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Found 6 results

  1. I've thought I'm going to show how I actually draw Basically I show some steps But I'm saying it again I'm not good at coloring....sadly ;-; BUT I'LL NEVER GIVE UP ...probably (lol) I'll give now a Tipp: THE CIRCLES ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS! I'm always drawing like a kid Yes I flipped the pic cuz I realized Riku is wilding his keyblade with his right hand my bad m(_ _)m Final sketch and I even signed it |( ̄3 ̄)| If I'm wrong with the eye color than I'm so not sorry cuz I think green eyes looks better than blue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Adding some shades and lights ugh ( ̄Д ̄) I forget his stomach lel I don't wanted to draw some huge pants cuz idk Riku is riku u know? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) His keyblade took more time than anything else I SWEAR!! Drawing his regular shoes was a little idk but I think it looks better like that I drew it after I played 0.2 Imagining how Riku and Mickey would fight together ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ TBH Mickey WILL probably be the best healer ever Definitely better than Donald ever was (゚ω゚) (Sorry Donald but you're trash
  2. axel9546

    Video Kairi

    Hi guys!! Hope u like it
  3. Hey guys, Cloudmighty here! It's done! The entire walkthrough has now been completed! 100s of hours (most of those hours were me failing - terribly) of work and practice! If this only helps one person, it was worth all the effort. If you have any questions about anything, ask here or in the YouTube comments, I will be happy to answer! Here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXDIYgb3uSgalI3eyTgc5NV-wEMLMeKvH Thank you!
  4. I just defeated the "Superboss" in this game, the cosmic Malboro who is on the final floor. It took about 3 hours to clear the whole tower; here's some tips for those that want to attempt it -You must be level 99, no questions asked - Use Rem since she has the best magic cancel in the game - You're going to be using spells the whole time so make sure they are decently leveled - Have Tornado and Meteor and Boost II - SP Helm (70,000 SPP Reward) is very useful since it has freecast built in which allows you to spam spells without worrying about MP - Anima Lanterns or Phoenix Pinions are a must here, they both grant Reraise and they must be placed on shortcut at all times. Anima Lanterns can be farmed from Tonberries and you even get some after clearing floor 1 on the tower - Equip Avoid Magic - Don't bother using more than 1 character, they AI in this game is too stupid to know what to do and it usually just ends up killing your party members Floor Strategies: Floor 1 (100 Tonberries): Have Fire Bomb II or Blizard Bomb II on shortcut and spam it. The tonberries will flinch and take damage over time. Always use Anima Lantern or Pinion if you die since the Tonberries 1 shot you here. Also very important: EQUIP RIBBON!! The Tonberries here cast stop which freezes you in place and gets you 1 shotted afterwards. Ribbon protects against this Floor 2 (100 Ceourls): Possibly the 2nd hardest floor to clear. These guys are relentless especially later because they spawn 3 at a time. They cast "Blaster" which shoots balls of lighting at you that 1 shot you and they also 1 shot you if they use their electric attack. Strategy: Spam Fire RF on the Ceourls and Meteor on the Blaster Orbs. Keep dodging when they get near you and you'll get the timing right with practice Floor 3 (100 Glasya Labolas): These guys aren't that difficult. Spam Fire Bomb II or Blizzard Bomb II and watch out for their clap attack since that can one shot you. They start spawning 3 at a time during 70+ kills so watch out for that Floor 4 (100 Mushussu): Not too bad here. These guys stand still unless they wake up 3 times which will then cause them to enrage and move around crazily; you don't want this. The strategy here is to spam Tornado while moving around to dodge their sludge attacks. Later on they will appear 2 and 3 at a time which can be challenging. Once they come at you with 3 i recommend standing far away and casting tornado on the farthest one to the right or left to avoid waking up the other ones. If you do end up getting enrage then don't panic; cast tornado and hope you don't get hit. If you do get hit reapply Reraise status. This was the second longest floor on the tower (30 minutes) Floor 5 (100 Behemoth Kings): The longest floor on the tower so be prepared. It took me 45 minutes to clear this. Behemoth Kings will spawn once at a time until 50+ kills which then spawn 2. Strategy here is to cast Boost II for invisibility and then cast tornado twice on the Behemoth King. After casting Tornado twice wait for Invis to run out and reapply then repeat casting tornado twice. If you feel confident enough you can cast tornado 3 times but be warned, this only gives you 2 seconds to reapply invis before the behemoths spot you and lunge Final Floor (Cosmic Malboro Final Boss): Cast Boost II for invis and spam meteor. Congrats, you just cleared the Hardest Dungeon in the game! You get the proof of agito which gives you all buffs and damage boosts. You can only get this once and you can use it to re-enter the tower again if you choose
  5. Hey guys, Cynical Here! Just thought I'd help anyone out who is trying to get the Ultima Weapon over the Christmas break! Here's my guide that I just released today!
  6. First, let me clarify that I consider the beginning of the KH games to be everything before the point when you can freely travel between worlds. Some of my thoughts: Opening/Cutscenes For the "Summary Music Video" I honestly would love a 6min+ song with lyrics and a video highlighting moments from every KH game except KH3. Then, after you beat the game you unlock a longer version including highlights of KH3. Of course it would be hard to make a good song that long but it's possible. For Cutscenes, I wouldn't mind some long ones in the beginning as long as they're spaced out and there is at least twice as much gameplay for every cutscene. Tutorials/Easy part Most people(including myself) would like Kairi and Lea to be playable for when we are being taught the controls. I think a flashback sequence where we play as young Eraqus and Xehanort would be good to go along with that teaser shown earlier. Even before all that we could possibly be set into the shoes of an entirely new original character(maybe an acquaintance of someone in the old or new Org XIII) so that we get that same sense of wonder as we did playing as Roxas in KH2. Also, I wouldn't mind there being a big gap before we first play as Sora. As the beginning of the game will have less battles, they should have characters speaking important dialogue while your controlling a character in order to cut down on cutscenes. What do you guys think? Should the opening song be super short? Should we get to play as Sora right at the start? Should sea salt ice cream replace potions? Give me any of your thoughts on this.
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