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  1. These are a bunch of skits from Robot Chicken that involve Barney the Dinosaur. They're all from the same episode. At first, they just seem like a bunch of random skits put together, but if you look a little closely, you might be able to see a story here. Let's start with the first clip: We begin with Barney and his then girlfriend Stella at a couples counseling office. They've been having problems in their relationship because, as Stella puts it, Barney loves Stella but Stella isn't in love with Stella. Barney, being Barney, doesn't really understand what she means because he equates the idea of love to the same kind of love he promotes on his TV show. Obviously, Stella isn't having that, and no matter how much the two try to fix the problem, they're just not making any progress. Eventually, Stella has no choice but to leave Barney. Alone and confused, the heartbroken dinosaur needs something to calm his nerves. His friend B.J. then tells him about a service that can help Barney with his affliction: a wonderful service where lonely guys can get together with ladies to be their friend and love them, for a fee. Barney is exhilarated, and meets with a lady on his block who just so happens to offer this service. They got back to his place, but unfortunately, Barney is short on cash and can't pay the lady. Infuriated, she calls her "manager", who invades Barney's home and starts fighting the dinosaur. This soon alerts the local police, who arrive to see Barney accidentally killing the "manager" with his mighty dinosaur strength and then arrest him for manslaughter and solicitation of illegal prostitution. And now, in the end, poor ol' Barney finds himself locked up in jail. His cellmate is named Bubba, and he used to be a big fan of Barney's TV show when he was a kid... a really, really, really big fan. At first, he seemed nice, but then he introduced Barney to a game he liked to call "Dress Up"... Barney's psyche was instantly scarred. Even after he was released and the controversy behind the whole incident was covered up by his lawyers so that he could continue his show, the haunting memories of Bubba and Dress Up still lay into his brain, leading to an increasing problem with stress that even led to numerous stints with narcotics, alcohol, and later, rehab. Even when Barney retired in 2009, he has never been quite the same, and still shivers at the thought of his own catchphrase, worrying if Bubba would ever come for him again... Oh yeah and then he died. Rest in Peace.
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