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"A world with mystics and mysteries, Behold the findings of wonders, What you hold dear is your imagination, Focus on your mind rather your eyes, Let your oneself soul go toward that world, Your emotions reacts with an ever-pondering mystery, The world is full of history and knowledge, Enter a world full of youkai and creatures alike, Is when our world is no longer like ours, The Wonderful World of Kutasia is brimmed with hours, With mysteries, fantasies, stories, wonders, and tales from very afar. Once you enter this wonderful world, Once you have rebirth in this mysterious world, Either you start your adventure there, Or you live here instead, Your choice, your desire. Kutasia is here for you who have brought here." Before Kutasia is created, there was void. Silence fills this void, nothing ever lives or grows there. The void's existence is fueled by a small blue light, which it will die without any life created. Something happened to the Void, was once filled with silence comes with sound! There it went, the small blue light begun to shine, shine against the darkness of the Void. Then, a warm bright light filled all of the Void's interior. When the time has come, it had came already. The world was born, replacing this Void expanse of darkness and devoid of sound and life, comes forth light, second life, then space, and so on began the first eons of Kutasia. The world post-Void, was a beginning toward building this endless, ever-expanding world brimming with life, wonder, and mystery. Before life ever sprung up, there was rocks and magma. The intense heat blasted throughout this new ever-expanding world, filling this world that the Void is what once cold, into a warm, but not so pleasant heat. The heat became so great, it started to form smoke clouds into the skies, blanketing and darkening the skies with smoke, came from the volcanic eruptions of this landscape. In the dark, smoke filled skies, the first stars starts to appear in the once Void, colorful yet glowing clouds of gas forms a light show in the night skies, so yet the number of shooting stars with wishes from another world have fallen toward other, smaller worlds of starting life there. During the world is in a state of heating, still no life ever grows there, as if it would whisper 'Bring forth our sacred fluid come into play, without this fluid, nothing is growing anymore.' with silent, soft otherworldly voices filling this chaotic lands. As the heat brings natural disasters, most commonly earthquakes and meteor strikes were shaping this searing hot world together. Everything seemed to have little hope for that world to bring life, until the state of heating suddenly halted. It was halted by the smoke clouds, magically turning into storm clouds through an unknown event that took place, was named 'Neptunia's Arrival' after the sudden flow of the sacred fluid started to rain down into the world. The fluid was a special kind of water that not only quenched and drenched this world in massive quantities, it was bring forth all kinds of life as well as plant life. As soon as the storm clouds carrying the special water soon started to rain, the heat of this world started to cool down, and became comfortably cool for life to grow in. It was raining in this magma aqua-laced chaotic world, as the special water quickly evaporated as soon as it touched the magma, creating islands of obsidian. Over time, the heat was losing this battle against the cool, lukewarm special, life-giving water was flooding oceans of lava into obsidian as it's own ocean floor. Thus, this world went from hellish, to a serene, water covered world that is just starting to grow life all over. Many eons later after the Hadeon era of Kutasia ended, flora started to grow in a small amount of time passing by. Entire barren islands of obsidian became dirt, rocks, and trees. Vast swaves of ocean became overgrown with a layer of plant life in between, and massive jungles started to form. But there is something missing here, fauna life needs to appear. So, the special water not only grows plant life, it gives life to creatures there. The creatures started to form in plant life rich water, from a fish to a living, breathing animal as millions of years passed by. Over time, the world is now populated with fauna and plant life, with a small variety of biomes started to appear. Every life on this world is peaceful, sometimes they eat plants, other times they eat each other for survival. It's all now connected, until...a strange event starting to take place. This is where the youkai appears out of special, shooting stars coming from other worlds. The first youkai arrived to this world is thought to manipulate the very essence of this world's life, energy, and the landscape itself. As it dose so manipulating this very world, the youkai created a lot more variety and diversity in flora and fauna alike. Eventually, more youkai arrives from shooting stars from the skies, creating fairies, saints, pixies, angels, devils, vampires, werewolves, satori alike, and every race of youkai known to the world as we know it. It has said that these youkai are here to stay, build the world, or