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Found 6 results

  1. I wanna say a little bit about why girls are awesome. Now, I know that it's been talked about many times that women are just so awesome at anything and all that, but I want to leave my take on the topic here and let you guys and girls tell me what you think of my list. Enjoy! *Tips hat* 1) They focus and pay attention very well! Women I met (mostly my teachers and speech therapists) have always paid attention to me when we talked. They don't just nod and say, "mhmm." They would respond very well, and talk with a lot of confidence. 2) They show concern to others, whether they were involved or not. Let me tell you, my mom is the perfect example of this; She asks people who are struggling (even strangers) if they need any assistance. And whenever I'm sad or depressed, she doesn't ignore me either. 3) They like to have fun & have adventurous thrills! Girls (not all, but most) love to have fun at any time possible. Of course, they like to be silly at times, especially to brighten up spirits around them. 4) Women give life to us. What's the one thing Women can do that Men are unable to do, no matter what? Give birth to life! (That's a thanks to all the moms out there as well. ) 5) They show lasting love in a lasting relationship. I honestly don't have tons of evidence for this one, but I've seen couples at the park who looked like they had deep love in their relationship. Hope you all enjoyed this. Forgive me if it was a bit sloppy. Tell me what you all thought of it! Rock on!
  2. I wielder of the Armor Swear upon my life To protect New Earth and its inhabitants To always put others above myself To always strive for more And to do whatever it takes to achieve that. I will do this through My Armor My Strength My Mind And With Hearts of Steel 200 years ago, humans encountered extraterrestrial life in an event known as the Meeting. This event was immediately followed by the aliens wiping out 90% of the human race, all over the planet. Fortunately, those who managed to survive were able to use every once of strength, intelligence, and spirit to drive the aliens off. For now at least. The humans set to work restoring life to the way it was before, taking advantage of alien technology left behind to advance human technological capabilities by hundreds, if not thousands of years. Now, with some form of infrastructure and organization established, humans decided that they needed to prepare. Ten years ago, work on a weapon known as Armor was completed. Armor is able to increase the physical capabilities of humans a hundredfold, making them faster, stronger, smarter, sexier, you name it, they do it better than regular humans. However, this puts an extreme amount of stress on the human body, so very few could wield it without it destroying their body from the inside out. The search for people capable of wielding this weapon began. Finally, they decided upon a small group of 12 year olds, their bodies prime for molding to the wishes of the human race. After taking the Oath (see above), training began in a secret facility in a remote location on New Earth. For 8 years, these people have been training, practicing, and have become the most proficient warriors ever seen in history. Now, alien ships have cropped up on the radar again. The Armor wielders will be setting out on their first mission soon. Who will live? Who will die? Who will win? Before we get to the character sheet, something in particular needs to be established. In order to make sure that each wielder consistently does their best, a leaderboard was set up. The members of the project have been practically brainwashed into holding their position on the leaderboard above almost anything else except the Oath. This has made the training hypercompetitive, and the wielders, who should be extremely close to each other after such rigorous training, always slightly distant, and slightly distrusting of each other. So remember, the top of your leaderboard is the top priority. Character Sheet: Name: Agent Name: (what they'll be called primarily, it could be anything, but all of mine will be Greek letters) Gender: Appearance: (remember they're all 20) Armor Appearance: (a picture or description) Armor Enhancement: (an additional power only your armor has aside from enhanced capabilities and a computer visor) Firearm of Choice: (as sci fi as you'd like) Melee Weapon of Choice: (see above) Current Position on the Leaderboard: (a description of where they are please, not a number. I'll order them all before the RP actually begins) Personality: Fighting Strengths and Weaknesses: Extra Stuff?:
  4. Hello everyone, I happen to be a new member in this site since this section specifically is titled 'introduce yourself', I shall do as I planned. I am an experienced roleplayer who goes by the name of either Reach or Kuro, whichever you prefer. I enjoy playing the Kingdom Hearts series, as well as Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, and Sonic. I enjoy drawing and animating, as well as socializing with new people. So.. Hello!
  5. When I was younger my mother used to tuck me into bed before I went to sleep. After that she would read me a story, a bedtime story, it was "Eye Of The Tiger" TM. Within this story there contained a tiger (duh!!), one that antagonised me. My mother didn't get it though, for she thought I was crazy. But I would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. Mother knows best my (am I aloud to curse on here to be safe) a**. Anyways, this tiger had an eye (doesn't every animal have an eye or eyes hopefully) that was very peculiar because, it was red. A beastly red, mostly seen in blood. I was scared, very timid, and alone in my dark room (haha, her room is the darkest in the house, aren't parents awesome!). I couldn't see anything, but one night the tiger helped me out, he made his bright and vicious bloodshot eyes shine so I could see his gruesome face and believe me it was scary as f***. I automatically pee on myself and run out the room (and of course she slips on her pee, what a dumba**!) but I slip on my pee and get dragged back in. I kick and scream but it was as if my mom was ignoring me (what a bi*** right) and she never came that night. TO READ MORE YOU MUST DEMAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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