Trunks-"Goku...please...please keep on fighting, in my place, stop Zamasu and win...this war, it won't, end otherwise, if you guys...don't fight..." Goku-"...Trunks, your father would be proud." Trunks-"Thanks, Goku...that...really, means a lot, coming, from, you...Maka...Soul..." Maka and Soul-"!?" Trunks-"Keep on fighting...the good...fight..." Trunks had then closed his eyes and had died from his wounds, upon this happening, Maka lets out a huge scream into the air, as both Soul and Goku look away in shame, feeling, as though, they failed to protect their comrade when they could of have... meanwhile... Athena-"...! ...Goodbye, thank you, Trunks, son to the prince of all Saiyans, i will never forget, your pride..." Zeus-"...Athena had lost the 1st of her chosen champions during the 12th cycle of the war, upon sensing this, the forces of Darkness had started to amass and converge upon where the other chosen heroes were located at, intending to wipe them out, as well, the war...had only just begun." Ending Theme Song: https://youtu.be/tc3qlNBOMxs. Chapter 2: Haru Glory-The Spring known, as Life: Opening Theme Song: https://youtu.be/dMpLMH9VXJk. Haru-"...Sigh...i tell you what Plue, travelling by ourselves just isn't, as much fun without Elie around, know what i'm saying?" Plue-"Plue! Plue Plue!" Haru-"Yeah, i hear ya pal! well, we better get moving, we've got to figure out what we've got to do in order to win this tournament for the Goddess' side." Plue-"Plue!" Haru-"...Huh? what's that? Plue, can you see that up ahead?" Plue-"...! PLUE! PLUE PLUE PLUE!" Haru-"Huh? what's wrong?" Plue-"PLUE PLUE!" Haru-Ah Plue wait a second, hang on! something must be really bugging him, better go check it out." Haru chased after his longtime friend and travelling companion Plue, of whom went on ahead after sensing that something was wrong, as Haru battled his way through the lookalikes that stood in his way using his giant sword, the Ten Commandments, Haru finally catches up to Plue. Plue was seen trying to protect a wounded Jinbe from any further attacks by the mysterious Kaguya Otsutsuki, working for the opposing side of the god Ares for some reason, Haru stood in front of Plue who in turn was standing in front of Jinbe in order to protect them both from Kaguya. Haru-"Plue, ah! boss Jinbe! you alright!?" Jinbe-"H-Haru..." Kaguya-"..." Haru-"Hey, lady! are you the one that did this to boss Jinbe!?" Zetsu-"...What of it?" Haru-"H-HUH!? What-what the!? what is that thing!?" Zetsu-"...Hmph, stupid boy, standing in-between both mother and her prey...mother...let's finish them all off at once, that way, you can finally-" Haru-"Finally what!? huh!? what is it you're talking about!? i won't forgive you...for hurting the boss!" Haru drew his blade with both hands towards both Kaguya and Zetsu who was hiding under her sleeve, preparing to fight them. Kaguya-"..." Zetsu-"Tch, mother's not feeling up to it at this moment, come, mother...let us retreat for now, we'll kill the whelps when the time is right." Haru-"Ah hey! get back here!" Jinbe-"Let them...go...Haru..." Haru-"Boss Jinbe..." Kaguya had vanished without a trace using her signature teleportation technique, not long after that, Haru and Plue both helped Jinbe try to rest and recover, as he told them of his encounter with the Rabbit Goddess. Haru-"So, what exactly happened back there boss? who was that long white haired lady to begin with?" Jinbe-"...Her name is Kaguya, Kaguya Otsutsuki...she, comes from the same world, as both Naruto and Sasuke." Haru-"!? Seriously!? then, we should go find them! they might have a clue on how we can beat someone, as strong, as her, i could sense it...my sword was vibrating upon sensing her strong energy, almost like...a Dark Bring stone..." Jinbe-"Hmm? what was that?" Haru-"Huh? oh, nothing, at any rate, i doubt we have seen the last of her, who knows? she could be prowling this area, as we speak, if that's the case...i say we go hunt her down! i won't let any of my other comrades get hurt from the likes of both her and the other forces of Ares..." Jinbe-"! ...B-Bwahaha!" Haru-"H-huh!? what's so funny boss!?" Jinbe-"Youth and naivety...very well Haru, we shall go in search of Kaguya, however! we do not confront her unless we have to, understood? same goes for any foe belonging to Ares' side we might encounter..." Haru-"Right, got it boss Jinbe...though...i'm a little worried..." Jinbe-"Huh?" Haru-"If i were Natsu you were talking to...he probably wouldn't listen and just go smack the enemies in front of him...sigh..." Plue-"Plue!" Jinbe-"Sigh...true enough, guess that means we should find Kaguya and quick, who knows what sort of confrontation the others might get into if they confront her...trust me, she is not one to be underestimated, i was told this personally by Sasuke..." After healing up, Haru, Plue and Jinbe set forth together in search of Kaguya who they believed could be found in the nearby surrounding areas, as they journeyed and fought lookalikes along the way, they met up with some of the other heroes belonging to Athena's side. Haru-"Ah! Yusuke! Kenshin!" Yusuke-"Haru!" Kenshin-"Greetings." Jinbe-"Its good to see you two safe and unharmed, tell me, have you seen any enemies lurking about in the area?" Yusuke-"Not really, me and Kenshin have been travelling for a while and all we could find along the way were those lookalikes, if you ask me, they look creepy..." Kenshin-"Indeed, their auras are slightly disturbing to say the least..." Yusuke-"...Not really what i was talking about Ken..." Shishio-"HA! if you don't fancy taking on lookalikes, why not face the flames of hell instead!?" Everyone-"!?!?" Kenshin-"Shishio Makoto!" Shishio-"Yo, long time no see, Himura Kenshin..." Kenshin-"Tch! this is bad, i sense that he has brought with him an army of lookalikes!" Everyone-"!?" Shishio-"Why indeed, they may indeed be dolls but they do serve a purpose and the purpose now is to kill you all, that is their one and only mission in life, to kill, nothing more, nothing less." Kenshin-"How cruel..." Haru-"Oi! bandage head!" Everyone-"!?!?" Kenshin-"Haru no!" Shishio-"...Huh?" Haru-"That's a unique sword you've got there right? fight me with it! i'll show you just what it means to be the real thing instead of a lookalike!" Kenshin-"Haru-!" Jinbe-"Haru, allow me to back you up." Kenshin-"Jinbe!" Jinbe-"Kenshin, you and Yusuke should go on ahead and fight the army of lookalikes approaching, we'll handle their leader here, if we take out the head of the army, the lookalikes should stop altogether, correct?" Kenshin-"But-! Yusuke!" Yusuke-"Let them do their thing Ken, right now, we've got opponents right in front of us, the boss is right, if they handle him here, we can handle the enemies in front of us, they'll be fine, we've got a guy with a sword that can transform and a fish-man who can manipulate water against bandage face's fire, what could go wrong?" Kenshin-"I! ...sigh, very well, just promise me one thing you two, don't let Shishio provoke you and especially above all else, don't die! the man is a master of manipulation, he once brought down a great fire upon a huge city..." Haru-"Trust me, we won't let this guy out of our sights!" Jinbe-"Now go, both of you!" Kenshin-"...Right!" Yusuke-"See ya soon boss! Haru! Plue!" Plue-"Plue Plue!" Kenshin and Yusuke went on ahead, as both Haru and Jinbe stay behind and proceed to battle Shishio. Shishio-"Two for the price of one? ...those aren't bad odds at all, heh heh." Haru-"Sheesh! what a creep!" Jinbe-"Haru, stay focused! this man is a skilled swordsman, plus he can manipulate fire, be on your guard!" Haru-"! Right, sorry boss! ...sigh...okay