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Found 13 results

  1. {This roleplay is currently closed to new characters due to being in the final stages. Thank you for reading!} Have you ever wondered why it rains in the worst possible moment? Does it ever feel like someone is watching you? Why are you really so scared of the dark, when there is almost always nothing there? The truth is, there are explanations to all of these things, only we as humans lack the knowledge of them. Far above us in the medieval era dwells a kingdom--no, a world--filled with whimsy, fantasy and phenomena of your wildest dreams. The world dwells above the clouds, filled with rich stone walls, cobblestone homes, water fountains aplenty, and the palaces whose splendor rivals even that of the great King Alderon down below in the human world. This world is beautiful, massive, and rich. But who could live in this world, you are probably asking yourself, if this happened long, long ago back in the age of medieval living? If there are no planes, how could people reach this magnificent place? And if humans did not know of this world, then what could possibly live there? There is only one simple explanation, and that explanation is the very reality of what lives there: fey. Fey, all sorts of fey. Predominately fairies, though they are not your average fairy that you read about in a bedtime story. They are in every sense of the word human, only they are gifted with three things that the mere human does not possess: magic, immortality, and flight. The range of fey that dwell in the Overworld vary, from fairies, imps, minotaurs, eidolons, vampires, and just about any mythical race. While it would seem they have a paradise, it may be surprising that they desire something much, much more, more expansive such as the world below. Which has brought them into the disaster that has befallen them today. A young fey, perhaps three hundred years old, ventured into the forbidden world below, sneaking past security with his two friends. He met many humans, many curious, some kind, and others . . . more power-thirsty than anything. A dreadful fate befell the three friends: one had been kept by the human King Alderon for his own dark experimental purposes, another died while trying to save him, and the last made it home, but was punished so severely he'd wished that he'd died. While the majority of the underworld do not know of the existence of the Fey kingdom, King Alderon does, and he's attempting to reign supreme over all the kingdoms of his world. In doing so he plans to use the one weapon he doesn't have and is known as a forgotten art: magic. Yes, magic existed within these young fey, and he would stop at nothing to obtain these magics for his own purposes, even if it meant draining the poor fey dry of their magic, killing them in the process of transferring this magic into their own warriors. You have a choice: to be human, or be a member of the mythical race of the Overworld preparing for the greatest of wars between worlds. If you are a human you wouldn't know anything about fey, unless you serve directly under King Alderon and know of his plans. If you are of the Overworld you have never been to the main world, but rather have only heard stories and probably yearn to see what it is like. Travel between the worlds is forbidden for fey, to prevent the very tragedy that the young boy had created. You may choose most any race for an Overworld dweller, though if I feel it isn't a good fit or is over-powered I may decline the race. The rules consist of: 1.) No god-modding. 2.) No auto-hitting or mass slaughter. This means if you are battling someone don't make your hit automatically meet its target, but rather have it aimed at a player and they choose whether the attack hits or misses. No mass slaughter means don't kill off a bunch of NPCs without permission. 3.) Go with the plot, and please choose a character that fits well with the world and setting. 4.) Original characters only. If you would like to use a canon character please modify them until they are your own creation, and rather inspired by a canon character. 5.) When in a group of other people, please post after everyone in your group has posted. I don't want anyone to fall too far behind. 6.) Keep everything PG-13, please. 7.) Romance is permitted, but again please remember rating restrictions. 8.) Please don't have invincible characters. While you get to choose whether your character is hit by an attack, don't make them avoid everything or else it seems like god-modding. 9.) Don't be over-powered. 10.) All KH13 rules apply. 11.) This is going to be a heavy world-building roleplay, that will rely heavily on plot and character interaction. I intend to keep this roleplay going for a considerable length of time, though it may not be entirely fast to update. Having said that, please try to post at least once every two weeks, but if you are going to be away please let me know and we will make arrangements for your characters. Should you remain absent for an extended length of time, I reserve the right to utilize your characters as I deem fit for the RP's progression. 12.) Have fun! Now, here is the character sheet. There is no maximum amount of characters that you can possess, but I would like for you to only control as many characters as you can reasonably handle: Name: Gender: Race: Age (if fey, keep in mind that they are immortal, but can appear like a certain age): Appearance: Magic (if any): Weapons: Personality: Biography: I hope to have some maps drafted of the world in the near future, and if anyone would like to suggest some names for locations please feel free to. Thanks for your interest!
