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Found 12 results

  1. Smash Bros? Must be a heartless boss!
  2. Ok so after rewatching the direct I noticed something in the phrasing. When they were announcing the Smash ballot here are some things to take note of. As it was stated she was number 1 in Europe. They never mentioned anything about Japan or other regions. It was stated in North America she was in the top 5 ( which place specifically we don't know), but she was highly ranked even with characters from previous smash series (most likely wolf and snake) (This is the most important part so read well) it said "Among the negotiable and realizable characters, Beyonetta was the number 1 choice overall worldwide" For all the people who are upset about this it doesn't mean that she outright won the ballot, it just means out of all the top listing votes, she was the one they could get. Maybe sora was a top contender, but knowing how Disney operates is probably why he couldn't make it. (Thinks about the Kingdom hearts dissidia game that could have been). So who was the true winner on the Smash Ballot? The world may never know.
  3. Before I get started here: This is not like the other rant threads that have come up on here. No, not at all. Instead... I'm going to address the complaints people are making about the presentation. In other words, I guess this is a counter to the rants that other people have brought up. So, I guess I'll start... If I'm lucky, I'll make it out of this with at least two of my limbs attached. Okay, so we're all familiar with the recent Smash news. Corrin is the final character chosen by Sakurai himself, and Bayonetta is the ballot winner. I don't need to go further than that. I'm also sure that we're all aware of the... negative responses that have been made as a result of this news. People stating that the ballot was rigged so Bayonetta would win. People complaining about Corrin being yet another Fire Emblem character, with some people even stating that he'll be another Marth clone, something that's absolutely ridiculous if you watch the actual trailer. People are complaining about how Ridley, K. Rool, Shantae, Sora, and others didn't make it into Smash. If anything, they're acting like they deserve to have their vote be the winning one. Well... surprise, but that's not how this works. The ballot wasn't an "anything goes" type of event. As Sakurai even stated in this presentation, he had to stick to requests that were reasonable. In other words, characters he could get the rights to include. All sorts of other factors likely played into this, too. I'm also sure that he wanted to choose a character who he felt he could give an interesting moveset. In the end, Bayonetta was the best choice, and one who he could get the rights to include. It was never stated from the beginning that a lot of characters would be included. This was a very special event, and everyone should have understood that their character might not make it in. However, this isn't an excuse to act like an immature child just because your character didn't make it. Acting mature about it is the proper way to go. Complaining about what you don't get isn't going to help anywhere, it just comes off as immature, and honestly, a little selfish. Now, I'm sure that I'll get something like this: "Easy for you to say, you probably got a character you really wanted as DLC!" Ha, no. None of my top choices for newcomers made it. However, this doesn't mean I'll write off these new characters simply for not being the one I voted for. Both Corrin and Bayonetta look like fantastic additions to Smash's character selection. In fact, on that subject, let's take a look at the characters: There are 58 playable fighters in total. There's an incredible amount of diversity in the lineup, and there's a character for everyone. If you're complaining about one more character not being added to this roster (Which, I'll add, isn't half-filled with clones), that's kind of sad. I mean, sure, you might be a little upset about the character not being included. Would I have liked to see my vote be the one to make it in? Of course I would. However, that doesn't mean you can go up in arms and act like it's a crime that your vote didn't make it. Honestly, Sakurai pours his heart into these games. He spends a lot of time working on new characters and trying to find what he believes would be best for the series. In the end, all he gets are complaints from "fans" who can't stand to have anything not go their way. It's absolutely pathetic, and it sickens me to see so many people treat a dedicated and loving developer like complete trash. So what if you didn't get who you wanted? That's no excuse to belittle the work of Sakurai. I honestly can't think of a developer as devoted to their career as he is, and in the end, so few people actually appreciate what he does. It's really sad to see people ignore these new characters' merits and view them as bad simply because they're not K. Rool, Sora, or others. It's really immature to blame Sakurai as though he's done something wrong. You don't like these characters? Guess what? They're optional DLC, there's no need to buy them. Don't ruin it for those of us who are excited to see Sakurai take an unexpected turn with his series.
  4. Roy Ryu You can check out more information on stages, mii-outfits and such by watching the full event!
  5. Why is no one talking about this really great game by Nintendo!? There's a demo by the way, launched today right after the direct and can be played during the weekend. It's a nice little taste of what's to come in the next couple weeks. Also, preordering from gamestop nets you two codes for Mii Gunner costumes in Smash.
  6. Sakurai don't wanna make these games anymore. He is quoted saying Smash 4 might be his last game ever. Can't blame him. The pressure from these games and all the energy they take is crazy. The development stories I find interesting. Like Melee had a very short development time in order to keep up with the Gamecube's release. Brawl was never supposed to happen, and Nintendo had to convince him to even make it. A lot of this reminds me of Hideo Kojima who had struggles leaving Metal Gear Solid. He wanted to stop after MGS2 but he couldn't separate himself. MGS3 was a prequel to everything so fans demanded a continuation to the story because MGS2 was the latest entry into the story. Then came the depressing MGS4. Which Kojima was like "Fine, you want a new game? Here you go." Thankfully, MGS5 is coming out and Kojima actually is wanting to make that game. I think Sakurai will be able to walk away from Smash or development all together after what has happen and the way he is saying things. There is a chance that that can change but I don't think it will. I may be wrong. I don't think the Smash bros series will end if he leaves because they make mad money and Nintendo won't allow that to end. They would get someone else on the project. I think without Sakurai, Smash wouldn't be a good as would be if it was under him. Just something I find kinda interesting. Kojima and Sakurai are actually good friends BTW, whole reason Snake is in Brawl.
  7. Even though everyone is hyped for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, which hits store shelves next Friday (or midnight, Thursday night for those who are getting a midnight launch), it hasn't really overshadowed the fan-made Brawl mod that turns Brawl into a totally different game of its own, Project M. Project M 3.5 releases this Friday and is packed with plenty of new content. The trailer for 3.5 will be below: Finally, Project M will also have a PAL version for those of you in Europe waiting to get you hands on the mod. Unfortunately, there isn't a known release date for the PAL Project M (which means you'll probably have Smash Wii U at that point to not care about Project M).
  8. See the list here. Yes, that's Yoko you see. Also the composer of FFXIII.
  9. Around the 1:50 mark, the employee says Rayman is one of the newcomers, Source: http://mynintendonews.com/2014/08/01/nintendo-canada-employee-implies-rayman-is-playable-in-super-smash-bros-wii-u/
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