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So, Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus... this is gonna be good. For the final game in the Future saga, will it be concluded in the biggest way possible? Well to answer that question, no and yes. I mean, it's not A Crack in Time levels of "HOLY S***!", but there's certainly something. Story: Ratchet and Clank go and check up on Vendra Prog before she is hauled off to prison. As this is happening, her brother, Neftin Prog, breaks into the facility with the Thugs-4-Less crew. During this ordeal, the ship's gravity screws up, and Ratchet has to fix it. As he reaches the Progs, they blow up the facility, and Cronk and Zephyr die. As Ratchet and Clank drift into space, Neftin's ship tries to ram them in. As they sneak into the ship, they get stranded on an unfamiliar planet. They then find out about a group of supernatural beings called the Nethers, and they are connected to the true villain of the story, Mr. Eye(thing looks like something out of Soul Eater BTW). If Mr. Eye absorbs all of the Nethers, basically the whole universe is f***ed. I like the story, but I felt that it was too short for what it was doing. If it was about 15 hours, it could have been a lot more epic. Music: To be honest, I can't really critique the music since I barely heard it throughout the game, but when I did... holy crap, is it good! Graphics:The game's visuals are amazing. The game looks on par with visuals on the PS4. Seriously, the game looks like it was made on the friggin Luminous Engine. Everything feels vibrant and alive, and it nails the atmosphere on all the planets in this game. Then again, this is Insomniac Games we are talking about, they nail this every time. Gameplay: For those who don't know, RnC is a shooter-platformer hybrid with unique weapons that you would never see in another game(Groovitron, anyone?). You also travel to many different worlds working on defeating the main villain, kinda like Kingdom Hearts with guns(Fun Fact, they came out the same year).That same principle holds true for Into the Nexus. Now, before I explain the good parts, let me explain the bad,since there isn't much of it. First off, it is too easy, even on the highest difficulty. Secondly, like I said before, the game is really short. It's only about 4 hours long, and there are only 5 worlds in the game. Finally,, there is an under usage of the new Gravity technique. It looks and feels gratifying to go through multiple layers of physics-defying platforms at a ridiculous speed. Anyway, time for the good. The platforming feels extremely tight, and the weapons are as awesome as ever. In some ways, it is even better.The bosses are excellent,especially the final boss. As usual, in a sort of sidequest, you find schematics for a super weapon, a weapon that transcends all, a weapon too awesome for the universe to handle! The RYNO!!! Once you get the RYNO, you pretty much won the game. Final Verdict: Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus is a great game. It's amazing how long this series has gone on and still retaining that certain spark.There are a few hiccups here and there, but it's a lot of fun for $20. Score:8.5/10