  2. While facing the unending hordes of Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed, there was never quite a moment where I asked myself "How do I get past that?". Each new enemy, while many times was dazzling to behold in the beautiful graphics KH3 displays, never required tactical thinking to beat. Bosses went through typical phases typical to earlier entries and throughout the entire game on Proud difficulty it only took a few minutes to observe the patterns and became nearly trivial from there. Thinking back on my first playthrough of Kingdom Hearts 2, I recall some battles that took me out, in some cases more then a few times. The Giant Heartless in Pride Land's second visit, Xaldin in Beast's Castle, and Xemnas's final phase immediately come to memory. I also remember some Nobodies would be of particular annoyance and forced me to back up for space to look for a different approach. Aside from wondering which Keyblade Transformation I wanted to eradicate something with, I never felt challenged and was nearly crazy with power in taking on enemies in KH3, dying a total of 2 times in my playthrough,and both coming in the last third of the game. Am I a better gamer then I was at 10 years old? I sure like to think so. But did I feel that my 10 year old self would of struggled with this game? Not in the slightest. In adressing what in particular is wrong, Sora essentially is a Battlemage with A.O.E damage cranked up to the max. Hordes do not scare him, he bullies them mercilessly. His range reaches far and wide and he can close distances in a blink of an eye. He's meant to display Mastery and does, but as a consequence never really faces someone or anything greater than him in ability. It seems the combat maybe wasn't intended to provide a challenge but fun and charm befitting the marvelous world's it surrounds itself in. It takes the sum of its parts with picking pieces from earlier entries and intergrating them all into Sora, making him a cascade of light that flashes with tremendous force and spectacle. This all amounts to Kingdom Hearts 3 being too easy, among the easiest entries, which to me is not befitting of a finale to a Saga. This of course is my opinion, and as a fan I can say that I still love the game. The nostalgia and magic that Kingdom Hearts has always carried for me still rests within this latest entry. But I am dissapointed that, the one area where I felt would shine brightest, is dimmer than I expected. Irony fully intended.
  3. Poll inspired by fellow member Zay’s discussion thread
  4. Which Kingdom Hearts game has your favorite battle system?
  5. Once, long ago, the Gods helped the world. They often visited from their home above the clouds to interact with the Elves, Humans, and Greys that lived short and fragile lives on the surface. They helped them develop into their very first villages and cities and nations. There were the Elves, regal and graceful, one with nature, that lived in the deep forests of the east. They built their lifestyles to revolve around the planet, harmony being the core principle. Elves with their attunement to the world, developed a natural skill for magic. The Gods loved the Elves because of their harmonious nature, and their wish to protect the planet on which they all lived. The Greys on the other hand, lived in the fiery lava fields of the south, inhospitable to the other races, but pleasantly warm for the Greys. The Greys were a people bound by war. They lived separated, loyal to their clan. They were battle-hungry and blood-thirsty, almost all obsessed with the idea of getting stronger. The Clans often warred with each other for pure enjoyment. The Greys are an incredible people, naturally stronger than the other races. The Gods loved the Greys because of the bold and prideful way they acted. Humans are the most common. They have a thirst for exploration, a natural curiosity. They rapidly filled the rest of the world, adapting to each surrounding with no problem, filling the tropical west, the central plains, and the freezing north. Humans are naturally skilled with their hands, being the best craftsmen as well as the best adventurers due to their instinctual exploring tendencies. Humans are incredibly varied as well, coming in all shapes, sizes and colors. The Gods loved the Humans because of their variety and pluck. For hundreds of years, the Gods have been nearly non-existent in the world. They so rarely interacted with the inhabitants of the world that they were often thought of as legends. The Gods were disconnected. The only ones that continued the ancient tradition of fervent god-worshipping were the Dalians of the West. Technology and civilization advanced to new states without the Gods, and all thought that we no longer needed them. Even elderly elves who remembered still the time of Gods decided that the world had been abandoned, and that there was no point to looking up to them any longer. The races rarely interacted, keeping to themselves mostly. Three individual nations of humans formed, the Imperial Xha of the Northern Plains, the Dalians of the Western Coast, and the Kingdom of Kele of the Central Desert. The world did not stop for the gods. But now that has changed. Two years ago, the gods came back in a sudden and furious way, that of the warpath. They swiftly conquered Xha, the whole empire falling in just a few days. Soon after that, revolutions spread across the whole world. The Dalians, joyful that their gods had returned, swiftly turned the leading of their government and forces over to Dayben, the King of the Gods. The country from thenceforth became known as the Theocracy of Dayben. The King of Kele was assassinated by his brother, Aleksandr, and the heir Nikolai was forced out. Soon afterwards Aleksandr essentially allowed Dayben full authority, though Aleksandr was left in his position. The Greys in their warlike clans could not be so easily crushed. But regardless, clan after clan fell to the infinitely more powerful gods. The Greys were enslaved and put into labor camps for no other reason than to