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Chapter 1Hello baby!! this is me you're host, Milky, and welcome to the first truth or dare! thank you all for the lovely comments and the lovely dares to the cast. can i get more truths next time ok thanks!Sora: So these dares...Milky: Yes these dares are great ways to tor- i mean for you guys to have fun. won't this be great?Jellal: *in a bored voice* yay.Milky: SO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! WITH AnonymousAK from Fairy Tail WikiDare Natsu to bitch slap Erza.Lisanna gets in her Cat takeover, and Lucy dresses up like a cat. and then engage in a CATFIGHT!!!Milky: That's his/her words.Natsu: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i do that i will get killed.Milky: Well you can skip it-Natsu: YES!Milky: But..Tiz: But what?Milky: If you choose not to do the dare, then you will have to go into the room.Ringabel: What room? and what are the ladies there like?Edea: Shut up Ringabel.Milky: Ringabel, how did you know about the fanboys fangirls and haters rooms?Ringabel: Say what?Milky: Yes, the room is filled with all of your fangirls and haters.Jellal: I have fans? I've always known i have haters, but fangirls??!!!!Milky: Yes, EVERYONE HAS FANS AND EVERYONE HAS HATERS!!!!Riku: If there is a dare i have to do, i do the dare i will not face my fan boys girls haters whatever!Milky: So Natsu, what will it?Natsu: uhhh Oh!!!!! the dare.Milky: Good luck!Natsu: *Walks over to Erza* Erza?Erza: Yes?Natsu: *Slaps Erza on the face*Erza: Natsu!!!!!!!!!!!Natsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Milky: Well they seem busy. Let's move on, Lucy get into that cat costume, Lisanna get in your cat take over now, and engage in a cat fight!Lucy and Lisanna: Your enjoying this too much.Milky: Maybe.Lucy: *dresses up in the cat outfit*Lisanna: *Transforms to a cat*Lucy: Now what?Milky: Now what? NOW WHAT??!!! Now you two are to engage to a CAT FIGHT!!!! Meow.Cana: Place your bets on the winner!Milky: Wait Cana?!! when did- oh forget it.Lucy and Lisanna: *Starts scratching each other*Agnes: So that is a cat fight, I always wonder why they call it a cat fight.Edea: You really don't know much, do you?Ringabel: Well Agnes, The reason they call it a cat fight is because-Edea: That's enough out of you, Ringabel.Tiz: So, who do you think will win?Ringabel: Both are lovely ladies, i will root for them both.Edea: And there is the Ringabel we all know and love.Sora: I think Lucy will win.Riku: Are you kidding? Lisanna will win.Kairi: Is it ok to say it will be a tie?Happy: Aye i think it will be tie too.Frosch: Fro agrees.Jellal: It will be a tie both girls will pass out from too much fighting.Meredy: No way, Lisanna will win!Wendy: I think Lucy san will win. I'm sorry Lisanna!Gray: i don't know who to root for.Cana: Have you decided the winner?Everyone: Yes!Milky: well let's who will win!*One hour later**Lucy and Lisanna both pass out*Milky: AND IT'S A TIE!!!!!!!!!Jellal: I knew it.Kairi: I know.Happy: Aye.Frosch: Fro thinks so too.Milky: Now let's move on with *Sighs* Real Godisme from Fairy Tail WikiI dare you to leave the wiki foreverMilky: Agnes can you say it please.Agnes: Unacceptable.Milky: Thank you. now go make out with Tiz.Tiz and Agnes * Starts blushing*Milky: hehehehe! MOVING ON WITH Tom13 from KH13I dare Natsu to seduce Sora, and make out with him even if he doesn't want to. And I dare Erza to kiss Riku like a boss.Natsu: *Comes back beaten up*Milky: Erza beaten you up reallllllllll good huh?Natsu: Shut up. at least i can't do the dare!Milky: Wrong! Agnes if you mind.Agnes: Sure. Curada!Natsu: Hey i'm healed are you some sort of witch?Milky: No Agnes is just the Vestal of Wind (and Tiz's future wife)Tiz: What?Milky: Nothing! Natsu do the dare and Make out Sora!Natsu: Forget it! i'm taking the room! Milky: Are you sure?Natsu: Yes *Enters the room of all his fan boys girls and haters*Milky: 3 2 1Natsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wendy: Poor Natsu san.Carla: Well he decided on the room, nothing we could do.Wendy: I know. I don't want to enter that room, so i will do whatever dares they throw at me.Milky: Next dare, Erza kiss Riku.Riku: WHAT?!?!?!Erza: All right *Kissies Riku like a boss*Jellal: *Looks at Riku with an angry look*Erza: How was that?Milky: Good job, now we head to the last dare by an Anonymous user from Fairy Tail Wiki.Make Natsu make out with Sting, Laxus with Jellal, and Rogue with me xDFor girls, naaaah or just Wendy to bitch slapped Erza and Mira. )))Milky: That's itNatsu: *Comes back beaten up again and talks in a weakly voice* i am never doing that again.Milky: Well you have another dare.Natsu: I will do it...Milky: You have to make out with Sting :DNatsu: Fine...Milky: Linda get me Laxus Mira Sting and Rogue!!!Linda: Chao *k*Everyone: .....Milky: That is Linda, a chao and she is the reason i found all you guys.Edea: Found us? or kiddnaped us?Milky: But there is "somethings" wrong with her.Sora: and that is?Milky: First: she is very dumbLinda: Chao chao chao chao!!!! *Why won't this door open!!!!!