then! ready to do this!?" Haru points his sword the Ten Commandments towards Shishio, of whom merely smiles, excited at the battle that was about to begin. Haru-"Blue Crimson!" Haru transforms the Ten Commandments into one of its 10 sword forms, the twin-blades known, as Blue Crimson, combined with Jinbe's power to manipulate water, the two battle against Shishio of whom has the power to manipulate fire through his own sword and although it seems both Haru and Jinbe have the advantage, it is then shockingly that saving Shishio just before a final blow could be dealt upon him was none other then Kaguya, for some reason saving Shishio when she could have ignored him to his fate. Haru-"!?!? Jinbe! its Kaguya!" Jinbe-"Ahhh...stay on your toes, Haru..." Haru-"Right!" Shishio-"Tch! i didn't need your help, rabbit b****" Zetsu-"Call mother that again and i'll kill you myself, sigh...apparently, mother thought that you needed saving, considering you were up against two opponents at once." Shishio-"Hmph, i can take them by myself without any help." Zetsu-"Is that so? then..." Kaguya using her special portals without anyone noticing grabs Haru from behind and drags him to another location, greatly shocking Jinbe. Jinbe-"Haru!!!!" Shishio-"Oi! what are you playing at!?!?" Zetsu-"Goodbye, heh heh heh..." Kaguya flees, leaving both Jinbe and Shishio behind, having stolen one of the latter's prey. Haru finds himself elsewhere where he is confronted by Kaguya, Haru transforms his twin Blades Blue Crimson back into the Ten Commandments' default form, the Eisenmeteor, Haru points his blade towards Kaguya, demanding to know where they currently are. Haru-"Oi! hey lady! where the heck are we!? where did you take us to!? send us back! i've got to go help boss Jinbe!" Zetsu-"Your in no position to be making demands of any sort, whited haired brat, you will-" Kaguya-"Enough, my child..." Zetsu-"M-Mother!" Haru-"Huh? so now your finally speaking huh." Kaguya-"...Your sword..." Haru-"Huh?" Kaguya-"...Give me...your sword...and i will...take you back...to your friend..." Haru-"WHAT!? why do you want my sword!?" Kaguya-"...Your sword...it is, unique...it is similar in form, to...Chakra...MY Chakra..." Haru-"Chakra? ain't that some kind of religious thing? ...gah! whatever! i'll beat you if i have to and return to boss Jinbe myself!" Kaguya-"...You dare raise that sword against me? the mother...of ALL Chakra?" Haru-"...If it means your standing in my way then, YES!" Zetsu-"How dare you! mother...let's kill him, he has insulted you long enough." Kaguya-"...Yes...let us, kill him..." Kaguya prepares to attack Haru with Haru on-guard, not taking any chances, Haru transforms the Eisenmeteor into the sealing sword Runesave, just in case Kaguya tries to do something drastic with all of the powers at her might. Kaguya's powers are limited due to being summoned by Ares and she cannot pass freely between different dimensions, as she normally could back in Naruto and Sasuke's world, instead, however, she can call upon the powers of those dimensions from where she currently is, using that to her advantage, Kaguya throws a giant meteor full on fire from a lava dimension strike at Haru, taking him greatly by shock, as he uses his Runesave to slice through the meteor, though in the process taking up a great amount of Haru's energy by the start of the battle, Zetsu evilly laughs and mocks Haru, saying that already he has run out of both air and time and that he cannot hope to stand up against Kaguya, the mother of all Chakra, the living spiritual energy in Naruto's world that fuels everyone and gives them the ability to perform their different ninja elemental based powers, as Haru tries to think of a way to beat Kaguya, Kaguya sends acid from another dimension straight at Haru, trying to melt him alive whilst keeping his Ten Commandments sword intact, having for some strange reason taking a keen interest in it, Haru dodges by transforming the Runesave into the Silfarion, the sword that is light and can allow Haru to move at quick and fast paces and speed, Haru dodges all the acid being sent at him before suddenly noticing a small portal opening up in front of him, on the other side of it was seen Zetsu also seen smiling evilly once more, as suddenly, Zetsu shoots at Haru what looks like a giant bone arrow, Haru sensing the danger of what that bone arrow could do to him quickly dodges thanks to Silfarion and sees what the aftereffects of that bone arrow could do upon a small rock nearby, the rock crumbles into ash, almost, as if it had never existed to begin with, this greatly shocks and horrifies Haru, as Zetsu mocks Haru on the fear he is now displaying because of Kaguya's terrifying abilities, just when it seems Haru is about to succumb to fear, Plue reveals himself by biting on Kaguya's arm that contains Zetsu within her sleeve, Kaguya brushes Plue aside and Haru goes to his aid, Zetsu mocks Plue for trying to help "a lost cause", however, Haru, reaffirmed by Plue saving him says to Zetsu that Plue helped save Haru just then from succumbing to fear and now it is up to Haru to save Plue from Kaguya by finishing this battle once and for all, Haru transforms Silfarion into another of the Ten Commandments' forms, Explosion, Haru is aiming to attack Kaguya's head with the rabbit ear like things embedded on-top, as Zetsu senses the danger of what Haru is trying to do, he quickly informs Kaguya telepathically to block the attack by freezing Haru, using an ice dimension to do exactly just that, Kaguya freezes Haru but not before he swings down his sword, causing a massive explosion that destroys the ice encasing him and sending Kaguya flying back a bit, Haru and Kaguya are both drained from the fighting, in the latter's case using too many dimensions at once, Kaguya decides to retreat for the time being... Haru-"Hey! get back here! we're...we're not done yet! cough!" Zetsu-"Shut your mouth, whelp, trust me, mother is far from being done with you, soon, she will annihilate you both completely and utterly and when she does, you'll have nowhere to return." Haru-"I'm not the one whose running!" Kaguya-"...MINE..." Haru-"What?" Kaguya-"That sword...is MINE..." Haru-"!?!?" Haru could sense Kaguya's true utter killing intent, this was enough for him to land on his backside, as Kaguya takes her leave, leaving Haru stranded all by himself with Plue with no way back to Jinbe. Haru-"Damn it...just, just what IS she? ...Plue, you alright?" Plue-"Plue!" Haru-"...Sorry, that you took a bullet for me there pal...i-i didn't mean to-" Plue-"Plue Plue!" Haru-"What? don't do it again you say? ...haha! alright pal, you got yourself a deal...anyways, now that i think about it, where the heck are we? i don't know where this is, looks to me like a barren wasteland full of surrounding mountains...must be where that Kaguya lives, huh..." Plue-"Plue..." Haru-"What's wrong Plue? you don't like this place?" Plue-"Plue Plue..." Haru-"...Okay, let's leave here whilst the leaving's good." Plue-"Plue!" Haru-"We've got to find a way back to boss Jinbe and the others, there's no telling what has happened to them, we've got to find them and make sure that they're safe from those doppelgangers." Plue-"Plue Plue Plue!" Haru-"Yeah, right on pal!" Haru left with Plue the area he fought Kaguya in, as the two traveled north, hoping to find at least some way back to their friends. Interlude 1: The Fallen Savior from the Future: Back to when Trunks had lured Zamasu away from both Maka and Soul, leaving them to fight Goku Black, Trunks had fought Zamasu, as Zamasu talks with Trunks during a brief moment of non fighting in their battle... Zamasu-"Hoping to