crush their rebellious spirits. Only the most powerful clans remain unsubjugated, and there are whispers of a demonic cave that might provide the answers that they need. The Elves had already been embroiled in a time of terrible political tension, and it took only a few whispers and some strategic moves and the Elves were all at each others throats, divided into factions of rebels led by Vey and traditionalists led by Queen Trisn. The elderly elf Shub has been making efforts to convince them that they are fighting for no reason, but has had no luck yet. ~The Beginning~ The ruins of Xha echo with the past splendor. Rats scurry underneath some debris. High above, flying through the sky, three young Gods are laughing and enjoying themselves. One shoots a bolt of fire at some vermin that didn't quite crawl fast enough. Roast rat baked on the unmaintained road as the God whooped and did a loop in celebration. When he returned to their level, he high-fived his two friends. A young girl looks out from the shadows. Her mother had gone away to go get some food, and told her to stay put. If she stayed quiet and in the dark, she could maybe, just maybe, stay unnoticed. Unfortunately for her, Hak was a Goddess who happened to enjoy the power of incredible senses, and as soon as she got over celebrating Infern's hot shot, she took notice of the little girl. She smiled easily, and called down below. "Little girl! Why hide from us! We mean no harm!" But her tone was malicious, and she could scarcely keep the laugh from leaking out. Infern and Iuit, her other companion, had no self control, and upon spotting the cowering girl burst out laughing. Humans were pathetic. The girl, not knowing what to do, but certain that if she didn't do something she'd be like that rat, hesitated for several seconds before bolting. "Awh! Come on! We just wanted to offer you some cookies!" Infern called out. Iuit snickered as the three Gods pursued the girl, very slowly. If they wanted to, she'd be very easy to catch. Infern lazily tossed a bolt of flame that shot past the girl and landed a few feet in front of her to her left. ~~ King Aleksandr was having a feast for his loyal subject. The royal was older, in his late forties at least. He had a stylish and well trimmed beard and mustache, and close cropped hair. It was still dark, but streaks of grey could be seen if one looked hard enough. Still, Aleksandr seemed happy enough to float an entire continent upon his head. He had everything he'd ever wanted. The Kingdom of Kele was finally his, torn from his half brother, who'd been named heir rather trivially in Aleksandr's mind. It had been years since he'd gotten his throne, and though the Gods still toiled in the Elven Woods and Grey lands, Aleksandr was confident it would not be long before all the world was under their control. And loyal subjects like him would continue to be rewarded. A few Gods were by his side now, behind him, their use as bodyguards never going challenged. They were after all the strongest. How else would they have taken over the world like they did. Guests continued to pour into the ballroom. He'd opened it up a bit more liberally this time. Some of the more middle class had been allowed to seat their poor bodies among better company. Aleksandr saw it as generous, and many of the merchants who saw it as a chance to get higher in the world did too. Things were set to go well. Maybe... ~~ A volcano erupted a few miles off as Gods and Greys collided on the field of battle once more. This eruption was slow, not violent. Lava would leak down here, but slowly. Certainly enough time for a victor to come about. The Greys had been caught off guard, and the once mighty Fire Clan was now falling one by one to the incredible power and vitality of the Gods. Off in the distance, some of the imprisoned, beaten and abused Greys craned their necks to get a good look at the battle, praying to something, obviously not the Gods, that the Fire Clan might find some savior, or something that could help turn the tides of this battle. ~~ In a bustling part of the canopy near the Capital, a few Elves wandered inside a particular building. This particular building just happened to be the Treasury of the Realm, a place where much of the money that funded Trisn's campaign and kingdom. And well, these few elves happened to not have the best intentions for this building. They split up as they came inside, and unknown to everyone else, they all had masks and weapons stowed beneath their cloaks. This strike might hurt innocents, but it was more important that Trisn be hurt. The Elves that had entered this building had entered knowing that. Though, one man, by the name of Fierro, was beginning to doubt himself. There were so many people milling about... Could he really put them in harm's way for his cause? He'd liked Trisn once upon a time. Things had changed oh so drastically. But this was the way things were. Now that each of the infiltrators were in their positions. One pulled a gun from their breast pocket. It wasn't very useful, being a gun and all, but it was incredibly intimidating. The explosion that rung out when the Elf, this one by the name of Mack, pulled the trigger caused immediate chaos. It escalated further when the gifted mage of the party, Phato, locked down the entrance with a massive ice wall spell, crying out "Glacius Barrio!" as the smell of frost began to permeate through the air. Mack smiled, and began to call out over the commotion. "If you would all calm down, it would be much easier to keep things under control, and prevent any accidents. We don't want to harm any of you. All we want is to take down this building. We have a plan, and if any of you would like to join us, stand now and walk to us. If any of you would like to stand in our way, raise your hands so we know who to look out for." The elf yelled, demanding attention from everyone. His tone was arrogant. He knew his cause was righteous, and as long as that was true, they could not fail. Right? ~~ This is the state of the world. Make your place in it.
