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Found 27 results

  1. Ganon as villain, or playable, or both. More than likely both...
  2. *snap* Huh? What was that? *snap* Stop, dammit! *snap* snap* snap* snap*
  3. Yeah, I know that this game was announced a long time ago. I just felt like an active discussion thread for it would be cool to have, and we can update this thread with news whenever any is released. For those who don't know, Xenoblade Chronicles X is an RPG coming to the Wii U at some point next year. It's a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, but it doesn't seem to be related to the original game, outside of a species known as the Nopons making an appearance in both. From what we've seen, this one will add mech combat, and allows players to make their own custom characters. Adding all of this on top of what the original game had to offer really makes this feel like it has the potential to be the best JRPG of the current generation. Anyone else excited for the game?
  4. The three stages I hate the most. -75 m (Donkey Kong). There are hazards everywhere. If you get KO'd, it is most likely from a stage hazard. -Yoshi's Island (Super Mario World). The stage is too small, and the only real way to KO someone is by up smashing or using a meteor attack. -The Great Cave Offensive (Kirby Super Star). You probably know why if you have fought there.
  5. Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's most ambitious game in years. Not only is it a new Zelda, but it's massive and it breaks away from the conventions that made Zelda what it is today, and for that reason this title has huge promise.
  6. Source: http://www.nintendo.com/whatsnew/detail/new-pokemon-games-on-the-wii-u-virtual-console-service As a huge fan of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, I'm super excited to get to play all of these again on the Wii U. I believe Europe already has these three games, too. I'm also excited to see what Pokemon games come to Virtual Console next. Maybe we'll get Silver, Gold, and Crystal on the 3DS?
  7. Okay, we're about a week away from E3, so I guess it's time to make the discussion topics! This topic will be focused on Nintendo's Treehouse event which will be streaming throughout the week starting on Tuesday, June 14th at 9 AM PST/12 PM EST! You guys can make your predictions/guesses of what might happen here and your reactions of what happens! Nintendo Website: http://e3.nintendo.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nintendo E3 Conference Time Conversion
  8. Nintendo has shipped 12.6 million Wii U's. Nintendo has sold 57.94 million Nintendo 3DS'. Sold under 4 million last year. Nintendo has sold 101.63 million Wii's. Appears to be discontinued worldwide now.
  9. Rumour has it that Mother 3 is finally coming to the west. It'd be surprising if it didn't at this point especially after Nintendo even went to the effort of bringing Earthbound Beginnings over 26 years after it came out, and because Earthbound was a big success on the Wii U VC. If rumours/reports are to be believed then it is Nintendo of Europe working on the translation, which doesn't surprise me one bit because the folks over in the Treehouse are a joke. This year will be the 10th anniversary of Mother 3's release and the game is already out on the Japanese eShop for Wii U. I know I'm not the only person on here who would very much welcome the release of Mother 3, but for now we continue to wait. Source
  10. Hey everyone! So since Super Mario Maker's release on Friday I figured it'd be good to have a thread based on. Here we will discuss and have talk about/joke about Mario Maker, the community maps, play each others levels for fun and share and stuff. What is Super Mario Maker? Super Mario Maker is a game where you design your very own Mario levels. You can use layouts from the different games (like Super Mario Wii U or the original Super Mario) and you can use all the items in the games to design your levels. You can share them online and play other peoples levels as well. You can do much more too like complete challenges and such. You can also show off your levels here and feel free to say whatever about the levels in the game! Note: If you are going to comment in a negative way about someone else's levels here, try not to be offensive. Like don't say stuff like "omg that level sucks and you suck". You can give criticism if you want, which is totally fine.
  11. As the title says, which is the best wii u bundle?
  12. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A REVIEW!!!! I REALLY want to get bayonetta 2. and i would have got it by now if there werent other games that would be more fun to me. but bayonetta 2 is something that i believe should really be supported. i heard this from a guy on youtube (adam koralik) but i agree completly. this is basically what he said. not only is bayonetta 2 a third party exclusive for the wii u, but its also something that people no longer see very often in gaming and should be supported as opposed to fading into obscurity. the reason bayonetta 2 is special, is not only is it a third party wii u exclusive, but its a unique experience thats fresh and an actually new and good experience (unlike the rehashes from many other major third parties and the game is getting AMAZING reviews), bayonetta 2 is not trying to pull any bullcrap that people wont like (things like drm), and IT COMES WITH 2 GAMES IN ONE!!!! (BOTH BAYONETTA GAMES!!!!) if bayonetta 2 fails, then this great thing will fade into obscurity and we wont get another thing like this. thats basically what he said. i agree with him. but unfortunatly there were other games on my priority list to get that i thought i would have more fun with (i play games to have fun) but i really hope to eventually (hopefully soon when the money is right) get bayonetta 2 and support everything that it is. what are your thoughts? im curious.
