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  1. With The World Ends with You getting a remaster for the Nintendo Switch later this year, a recent Tweet has started a discussion on whether Dream Drop Distance spoils The World Ends with You or not. Here are my thoughts on it.
  2. Tagline: "...Our battle is over...but the war...has only just begun." Synopsis: Three and a half years have passed since the events of KINGDOM HEARTS III, in which Sora, aided by his fellow Guardians of Light had defeated both Master Xehanort and his Organization XIII comprised of various incarnations of himself and now, the Worlds are at peace, however...that does not mean that peace lasts forever, for now a both strange and mysterious new threat is attacking the universe and it is up to both Sora and friends to stop it, along the way they meet both old and new friends alike, exploring various and vast new Worlds unlike which they have ever seen beforehand, mastering new spells and abilities and also for Sora, gaining new Keyblades to fight with, as Sora begins this new adventure of his, he soon discovers that this new threat that is trying to destroy the galaxy is related in more ways then one to the legendary Keyblade War, of which Xehanort was trying to restart and had ultimately failed to do so, thanks to Sora and the others' efforts, at any rate, this new threat may very well be trying to get its hands on the one true χ-Blade, in order to unlock the mysteries of its counterpart, the one true Kingdom Hearts, to in turn become a god above both everything and everyone...in an attempt to stop this evil menace, Sora travels with both Donald Duck and Goofy once more to find out more about the enemy that they are currently facing whilst both Riku and King Mickey Mouse don the Black Coats of Organization XIII once more and travel across the Worlds through the Corridors of Darkness, attempting their own investigation into matters from their side, meanwhile, Master Yen Sid has both Kairi and Lea undertake the Mark of Mastery Exam, in the hopes that just like Sora and Riku beforehand will the two master new powers to combat this new threat, aiding in the training of the two are Merlin and the three good fairies, as requested their help by Yen Sid, in the meantime, Maleficent and Pete are up to their no good tricks again and are attempting to reassemble the council of Disney villains from the original KINGDOM Hearts to further their own goals of universal domination, Ventus, Terra and Aqua are on standby at the newly restored Land of Departure until given further orders by the revived Master Eraqus, Roxas, Axel, Xion and Namine are also on standby with Pence, Hayner and Olette in Twilight Town at the old mansion, finally, the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee, along with the somebodies of Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and the redeemed Isa, as well, as Ansem the Wise, having been restored to the wise sage and ruler of Radiant Garden are currently looking into matters regarding research on this new foe that everyone is now faced with... This new foe is said to be just about, as dangerous, as Xehanort was...maybe, even more so...aided by four henchmen, this new enemy and his servants don white versions of Organization XIII's Black Coats and all together call themselves the "Illuminati", the Illuminati lead creatures that feed off positive energy and vibes that they refer to, as the "Versed", said to be the exact opposites of the Unversed themselves, the Versed are easily identified by having the very same symbol, as the Unversed do upon their bodies, the only difference being that the colour for the Versed is white instead of the Unversed's black, a possible hint into the identity of who these new enemies are, namely their leader, as he bares a Unversed symbol zipper on his white coat, he calls himself "χ-Super" and under his white coat's hood, he is shown to wear a variation of Vanitas' helmet but with a large X across the helmet's face, whatever his intentions are currently unknown but he states that he will bring about what he calls the "Versus XIII" and whatever this means, most people tend to take it, as to him meaning that he is going to form another Organization XIII like Xehanort previously did in the past twice and is attempting to recreate the Keyblade War, now, on a mission to stop this possible raving lunatic, Sora and friends, old and new battle Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, Dream Eaters and these new Versed monsters across all of the realms a person can think of and finally, the story that began with Xehanort's ambition will end once and for all here, at least that is what is going through Sora's mind at the moment but still he ponders, is there more to this Versus XIII? what exactly does it mean? all will be explained... This is KINGDOM HEARTS IV-The free Role-Play for everyone where they can experiment on what life would be like after the events of the Xehanort/Dark Seeker Saga have ended, please share with me your opinions on the story before i continue making the Character Sheets and Rules.