  6. Once, long ago, the Gods helped the world. They often visited from their home above the clouds to interact with the Elves, Humans, and Greys that lived short and fragile lives on the surface. They helped them develop into their very first villages and cities and nations. There were the Elves, regal and graceful, one with nature, that lived in the deep forests of the east. They built their lifestyles to revolve around the planet, harmony being the core principle. Elves with their attunement to the world, developed a natural skill for magic. The Gods loved the Elves because of their harmonious nature, and their wish to protect the planet on which they all lived. The Greys on the other hand, lived in the fiery lava fields of the south, inhospitable to the other races, but pleasantly warm for the Greys. The Greys were a people bound by war. They lived separated, loyal to their clan. They were battle-hungry and blood-thirsty, almost all obsessed with the idea of getting stronger. The Clans often warred with each other for pure enjoyment. The Greys are an incredible people, naturally stronger than the other races. The Gods loved the Greys because of the bold and prideful way they acted. Humans are the most common. They have a thirst for exploration, a natural curiosity. They rapidly filled the rest of the world, adapting to each surrounding with no problem, filling the tropical west, the central plains, and the freezing north. Humans are naturally skilled with their hands, being the best craftsmen as well as the best adventurers due to their instinctual exploring tendencies. Humans are incredibly varied as well, coming in all shapes, sizes and colors. The Gods loved the Humans because of their variety and pluck. For hundreds of years, the Gods have been nearly non-existent in the world. They so rarely interacted with the inhabitants of the world that they were often thought of as legends. The Gods were disconnected. The only ones that continued the ancient tradition of fervent god-worshipping were the Dalians of the West. Technology and civilization advanced to new states without the Gods, and all thought that we no longer needed them. Even elderly elves who remembered still the time of Gods decided that the world had been abandoned, and that there was no point to looking up to them any longer. The races rarely interacted, keeping to themselves mostly. Three individual nations of humans formed, the Imperial Xha of the Northern Plains, the Dalians of the Western Coast, and the Kingdom of Kele of the Central Desert. The world did not stop for the gods. But now that has changed. Two years ago, the gods came back in a sudden and furious way, that of the warpath. They swiftly conquered Xha, the whole empire falling in just a few days. Soon after that, revolutions spread across the whole world. The Dalians, joyful that their gods had returned, swiftly turned the leading of their government and forces over to Dayben, the King of the Gods. The country from thenceforth became known as the Theocracy of Dayben. The King of Kele was assassinated by his brother, Aleksandr, and the heir Nikolai was forced out. Soon afterwards Aleksandr essentially allowed Dayben full authority, though Aleksandr was left in his position. The Greys in their warlike clans could not be so easily crushed. But regardless, clan after clan fell to the infinitely more powerful gods. The Greys were enslaved and put into labor camps for no other reason than to crush their rebellious spirits. Only the most powerful clans remain unsubjugated, and there are whispers of a demonic cave that might provide the answers that they need. The Elves had already been embroiled in a time of terrible political tension, and it took only a few whispers and some strategic moves and the Elves were all at each others throats, divided into factions of rebels led by Vey and traditionalists led by Queen Trisn. The elderly elf Shub has been making efforts to convince them that they are fighting for no reason, but has had no luck yet. This is the world of Rise of the Fallen. Be sure to read topics pertaining to your characters in the spoilers that are coming next. Magic: Technology: Dalians: Kele: Xha: Elves: Greys: Humans: Gods: Now you my friends, are the Fallen. You've been crushed, but not broken. Beaten down, but not defeated. And it is time that you rise. Rules: 1. No godmodding, this means autohitting, controlling another's character, being absurdly powerful, and mass slaughter are all off limits. 2. Do not kill any one else's character without their permission. I do encourage character death as a way to advance plot and character lines though. 3. Try to stay within the confines of the world I have built while making your own characters and tales. I seek to encourage world-building without things getting too insane with space deities or new races. 4. Grammar is important, and since I've rped with most people, you're likely fine. If I know that there's a problem then I'll pm you and give you a chance to change your style, but I will not outright deny your characters. If it remains a problem in game I will ask you to leave though. 5. Interact with characters and NPCs and build tales that you will enjoy and others will remember. And most of all have fun with it. I will make considerable efforts to involve everyone that I can through the use of NPCs, but if you consistently go out of your way to be alone, there's not a whole lot I can do to help you out. 6. Be sure to follow KH13 rules as a whole, which includes no graphic sexual imagery. Also respect everyone please, I don't need people picking fights with each other. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance (don't sweat it if you can't find an image of gray skinned people, just use a regular image and say they have gray skin): Abilities (this includes magic, godly powers, or assorted abnormal skills): Weapons (Greys use only a single weapon, make note of whether this is the weapon they've had since the ritual or not): Personality: Bio: Miscellaneous: Author's Note: This was going to be a stat based RP but I am beginning to realize that that is way too much work. So instead I took the setting and repurposed it for freeform. You'll also have noted the existence of ancient legends of the races being able to fight against gods. DO NOT put this ability in your character sheet. It is something that will be exposed and taught in the RP. Thank you, and please enjoy. If you have interest in playing one of the NPCs I have already mentioned in the OP then please PM me and we can talk it over.
