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  1. So I have a crazy theory... but it is a really really really long one. I hope you guys will enjoy this, because I put a lot of effort in this one. My English is not that super, but I did the best I can to translate it from Dutch (I'm from the Netherlands) to English. So if there is something you don't understand, please ask and I will do my best to help you. Anyways, grap a cup of coffee or tea or something else to drink, because you'll have some reading to do, haha. But I think you're gonna like this one. Enjoy! So, I've played KH 2.8 and after that I had some KH3 vibes. So I re-watched the KH3 E3 2015 trailer and I've noticed something. In the trailer we see a young version of Xehanort. In one of the shots we can see his face and there is something odd with his eyes. The eyes of Xehanort are more brownlike then yellow, but there is also a yellow glow in his eyes. Some people think this means that Xehanort is turning more and more to the darkness. But I think that’s not the case. I think there is more than meets the eye (see what I did there, haha). I think that Luxu has something to do with the eyes of Xehanort. Let me explain why… Let’s start with the Xehanort footage of the KH3 E3 2015 trailer. This is the way how young Xehanort looks in this footage: His eyes are not full yellow like we know from the other versions of Xehanort. But if we look closer, we can see a yellow glow around the brown color. Most of you guys knows that when Xehanort place his heart into a new vessel, the vessel’s eyes will turn yellow (and in some cases they even get pointy ears). We can see this happen with people like Terra and Braig, who become a version or part of Xehanort. The yellow eyes means that Xehanort is 1.) a part of somebodies heart (like Braig) or 2.) has taken control of the whole body of his new vessel (like Terra). So if KHfans sees yellow eyes with someone, they think that this person is maybe a vessel of Xehanort. But what if the whole yellow eye thing is not originally a Xehanort thing. My thought is that Luxu is the one with natural yellow eyes and his heart is a part of Xehanort’s body. Which means that Xehanort is a vessel of Luxu. Just look at the image of the E3 2015 young Xehanort again. It seems that Xehanort’s eyes were originally brownlike. If Luxu’s eyes are indeed yellow and his heart (or a piece of it) resides with Xehanort’s body, then it could explain the yellow glow in his eyes. Little by little is Luxu’s heart infiltrating Xehanort’s body/heart until Xehanort is a full vessel. But what about the time we see young Xehanort in dream drop distance? This young Xehanort has already yellow eyes, so what’s up with that? I think this has something to do with the time travel aspect we’ve been introduced by in the KH 3ds game. The young version of Xehanort (the version before he disappeared from Destiny Islands to see the outside worlds) had an encounter with Ansem the Seeker of Darkness. Ansem told this version of Xehanort his future and his role during the dream drop distance period. This version of Xehanort has not yet wield the Keyblade of used some (dark)powers (I assume). So I think, in order to fulfill his role in dream drop distance, Ansem gave a piece of his heart to this version of Xehanort. I think it is because of this that young Xehanort could use the power that he uses during the dream drop distance events. Remember, Ansem is in his robeform during his conversation with the young Xehanort, which means that he was nothing else but a heart. And we saw in KH1 that he can give his heart to another person, like when he did this with Riku. The young Xehanort truly accept the piece of hart in his body and thus the yellow eyes appear (because Ansem’s heart is has a bit of Luxu’s heart in it if this theory is right). But after the events of dream drop distance young Xehanort goes back to his own time at Destiny Islands and loses his yellow eyes. Why? Because of the rules of time travel. In a conversation with Sora in the 3ds game, young Xehanort reveals that time travel has his own rules. If your time of time traveling is up, you return to your own time and you will not remember what happened during your travelling. A second rule is that things that are destined to happen will happen. So when young Xehanort returns to his timeline, he went back to Destiny Islands and did forget about his adventure of the 3ds game. He also loses his yellow eyes because his powers he used in the 3ds game are gone (not entirely gone because it will be connected with him deep down in his heart). This is because Xehanort’s destiny. His destiny is to travel to outside worlds, to become a Keyblademaster