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Found 4 results

  1. Yeah I just, I just didn't want shinobi to be on the top of the list. So yeah. There is a point to this though. EVERYONE DISCUSS I for one think everything sucks, what do you all think?
  2. I just found this interesting "quiz" here that sorts out your favorite games in a list. http://slimedrippings.tumblr.com/gamefaqssort It took me nearly 10 mins to ge tthrough the whole thing. I only picked up games that I've played through atleast once. My top 10 are: (it gives you a much bigger list at the end btw) 1 - Final Fantasy VIII 2 - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Kingdom Hearts II 4 - Final Fantasy X 5 - Metal Gear Solid V 6 - Castlevania: SOTN 7 - Metal Gear Solid 3 8 - Metal Gear Solid 4 9 - Metal Gear Solid 2 10 - Metal Gear Solid
  3. We don't really do things like this in the forum too often, so I figured I'd throw this out there. Also because of the fact that I'm replaying 1FM right now. lol So, basically yeah: I'm gonna list my top 10 favorite Keyblades from Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. The rules are: there are no rules. I'm not gonna pick based on stats or effects or any of that nonsense because a) if that were the case, Ultima Weapon would obviously get the top spot, and that's boring and b) I'm picking the ones I like because of how they look, how they play for me, and just based off my experience using them while playing the game. Anyways, here they are: 10. Kingdom Key (I had to go with this solely on the fact that its the most iconic of not only his game, but in every other Kingdom Hearts game as well. Still, it's obviously super bland compared to the others on this list, so it gets the last spot.) 9. Lady Luck (I never used this quite often, but whenever I was going through certain battles where I needed a ton of magic, I looked to Lady Luck to guide me, which is probably why it takes you so long to get it even though you can find it in the second world you visit.) 8. Fairy Harp (Despite its super short reach, I can still pull off a lot of damage with this one. Though, its not too often that I do; its usually just when I feel like pulling off a bunch of criticals.) 7. Three Wishes (I like this one mostly because of the coloring and design. It's vibrant, and it really shows that its a weapon inspired by Agrabah.) 6. Crabclaw (I have fond memories of using this sleek, bright blue weapon with the crab as the teeth in the dark, gloomy Halloween Town right after I got it. Good times. I always just found it slightly hilarious to be using a weapon like that in a world like that.) 5. Lionheart (The teeth and keychain look like lion heads. 'Nuff said.) 4. Jungle King (The first Keyblade you get in the game sans the Kingdom Key. I always find it satisfying to receive this after I clear Deep Jungle. With its thrown together yet well crafted design, I feel like the king of the apes when I whip this bad boy out.) 3. Pumpkinhead (The most metal looking weapon in the entire game, complete with gothic black designs and a nice little jack-o-latern at the end for a keychain. Just using it makes you feel like you're gonna rain down Hell on earth.) 2. Divine Rose (While somewhat girly in design, it's still effective, and I can always rely on it for most of the harder stuff I have to do later on in the game. Plus I find it funny that I get to smack people around with a rosebud.) 1. Olympia (Easily my favorite due to its raw power and awesome design. It's also one of the more bulky blades in the entire game, so I feel like a beast when I swing it around and kick the crap out of enemies.) Feel free to leave your own top 10 lists below.
  4. Rules: -Pixar movies allowed -Also non-animated Disney movies allowed (remember though, enviroment must be interesting to play in) -No Marvel or Starwars worlds (I estimate the chance of Disney actually allowing Square Enix to proces these franchises around 0.0001%) -Your motivation behind your picks is fun to share but it is not obligatory -Picks must be based on: Enviroment (enjoyable) Originality Characters (npc's, allies, bosses) Probability (keep it real) Here's a list of Disney Movies to help you get started: http://www.disneymovieslist.com/disney-movies.asp And a list of all previous KH worlds: http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Worlds_in_the_Kingdom_Hearts_series My top 5: 5. Wreck-It-Ralph An excellent world for minigames! I love Hudred Acre Wood but I'm getting a bit tired of those far-fetched Pooh games. 4. Treasure Planet Very vivid enviroment, one of my favourite Disney movies. Has many places to visit and is very original. 3. Land of Departure After converting Castle Oblivion, we might restore this world. The world needs to be somewhat larger than it was in Birth by Sleep in order to keep interesting. Perhaps put something like the cave of remembrance in it, making it possible to fight against Remnants. Or maybe make it a meeting place for online gameplay. 2. Tangled/Frozen I put these two together because they were animated the exact same way so it's not very probable that both of them will make an appearance in KH3. Both of them have beautiful enviroments, and though I liked the movie Tangled better, I think Frozen will be just a bit more playable (Sora fighting Elsa's icegiant, sleighing down the hills or ...building a snowman I dunno). 1. High School Musical (lol jk scroll further :ph34r: ) 1. Fantasia 2000 People who have seen this movie will agree, Sora vs. Firebird would be AWESOME! I loved fighting Chernabog and he proved to be an epic boss. So epic that he made his return in Dream Drop Distance. I haven't played KH 3D yet, but the Fantasia world is one of the main things that really makes me want to! Also, the music in the KH franchise has always been of superb quality, so picking the sequal of the most musical Disney movie ever made would be a very good choice!
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