  7. This roleplay is being hosted by myself and Superior Kunivas. This is the sign-up thread (and yes, we are still accepting new players!), whereas the actual RP thread is here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/93574-ashes-of-a-fallen-empire-rp/ . Note: we are currently only accepting new players for the Seraphim Order or New Empire. A year has passed since the fall of the Korbenic Empire. A war had been waged between the empire and its rebels, promoted by surrounding territories free from the empire’s reign. The late emperor, Korben, sought to create a world filled with law, rule, and justice, but at the cost of so many lives. Those deemed inferior were slaughtered or experimented upon, and magic by birth was considered a curse rather than a blessing. Elves and those possessing magic were raided and slaughtered, or brought into the imperial labs for experimentation. The world had already been faltering, and it only plummeted further at the development of tanzynite: a chemical substance produced by imperial labs that had the power to sustain one’s life, augment their abilities or create them, or, in some cases of prolonged use, kill. The dawn of the Korbenic Era was one filled with oppression, blood, and poverty; the world cried for this tyrant to reach his demise, a calling to which was answered. Eclaire Tonnerre, ex-general of the Empire, organized and orchestrated the Order of Lux to battle the Korbenic Empire. She was a brave warrior who fought for true peace and justice, wishing to recreate the government into a republic rather than an empire. Unfortunately her army was weakened during the war, and traitors lived within her midst that she was not privy to. Now she resides with a smaller group than before, her kingdom and order being taken over a rebellion follower, Yevgeni Malachite. While the empire had indeed fallen, a new world power came to take its place. Oryx, a god of power, seized the Korbenic Empire and sits upon what once was Korben’s throne, his rule hardly any better than that of the late empire. The war, however, has left the world in ashes, a state worse than it had been before. Langerdon, a city once flourished, now is trying to recover from the war that devastated them a year ago, though they are not succeeding well. You may choose a character from either the New Empire or Yevgeni’s rebellion called The Seraphim Order. There are many races available for you to choose from, though I request that no new divine deities are created to prevent power-creep from occurring. Your world is a dying one filled with chaos after a devastating war, and, while technology was once at its prime in this futuristic era, very little of it is left in working order after the damage that had been done. 1: No Godmodding/Meta-Gaming. This includes controlling another person’s character under ANY circumstances. 2: All KH13 RPing rules are in effect here. 3: There is no character limit, but I would request that you only take as many characters that you feel you can properly handle. 4: If any rules are broken, you will be given a warning. Should you break them again, and under the same violation, you will be asked to leave the RP. 5: Feel free to contribute to the story. This is an RP, after all. : ) However, I would ask that you do not dominate the entire plot or massively change the direction in which all players are going without prior approval. A good example of this would be to make a character use unearthly powers to just terrorize and distract all characters, making their initial goals impossible. This is destructive behavior, and in doing so I will issue you a warning. There’s a difference between contributing to a plot and dominating one. 6: Keep everything PG-13, including violence, romance, language, and all that good stuff. This includes themes as well as explicit content. If it’s something that you won’t see in a PG-13 movie because it’s considered inappropriate in content or visualization, don’t do it. 7: For non-human races, you can pick practically anything you please. Be creative! However, please be mindful of over-powered characters. I’m no longer accepting any new divine deities, as we already have plenty. 8: You may choose from the tanzynite list provided should your character desire them. However, you may request custom tanzynites be made via PM and I shall evaluate them. 9: Auto-hitting and mass slaughter are highly restricted here. Auto-hitting is when your character lands a strike in combat without prior approval from the other player or RP host. Mass slaughter cannot be done on a whim, only if asked for and we shall evaluate. To ensure that you’ve read the rules, please state your favorite color below your character sheet. 10: For those of you who will be continuing with the same characters from Tainted Blood, please copy-paste your character sheet with a revised biography reflecting what happened over the past year, as well as their role in Tainted Blood. I will be more lenient toward existing characters pertaining weapon limits, magic, et cetera, but any new characters must strictly abide by the rules. To show that you've read the rules, please state your favorite color below your character sheet. Tanzynite options (instigator): Tanzynite tonics: Experimental Tanzynite (not for everyone--only one each available, and must receive prior approval before use): Character sheet: Name:
 Side: Race:
 Weapon (limit of two): 
Tanzynite tonics (limit of three):
 Tanzynite Instigators (limit of three--experimental Tanzynite has a limitation of one, and only with prior approval):
 Race abilities (nothing too great or powerful, please: basic enhancements preferable): Magic (if any--I’m not providing any strict limitations, but please don’t have every possible magic available. If I feel your choices are too strong I may ask you to reduce them):