and…. to be used as a vessel for Luxu. That’s the moment he is destined to get the yellow eyes. When young Xehanort leaves Destiny Islands and is going to train with a young Eraqus, their training will be given by their Keyblademaster. And that Keyblademaster will be Luxu. Not the Luxu we know of the KHX game though. No, I think that the master of Xehanort and Eraqus is a vessel for Luxu’s heart. I think that Luxu has trained many Keybladewielders and used some of his pupils to transfer his heart to. That way he can never die of old age. Finally he chose Xehanort to transfer his heart (or a part of it) to. That would explain the way the eyes of Xehanort look in the E3 trailer. We have never seen Luxu face, so it is possible that his eyes are yellow. Why would Luxu wants to keep transferring his heart into a new and younger vessel you say? I think the reason for that is because of what the Master of Masters told Luxu in KHX Backcover. The Master of Masters told Luxu that Luxu’s assignment includes passing the Keyblade “No Name” to a pupil that Luxu is going to train. So then the pupil will later on pass on “No Name” to his future pupil, and this pupil to his and then the next etc. etc.. That way the Master of Masters can look into the future while he is in the time of the past (age of Fairytales). Another assignment of Luxu from the Master of Masters is that Luxu must hide a mysterious box. Luxu himself may never open the box. So Luxu got curious and ask the Master of Masters what’s in the box. We fans don’t know what’s in the box, but Luxu does. After the master whispers in Luxu’s ear what’s in the box, Luxu freaks out and ask “Why?” The Master of Masters simply answers with, “You’ll see” or in Japanese “Surprise”. I think that Luxu was very unsatisfied with the answer he was given. He really wanted to know “Why”. But even so, Luxu follows his masters orders as we can see in KHX, or does he… What if Luxu was so curious about the box that he needed to know what will happen with the box when the new Keybladewar (the one that probably will happen in KH3) breaks out. The Master of Masters told him “You’ll see” but he knew that he probably would die before the box will be used. To cheat death Luxu uses his pupils to transfer his heart into a younger body, so he can live on. This action would also be fitting with his name. Luxu’s name is a short version from the word “Luxuria” which is a Latin word. Luxuria refers to one of the 7 deadly sins (like with the names of the Foretellers). Luxuria means “lust” in English. As you guys may already know, “lust” means a passionate need to fulfill certain needs. In Luxu’s case, the need to know what the box will do during the new Keybladewar. This need is so big that he would cheat death to find the answer. But after a while of transferring his heart in other bodies Luxu noticed that there is no Keybladewar in the making. So when he transfers his heart into Xehanort’s body, he is done with waiting and will take actions. The needs to know are too big for Luxu and is planning to begin the new Keybladewar himself in the name of Xehanort. And here starts the plan of Xehanort (but actually Luxu) to create 13 Seekers of Darkness. It could explain why Xehanort wants to start a Keybladewar in the previous games. His motives were mostly about curiosity of what will happen when the Keybladewar takes place. And he also has a urgent need to discover this. So if this theory is true both Luxu and Xehanort have big needs that they want to fulfill. Probably because Xehanort’s needs are actually Luxu’s needs and Luxu’s heart is in Xehanort’s body. If you don’t believe this theory, maybe some proof will help… Proof 1: We have never seen the face (at least the eyes) of the young Xehanort in his normal clothing on Destiny Islands. We only see his back. If he turns to the screen he change into other versions of Xehanort of even in versions of Riku. Why are we not aloud to see his face? Is it because his eyes are brown and not yellow? Proof 2: Luxu and Xehanort share a connection. They both wield the same Keyblade (“No Name”). If you rewatch the KH3 E3 trailer of 2015 with this theory in mind, you will (I hope, haha) notice that the things Xehanort said have a deeper meaning then we all think. For example: at the end of the trailer, when Xehanort looks up to the “No Name” Keyblade he is saying “The future has already been written”. Normally at lot of people think Xehanort is looking at the Keyblade at this moment because he knows that the “No Name” Keyblade is an ancient Keyblade from the age of Fairytales. But if Xehanort is actually Luxu, then it gets a different meaning. While saying “The future has already been written” and