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Found 2 results

  1. Master Xehanort Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Xemnas Young Xehanort Xigbar (Wields Unicornis Keyblade) Saix (Wields Anguis Keyblade) Luxord (Wields Leopardos Keyblade) Marluxia (Wields Vulpeus Keyblade) Terranort (Wields Ursus Keyblade) Ephemera Skuld Vanitas Xion (Wields End of Pain Keyblade) I suppose there’s inevitable questions in the way I have ordered the Seeker of Darkness. So, I’ll do my best to try and answer them. 1) Why do some of the Seekers have Foreteller keyblades? Surely they’d have keyblades of their own? Yes, that is a possibility, however, hear me out, the Keyblades of the Foretellers have the Eye of Darkness. Aside the foretellers, Xehanort and people who have closely worked with him or his incarnation (Vanitas/Riku) are only other characters with Keyblades that have the eye of Darkness. My theory is that Xehanort provides these Seekers with their respected Keyblades by using the Eye of Darkness to summon the Foreteller keyblades to them using his ancient Keyblade. After all, it is the initial reason why Braig joined Xehanort’s cause. He wanted a Keyblade of his own. And as far as Vanitas goes, he probably switched his Keyblade as the Foreteller Keyblade is inevitably stronger than the Keyblade that he currently posses. 2) Why is Marluxia in the list? To be a vessel for Xehanort, you don’t have to be willing to Xehanort’s cause to be a vessel. Sora was going to be a Seeker of Darkness at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3D before he was saved. In the Keyblade Graveyard, Terra tried to stop Master Xehanort from using his body as a vessel by deflecting it with his armour, but, it was too late. Plus, in recent interviews, Nomura has hinted that Marluxia is dabbling in The Kingdom of Coronia (as hinted by the nobodies that reside there). Nomura has also said in interviews that the Disney worlds are more linked to the overall narrative of Kingdom Hearts as opposed to being secluded to the movie's narrative. Maybe he's hunting down the King and Queen of Coronia because they have valuable information or has an interest in Rapunzel's healing powers (I digress, let me go back to my initial topic). 3) Why is Ephemera and Skuld members? They never existed during Xehanort's time? Well, there’s one of two hypothetical scenarios in which Ephemera and Skuld could end up being a seeker. Scenario 1 would be that these three may be simulations that enter the real world. In Re: Coded, Data Sora grew a heart when Donald and Goofy tried to protect him from Pete in digital Hollow Bastion. In Kingdom Hearts II, we see heartless invading Radiant Garden that came from Space Paranoids: proving that transference from the digital world to the real world is possible. Scenario 2 is that a version of Xehanort existed during the time of Kingdom Hearts X (presumably delving into the Unchained realm) and somehow transferred his heart to them in order to transform them into Seekers. 4) Why is Xion the final member? isn't she resting in Sora's heart? Yes, she is. However, my theory with Xion is that, during 358/2 Days, when Xemnas was modifying an unconscious Xion, Xemnas placed a fraction of his into her (hence Xion providing the message to tell Roxas to stop Xemnas gaining hearts before she fades). But then that begs the question, why is Sora not norted if Xion is resting in her? Simple: because only Xion mind and heart is in Sora, Xion's body was never a definitive body to begin with: she was a literal puppet. Riku sees Xion's body as Sora and Xigbar sees Xion's body as Ventus. Her synthetic body was the only element of her that never belonged to Sora. Her mind and heart were extensions of Sora's: her body was artificially created from Xion's mind and heart.
  2. It's just a thought that popped into my head. The Master Foreteller gathered six particular Keyblade Wielders, made them masters, and alongside the Master Foreteller: vowed to be the guardians of light hence their obsession with the Lux. One particular Keyblade Master was curious and wondered why there needed to be guardians of light when the worlds were full of light. He started to tamper with the darkness and eventually came to realise that there was an imbalance of light and darkness. Convinced that this particular student no longer fulfilled his duties as a Guardian of Light, the Master Foreteller decided to banish him from the Union, and eventually, the war between 7 lights vs 13 darkness's ensued.
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