Backstory: World map: New Empire side: Leader is Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Yltriss Hyulli (Female Elf Tanzynite User) Dex Marthur (Male Human host to Oryx) Tiriel (immortal Female Fallen Archangel) Zane (Male Zanzia) Zack (Male Zanzia) (KIA) Kinzoku (Female, Human? Metal Mage) Isaac Farbenion (Male Human Tanzynite User) Indy Caelum (Male Human Tanzynite User) Rebellion (The Seraphim Order) side: Leader is Yevgeni Malachite or Yev (Male Human/Angel Tanzynite user with Angelic Magic) Vortludo Prince (Male Human Magical Artifact Wielder) Cobica Quinn (Immortal Male Demon/Angel Hybrid) Ava Peltiere (Female Human Tanzynite user) Yagyu (Female Human Ninja Mage) Jynn Venas (Male Human Mage) Kaspar Ulrich (Male Human Mage/Necromancer) Messiah (Eclaire's small group) side: Leader is Eclaire Tonnerre (Female Human/Succubus Mage) Ciriel (Female Fallen Angel Tanzynite user) Ryonne Neyelmnik (Male Human Tanzynite user/Divine Swordsman) Doctor Julius Verstand or The Doctor (Male Human Monstrumologist) Mikhail Drak (Male Witcher) Gabriel Stross or The mute or Omega (Male Human Mechanical lord) Jeremy Tobias Hunter (Male Human/Angel) Rika Hunter or Chrysalis (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite User/Divine Warrior) Victoria du L'ete or the Goddess of Victory (Immortal Female Minor Goddess) Sasha Valentine (Female Augmented Human) Jadis Sorein (Male Elf Mage) Maxis or Prime (Male? Tenno Ancient Ninja Warrior) Fiora Tonnerre (Female Human Mage) Ace (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Edge (Female Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Bladedancer (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Reaper (Male Human Razgriz Air Command Squadron) Allitt Caelum (Female Human Tanzynite User) Zion de Wynter or Goddess of Light (immortal Female Goddess) Criminal Underworld side: Serves under Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Cyler (Male Human Tanzynite User) Die (Male Human Tanzynite user & Leader of the crow's eyes gang) Scherp (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Lan (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Heksen (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Naja (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Kol (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Dark Heart (Female Zanzia 2nd Gen) Sahail (Female Human Gunslinger Mage) Neutral side: No Leader Rufus Contralto or Captain (Male Human Mage) Neena Mors (Female Elf Combat Mage) Henry Hansees (Male Human Dread Lord or dreadnaught) Arian Vondrin or the gust (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Nalia Gallagher (Female Human & part of Orient Trading) Deuce Gallagher (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Garret Reuental or Grim (Male resurrected Human & part of Orient Trading) 
Dorian Bittenfeld or Gray (Male Cursed Human & part of Orient Trading) Johathan Heaton or ghost doctor (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Ariana Cabret (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite user) Keyes (Male Tenno) Rei or Blue Heart (Female Zanzia 1st Gen)
  8. This is the RP thread for Ashes of a Fallen Empire, a sequel to Tainted Blood taking place a year after its events. For those of you interested in signing up please visit: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/93439-ashes-of-a-fallen-empire-rp-sign-ups-and-discussion/ Also, please subscribe to this thread so that you may be kept up-to-date with its activity. Subscribing to the sign-ups is recommended but not entirely necessary. I know this is a lot to read, but I would request that everyone read this main post through before posting, as it contains some very useful information for getting started in the RP. The map may also be useful to refer to. It is in the heart of December in what little remains of the world. What once was a planet that flourished is now dying from its own society, very little of the earth remaining, predominately dominated by the New Empire itself. Over the past year a massive war has been waged, one that cost many their lives. Among the lives lost was the dark emperor himself. Consumed by power, glory, and darkness, Korben was defeated at the hands of his enemy, the rebellion group started by his ex-general: the Order of Lux. The Order's leader, Eclaire Tonnerre, sought to create a republic for the remaining nation, striving to end the oppression that was slowly killing their land and its society. She was going to end the destruction of elves, the experimentation on adolescents, and create peace and true order. However, things did not go according to plan, and a new evil lurking within the shadows struck. At the time of victory for the rebellion, Oryx and his men attacked. They had been waiting for the opportune moment, and arrived it had. He forced Eclaire to retreat, many believing her to be dead. Instead, she rallied the remains of her loyal comrades, as well as a few newcomers, to her cause: the Messiah. A small group working silently, they plan to somehow get things straight, from a new government that treats its society worse than before. Oryx, the demon god, has now taken his place upon Korben's throne, ruling a crippled Langerdon in the New Empire. The criminal underworld has aligned themselves loyally, though many seek their own means rather than the good of their nation. After the war, much was lost, including many of the highly advanced weapons and technology that Gabriel Stross had built and designed. Tanzynite production has slowed, if not halted, at the loss of Doctor Julius Verstand, causing the deaths of many who were dependent upon Tanzynite. Now the price of the chemical has skyrocketed, driving people to desperate and drastic measures to acquire the funds for their survival and addiction. Upon Eclaire's absence and the news of her death, Yevgeni Malachite, human in appearance and part-angel in blood, seized the base of the Order of Lux, disheartened by all of the many lives lost from the war. So much blood had been shed, and now he is determined to right the wrong and have equal blood shed by the empire. Renaming Eclaire's rebellion to the Seraphim Order, Yevgeni is the leader of the new rebellion, their symbol one of peace and a union between humans and mages. Yevgeni's motives and actions are entirely unique and his own, and while he empathizes heavily with losses, there is an odd glint in his eye that makes one wonder if he's enjoying it. Perhaps you are of one of these conflicting sides, or maybe you have chosen to remain neutral and watch the conflict from afar. Many of the members of the Seraphim Order are currently leaving Rhasolvich, after a charitable contribution to the rebuild of their village. Meanwhile, the