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What Square Enix game do you hope to see at the State of Play tomorrow?
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What Square Enix game would you like to see have an episode in "Secret Level" Season 2?
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What is your favorite Square Enix game of 2024?
- dragon quest
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What platform will you get Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake on?
- dragon quest dq3
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Who is your favorite Dragon Quest III character?
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What is your favorite numbered Dragon Quest game?
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Square Enix has announced the launch of their new pet goods brand SQEX PETS, which will feature various merchandise for pets such as leashes, bandanas, clothing, beds and toys based on the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. With the exception of the Dragon Quest items, the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts items were supervised by Tetsuya Nomura, who also serves as character designer, game designer, and director for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He also designed and drew the logo for FINAL FANTASY & PETs. The Kingdom Hearts & Pets merchandise line contains six items Cafe Monogram Mat Sora dog wear Monogram Pet Bandana Monogram Pet Bed Monogram Pet Leash Paopu Fruit Rope Toy You can take a closer look at the items in our gallery below It should be noted that the products are currently listed as coming soon, and there is currently no release date or pricing information available for them as they are still under development and may not be sold depending on their development status. Would you purchase Kingdom Hearts merchandise for your pets? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to our team's Ryuji for the translations. View full article
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- dragon quest
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Square Enix has announced the launch of their new pet goods brand SQEX PETS, which will feature various merchandise for pets such as leashes, bandanas, clothing, beds and toys based on the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. With the exception of the Dragon Quest items, the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts items were supervised by Tetsuya Nomura, who also serves as character designer, game designer, and director for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. He also designed and drew the logo for FINAL FANTASY & PETs. The Kingdom Hearts & Pets merchandise line contains six items Cafe Monogram Mat Sora dog wear Monogram Pet Bandana Monogram Pet Bed Monogram Pet Leash Paopu Fruit Rope Toy You can take a closer look at the items in our gallery below It should be noted that the products are currently listed as coming soon, and there is currently no release date or pricing information available for them as they are still under development and may not be sold depending on their development status. Would you purchase Kingdom Hearts merchandise for your pets? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks to our team's Ryuji for the translations.
- dragon quest
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What Square Enix game from the Nintendo Direct Mini caught your interest?
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- nier automata
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What games do you think Square Enix will show at Summer Games Fest?
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- summer games fest
- summer games fest 2022
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If Kingdom Hearts started using Square Enix franchises for worlds, which one would be your #1 pick?
- 8 replies
- drakengard
- final fantasy
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What other Square Enix property should get a 'World of Final Fantasy' styled game?
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- world of final fantasy
- world of final fantasy maxima
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What was your favorite announcement from the Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary stream?
- dragon quest
- dragon quest xii
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What is your favorite non-Kingdom Hearts Square Enix series?
- 13 replies
- square enix
- final fantasy
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Which other Square Enix franchise would you like to see incorporated into Kingdom Hearts?
- 6 replies
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Hey guys! Time for the poll, I would love to see what you folks choose. Also just as a bonus, if you have any crazy ideas then I want to hear them all down below!
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So, I've been thinking, do you guys and gals believe it's possible that we might see more characters from other Square Enix franchises, aside from Final Fantasy and The World Ends With You? Like maybe we can have some characters from Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger to show up. Heck, what about characters from Square's manga as well, such as Fullmetal Alchemist or Soul Eater. Now I don't think there should be worlds we can visit based on these franchises, since I think we will only be visiting Disney and original worlds for now. But it would be a lot of fun to see these character show up out of nowhere, besides, the Final Fantasy characters didn't serve that much of importance to the story, they were simply a supporting cast and as way to excite Square Enix fans, at least that's how I see it. Having cameos of Final Fantasy characters become a tradition in the series and I really hope we get to see more cameos in KH3, but I believe they could expand more than just characters from that series and add some from franchises we didn't even expect. I'm all for it, cause I love when games get crazy with their crossovers, but what do you guys and gals think?