save your fellow pitiful Mortals again, are we? Trunks?" Trunks-"Zamasu! its not like last time! this time, we're ALL fighting! all fighting to protect ourselves from both you and those that would fight alongside you for your so called "justice"!" Zamasu-"How DARE you, MORTAL! my justice is righteous, it is the one and only absolute! the only one that can see it for its pure and majestic beauty is no one else but myself! even that pretending god Ares will soon cower before my justice once i am done with you lot!" Trunks-"...Then tell me, why are you attacking us first instead of duking it out with Ares?" Zamasu-"Simple, my justice tells me that it requires revenge before it can be sated, that means i must kill you Trunks before i can achieve my absolute justice against all Mortals..." Trunks-"Your insane, Zamasu!" Zamasu-"Hmph, like a mere Mortal such, as yourself could ever hope to understand my brilliance, only the one true god of all worlds and all universes can understand the peril of my quest, that one and only god...is me!" Trunks and Zamasu continue to battle one another, which ultimately leads to Trunks' defeat and death at the hands of Zamasu, being witnessed firsthand by both Maka and Soul. Chapter 2-Continue: Haru-"Hmm...all i see are nothing but huge rocks everywhere, you sure we're going the right way Plue?" Plue-"Plue!" Haru-"Well, if you say so..." Sesshomaru-"..." Sesshomaru appears. Haru-"Huh? ...AH! I-I-INUYASHA!?!?" Sesshomaru-"..." Haru-"...No, wait a second, something's...different." Sesshomaru-"...So your friends with the half breed huh? my so called brother?" Haru-"B-brother!? Inuyasha never said anything about having a brother! ...though, considering the world we all ended up in, i guess why would we all talk about our individual pasts with one another..." Sesshomaru-"...You seem observant to say the least." Haru-"Hey! what's that suppose to mean!?" Sesshomaru-"..." Haru-"Hey wait!" Sesshomaru disappears. Haru-"...What was THAT all about? ...gah! never-mind! let's keep on going Plue, we've got to find boss Jinbe and the others!" Plue-"Plue Plue!" Interlude 2: Goku and Black: Goku went in search of Black, as Maka and Soul went to look for both Trunks and Zamasu, eventually, Goku finds Black and confronts him. Goku-"Zamasu!" Black-"...Hmph, Son Goku huh?" Goku-"Zamasu, what are you trying to pull!?" Black-"Stupid Mortal, are you really that dense or are you just playing the fool for the sake of it? don't you know? i disappeared and had lured you away from your friends so that they would meet their end by my original's hand, same, as Trunks will." Goku-"...!? Oh no!" Black-"That's right, you made it all too easy, you just realized now that they are simply kids and because they are such, they will want to seek revenge rather then obey your order of not confronting Zamasu, in other-words...again, you simply made it all too easy, Son Goku." Goku-"Tch, damn it! then i'll wrap things up here and go find them before its too late!" Black-"As if i would let you." Goku Black transforms into his Super Saiyan Rose form, as he starts speaking with a British tone in his voice again. Black-"Come! Goku! this body yearns to fight with you once more!" Goku-"..." Goku transforms into Super Saiyan Blue, preparing himself to fight Goku Black, a-k-a, Zamasu. Chapter 2-Continue Part 2: Haru-"...Sigh...well bud, it looks like we are officially lost..." Plue-"Plue..." Haru-"...Maybe, maybe the Rave stone might have an idea on where we should go, better try it out, just in case..." Haru pulls out of his pocket the Rave, the source of his sword, the Ten Commandments' powers, as he looks at the Rave, suddenly, a bright light shines from it and from that light, it breaks through an illusion cast upon both Haru and Plue that had them wandering in circles by Kaguya, Haru and Plue are now back in the reality of Hephaestus, here they have ended up on the northern continent of the world, having last departed with Jinbe on the east continent, Haru is ecstatic that both he and Plue now finally see something else besides a barren wasteland but Haru then immediately returns his attention to the matter at hand, determined to find the others... Haru-"Alright Plue, looks like we're going on another journey together! you up for it!?" Plue-"Plue! Plue Plue Plue Plue!" Haru-"Right then! and away we go!!!!" Haru and Plue then run forth, as watching from not too far away was Sesshomaru, approached by both Toguro and Starjun. Sesshomaru-"..." Starjun-"It seems you've taken an interest in that boy, Sesshomaru." Toguro-"What is the reason for that?" Sesshomaru-"...The 12th Cycle is almost coming to an end...that boy...i don't think he will last until the next battle." Starjun-"The next battle...that might go for us too..." Toguro-"Even so, we have our jobs to fulfill, to guide the heroes and help them reach the end of their goals..." Starjun-"...The Relics..." Sesshomaru-"...Hmph, i do not believe in those trinkets, they hold little value at all whatsoever...no...i seek an end to this Cycle, i will not play Ares' game, as he commands it, i know that Raoh seeks the same, as well, however, he and i have separate goals that we both wish to obtain, i for one am not interested in "taking back history from the gods", the only thing that matters to me is power...Starjun, Toguro...i don't know or care what it is you seek to obtain, however, stand in my way and i will cut you both down, that is my promise..." Sesshomaru starts to walk away, leaving both Starjun and Toguro behind. Starjun-"...Strange, Sesshomaru would have never said something like that in the past." Toguro-"...After seeing the conflicts that Athena's champions put up against us, perhaps, he was maybe inspired by them and from that, he regained a little of his true self, the self that was taken by Ares when we were all summoned here during the previous Cycles..." Starjun-"...What about us? have we regained some form of our previous selves, as well?" Toguro-"...I do not know, all i know is that i wish to seek battle with him, once i have achieved that, i will be content knowing that i had the battle that i had been searching for all my life, being summoned to this world was merely giving me a chance to find that battle." Starjun-"...The Spring, is that it?" Toguro-"...Call it what you will, life found in battle, life found in eating food, the Spring known, as Life comes in all shapes and sizes...even in life that has no life, life that has no life is supported by the fact that it actually has life to begin with, enabling its current form and state, complex but also understandable in a way at the same time..." Starjun-"...Toguro..." Toguro-"...Enough of the philosophical banter, come, let's go." Starjun-"...Indeed." Toguro and Starjun disappear, as we last see both Haru and Plue heading out with big huge smiles on their faces. Ending Theme Song: https://youtu.be/E4wYnxPaLWM. Chapter 3: Eren Yeager-Attack on Ares: Opening Theme Song: . Eren-"Hmph! nothing but cannon fodder!" Naruto-"Eren!" Eren-"Huh?" Naruto-"You okay?" Sasuke-"..." Naruto and Sasuke were seen approaching Eren after he taken down two lookalikes that looked both like Goku and Haru, Naruto was seen wearing his red Sage Mode coat from when he fought the enemy back in his world known, as Pain and Sasuke was seen wearing his outfit from when he was the apprentice to a man that he would later betray, his own enemy known, as Orochimaru, Naruto expressed concern for Eren, however, Eren merely scoffed Naruto's concern, not paying him any attention. Naruto-"Hey, come on dude, answer me, are you alright-GAH!?" Eren-"BACK OFF! don't...EVER, touch me! got that!?" Sasuke grabs