  13. Source: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/10/nintendo_uk_executive_says_wii_u_has_had_quite_a_good_year_so_far I'm really happy to hear that people are warming up to the Wii U now, and that sales have been increasing. Can't wait to see what Smash Bros does with the console's sales! Congratulations, Nintendo!
  14. Hey guys! Since I am already getting bored with Super Smash Bros since I want to play with people I know, I decided to actually push for the idea of a tournament. It'll be similar to my old Pokémon tournaments if I make it. Remember, I don't need to make it, if someone else wants to make it I will support you to make it! So whaddya say, would you like to see a SSB4 tournament on this site or not? Please answer the polls above! Any recommendations will be great! I want the community to enjoy it, so please if you have any great ideas please let me know. Also know I can be able to make the tournament anytime (as long as I am not busy which is rare or in school which is obviously mandatory). My Thursday is a half day in school and Friday I get out really early so I can definitely make the thread before the weekend so don't feel like you want to give me time since it takes like an hour to make these tournaments and its not difficult at all.
  15. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/10/wed_be_cheating_fans_by_bringing_assassins_creed_unity_to_wii_u_says_ubisoft I don't care about Assassin's Creed, but the title caught my attention. Looks like Ubisoft is continuing to ignore the Wii U and coming up with made up excuses to make themselves not look bad. Considering the other recent comments they've made about the Wii U, I bet they're still whining about whatever it is that made them hate it in the first place.
  16. Well, following hot on the heels of such masterpieces as The Letter, IQ Test, and Spikey Walls... http://youtu.be/SoGTTzs2PLg This. THIS. Will be coming to the Wii U eShop... This is just... Why...? When will indie devs learn that the eShop isn't freaking Google Play? This isn't the type of game that you'd see on a dedicated console by the company that revived the whole freaking game industry years ago. This crap needs to end soon, before the eShop becomes plagued with these "games." Source: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/09/meme_run_is_coming_to_troll_your_wii_u_very_soon
  17. Basically a shortened version of the UK trailer for the US. Once again, it's all about the games.
  18. This is from a recent interview with Edge Magazine. Basically, Miyamoto isn't a fan of the Casual Gaming Market and would much rather stick to Core Gamers in where he can make less games that are the equivalent of a lousy smartphone game. Source: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/miyamoto-nintendo-is-focused-on-core-gamers-not-passive-ones#.U_4Ya8EpDQ8
  19. Would anyone be interested in having a tournament for MK8 over the weekend? I wanted to do one over Summer, but never had the time to do it, so I figured now seemed like a good chance. If enough people want to do one, I'll set one up to start on Saturday.
  20. OK, before I get attacked, just hear me out. The Wii U for starters has a pretty strong library of games. It has Super Mario 3d land,Hyrule Warriors,WW HD, Pikmin 3, Game and Wario, and so on and so forth. It's lineup of games is even better in my opinion with games like Bayonetta 2,Smash Bros. Wii U,Splatoon,Mario Maker, and Yoshis wooly world. As for the Xbox One, it shares every next gen exclusive game(besides the ones from sony owned developers) with the PS4, and then some. It has project spark,Halo Master Chief collection,Sunset Overdrive, and a plethora of other exclusives. The PS4 mostly just has games that are also on PC,Xbox One, and last gen with the exception of knack,infamous,and killzone which are games that don't interest me very much. But thats just my opinion
  21. It almost looks like the Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man. The pic was taken during Gamescom and apparently it was handed out to people.
  22. It's mostly running several E3 trailers together, but it's a better way to market the system. I dun care about the consoles memory, or frame speed, I care about the games and it's about time someone realizes that's what gamers tend to care about.
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