Tagline: " ... Love and Hate ... Hope and Despair ... Two sets of very different yet similar ideals ... Which of the two sets ... Shall triumph? ... In the end? " Synopsis: " ...In the world known, as "Planet IV: Brown Star"...the universe...the entire galaxy itself, is at war...the world is divided up into five sections of the whole universe, these sections besides Planet IV are known, as "Planet I: Red Star", "Planet II: Blue Star", "Planet III: Green Star" and "Planet V: Yellow Star"...altogether, these five sections of the galaxy are known to be called, as "Star Cosmos", Star Cosmos being the real name for the universe itself. As for the reason why the five sections of the whole galaxy are at war with one another, it is because each other is fighting over a valuable resource material that has been indispensable since both the formation and the dawning of the creation of the Star Cosmos called "Star Cubes", Star Cubes are said to contain the natural birth energy both of and from when the universe was first created, right at its very beginning in the forms of elemental particles that both make up and disperse among all of the people living in the Star Cosmos in turn in the forms of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Lightning energies. People born from the elemental energy that is formed when the five elements all combine into one are called "Elementilims" and it is said that the life forces of Elementilims or "Elementi" for short can be increased over a period of 100 years each with the consumption of each and every single new Star Cube that they find and consume, extending their life force past the normal expiration date, keeping them ageless and both fit and healthy without a care in the world, all in all, to put it in simple terms, Elementi live exactly like Cockroaches, very stubborn to kill... However, it is because of the Star Cubes' ability to produce ever lasting long life in the form of what appears to be "immortality" that other planets had begun fighting over the Star Cubes for their very own ideals, one planet believes that they must obtain all Star Cubes before the other planets do so that both they and they alone can go on living, as the both supreme and almighty beings that reign supreme over the entire galaxy itself whilst another planet holds a religious aspect on the power of the Star Cubes and how they should be used, going, as far, as to try to obtain them from failing into the wrong hands and believing that death must come to all natural things, even the Elementi themselves... Although the Elementi are all made up of the same cosmic elemental energy, they are all each divided into one category such, as the element of Earth for example when one particular element inside their bodies grows stronger above all the rest and goes so far, as to reshape the appearances of their physical attributes, even molding their natural personalities, for example, the people with having the Earth element inside of them proving to be a winner of a contest of inner body elements for example are shown to have rock shaped, dragon like scales on their bodies with other Elementi races differing in other appearances also should an element besides Earth win the contest of the five inner body elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Lightning, for examples, the Elementi races of both Fire and Water are always seen with ever changing fluid forms, meaning in other-words, their bodies are always constantly on both Fire and Water respectively but that they have the powers to reshape their entire bodies, as close to "Human", as they can get them...the sub categories of the Elementi people are referred to, as "Earthmenti", "Firementi", "Watermenti", "Windmenti" and "Lightningmenti.". All Elementi are gifted with both magical prowess and a knack for scientific achievement in the advancement of technology that would help to better their respective races, some have even gone so far, as to refer to Elementi by the term of "Alchemists" or rather in the tongue of the Star Cosmos' people "Elementists", Elementists are said to combine their natural elemental energy all together into one from within their entire bodies and then merge it with an inanimate object like both a sword or a necklace pendent for examples that they call "Vassals", as from the objects that they are born from infused with elemental energy appear beings that act, as spiritual familiars in physical forms to their respective both creators and owners, always protecting them from both far away and close by, in the term of the latter, the Vassals lend their powers to their Elementi counterparts by summoning themselves forth, as uniquely shaped weapons, appearing in whatever both shape and/or form that represents the inner heart of their original Elementi creator and owner, however...this dwindles away the life force of the Elementi host, thus requiring the power of the Star Cubes in order to live on, even if they do not wish to seek "immortality", "immortality" is the only means for the Elementi to "survive", the only means...hence