Eren's arm. Eren-"!?!?" Sasuke-"...Let go, right this instant." Eren-"...TCH!" Sasuke lets go of Eren's arm, as Eren's lets go of Naruto's collar when the latter tried to approach the former. Eren-"...Look, we may be so called "allies" but that doesn't mean we have to be buddy-buddies, you get me? if so, just leave me alone and get on with your own missions, i have other things to tend to." Eren flies away using the equipment on his person, as Naruto talks with Sasuke about Eren's personality. Naruto-"Tch, jerk, who does he think he is? seriously, just what is wrong with that guy? whenever we try to open up to him, all he does is pushes us away, kind of reminds me of you Sasuke." Sasuke-"I'm going to let that one slide, at any rate, i'm sure he has his reasons, just like you said, as much, as i hate to admit it...we are kind of similar, perhaps he too is obsessed with vengeance, just like i once was..." Naruto-"Yeah but Sasuke, your different now! things have changed! i don't know why that guy should be any different." Aizen-"Perhaps i can help you two with that." Naruto-"!?" Sasuke-"Sosuke Aizen!" Aizen appeared from out of nowhere, seen wearing glasses and a Haori, as he was shown smiling whilst approaching both Naruto and Sasuke, meanwhile, Eren was seen travelling by himself, destroying both anything and everything that stood in his way, all he could think about was completely and utterly obliterating the enemy side that was both Ares and his forces, as Eren journeyed onward, he was then confronted by one such being belonging to Ares' side, it was...Ichigo Kurosaki, an acquaintance of Aizen's from their world, as he was seen in what looked like skeletal armor wielding a short sword, this overall appearance of Ichigo's was called his Fullbring, Ichigo confronted Eren, as the latter proceeded to do the same vice versa with the former. Eren-"...And who the hell are you? some dress up wannabe?" Ichigo-"...To you, a problem pal." Ichigo charged up his spiritual energy before firing a Getsuga Tensho right at Eren, who proceeded to immediately dodge using the equipment that was on his body once more, using this equipment, Eren could move around the area freely and attack without so much, as getting scratched, so long, as he kept moving around from one place to another at all times, Eren proceeded to battle Ichigo who in turn returned the favour towards Eren, being of more or less similar gruff personalities, the battle didn't last very long and Eren was seen gaining the upper hand against Ichigo until finally defeating him. Ichigo-"D-Damn!!!!" Eren-"Say goodnight! huh!?!?" just then, an energy blast was swung right at Eren, as appearing to Ichigo's aid was another person from his world, Kugo Ginjo, he used his sword, the Fullbring known, as Cross of Scaffold and its special combat and spiritual abilities to save Ichigo just in the nick of time. Ichigo-"...G-Ginjo!" Ginjo-"Yo Ichigo, you having trouble?" Eren-"Who the hell are you!? get out of my way!" Ginjo-"Yikes, he's a sore little punk huh." Ichigo-"Ginjo, don't-don't take him lightly, he's no ordinary fighter..." Ginjo-"Really? guess that means...this won't be easy!" Eren proceeds to battle Ginjo in place of Ichigo, however, unlike Ichigo, Ginjo puts up more of a defensive fight and is able to use his Fullbring knowledge to its maximum capacity, outwitting and angering Eren at every turn. Ginjo-"Come on kid, what's the matter? i thought Ichigo said that you were a challenge!" Eren-"Don't...ANGER ME!!!!" Eren started giving off a scary vibe to him, something both Ginjo and Ichigo didn't like, deciding to retreat for now, Ginjo takes Ichigo with him before bidding Eren adieu, as they leave, this angers Eren greatly, feeling like that he let them get away. Eren-"Damn! damn! DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL!!!!" Eren was so angry, he wasn't able to concentrate on the area surroundings that he was destroying in the process, eventually, Naruto and Sasuke appear with the latter giving a paralyzing jab to Eren from behind, knocking him out, as both Sasuke and Naruto ponder on what to do with Eren. A while passes and Eren awakes with both Naruto and Sasuke by his side, upon recalling the latter knocking him out, Eren threatens Sasuke. Eren-"You...you bastard!!!!" Naruto-"Eren! Sasuke!" Sasuke-"...Call me what you want, the fact of the matter is that you lost your temper and because of that, you were clouded by uncontrolled rage..." Eren-"So what? haven't you ever felt rage in your life?" Sasuke-"...Almost every single day for, as long, as i can remember." Naruto-"..." Eren-"...Tch, fool..." Naruto-"Eren, why do you insist on travelling alone? why are you always fighting alone? things never get accomplished that way." Eren-"Shut up blondie! you have your methods, i have mine...no one around here seems to be thinking of ending this goddamn tournament the only way it can be ended and that is-" Sasuke-"By heading directly towards Ares and taking him out?" Eren-"So you do know your stuff, Uchiha." Sasuke-"..." Naruto-"That's just suicide! you'll never accomplish that by acting alone all by yourself, you'll die in the process!" Eren-"I ain't the one whose going to be dying, it will be that so called God of Hate and all his flunkies, i'll take down each and every single one of them, so help me if i have to take down you guys in the process too!" Eren points one of his swords towards Sasuke. Naruto-"Eren don't!" Eren-"Either you guys leave me alone or i'll cut you both to ribbons!" Sasuke-"...You've got very nasty anger issues...fine, i'll be your opponent." Naruto-"Sasuke!" Sasuke-"Naruto, he won't learn otherwise unless we beat some sense into him and i think that combat is the only thing he understands, since your too soft, i'll take him on, just don't get in either of our ways, agreed Naruto?" Naruto-"Sasuke no!" Eren-"Heh! you got spunk but that won't be enough to save you...UCHIHA!!!!" Eren charges towards Sasuke, as Sasuke parries with his sword drawn from behind his back, preparing to fight Eren, as Naruto watches on, trying to hold himself back from getting involved in the fight between the two, Eren, a man consumed by hatred and Sasuke, a man once consumed by hatred, who exactly, would be the victor? Interlude 3: The Lost Agents: Ichigo-"...Ginjo, why did you interfere?" Ginjo-"Huh? what do you mean "why did i interfere", huh?" Ichigo-"You know what i mean..." Ginjo-"Sigh...Ichigo, you really are dense, you know that?" Ichigo-"...Ohhh...said that to my face again one more time...i dare ya-" Ginjo-"You don't get in-between a wild animal and its prey." Ichigo-"Huh?" Ginjo-"That kid...he didn't look or even appeared to be Human, to say the least...i'm just saying Ichigo, i won't always be able to watch your back so be careful next time on who you pick a fight with." Ichigo-"...Hmph, whatever you say." Interlude 4: Pride of the 1st son of the sea: Shishio-"...tch, rabbit b**** made off with one of my prey...no matter, at least i still get to eat the blubber whale." Jinbe-"Tell me! where did Kaguya take Haru!?" Shishio-"I should be more concerned about myself if i were you old man, considering, you're about to meet hell-fire itself." Jinbe-"Hmph! as if a ruffian like you can bring me down, instead of fearing fire, i welcome it, come! show me what you've got! i'll counterattack everything with the power of the seas themselves! i know brother is watching over me...i won't disappoint him! i am Jinbe, knight of the sea and i will not bow down to the likes of a man who believes violence is the ultimate solution!" Shishio-"...Sigh, you'll eat those words, old geezer..." Chapter 3-Continue: (To be continued.).