what their own desire they wanted to do with the world in the first place. This has started the youkai calender at Time Indescribable. At Time 250, after youkais started to live peacefully in that world, the first war is said to have started in that time date, which caused the youkai to suffer the punishments for their actions by tampering the fauna to create inter-universal life, or creating events that won't happen through natural means. But in that time date, this is where the youkais hit a population bottleneck during that war. The war is said that youkais is fighting back against the alien-like earth life by destroying themselves right in front of youkais by exploding a bloody way, or killing them before they kill themselves. Eventually, the youkais have barely made that victory, after a certain individual who manipulates DNA in the alien fauna and flora to stop themselves from killing each other. It is unknown where the rest of their history have taken place, as records of their history seemed to be inaccurate or not enough events. But a rumor states that a event may have rewritten their history somehow or there were a time where darkness, aliens, and inter-universal events begun to unravel so commonly through out Kutasia's past, that history trackers have lost track of this history. An urban legend states that the dark tainted lands came from not only humans and humanoids alike after the meteor event was averted by an unknown force, but through an Inter-universal tear in the Void that causes alien life to appear. Not only aliens are formed, but the whole world have gained a heart and mind of it's own; Creating all sorts of impossible events to occur, and maps of the world seemed to be obsoleted by now, and leading to the creation to the so once thought of event, called 'Malestrom Bombardment of Darkness'. That Malestrom event created life beyond our imagination, even thought to be a supposed event that lasted for billions of years. Yet, that even lasted 150 billion years, even preventing Kutasia from ever dying of old age; Or death of all worlds ceases to exist after this event warped the world and the void to an massive extent, that it has rendered both the void and the world unknowingly impossible to what is like now. After the event ended, humanity starts to explode in population from 1 billion, to 25 billion humans through out the years. Post-Event Time: 2307 AM Today, after through a massive amount of changes and events to the world of Kutasia; Including the formations of 4 kingdoms, the Tokosawa Kingdom, the Sawaku Society, the Togoku Order of the Yasagi, and Lake Infinity le Arts. Several races of all kinds, including toons, Humanoids, youkai, aliens, Inter-universal visitors, trans humans, Ultraterrestials, and all of the like. The technology is now Type 5 advanced society, thanks to the amount of visitors to Kutasia's residents giving them technology to link with Magic, energy, and every single power that has known to these residents. Multiple currencies are formed or exchanged with, along with culture and politics too. Housing became a common thing, ranging from pain to weird, to the mundane or obscure ones. The people of this world are adventurous at young age, but when they are at old age, they either retire or kept on adventuring to this date. Some people of this world are travelers from other towns or cities, other people are defenders and warriors coming from their homelands to defend other towns and cities. The world has been through massive changes through the course of time itself, through millions and billions of years gone by events. Many things has been changed however, from its people, to its plant and animal life as well. But however, the world is ever expanding, stretching for miles, that the world gets different, mystical, and mysterious as one proceeds to venture into the lands. Sometimes an adventurer finds a massive alien like mountain range, complete with seas of glowing royal purple liquid, and plant life that may resemble silicon-nitrogen plants from another world. The fauna life can be unpredictable, sometimes it's friendly, sometimes it's neutral, other times it's hostile. By the time you were brought/born into Kutasia, your adventure may begin, your actions may affect others here, and yet which kingdom you'll choose? Yet again, it's your choice. The world of Kutasia has a heart of a radiant gold, but an unpredictable, wise but colorful, endless mind. The world is there, ready for you to disembark into a new adventure, a new home, or anything you can think of. The kingdoms may be having different motives and goals, but why not take a look at them? Tokosawa Kingdom - Tokosawa Kingdom's history in the beginning was unknown. Some say it was formed by Youkais and Humans to restore order in Kutasia, while most say that it was formed between a relation treaty between an inter-universal leader from another universe. The second is true, but the first is half-true, however. The Tokosawa Kingdom's goals are more complicated and long-term, but however, their goals are more toward balance and order; rather than wealth and favor. The kingdom's motives are well-known for success and knowledge, such as the ability to give