*Agnes: *Unlocks the door*Linda: Chao chao * thank you*Milky: Second: whatever she touches will either burst into flames or explode.Gray: YOU SENT A LITTLE CHAO THAT COULD BLOW UP THE WHOLE CITY!!!!!Milky: Don't worry, if we hear that a town exploded or burst to flames that means Linda was there.Linda: Chao chao *I'm back*Milky: Ah you got them?Linda: uh huh! Chao chao chao *They are in this sack*Milky: Good job. *Opens the sack*Laxus: Where are we?Milky: Welcome to Truth or Dare!!Mira: Truth or Dare? sound like fun!Sting: Oh god.Frosch: Rogue!!Rogue: Frosch! there you are.Lecter: Where did you go?Frosch: Fro got lost, Fro went to Fairy Tail, Then Fro saw black, and now Fro is here!Milky: It was going to be just Team Natsu Gajeel Levy Juvia Jellal Meredy and the cats. But Linda caught both Frosch and Cana as well.Cana: So far, Natsu keeps getting beat up, Lucy and Lisanna had a cat fight, some jerk wanted Milky to leave forever, Erza Kissed that hot guy *points to Riku* Jellal was angry, and Milky here, sent a thing called a Chao named Linda to get you guys. oh and she can make anything explode if she touches it.Rogue we were in the sack and she touched it.*The sack burst to flames*Laxus: Luckly we were not in there anymore.Milky: Back to dare. Natsu make out Sting.Sting: WHAT??!!?!!?Natsu: Do it or go into the room. please don't go into the room!!Sting: Ok *Makes out with Natsu*Milky: Laxus you and Jellal are to do the sameLaxus: Great. *Makes out with Jellal*Milky: Rogue you are to make with the sender.Rogue: All right. *Makes out with the Anonymous user*Milky: Now Wendy, you are too bitch slap Erza and Mira or go into the room.Wendy: I will do the dare. *Walks up to Erza and Mira and slaps them on the face* I'm sorry!!! it was part of the dare!!Erza: It's ok Wendy. huh that must be why Natsu slapped me early, i was fool Wendy slap me again!Wendy: No.Milky: That is it for the first Truth or Dare. Please send more dares for the KH and BD cast they did nothing it was boring. KH and BD cast: We have been saved for today. Milky: and for next week i will have a guest here! this guest is good friend of mine. and i will have new guests every week and they will send there own dares won't this be fun?Everyone: Yay.Milky: Anyway see you all next week!!!
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- Truth or Dare
- Bravely Default
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Good day everyone, This is Milky here. an- ?: AHH what's going why's it so dark?!! ?: Ladies, don't worry, i am here for you. ?: Great, i think i hear another perv. ?: I thought i was at the Temple of Fire how did i get here? ?: FIRE TEMPLE??!!! TAKE THERE!!!!!! ?: Cool it Flame brain! ?: Are you two fighting? ?: Fro thinks so too. ?: Aye! QUIET!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!! now where was i? oh yes. Welcome to a fun game that you all know and love. TRUTH OR DARE!!! and this is not just the Kingdom Hearts cast, they are not alone. Sora: Wait they are other people besides us? Riku: I feel so sorry for them. Kairi: Who are they? MEET THE FAIRY TAIL CAST!!!!!!!!! Natsu: I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!! Lucy: Natsu please don't destroy the place. Gray: So, What are we doing here? Erza: Who knows. they said it will be fun. Wendy: Fun? Frosch: Fro thinks so too! Happy: Aye AND IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE BRAVELY DEFAULT CAST (well just four of them) Tiz: How did we get here? Agnes: I do not know. Ringabel: I don't know ether. but the ladies here are outstanding. Edea: Shut up Ringabel! NOW HERE ARE THE RULES: 1 YOU CAN SEND AS MANY TRUTHS OR DARES!!! (C'mon 3 truths? 3 dares? that's no fun now huh?) 2 YAOI AND YURI IS ACCEPTABLE!!!! (That's right you can make Sora Tiz and Natsu make out) 3 DARE SOMEONE TO KILL SOMEONE IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! (You can't dare Erza to kill Kairi) 4 DOING M RATED THINGS IS ACCEPTABLE!!! (You can have Sora Kairi Tiz and Agnes have a foursome) Natsu: NO WAY!!!!! I'M NOT MAKING OUT WITH A GUY!!!!!!!!! Tiz: Unacceptable. Agnes: That's my line! Riku: I said i feel sorry for them. Erza: Kill? I'm to kill someone? Lucy: NO!! NO KILLING!!! Ven: CANDY!!!!!!! Frosch Fro likes Candy too. Me: Frosch when did you get here? oh well Send in you're truths and dares in the comments down below. bye!! Is this allowed?
- 6 replies
- Truth or Dare
- Bravely Default
(and 2 more)
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