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  1. Before I get started here: This is not like the other rant threads that have come up on here. No, not at all. Instead... I'm going to address the complaints people are making about the presentation. In other words, I guess this is a counter to the rants that other people have brought up. So, I guess I'll start... If I'm lucky, I'll make it out of this with at least two of my limbs attached. Okay, so we're all familiar with the recent Smash news. Corrin is the final character chosen by Sakurai himself, and Bayonetta is the ballot winner. I don't need to go further than that. I'm also sure that we're all aware of the... negative responses that have been made as a result of this news. People stating that the ballot was rigged so Bayonetta would win. People complaining about Corrin being yet another Fire Emblem character, with some people even stating that he'll be another Marth clone, something that's absolutely ridiculous if you watch the actual trailer. People are complaining about how Ridley, K. Rool, Shantae, Sora, and others didn't make it into Smash. If anything, they're acting like they deserve to have their vote be the winning one. Well... surprise, but that's not how this works. The ballot wasn't an "anything goes" type of event. As Sakurai even stated in this presentation, he had to stick to requests that were reasonable. In other words, characters he could get the rights to include. All sorts of other factors likely played into this, too. I'm also sure that he wanted to choose a character who he felt he could give an interesting moveset. In the end, Bayonetta was the best choice, and one who he could get the rights to include. It was never stated from the beginning that a lot of characters would be included. This was a very special event, and everyone should have understood that their character might not make it in. However, this isn't an excuse to act like an immature child just because your character didn't make it. Acting mature about it is the proper way to go. Complaining about what you don't get isn't going to help anywhere, it just comes off as immature, and honestly, a little selfish. Now, I'm sure that I'll get something like this: "Easy for you to say, you probably got a character you really wanted as DLC!" Ha, no. None of my top choices for newcomers made it. However, this doesn't mean I'll write off these new characters simply for not being the one I voted for. Both Corrin and Bayonetta look like fantastic additions to Smash's character selection. In fact, on that subject, let's take a look at the characters: There are 58 playable fighters in total. There's an incredible amount of diversity in the lineup, and there's a character for everyone. If you're complaining about one more character not being added to this roster (Which, I'll add, isn't half-filled with clones), that's kind of sad. I mean, sure, you might be a little upset about the character not being included. Would I have liked to see my vote be the one to make it in? Of course I would. However, that doesn't mean you can go up in arms and act like it's a crime that your vote didn't make it. Honestly, Sakurai pours his heart into these games. He spends a lot of time working on new characters and trying to find what he believes would be best for the series. In the end, all he gets are complaints from "fans" who can't stand to have anything not go their way. It's absolutely pathetic, and it sickens me to see so many people treat a dedicated and loving developer like complete trash. So what if you didn't get who you wanted? That's no excuse to belittle the work of Sakurai. I honestly can't think of a developer as devoted to their career as he is, and in the end, so few people actually appreciate what he does. It's really sad to see people ignore these new characters' merits and view them as bad simply because they're not K. Rool, Sora, or others. It's really immature to blame Sakurai as though he's done something wrong. You don't like these characters? Guess what? They're optional DLC, there's no need to buy them. Don't ruin it for those of us who are excited to see Sakurai take an unexpected turn with his series.
  2. It's easy to say that you don't like something, and almost as easy to say why you don't like it. So let's do something harder and talk about what we would do differently if we were magically in charge of what went into KH games. (Partly because of the poll where like half of everyone hated on Re:Coded, partly because I want an excuse to talk about BBS.) One thing that's really been bugging me playing BBSFM is how every world feels so short and featureless (I can barely tell the difference between Enchanted Dominion and Dwarf Woodlands, for example). There's so little that actually gets accomplished outside of Radiant Garden that you could easily just drop any of the Disney worlds and the story wouldn't be affected in any way. So I would have a lot fewer worlds in general- basically, cut out half the worlds (no Neverland, no Deep Space, no Olympus Coliseum, no Mysterious Tower, maybe keep Disney Town as a mini-game world, like 100 Acre Wood). Focus on the worlds that the Princesses of Heart come from- Enchanted Dominion, Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands, Radiant Garden- and Land of Departure and Keyblade Graveyard at the beginning and end, respectively. Expand on each of those worlds and make each playable character's segments unique and never overlap. The worlds would feel a lot more memorable if TAV each experienced them differently rather than just at different times (Ventus going through Castle of Dreams at mouse size is a good example of that). Related to that: make Land of Departure an actual beginning tutorial world. Remember how in KH1 and 2, you'd start in Destiny Islands or Twilight Town and run around learning the controls and just messing around for a while? Not only were both of those worlds good tutorials (and they both had huge cool boss battles), they gave time to actually connect with the characters you're meeting for the first time. We get a feel for Sora, Riku and Kairi and how they get along with each other and spend their time before being tossed into the outside world. We get a feel for how lonely Roxas is and how his world slowly crumbles around him for reasons he doesn't understand. In BBS, all we get is a basic control tutorial and a handful of short cutscenes. Can you imagine of KH1/2 did that? If everything on Destiny Islands is just a few cutscenes and you actually get to start playing in Traverse Town? Or if all of Roxas' segments were cutscenes and you just start the game as Sora? It'd be awful, I'd have no reason to give a shit about any of the related characters. I don't know them at all, why should I care what happens to them in their journey? That's arguably the biggest problem I have with BBS- the game did a piss poor job introducing these apparently integral characters to the series. I don't care about any of these assholes and their stupid story, I don't know who they are. So enough ranting on my end, let's hear you rant about your choice. (If you just say something like "I'd make it not suck!" or "I'd never make it in the first place lol!", you have an ugly soul and an even uglier sense of humor.)
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