the war between the Elementi on all of the five sector planets residing within the Star Cosmos that has come to be called the "Cube Wars" over the last 550 years, how long the Cube Wars have been going on and are still currently ongoing...with no end in sight... On Planet IV: Brown Star, in the capital ocean city known, as "Elelantis-The Seafaring Kingdom of the Earth" rule the imperial monarchy called the "Royal Dynasty of the Chang Tzu Clan", otherwise known, as the "Chang Tzu Empire", headed by their elderly ever aging king named "Shong Chang Tzu the 25th", Shong is a man who believes in strong Social Darwinism and survival of the fittest and believes that only those worthy of becoming Elementists that can serve in the empire's ranks and fight against the armies of the other planets have what it takes to absorb Star Cubes and continue going on living, this rule applies to the woman, children and elderly of all of Planet IV, as well, not allowing even a iota of a singular "inferior specimen" to exist on his planet... Outraged by the king's decision to only let the strong survive and the weak die, no matter what their current circumstances and backgrounds are, a young man of 18 years of age rises up from the underground slums of Elelantis and prepares to prove himself a Elementist, intending to work his way into the army of the empire and change the ways imposed by Shong's decree of natural law and order, making not just a chosen few's lives better but also everyone else's in the process, this young man's name is "Kyibolt Vazahard", otherwise known by those close to him by both his nickname and title, "Kyi the Elelantian Troublemaker", Kyi is unique among all the people that are aiming to become Elementists for normally a person wishing to become a Elementist can only become so once their elemental powers have reached maturity more or less at the age of 20, Kyi has become an Elementist since he was 16 years old, it happened in a freak accident of nature itself and ever since then, Kyi has had the power to call upon his Vassal familiar in the both form and shape of a very attractive female genie like being that calls herself "Djinna", Djinna's appearance is based on the inner workings of Kyi's own heart, of which believes in both love and hope and defies both hate and despair, Kyi has been raised, as an orphan on the slum streets of Elelantis and has been cared for by the local shop owners working in the slums just trying to get by and earn their day to day daily pay from the empire paying for the merchandise however meager and small the pay very well is, having seen firsthand the corrupt empire, as it is from a very early age, Kyi now works with Djinna to secretly enlist himself, as a 20 year old male with a made-up background thanks to a close friend of Kyi's in order to enter the Chang Tzu Empire's army and once inside, Kyi intends to wreak all kinds of havoc regarding issues of both morality and philosophy, his planned attempt to make the empire change their ways, however, his plan may not go according to plan, as he first the empire is planning to send their army into battle against one of the other respective planets, leading the empire's 15th battalion into battle is king Shong's 3rd daughter, the 21 year old young woman named "Xixi Chang Tzu" and thus, the curtain rises on a whole new battle, what will become of Kyi and where will the path of destiny take him? find out, in the ultimate battle of both love and hope vs both hate and despair...the wheels of destiny are beginning to spin and at last Samsara will be achieved. Our story starts in the year 8018 of the Star Cosmos universal calendar, the Earthmenti have just suffered a "shocking" defeat at the hands of the Lightningmenti forces and are now regrouping during a very short ceasefire in order to gather up more fighters for the next upcoming battles with not just the Lightningmenti but also the other races of the Elementi, as well, the story starts in Elelantis, here, is where everything...begins: The Universal Star Story. " Here is the Role-Play's Theme Song (MAJOR SPOILERS WARNING): Elementi Character Sheets: Name: Age: History: Personality: Appearance: Race: (Earthmenti, Firementi, Watermenti, Windmenti, Lightningmenti.). Vassal partner: Voice Actor: Theme Song: Vassal Character Sheets: Name: History: Personality: Human Appearance: Weapon Appearance: Elementi partner: Born from what aspect of the Elementi's heart: (Beauty, power or something else.). Voice Actor: Theme Song: Rules: No Swearing above Age 15. No Romance above Age 12. Voice Actor and Theme Song doesn't need to be filled out, they are there just for fun. No Godmodding. To show that you have read the Rules, please put down "A New Beginning" at the end of your Character Sheets. The five different races of Elementi each have different Personalities and Appearances, the Earthmenti appear like crystal like Humanoids with rock shards appearing all over parts of their entire bodies whilst the rest of the Elementi have fluid shape changing forms, they can use their respective elemental