  2. Here are the Heroes, Anti-Heroes, you name it :], ahem: Kenshiro. Son Goku. Pegasus Seiya. Jonathan Joestar. Yusuke Urameshi. Himura Kenshin. Monkey D. Luffy. Gon Freecss. Yoh Asakura. Naruto Uzumaki. Train Heartnet. Ichigo Kurosaki. Kazuki Muto. Tsunayoshi Sawada. Allen Walker. Rikuo Nura. Toriko. Izuku Midoriya. Asta. Natsu Dragneel. Haru Glory. Edward Elric. Maka Albarn. Rin Okumura. Eren Yeager. Spike Spiegel. Vash the Stampede. Motoko Kusanagi. Deunan Knute. Amuro Ray. Lelouch Lamperouge. Ganta Igarashi. Ushio Aotsuki. Ippo Makunouchi. Kenichi Shirahama. Renton Thurston. Simon. Ash Ketchum. Tai Kamiya. Tyson Granger. Yugi Mutou. JP. Kenji Koiso. Kenichi. Astro Boy. Saitama. Moritaka Mashiro. Ranma Saotome. Tohru Honda. Tetsuya Kuroko. Joseph Carter "Joey" Jones. Tatsumi Oga. Sena Kobayakawa. Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo. Light Yagami. Medaka Kurokami. Raku Ichijo. Want to try the naming other Main/Primary Protagonists quiz :]?
  3. Anybody fancy doing a Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Role-Play :]? note: the Role-Play is based on the events of the films, not the books and the play. The title of the Role-Play is called "Harry Potter and the Dark", it is set during the years Harry and everyone else's children are attending Hogwarts and the Role-Play will explore not only the United Kingdom part of the Wizarding world but also other locations like both America and Japan for examples, the former example having already been seen in the Fantastic Beasts film. The Role-Play is set in a parallel universe where the events of the Cursed Child do not occur and instead, the story follows directly after the events of the Deathly Hallows-Part II, where everyone see off their children heading out to start their school terms at Hogwarts' School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. The makeup of the Role-Play's story universe is meant to be similar in theme to the Manga/Anime Naruto's Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, where the story universe focuses on the children of the previous heroes who saved the world, as well, as other new Characters who would interact with these children, old Characters would return in supporting roles and they would help guide the children, as they learn about life itself, what it means to grow up and what both dreams and goals that they wish to obtain in the future, its basically a Slice of Life Role-Play story with the central theme being about Magic at its heart being a added twist. In the story of the universe for the Role-Play we will see not only Magic be involved but also Science and Machinery too, we will see how both Science and Machinery become combined with Magic to form the latest advancements and achievements for the Wizarding world, how much it has evolved over the years since Harry finally lastly defeated Voldemort, to say basically, we will be seeing how Wizards use a Smartphone App using Magic instead of a normal phone, know what i mean? The premise of the Role-Play is to see how the Wizarding world is advancing alongside technology and how they are incorporating the latter into their society, we will also see political talks and meetings about how the world of Muggles and the Wizarding world are finally starting to open up to one another and how they are going to proceed onward from this point on knowing that such magic, such powerful and dangerous magic exists, how are the Muggles going to cope with the Wizarding world? things like that. I'll explain more later on, to be continued but so far, what does everyone think of the premise :]? Right then, continuing from where i left off, ahem :]. Although the story has Harry's name in it, he does not star, as the primary protagonist of the Role-Play and instead serves, as its major supporting Character, also, besides regular Characters from the Harry Potter franchise making an appearance there will also be guest Characters from other franchises with magical properties making an appearance, for example, Ardyn Izunia, the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy XV will appear, as a major antagonist in this Role-Play, as i think he would be a good guest Character to appear in the world of Harry Potter, his motives primarily being the reason why, he could serve, as either the primary antagonist of the Role-Play overall or just a major supporting antagonist, i'll put up a poll for voters to decide which either option should i go with. Since i may be taking too much control of the stories of the Role-Plays i make and this could be the reason why people don't sign up, this time i'm going to make this Role-Play in particular open world if you know what i mean, it will have a story but that doesn't mean people have to strictly follow it and can do whatever else in the Role-Play they feel like doing, there will be major events that will be announced later on in the story like Quidditch, Halloween and Christmas for examples but overall, the Role-Play will be free and accessible in the sense that it would play out like it was a real open world based setting video game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as a primary example, Role-Players can do whatever they feel like doing, making up original story-lines and creating new magical creatures and spells for everyone to enjoy, its a free and creative Role-Play world :]. For those interested in a strict story-line based experience, Harry Potter and the Dark will focus on a world where Voldemort is no more and Wizards no longer have to live in hiding in fear of He Who Must Not Be Named now that he is no longer among the living and his spirit is forever trapped in Limbo, however, even though the Death Eaters have no master, they still work in his memory to cleanse the world of Mudbloods and make it a world where only the "strong" and the "elite" are allowed to live, Harry and the Aurors over the years have been cleaning up Voldemort's remnants and now, they are finally nearing the end of clean up duty and are about to round up the last group of Death Eaters still fanatically loyal to both Voldemort and his cause even after his death, this is where the Role-Play starts off with Harry and the Aurors battling the Death Eaters on a old island in Ireland at a sea cliff at an abandoned mansion, said to have once belonged to Salazar Slytherin of ancient times and where Voldemort once lived and had used, as a secret base during his supreme reign of darkness and evil, known only to his top ranking officers in his army of followers, the mansion is currently preoccupied by Voldemort's last remaining fanatic servant named "Bivilbosk Grivilback" who was not present at the Battle of Hogwarts and instead was on standby awaiting Voldemort's orders after his "victory" at Hogwarts was to be "assured", only to ultimately fail in the end and now Bivilbosk and a group of small time Wizarding criminals that just call themselves Death Eaters for the sake of it are now on the run by Harry and the Aurors with Harry having been chasing the Death Eaters for a long time, Bivilbosk is outraged at Potter's constant pursuing of them and also when one of his henchmen speaks out of line, Bivilbosk uses a unique killing curse of his very own to silence them and dares any other of his henchmen to speak out against him should they want to suffer the same fate, as the previous henchman beforehand, now the showdown between the Aurors and the Death Eaters, Harry and Bivilbosk is about to begin! what will