New Empire is in a conference, with Oryx at their head. What they shall discuss is up to the Emperor himself, though perhaps the movement of the Seraphim Order, or even Messiah, is of great alarm to them. Most, if not all members of Messiah, are likely aboard the ship Oathkeeper, doing whatever it is you're doing to keep alive and plan your next move, likely awaiting Eclaire's orders. If you are neutral, I wish you luck surviving the streets of whatever city or town you're in. You can be anywhere on the map, but Langerdon is heavily guarded as is the Forgotten Isles: (All red territories are imperial, whereas blue are loyal to the Seraphim Order and have not yet been seized by the New Empire. Langerdon is the Imperial capital, while the City of Ruin is the Seraphim Order's base. Further descriptions of these towns and villages will come shortly, courtesy of Vaude for taking the time and dedication to writing them.) Note: when posting, I would like to request that everyone use the following format (or something similar) Character Name -- Side Body of post. Because we have a lot of characters I realize this could get very confusing for those trying to keep up with the RP and it might make that extra step of memorization easier. Finally, here is our cast (courtesy of The Unversed for its compilation--I just added the links): New Empire side: Leader is Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Yltriss Hyulli (Female Elf Tanzynite User) Dex Marthur (Male Human host to Oryx) Tiriel (immortal Female Fallen Archangel) Zane (Male Zanzia) Zack (Male Zanzia) Kinzoku (Female, Human? Metal Mage) Isaac Farbenion (Male Human Tanzynite User) Indy Caelum (Male Human Tanzynite User) Rebellion (The Seraphim Order) side: Leader is Yevgeni Malachite or Yev (Male Human/Angel Tanzynite user with Angelic Magic) Vortludo Prince (Male Human Magical Artifact Wielder) Cobica Quinn (Immortal Male Demon/Angel Hybrid) Ava Peltiere (Female Human Tanzynite user) Yagyu (Female Human Ninja Mage) Jynn Venas (Male Human Mage) Messiah (Eclaire's small group) side: Leader is Eclaire Tonnerre (Female Human/Succubus Mage) Ciriel (Female Fallen Angel Tanzynite user) Ryonne Neyelmnik (Male Human Tanzynite user/Divine Swordsman) Doctor Julius Verstand or The Doctor (Male Human Monstrumologist) Mikhail Drak (Male Witcher) Gabriel Stross or The mute or Omega (Male Human Mechanical lord) Jeremy Tobias Hunter (Male Human/Angel) Rika Hunter or Chrysalis (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite User/Divine Warrior) Victoria du L'ete or the Goddess of Victory (Immortal Female Minor Goddess) Sasha Valentine (Female Augmented Human) Jadis Sorein (Male Elf Mage) Professor Cornelius Kreed or CK (Male Shape shifter) Maxis or Prime (Male? Tenno Ancient Ninja Warrior) Fiora Tonnerre (Female Human Mage) Ace (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Edge (Female Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Bladedancer (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Reaper (Male Human Razgirz Air Command Squadron) Allitt Caelum (Female Human Tanzynite User) Zion de Wynter or Goddess of Light (immortal Female Goddess) Criminal Underworld side: Serves under Oryx (Male Ancient Demon God) Cyler (Male Human Tanzynite User) Die (Male Human Tanzynite user & Leader of the crow's eyes gang) Scherp (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Lan (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Heksen (Male Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Naja (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Kol (Female Human Tanzynite user & member of the crow's eyes gang) Terath Zilver (Female Aracnae) Dark Heart (Female Zanzia 2nd Gen) Sahail (Female Human Gunslinger Mage) Neutral side: No Leader Rufus Contralto or Captain (Male Human Mage) Neena Mors (Female Elf Combat Mage) Henry Hansees (Male Human Dread Lord or dreadnaught) Arian Vondrin or the gust (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Nalia Gallagher (Female Human & part of Orient Trading) Deuce Gallagher (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Garret Reuental or Grim (Male resurrected Human & part of Orient Trading) 
Dorian Bittenfeld or Gray (Male Cursed Human & part of Orient Trading) Johathan Heaton or ghost doctor (Male Human & part of Orient Trading) Ariana Cabret (Female Human Experimental Tanzynite user) Raines Ryker or Kid (Male Red Wolf) Keyes (Male Tenno) Rei or Blue Heart (Female Zanzia 1st Gen) Malikai Khaos or Mr.Khaos or Lt.Khaos (Male Akuma/Raijin)
  9. GLITZ PIT RP SPINOFF, Final Fantasy Version [[The origins of this roleplay come from NSider and NSider2, though the lead originator is Link1487. However, the idea and creators of the Glitz's many versions have changed over the course of these many years and will change again. Yay, change! Ror, Inx, Zee, Link, and whoever else is out there still making Glitz Pit fun--thank you.]] Table of Contents I. Story II. Rules III. Fighter Rankings IV. Registered Matches V. How This Thread Will Work VI. Creating a Character VII. Arenas VIII. Item Shop IX. Character Profiles X. Element Chart XI. News Updates XII. Event Information XIII. Important Fight Judgments I) Story: Battles take place in an sequestered colosseum where previously known (or unknown) combatants of various universes wage private wars with each other. Existing hundreds of years, if not thousands, this arena has plucked heroes, villains, and potent wannabes of considerable strength to hone their combative elements of strength, focus, footwork, cunning, and magics. Many have retired in fame and luxury under the nurture of robotic servants and ambrosic foods and drinks, without fear of age or death, growing fat and happy. This is promised to all who opt out, but most desire one of two other options: continual fighting or an absolute escape. Plucked without reason other to fight, do you, O fighter, have what it takes to battle your way to fame, valiance, or the outside? Show your mettle in what is simply known as the Pit. II) Rules 1. Follow all original RP rules of KH13, if that wasn't obvious. 2. You must follow all of these rules while in this thread, and you must read the entire thread (the first few posts by me) before posting. 