makeup to take on whatever forms that they desire, however, once they take on the form that their heart desires they are permanently stuck in that form and cannot change their appearance whatsoever, they can transform into like a bolt of lightning for example for those that wish to have Characters based upon lightning Elementi but that is about it, they cannot change their overall physical appearance that they have chosen to go along with, the reason for this will be explained during the story, as for transforming into the elements themselves, to show which race of Elementi that they belong to, their respective element will appear, as an appearance trait on parts of their bodies, like Lightningmenti for example having lightning bolt shaped eyebrows or both Firementi and Watermenti for examples having hair constantly flowing and set on both fire and water all the time respectively, know what i mean? sorry if i'm not making any sense :[, please PM me if you want better explanations of the different Elementi, as for the Windmenti whose Appearance wasn't mentioned, they are the most Human like in physical forms, unlike the rest of the Elementi they appear, as though they were normal Human beings, the Lightningmenti finally again for example occasionally have sets of drums attached to the back of their bodies which, as the reason for that will be explained later on within the story, they are based on the physical appearance of the Japanese deity of thunder Raijin. Earthmenti are known to have stubborn personalities, Firementi with "fiery and hot headed" personalities, Watermenti with calm and almost completely tranquil personalities, Windmenti with almost zealot and religious like personalities and Lightningmenti with bad tempered and battle craving personalities. You can have, as many Characters, as you can manage though i personally recommend having four each per person, two normal Elementi Characters and two Vassal Characters, you must have both a Elementi and a Vassal, as a pair, there are no exceptions since Elementi and Vassals fight alongside one another and the latter can even transform into weapons for the former to fight with if they want an up close and personal fight. The Role-Play's basis for two Characters serving, as each other's partners, whether in battle or not is from a combination of both Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Soul Eater just in case anyone is wondering :], the partners must always be close by each other's sides for if not then each half of the set of partners' battle strengths will be dwindled by half exactly, you can form partners with other Role-Players' Characters, as well instead of just your own if you like but you must inform me in a PM who wants to pair up with who upon when the story begins, as for the story's beginning, everyone's Characters will start off in Elelantis and from there, everyone can set off and create whole new locations of their own that they wish to have their Characters appear in and write plot-lines about, however, you must first PM me about what backstories for new locations you have in mind and only once you have consulted with the other Role-Players about what you have in mind. Vassals do not Age and are instead born from the heart of the Elementi that originally created them, they are based both on and around that Elementi's true inner characteristics and workings and serve both to balance and counterbalance their Elementi equals, basically they are the true self of the Elementi they belong to physically personified in whatever form and/or shape they appear in, for example, if a Elementi had a very childish personality deep inside of them then their Vassal would appear in the form of a child to represent their respective Elementi's true inner persona but if a Elementi for example felt the desire deep inside their heart to have a close friend and/or loving partner, the latter in terms of romance then their Vassal's appearance would be based on that heart's respective desire and grant whatever wish of physical form that the respective Elementi want their respective Vassal to have, know what i mean? sorry again if i'm not explaining things clearly, a Vassal is born from whatever lurks inside a person's heart, they take on physical forms that either represent beauty, power and etc, namely they are born from the attribute that strongly relates to and personifies their Elementi's overall strongest characteristics. Have fun above all else, i hope everyone will Sign-Up for and enjoy this Role-Play :].
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What game would be fun for KH3 to have a crossover event with?
- 13 replies
There might be a new game announcement coming tomorrow.
A portal website for the Dragon Quest series' 30th anniversary has opened with the announcement of a livestream on January 13. Expect updates on the following: Dragon Quest Builders Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 Dragon Quest Heroes II - release date highly likely Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner Dragon Quest XI