their residents the ability to earn money by doing such things they wished for them to do, like for say, farming, helping others, guarding any town/city well reside the Tokosawa area, entertain others, teaching, and arts of magic as well. They are also well-known for their strong military, mostly consisting of Magic users and gunslingers. The Tokosawa Kingdom has 4 kings, 8 queens from other smaller kingdoms, and 15 royal members of the kingdom. To be a royal member of the kingdom, one must be a well-known adventurer or resident for more than 35 years, and must have either helped a lot of people, defended any town from the Tokosawa area, and must have valuable knowledge within hand. If you already know where the Tokogawa Castle is after you followed these steps, then you are now a royal member of the kingdom. The Tokogawa Kingdom has a good number of towns and cities, one capital near the giant castle was a mega city named 'New Tokowaga' near the rainbow sand beaches of the Radiant Bell Ocean. This kingdom is the 3rd safest by far, but crime rates still remain moderate-low due to guards and patrol units roaming around towns and cities. There are a few minor problems in the kingdom, but well-maintained in order to fix those problems as well. The Tokosawa Kingdom is a good kingdom if you prefer to live in and help there. The Sawaku Society - A society's history; Begun in Post-Event Time 1407 during the Rebuilding arc of the time where humanoids, toons, ningens, and youkai were still recovering after the event. For many years, their technology remains at Type 2 due to the massive setback after the event massively warped the world and it's inhabitants, and yet they entered a 450 years stagnant limit to their decreasing technology. So, the Sawaku Society was started by a group of Humanoids resembling animals as a project to restore many lost pieces of technology in order for them to uncover what really happened during this event. The Sawaku Project went from a small group of thousands of ningens and humanoids, to a huge society of archeologists, seers, hunters, and monks who would recover the long, lost past before the event occurs in the very far past. But the Sawaku was rumored to have gossipers who spread useful, but cryptic information through out it's residents. The society has faced and solved critical problems in the past, but now due to controversy surrounding the society, rumors heard that this society spreads false information throughout the outside towns and cities. The Sawaku Society has a fair amount of cities, but few towns ever be part of this society were rare due to a huge controversial problem surrounding the capital and the main cities as well. The Sawaku Society is the least safest due to fraudulent seers and scandalous gossips damaging the residents' lives and identity. Not even the laws there are fair too, many residents ended up having to blindfold their eyes and wear headphones to cover their ears from lies surrounding the society. If you want to live in this society filled with lies, then understand the risks for it; Knowledge theft is a huge problem in the Sawaku Society, along with gossips that run rampent there. If you are immune to getting lied to or manipulated there, then go for the Sawaku Society. Togoku Order of the Yasagi - An order full of children that are welcome here to stay? Quite a rarest thing to do, i must say! The Togoku Order of Yasagi is quite a mystery when it formed, and yet deems the most safest place in the entirety of Kutasia. It has said this Order is formed by a group of young children who are adventurers in the past, a young child in the group is deemed this massive hole/chasm in the ground to be a 5 layered mega-city that spans into the caverns. Yet, their wishes came true already, and so The Togoku Order of the Yasagi was created into a mega city that is very much inhabited by billions of children of races imaginable, since they are only one law here; That is if you don't kill anyone here. The toons lived here in this mega city, and to act as caretakers for the adventuring city children to trade them food, money, and clothing for those who need it. Unlike the other kingdoms who is deemed the highest ranking based on their wealth, fame, etc. The highest ranking is the youngest age so far before they become an adult. At age 10-18, that rank is deemed highest of them all. At age 15-35, they are considered middle-class ranking, and at age 36+ they are deemed lowest of any ranking. This city has 7 layers, each layer either to be densely populated and have either lowest or highest wealth of any layer. The first later is the surface, and it's the least populated mega city, but the most agriculture comes from greenhousing cities, hotels with crops, and Aquill Tea Trees are very, very common here. It has considered to be the most reasonable with culture and politics, and a best spot to live there if you are younger. The second layer is where the middle class teens and young adults are commonly found in hotels that are free of charge for any clean room, it also has roads and wide sidewalks for children to walk in with their slippers, shoes or bare feet for they desire. The ground in the second layer is