happen? following up are the Rules and Character Sheets for the Role-Play. Rules: No Godmodding. No Romance above Age 12. No Swearing above Age 15. Please stay true to the mythology and timeline events presented within the Harry Potter chain of films, this Role-Play is the Sequel to the films, not the books. You can create new spells and new magical creatures if you want but you must describe what they look like, how they live in both the Wizarding world and in secret among the Muggles in their world, also what peculiar quirks do they have? The Role-Play is set in the year 2018, on January the 1st, the Role-Play will start off with Harry and the Aurors fighting both Bivilbosk and his group of "Death Eaters" at an abandoned mansion located somewhere near the Irish Sea, straight afterwards, the Role-Play will time-skip to Hogwarts and focus on the children of the original Harry Potter Characters whilst also introducing new Characters, Hogwarts is the primary hub setting for the Role-Play's world but other locations will be introduced and world exploration will appear in the Role-Play, as well. Guest Characters from other franchises like Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV can appear, as long, as you can explain their appearance in the story-line, how did they appear in the world of Harry Potter? why did they appear there? what are their motives? also, you have to decide how much of an importance they will have to the story-line of the Role-Play since its still Harry Potter after all. Please message me if you want to use a Character like Neville Longbottom for example from the original Harry Potter films. You can have, as many Characters, as you can portray up to, either new Characters created exclusively for the Role-Play or original Harry Potter film Characters. This is my 1st time making a Harry Potter Role-Play so if i am missing important crucial details that need correcting please may someone help me since the world of Harry Potter is vast and i don't want to miss out any crucial details. To show that you read the Rules, please put down the name of your favourite J.K. Rowling work at the end of your Character Sheets. Character Sheets: Name: Age: School Year: History: Personality: Appearance: Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral.). Occupation: (Student, Teacher, Auror, Death Eater, Ministry of Magic.). School: (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning.). Hogwarts Houses: (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.). Species: (Wizards, Muggles.). That's everything, does anything need changing? please tell me what can i do to make this Role-Play appealing for people to join. Here's the Theme Song for the Role-Play by the way: https://youtu.be/Htaj3o3JD8I.
  4. " "D.E.M.O.N"...An Etherious that Zeref had created that he deemed was too dangerous, even more so then Natsu and so, the Black Mage sealed and hid D.E.M.O.N away, however, due to the death of the Dark Wizard, D.E.M.O.N has revived in the form of a jet black coloured octopus like monster with a burning crimson coloured single eye and is intent on doing one thing, just one, simple, thing...absorb all kinds of magic within the world and in the process, kill the people with the magic living inside them. D.E.M.O.N has no conciousness or will, other then that it is the last remnant of Zeref's cult and thus, is worshipped like the 2nd coming of Zeref himself, Zeref communicates with Mage Guilds all over the world from the afterlife in spirit alongside his beloved Mavis and together, they ask the members of these Guilds both old and new to combat D.E.M.O.N before it can kill all life in Fiore as they know it and in the process, also destroy the last remaining members of Zeref's cult now banded together in the form of an organization calling itself "Ezodus", trying to protect D.E.M.O.N and offer the lesser members of the organization and human sacrifices as sustenance for D.E.M.O.N to feed on and gain even more Magic Power that could and can rival that of the Black Dragon Acnologia, maybe even go beyond his level. The old members of Fairy Tail, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Juvia Lockser, Gajeel Redfox and Laxus Dreyar, alongside their Guild Master Makarov have all both strangely and mysteriously vanished, leaving Wendy Marvell alongside Happy, Carla and Pantherlily to become the new Guild Masters of Fairy Tail and live up to the challenge, as the newest members of Fairy Tail now joining in these desperate times expect great things from her, now that she has become a more or less fully fledged Dragon Slayer. Meanwhile working together is the unlikely group of Gildarts Clive, his daughter Cana Alberona, Jellal Fernandes and his Guild Crime Sorciere and lastly the Thunder God Tribe led by Freed Justine, as they form a small army alongside other notable Mages in Fiore called the "Vermilion Forces" and all together, they take down Dark Mage Guilds and freelancing Dark Wizards whilst all the while preparing themselves and all of the Guilds in Fiore to take down both D.E.M.O.N and Ezodus before its too late with Gildarts planning on training Wendy so that Fairy Tail will lead the war against the numbers of Ezodus joined by all the other Guilds being both at Fairy Tail's side and right behind them, as Gildarts prepares to show Wendy what it truly means to step up to the plate and how to be a true leader in times of trying circumstances such as the one they are now in against D.E.M.O.N. Lastly, a young teenage Mage boy around the age of 13 bearing the last Name Dragneel has appeared and says that his name is "Matsu Dragneel", nephew of Natsu Dragneel himself, however, everyone is skeptical about this young man being Natsu's nephew as Natsu and Lucy aren't even married yet even though they are now a couple and they are still too young to even have such things like nephews and/or nieces, especially since it's impossible in both Natsu and Lucy's cases as the two are more or less single children, however, Matsu still wants to prove that he is Natsu's nephew and help join the Fairy Tail Guild so that in turn he can help the Vermilion Forces take on both Ezodus and especially D.E.M.O.N that he both somehow has knowledge of and can even wield Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, though for some odd and peculiar reason, it is coloured green and now, join us, as the story of the battle against the D.E.M.O.N, begins! " Rules: No Godmodding. No Swearing above age 15. No Romance above age 12. Please use proper grammar. Please stay true to the story of the original Fairy Tail Manga/Anime. Please respect the other RPer(s) and their Character(s)' wishes. Please put down the Name of your favourite Fairy Tail Character to show that you have read the Rules and can be approved to be either a New Character and/or a Old Character. You can have up to 3 Characters per person. You can join a Mage Guild, Light or Dark or go Neutral if you want. You can be a Character from the Original Series if you want. You don't have to Sign In the Theme Songs or Voice Actors Parts if you don't want to, they are just for fun :]. Have fun :]. New Character Sheets: Name: Age: History: Appearance: Type of Magic: Mage Guild: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Equipment: Species: Japanese Voice Actor: English Voice Actor: Theme Song: Old Character Sheets: Name: Japanese Voice Actor: English Voice Actor: Theme Song: The Rise of Ezodus Arc Opening-https://youtu.be/XQFCaw-eAQg.