looking at the same time at the Keyblade, it could also be because Luxu knows that the gazing eye of this Keyblade is the reason that the future has already been written. And then the last sentence of the young Xehanort…. this honestly freaks me out while watching this with this theory’s glasses. When the young Eraqus response to the young Xehanort with “You’ll might be surprised”, then the last sentence of young Xehanort gets a whole other feeling for us. Xehanort reacts to it with “Oh, I hope so”. And while saying that, we see his full face with the strange brownlike with yellow glowing eyes. With this theory, the “Oh, I hope so” and the shot of his eyes could be referring to the whole “wanting to know what the box will do during the new Keybladewar”. Xehanort who is actually Luxu hopes to be surprised and his reaction is not only a reaction to Eraqus but also to what the Master of Masters told Luxu (You know… the “You’ll see” or even in Japanese “Surprise”). If this theory is going to be right then it could also answers another unanswered question we have had during the KHseries. With this I mean the unanswered question of who the traitor is in KHX. With this theory the answer is an easy one to give. The traitor would be Luxu. Luxu gets his assignment from the Master of Masters to never open the mysterious box. After waiting for a long time in hopes to see what will happen if the box will be opened during the Keybladewar but it isn’t happening, Luxu is making his own plans as Xehanort to get his needs fulfill. With these actions he is betraying the Master of Masters assignment and thus the Master of Masters will. After seeing a Nightmare Chirithy during the events of KHX, the Foretellers think that the traitor is someone in their group in their timelime. But it was never really clear when the traitor would do a treasonous act. It was never been stated that the traitor would do a treasonous act in the age of Fairytales. It could also take place in a future time… like the current timeline of the KHseries. If Luxu is the real traitor, then the description of the traitor would make more sense too. “The one who bears the sigil” is the line that describes the traitor. “The Sigil” could be referring to the “Recusant’s Sigil” as was explained in dream drop distance. The “Recusant’s Sigil” has the looks of a “X”. And which of the KHX characters has a “X” in their name? Luxu of course. But can a “X” in a name be counted as a “Recusant’s Sigil”? I think we may assume it. Xemnas uses “X” sigils all the time as a kind of trademark of Organization 13 names. The Master of Masters never wrote down in the Book of Prophecy when the traitor would do his treasonous acts, so I think it is possible that the whole traitor thing is referring to the time when Luxu is doing his plan as Xehanort. The Master of Masters could have seen these treasonous acts through the gazing eye on the “No Name” Keyblade, because Luxu still has that Keyblade. The reason why the Master of Masters is vague about the whole traitor thing is because he need the things to happen the way they are happing in the games to fulfill his own plans (whatever that may be…). So guy, what do you think? Do you think Luxu is the actually great bad instead of Xehanort? Is Xehanort a vessel of Luxu? Is Luxu the real traitor? And do you think (if this theory would be right) that the Master of Masters did know this all along and this is all part of his great plan? I see a big possibility for this theory to be an actually thing in the games. But please, tell me what you think of this. Let the discussion start.
  2. In this issue of Famitsu it was stated that the Master of Masters has eyes that can see into the future. Using this ability, he wrote the Book of Prophecies. What if the Master of Masters' eyes are yellow? Ya know, like Xehanort's eyes. What if these yellow eyes that Xehanort has allows him to see into the future? That would definitely explain how he has been such an amazing tactician and has been able to predict pretty much everything that has happened so far. He even majorly surprised Yen Sid that he was able to predict such insane things. In Dream Drop Distance, Young Xehanort and Sora had this conversation. Sora questions Young Xehanort how Xehanort knew that Sora would be on Destiny Islands for his Mark of Mastery in the Realm of Sleep on that exact day. Young Xehanort just replies with "Simple." which obviously is not an answer. I've always assumed that this would be answered in 2.8 or KH3, and I think I might've finally found my answer. Thoughts? EDIT: This theory has been debunked by Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover.
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