3. No g-modding. Simple definition: You cannot be invincible, or use overpowered attacks. More details can be found later in the thread. 4. All fighting will be judged by me. 5. If you are inactive for more than three days during a fight without an excuse given beforehand (like going on vacation, etc.), you automatically lose with no gain in coins. Don't request a battle if you don't think you can finish it. 6. I will make all final decisions regarding how matches will be set up, and their outcomes. No arguing with me over who won (unless you have a definitive reason), or you will be pushed down a rank in the ranking list. 7. Everyone gets a default 100 coins to begin with when you sign up. 8. If you would like to give your coins to someone, both parties involved must PM me verifying they would like the transaction to take place. 9. If you have any questions about the rules, or specific suggestions for the thread, PM me please instead of posting it here. 10. Limit OOC chat here please. That means try not to talk out of character. If you want, your character can talk to someone else's character, but make sure it does not create too much spam. 11. All bets on fights must be made before the fight begins or within the first 3 posts of the fight. (More on that later in thread) 12. All Brawls are open to anyone who is registered in this thread. (More on those later in thread) 13. Any fighters who consciously disobey the "max page" restriction a fight can last for will be lowered down a rank, and 100 coins will be deducted from their total. Going over by a little is fine, but when it's nearly double the maximum, punishment will be given. 14. Anyone ranked from halfway through the list of people, and up, will be put in the major league locker room. Anyone lower than half of the people here will be in the minor league locker room. The champion will have their own room. You may only challenge fighters who are in your league, unless you are at the top of your league. If you are at the top of the minor league, you may challenge the lowest ranking major league fighter for a place in that league. The same goes for the major league, except the first place person would challenge the champion. 15. Check the news section often for any updates to this thread. 16. Ignore the fact that the story is bad and cliche. 17. Everyone who joins gets a free 'Character Change' item upon registering. This is so they can create their first character and get a feel for it, but if they do not like it, they can change it to something completely different. 18. Try to keep OOC posts (surrounded with parenthesis) or [some other unique method] of differentiating between what your character says and does, and what you are trying to say. 19. Do not edit battle posts without my permission or the permission of your opponent, or other fighters might think you are cheating. 20. Notify me in this thread or via PM if you change your NS2 name so I can update the thread accordingly. III) Fighter Rankings IV) Registered Matches V) How this Thread Will Work This is the most important post of the thread, so it's very important you read it carefully and try to understand it. Some of you may be new to fighting, while others may not. A fighting tutorial will be posted near the end of this post to get you all familiar with how fighting should work. For now, we need to discuss the basic mechanics of non-battling things that happen in this thread. Table of Contents i. Betting ii. Setting Up a Match iii. Beginning a Match iv. Unlocking Things v. Getting Coins vi. Battling vii. G-modding viii. Outcomes of Battles ix. Ranking x. Champion Battles and Being the Champ xi. Team Battles xii. 1 vs. 2 Battles xiii. Brawls xiv. Rewards xv. Fighting Tutorial xvi. Element Control xvii. Down To Earth Fights VI) Creating a Character VII) Arenas: VIII) Items IX) Character Profiles Will be filled later. X) Element Table XII) News Updates 9/27/15- Thread Created XII) Event Information Nothing yet. XIII) Important Fight Judgments
  10. Hey guys we recently just finished Episode 2 of the Kingdomcast its up and now available on iTunes, Android and If you have a computer we even have an RSS Feed. To Subscribe on iTunes/Iphone/Ipad/Itouch/Ipod - iTunes To Subscribe on Android - Android To Subscribe via RSS or Email(if you don't have a cellular device) - RSS , Email To watch the Youtube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyHHBF7JqPA Description of Episode 2 - In this episode we talk about the recently announced Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and Also the news given out about Kingdom hearts 3 in Tetsuya Nomura’s most recent interview! Noel and Jason also discuss various topics including the KH battle system and how its evolved and What disney / pixar worlds may or may not appear in KH3. In addition we have returning members such as Aaron from Episode 1 and new members including Aliahsan, Gilbert, NB, and Holo Fantasy!. Wanna be a part of the next KingdomCast Episode? Its simple just message either Jason(Masterfreakse) or Noel(Noel Hearts) on KH13.com. Alternatively you can Message me or noel on our respective twitters. Jason(@thedailyhype1) Noel(@NoelSenpai) or even at @Kingdomcast13. We hope to hear from and hope you enjoy being a part of the community!
  11. Magic and item shortcuts are put to L1, and R1 is used for targeting. I was wondering if the other bumpers could be used for something now that we use the right analog stick for the camera instead of L2 and R2. Maybe use the back bumpers for shortcuts to other skills. Does anyone have any ideas on this? I'm not really sure it just seems we didn't really use those buttons in KH2, except for some mini games.
  12. This thread is to discuss the little things that can be added or changed to gameplay that would make KH3 better than past games. For example: I think it would be neat if you can manually target individual allies to specific enemies mid battle. Maybe with the use of the L2 and R2 buttons since they currently have no use. It would add more strategy to fights and could make some boss fights more interesting. If command styles are brought back, they shouldn't have to be mandatory to change into them. What are some little things you'd like to see in KH3? Please only discuss things to improve gameplay.
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