  5. Original known as "Kingdom Hearts: After the Storm" this fan project is an animatic series taking the Kingdom Hearts formula and replacing both Disney and Final Fantasy with Warner Bros. properties and Fairy Tail. This story will take place in a different universe than the official Kingdom Hearts series. Creating a story that potentially could exist in the same universe but does not. Story: Horizon (our main character) along with 4 other Keyblade Masters live inside the dojo of their master (who died many years ago) They made a promise to keep getting stronger incase darkness will attempt to swallow their world. However; they kept themselves inside the dojo for so long that Darkness had been swallowing their world right under their noses, with the dojo being the last to be swallowed. Horizon's goal is to find the missing 4 Masters and find out where that darkness came from. A new threat arrises. A being destined to remove all color from the worlds. For if there is no color, there is no emotion. And if there is no emotion; people will have no will to resist coming an endless feast for the heartless. I have some concept art below. You can also comment ideas for the series!
  6. Being inspired by one of my favorite video franchises out there, I have started a Kingdom Hearts fan project entitled Kingdom Hearts: After the Storm. An animatic series I will be making for YouTube. (Animatic is NOT animation, however; it is considered close to it or closer to storyboards than animation) What worlds will be in this story? Well I decided because most of the popular choices have been done, I don't want to interfere with the original story/timeline and the fact that I have very little knowledge of Disney I have decided not to do a Final Fantasy & Disney Crossover, but a Fairy Tail & Warner Bros Crossover. Why Warner Bros? Many people seem to argue that WB doesn't have as many memorable characters/series as Disney, but I think that's not true. It's like saying Playstation and Xbox series aren't as recognizable as Nintendo characters. While they have been in the business longer and have a more popular face (Disney - Mickey Mouse / Nintendo - Mario) Warner Bros. still has enough to fill an entire sagas worth of KH like games with. Warner Bros. has many famous series & Characters like the Looney Toons, Animaniacs & Cats Don't Dance. HOWEVER; they also own HBO (Game of Thrones), Cartoon Network (Ed, Edd n' Eddy, Adventure Time, Steven Universe), Adult Swim (Aqua Teen Hunger Force), Hanna Babera (Scooby-Doo/Flinstones), New Line Cinemas (Friday the 13th & Nightmare on Elm Street), WB Games (Mortal Kombat & Lollipop Chainsaw), DC Comics (Superman & Batman) and let's not forget they have the film rights to other properties such as Harry Potter, Death Note and even Five Nights at Freddy's! Why Fairy Tail instead of Final Fantasy? I have very little knowledge of the Final Fantasy series so I didn't want to just scratch the surface of FF so I decided to use the famous anime/manga series Fairy Tail instead as I could use the members of the Fairy Tail guild in a Traverse Town/Radiant Garden situation. Members of other guilds in situations like Cloud in KH1 or Auron in KH2 or even Zack in BBS. And even secret characters like Sephiroth. What is the Story? That's a secret for know as I am still in the planning phases. But if you want to help you can leave your input or ideas in the comments!
  7. Chapter 1Hello baby!! this is me you're host, Milky, and welcome to the first truth or dare! thank you all for the lovely comments and the lovely dares to the cast. can i get more truths next time ok thanks!Sora: So these dares...Milky: Yes these dares are great ways to tor- i mean for you guys to have fun. won't this be great?Jellal: *in a bored voice* yay.Milky: SO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! WITH AnonymousAK from Fairy Tail WikiDare Natsu to bitch slap Erza.Lisanna gets in her Cat takeover, and Lucy dresses up like a cat. and then engage in a CATFIGHT!!!Milky: That's his/her words.Natsu: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i do that i will get killed.Milky: Well you can skip it-Natsu: YES!Milky: But..Tiz: But what?Milky: If you choose not to do the dare, then you will have to go into the room.Ringabel: What room? and what are the ladies there like?Edea: Shut up Ringabel.Milky: Ringabel, how did you know about the fanboys fangirls and haters rooms?Ringabel: Say what?Milky: Yes, the room is filled with all of your fangirls and haters.Jellal: I have fans? I've always known i have haters, but fangirls??!!!!Milky: Yes, EVERYONE HAS FANS AND EVERYONE HAS HATERS!!!!Riku: If there is a dare i have to do, i do the dare i will not face my fan boys girls haters whatever!Milky: So Natsu, what will it?Natsu: uhhh Oh!!!!! the dare.Milky: Good luck!Natsu: *Walks over to Erza* Erza?Erza: Yes?Natsu: *Slaps Erza on the face*Erza: Natsu!!!!!!!!!!!Natsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Milky: Well they seem busy. Let's move on, Lucy get into that cat costume, Lisanna get in your cat take over now, and engage in a cat fight!Lucy and Lisanna: Your enjoying this too much.Milky: Maybe.Lucy: *dresses up in the cat outfit*Lisanna: *Transforms to a cat*Lucy: Now what?Milky: Now what? NOW WHAT??!!! Now you two are to engage to a CAT FIGHT!!!! Meow.Cana: Place your bets on the winner!Milky: Wait Cana?!! when did- oh forget it.Lucy and Lisanna: *Starts scratching each other*Agnes: So that is a cat fight, I always wonder why they call it a cat fight.Edea: You really don't know much, do you?Ringabel: Well Agnes, The reason they call it a cat fight is because-Edea: That's enough out of you, Ringabel.Tiz: So, who do you think will win?Ringabel: Both are lovely ladies, i will root for them both.Edea: And there is the Ringabel we all know and love.Sora: I think Lucy will win.Riku: Are you kidding? Lisanna will win.Kairi: Is it ok to say it will be a tie?Happy: Aye i think it will be tie too.Frosch: Fro agrees.Jellal: It will be a tie both girls will pass out from too much fighting.Meredy: No way, Lisanna will win!Wendy: I think Lucy san will win. I'm sorry Lisanna!Gray: i don't know who to root for.Cana: Have you decided the winner?Everyone: Yes!Milky: well let's who will win!