  3. Here's some new and returning worlds, party members and summons on this list * symbol indicates new worlds and party members ==Confirmed== 1. Mount Olympus (Hercues) 2. Kingdom of Corona (Tangled)* 3. San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6)* 4. Twilight Town 5. Mysterious Tower ==Possible Worlds== 1. Radiant Garden 2. Land of the Dragons (Mulan II) 3. Port Royal (Dead Man's Chest/At World's End) 4. The Lost Empire (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)* 5. Space Port (Treasure Planet)* 6. Arendelle (Frozen)* 7. Enchanted Bayou (The Princess & the Frog)* 8. Groovy Jungle (The Jungle Book)* 9. Inca Empire (The Emperor's New Groove)* @Party Members 1. Rapunzel (Kingdom of Corona)* 2. Hiro Hamada (San Fransokyo)* 3. Mulan (Land of the Dragons) 4. Lightning Farron (Atlantis: The Lost Empire?)* 5. Jim Hawkins (Space Port)* 6. Elsa or Anna? (Arendelle)* 7. Captain Jack Sparrow (Port Royal) 8. Noctis (Enchanted Bayou)* 9. Mowgli (Groovy Jungle)* 10. mystery party member @Summons 1. Olaf* 2. Vanellope von Schweetz* 3. Bolt* 4. Chicken Little 5. Genie 6. Baymax*
  4. Do you think it's possible for a TWEWY world to appear as like, a bonus world in KH3? Having Neku actually be in your party rather than cutscenes, having bosses such as Sho and Hanekoma as bosses? And besides, in DDD, Neku DID say "See you in Shibuya...." What are your thoughts?
  5. Rhyme from TWEWY/ KH DDD at AiCon 2012 Dream Drop Distance Photoshoot~
  6. Rhyme from TWEWY/ KH DDD at AiCon 2012 Dream Drop Distance Photoshoot~
  7. Due to the inclusion of the world ends with you characters in KH3D, being the first non final fantasy, disney or original KH characters in the series, it got me thinking what other series i would like to see in the future if they chose to go this route. it's entirely possible for more series to join especially as we start to run out of Disney worlds.The way i see this going down is it could happen if Xehanort was to win the final the battle at the conclusion of KH3, splitting the worlds up again allowing for pixar films and other square franchises to be apart of the KH series from the games to follow. pretty sho' that is already a theory in itself. But i would love to see cameos of the likes of Ringabell and Edea from Bravely Default having there own little side story in Hollow Bastion. However, I understand people wanting to keep the series away from all that stuff, it's just a thought. What possible Square Enix characters would you like to see in future kingdom hearts games?
  8. I was just replaying Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and I beat Traverse Town the second time as both Riku and Sora and we know that in Sora's Story Neku says let's meet again in Shibuya but that got me thinking, would they remember Sora and Riku? I mean aren't they all the made up from Joshua's memory or something like that, as explained by him once you beat Traverse Town the first time as both Riku and Sora. And since they are part of a memory they shouldn't remember what happened right? Unless it's because they originally aren't from Traverse Town then that doesn't matter. This all takes place in the Dream Realm so the real Neku and everyone shouldn't remember them right, besides Joshua maybe? I don't know I just thought about this recently and thought about what would happen if they where all to meet up again.
  9. Sky has done it yet again! This is IMO a really good fan vid. And the song goes perfectly with it too! This is one of the best mash ups of KH and TWEWY I've seen yet. (Sorry, if you guys can't tell, I love SkyWardwing and Owl City. ^.^)[media=''] [/media]
  10. JTD95


    This is a digitized version of my previous fanmade drawing of Rhyme from The World Ends With You. I tried to draw it in a similar manner as official images of her to make it look like if this one was an official image as well. Rhyme is one of my favorites from the game, mainly because she's just so adorable!

    © Rhyme is copyrighted to Square Enix. Drawing by JTD95.

  11. Posted on July 24th, TWEWY is nearing their 7th anniversary and a special event has been announced for august 7th, apparently some sort of "preview" night. Quote can be found below: Seems interesting, what do you guys think?
  12. Just as the title says. Who is your fav. character, and why?Mine is Joshua, because he's the Composer, has a sarcastic streak, and speared Shibuya, and brought back the players.
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