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Found 8 results

  1. A scattered dream that's like a far off memory.... In less than 15 hours, everyone will be able to have access to the magnum opus of our continued existence on places such as these; I am of course talking about Kingdom Hearts III. I have a confession to make. Today especially, but in previous days too, I've been feeling kinda wistful and nostalgic. So much so in fact, that once or twice the thought has passed through my head, the thought 'Do I really want this game to come out?' The answer? Of course I do! I've been in pain over the past few days seeing everyone else on my continent play and not me. No, that's not the reason for my blasphemous ruminations. I've been having these weird thoughts lately.... I've come to realise that for five and a half years, I've been in this waiting position. And I've grown used to it and I find comfort in it, because it's my normal. It's my normal to live in a world where KH3 doesn't exist. And in that world, being a part of the rumblings and mumblings of KH13 became my bread and butter. My childhood, and more pertinently, my teenage years, have been shaped by this site. This place was it's own little microcosm of the huge, crazy, loud world we live in, and overall, I can say that I loved it, and I'd do it all over again, even the bad parts. There were groups of friends on this site who probably never even interacted with the other, there were people on here that you probably only knew in passing, there were those users who seemed like you could make a connection with them but then they went afk indefinitely, there were users whose personalities shone through even the bright glare of the internet and became a cult onto themselves and then there were the bigwigs of this place. 2015 was when I joined, but of course, I had been lurking for much longer than that. To the users of that era who are no longer here, for whatever reason, I hope you get to enjoy this communal swansong. I had some of the best times on here, and I'll hold them with me for years to come. I won't forget this place, and everyone I ever interacted with, I'll never forget you too. Five and a half years ago, I was sitting in a corner of my parents room where there was a beanbag, it was the day before E3 2013, and I was on KHUltimania looking up news. Tonight, five and a half years later, I'm sitting in the same corner, except, it's my room now, that I share with my two sisters, and sometimes my cousin, and there's no beanbag, I'm sitting on my sisters bed, and it's not the night before E3 2013 where I'm hoping for news of a Dreamcast 2 and maybe (just maybe?) Kingdom Hearts 3, it's the night before the release of Kingdom Hearts III. A game, without me having played it, has brought so much emotion and colour to my life, and so many friends, who without, I would be a much lesser person. A stand before you no longer a 14 year old that lurks on Web pages trying to find news, but someone who's going to be 20 in not-so-long, and is happy to call herself someone who grew up here. It feels like this game, will really be the end of my childhood, however, I hope its the beginning of someone else's, and I hope this place is still around for that kid to grow up on, and make mistakes and learn, and enjoy, and I hope it becomes the beginning of their journey, like it has been for mine.
  2. I have returned from the deep dark depths of university to bring you all some quality debatable content, IT'S TIMEZONES AGAIN These are for the two non-Japanese tv trailers on the 10th and 18th respectively, because I doubt the other two will be shown internationally but u never kno. 10th December (but actually the 9th for most of us because we're time travellers) 10AM EST - North and parts of Central America 3PM GMT - UK/Ireland/Portugal 4PM CET - Germany/France/Spain/Central Europe 5PM EET - Greece 11PM - Malaysia/Indonesia/Singapore 12AM - Japan 1/2AM - Australia (you guys have too many timezones i cba XD) 18th December 3AM EST 8AM GMT 9AM CET 10AM EET 4PM - East Asia 5PM JST 6/7 PM Australia OK 3,2,1 let's jam
  3. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/94816-2-quid-is-good-leaves-kh13/ It's not a GOTCHA this time. I think now is the perfect time to step away from the internet because I really don't want to know the rest of the KH3 information that's gonna come out. I want to fully enjoy this game, and I still want it to have some kinda mystery for me. Of course I realise that this means no here RIP me lads I won't lie to you, a lot of my friends have left/aren't as active and that's also a factor to this decision, and I'll really miss you guys. It's been amazingly fun, and funnily amazing and the only reason I'm posting it in random and not forum lounge is because I want you to remember me as I lived: the chatroom overlord of KH13 A random section mainstay. Keep the memes flowing without me and may the quota never touch your profiles. Also if you still wanna keep in touch pm me
  4. There has been much speculation over who the last GoL will be because best girl is dided now rip pour out a cold one T.T, and I now come to you with HARD evidence of who it is. Be warned. U R NOT READY. THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE. And here is my evidence: Also quid in KH3 confirmed
  5. I do hereby declare this season the Summer of Kingdom Hearts! Go forth play KH my bro and bras
  6. Soooooo the SE conference is just round the corner, and with it the rest of E3. Incoming wall of text: I'm kidding Fortunately we have a very nifty looking image that condenses my usual list right down. However this is just the major conferences, there will be a lot more stage shows from smaller publishers too that'll all be livestreamed on twitch E.g Atlus, Bandai Namco etc throughout the week so keep an eye out for those if you're interested. Square also have a few stage shows running through the week. The full schedule is here: Happy E3 2018 my quids 8)
  7. So, yes, TIMEZONES. let's get right down to it, 21:00PM - Japan 13:00PM - UK/Ireland/Portugal(<- have no clue why, Weed, enlighten me pls) 22:00PM - Australia 14:00PM - Germany/Spain/Italy/Western Europe in general (I should probably add France but idk any French members) 7:00 AM - CDT/EST Mexico (There's like 4 different time zones for Mexico, bear with me) 6:00 AM - MDT Mexico 5:00 AM - PDT Mexico/America 8:00 AM - EST America and i think that's it! ^.^ If I've made a mistake just tell me I'll correct it.
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