*One hour later**Lucy and Lisanna both pass out*Milky: AND IT'S A TIE!!!!!!!!!Jellal: I knew it.Kairi: I know.Happy: Aye.Frosch: Fro thinks so too.Milky: Now let's move on with *Sighs* Real Godisme from Fairy Tail WikiI dare you to leave the wiki foreverMilky: Agnes can you say it please.Agnes: Unacceptable.Milky: Thank you. now go make out with Tiz.Tiz and Agnes * Starts blushing*Milky: hehehehe! MOVING ON WITH Tom13 from KH13I dare Natsu to seduce Sora, and make out with him even if he doesn't want to. And I dare Erza to kiss Riku like a boss.Natsu: *Comes back beaten up*Milky: Erza beaten you up reallllllllll good huh?Natsu: Shut up. at least i can't do the dare!Milky: Wrong! Agnes if you mind.Agnes: Sure. Curada!Natsu: Hey i'm healed are you some sort of witch?Milky: No Agnes is just the Vestal of Wind (and Tiz's future wife)Tiz: What?Milky: Nothing! Natsu do the dare and Make out Sora!Natsu: Forget it! i'm taking the room! Milky: Are you sure?Natsu: Yes *Enters the room of all his fan boys girls and haters*Milky: 3 2 1Natsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wendy: Poor Natsu san.Carla: Well he decided on the room, nothing we could do.Wendy: I know. I don't want to enter that room, so i will do whatever dares they throw at me.Milky: Next dare, Erza kiss Riku.Riku: WHAT?!?!?!Erza: All right *Kissies Riku like a boss*Jellal: *Looks at Riku with an angry look*Erza: How was that?Milky: Good job, now we head to the last dare by an Anonymous user from Fairy Tail Wiki.Make Natsu make out with Sting, Laxus with Jellal, and Rogue with me xDFor girls, naaaah or just Wendy to bitch slapped Erza and Mira. )))Milky: That's itNatsu: *Comes back beaten up again and talks in a weakly voice* i am never doing that again.Milky: Well you have another dare.Natsu: I will do it...Milky: You have to make out with Sting :DNatsu: Fine...Milky: Linda get me Laxus Mira Sting and Rogue!!!Linda: Chao *k*Everyone: .....Milky: That is Linda, a chao and she is the reason i found all you guys.Edea: Found us? or kiddnaped us?Milky: But there is "somethings" wrong with her.Sora: and that is?Milky: First: she is very dumbLinda: Chao chao chao chao!!!! *Why won't this door open!!!!!*Agnes: *Unlocks the door*Linda: Chao chao * thank you*Milky: Second: whatever she touches will either burst into flames or explode.Gray: YOU SENT A LITTLE CHAO THAT COULD BLOW UP THE WHOLE CITY!!!!!Milky: Don't worry, if we hear that a town exploded or burst to flames that means Linda was there.Linda: Chao chao *I'm back*Milky: Ah you got them?Linda: uh huh! Chao chao chao *They are in this sack*Milky: Good job. *Opens the sack*Laxus: Where are we?Milky: Welcome to Truth or Dare!!Mira: Truth or Dare? sound like fun!Sting: Oh god.Frosch: Rogue!!Rogue: Frosch! there you are.Lecter: Where did you go?Frosch: Fro got lost, Fro went to Fairy Tail, Then Fro saw black, and now Fro is here!Milky: It was going to be just Team Natsu Gajeel Levy Juvia Jellal Meredy and the cats. But Linda caught both Frosch and Cana as well.Cana: So far, Natsu keeps getting beat up, Lucy and Lisanna had a cat fight, some jerk wanted Milky to leave forever, Erza Kissed that hot guy *points to Riku* Jellal was angry, and Milky here, sent a thing called a Chao named Linda to get you guys. oh and she can make anything explode if she touches it.Rogue we were in the sack and she touched it.*The sack burst to flames*Laxus: Luckly we were not in there anymore.Milky: Back to dare. Natsu make out Sting.Sting: WHAT??!!?!!?Natsu: Do it or go into the room. please don't go into the room!!Sting: Ok *Makes out with Natsu*Milky: Laxus you and Jellal are to do the sameLaxus: Great. *Makes out with Jellal*Milky: Rogue you are to make with the sender.Rogue: All right. *Makes out with the Anonymous user*Milky: Now Wendy, you are too bitch slap Erza and Mira or go into the room.Wendy: I will do the dare. *Walks up to Erza and Mira and slaps them on the face* I'm sorry!!! it was part of the dare!!Erza: It's ok Wendy. huh that must be why Natsu slapped me early, i was fool Wendy slap me again!Wendy: No.Milky: That is it for the first Truth or Dare. Please send more dares for the KH and BD cast they did nothing it was boring. KH and BD cast: We have been saved for today. Milky: and for next week i will have a guest here! this guest is good friend of mine. and i will have new guests every week and they will send there own dares won't this be fun?Everyone: Yay.Milky: Anyway see you all next week!!!
  8. Good day everyone, This is Milky here. an- ?: AHH what's going why's it so dark?!! ?: Ladies, don't worry, i am here for you. ?: Great, i think i hear another perv. ?: I thought i was at the Temple of Fire how did i get here? ?: FIRE TEMPLE??!!! TAKE THERE!!!!!! ?: Cool it Flame brain! ?: Are you two fighting? ?: Fro thinks so too. ?: Aye! QUIET!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!! now where was i? oh yes. Welcome to a fun game that you all know and love. TRUTH OR DARE!!! and this is not just the Kingdom Hearts cast, they are not alone. Sora: Wait they are other people besides us? Riku: I feel so sorry for them. Kairi: Who are they? MEET THE FAIRY TAIL CAST!!!!!!!!! Natsu: I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!! Lucy: Natsu please don't destroy the place. Gray: So, What are we doing here? Erza: Who knows. they said it will be fun. Wendy: Fun? Frosch: Fro thinks so too! Happy: Aye AND IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE BRAVELY DEFAULT CAST (well just four of them) Tiz: How did we get here? Agnes: I do not know. Ringabel: I don't know ether. but the ladies here are outstanding. Edea: Shut up Ringabel! NOW HERE ARE THE RULES: 1 YOU CAN SEND AS MANY TRUTHS OR DARES!!! (C'mon 3 truths? 3 dares? that's no fun now huh?) 2 YAOI AND YURI IS ACCEPTABLE!!!! (That's right you can make Sora Tiz and Natsu make out) 3 DARE SOMEONE TO KILL SOMEONE IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! (You can't dare Erza to kill Kairi) 4 DOING M RATED THINGS IS ACCEPTABLE!!! (You can have Sora Kairi Tiz and Agnes have a foursome) Natsu: NO WAY!!!!! I'M NOT MAKING OUT WITH A GUY!!!!!!!!! Tiz: Unacceptable. Agnes: That's my line! Riku: I said i feel sorry for them. Erza: Kill? I'm to kill someone? Lucy: NO!! NO KILLING!!! Ven: CANDY!!!!!!! Frosch Fro likes Candy too. Me: Frosch when did you get here? oh well Send in you're truths and dares in the comments down below. bye!! Is this allowed?
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