a little moist, due to the rain making machine they created in the surface to let the plants get water. The third layer is when the highest ranking children are present throughout the rest of the layers, and considered to be the rad and cool layers through 3rd to 7th layer. The ground of the 3rd to 7th layers gets wetter as you go downward, it gets a foot deep in the 3rd layer, and left with waist deep water level in the 7th floor. The children of this layered mega city likes the underground oceans and are expert at diving and swimming, but they act very polite to each other. At times, they are playful and kind to any visitor or adventurer who enters this very lively city. The 4th to 7th layers of the mega city is considered to be densely populated with children alike, all in a while some toons are there to make sure these children are free of any injury, disease, etc. There are just one problem is considered to be severe meddling by children who played with artifacts from other worlds. But, there are no problems at all in the Togoku Order of the Yasagi. If you wish to live there, keep in mind; You have to be a child there in order for you to live among them, otherwise you'll encounter young pranksters, tricksters, and bullies who will pick on you for being an adult. Lake Infinity le Arts - Located in a very far away place from the three other kingdoms was a lake, but you can't see this lake due to the fact it's a massive cultural city filled to the brim with mages, wizards, youkai, ningens, aliens, and inter-universal residents who wanted to trade knowledge, magical spells, wealth, and everything it has for. La Arts is a capital city in Lake Infinity, which resembles a mix of Earth-like culture from the 1500s to the modern day of the early to late 90s. The city is the 2nd safest, as crime rates are virtually non-existent due to the massive amounts of inter-universal warriors, travelers, wizards, mages, martial artists, summoners, etc. La Arts has a inter-universal council, consisted of 7 court wizards from other worlds, 10 judges who are once well-known residents, 13 attorney generals, 3 supreme world mages, and a single president of the multiverse. Now, did you know Lake Infinity le Arts has the most alliances of them all in the world? If you do, then let me tell you that the alliances came from a lot of multiverses and worlds alike? Still surprised? Well, if you are, then consider this; They did it by saving other worlds, but not just other worlds, the multiverses too! Not much is known about La Arts, as it was pretty obvious that it was a cultural driven city with powerful wealth, and it has existed since before the event warped Kutasia and the Void to an impossible extent. If you want to learn how to use magic or became a wizard here, then La Arts is the right place to hang out! Now, you have witnessed these 4 kingdoms, it is time for your rebirth/arrival at the Wonderful World of Kutasia. I wish you the best of luck adventuring with others, making friends, and everything you can do in this endless lands. Hear that? That is the sounds of the trees flowing with the breeze, urban sounds fill this endless world, chattering between the people themselves, and birds chirping in the distance in this world. Now, before i say goodbye to you all, i must warn you; The further you venture out into this endless world, the more mystical, mysterious, alien-like, and wonderful the land gets for you. I wish you all the best of luck, and hope you have a good time at The Wonderful World of Kutasia. Farewell. ~ From a mysterious letter... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heya! Whew, took me forever to write the introduction! Well, welcome to the The Wonderful World of Kutasia! This is my first time having to build my own expansive world, complete with a history, the kingdoms n' all, it's pretty much from what i can think of! So, if you are here to join this role play, then follow the rules below! After that, you can go and fill out this sign up form here! Rules: All KH13 rules apply here. No de-railing the story. Webcomic character are NOT allowed! However, i allow cartoon, video game, and anime characters in this role play! You can have unlimited characters, but try not to go overboard with the multi-character stuff, okay? This is a mostly Anime and Video Game-centric RP, but cartoon characters are fine by me! Don't make your original characters unbeatable, kay? Otherwise, you'll be kicked without warning! Keep it PG-13! Don't swear a lot, okay? Canon Character Fill-out Form: Name: Gender: Race: Franchise: Appearance: Backstory: Personality: Skills: Abilities: Equipment: Other: Original Character Fill-out Form: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: Backstory: Personality: Skills: Abilities: Equipment: Other: Once you are done with that, either you may get accepted by successfully reading the rules or making your character as much detail as possible. But if you get denied, i will tell you to fix your character up or you won't get in the role play! Anyways, i hope you enjoyed the introduction to the role play right here and as always; Thank you for joining this role play!
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