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  1. To be honest, i was sleeping and i had a dream about the ending of Samurai Jack, where Jack finally killed Aku and he was about to marry Ashi but in the end the tragedy unfolded and she had faded out from existence due to Aku no longer existing within the future where she was born, i was thinking about how Jack and Ashi were happy together and that i was their friend, enjoying their happiness alongside them and so now i thought to myself, i would like to make a Role-Play of Samurai Jack where Jack finally gets his happy ending after everything Aku put him through and that this would bring proper closure to the series fans love by seeing Jack get a happily ever after instead of the ending that he received at the end of season 5, this Role-Play will be entitled simply "The Samurai", The Samurai focuses on Jack now that he has returned to the past and because he no longer needs the identity of "Jack", he no longer calls himself that, thus the Role-Play is called The Samurai since Samurai Jack is now just simply The Samurai, the story of the Role-Play will involve Jack travelling throughout his era, across the entire world itself, trying to find a way to bring Ashi back to existence, as he does this, he is guided by the spirit of Ashi who encourages him at times to never, ever give up and that he will receive what he is looking for at the end of his quest: closure, also, the ghost of Aku haunts Jack, taunting him, trying to make him give up and appearing to him inside of his head, as a mental demon that tries to "shut Jack down", in other-words, attack his mind directly and force it into a death intended coma, know what i mean? its basically the angel and the devil scenario, the angel is Ashi and the devil is Aku, as Jack goes on this spiritual journey of his in his own time, he will meet eccentric figures that look like and act exactly like friends from the future he once knew, the Scotsman for example and he will also find himself facing new enemies, ones that somehow know about Jack's journey to the future and now his return to the past and are now trying to stop him from achieving his objectives, by killing him for reasons that will be revealed within the Role-Play itself, other answers that weren't revealed in the TV show will appear, like what is the true name of Samurai Jack, which will be revealed at the end of the Role-Play, Jack will discover that his return to the past has affected both everything and everyone and that by travelling the world, will he begin to understand just how much change has occurred, aliens have started popping up on Earth, people are seen using futuristic weapons and/or futuristic based versions of their current era weapons, as Jack finds himself facing all of these things, he must also encounter a menace that is, as deadly, as Aku was, maybe just even more so, this is the story of Samurai Jack, in his final "bonus" chapter, the theme of the Role-Play is "closure" and is meant to be about the end itself, of how life ends, either naturally or by some other cause and of where life goes once it dies, does it go to a afterlife? is there even a afterlife to begin with? or does life simply just fades away into oblivion once its physical form has died out? does the concept of reincarnation not exist at all? finally, we will see a final battle worthy of The Samurai, as he goes full force, plunging into battle, The Samurai known, as Jack, will at last seek closure at the both beginning and end of his journey, only in the true end, what will his closure turn out to be? this is the story, of, The Samurai... (Here is the Role-Play's story's beginning: " Tagline: "...The beginning...and the end..." Exactly an entire year has passed since Samurai Jack had finally killed his nemesis Aku in battle, returned to the past and was about to marry his fiancee Ashi but right at the very end, he lost her, fading out of existence due to Aku's erasure from the timeline, now, despite feeling terrible guilt at what he believes that he murdered his own beloved, Jack still believes in hope that there is the slight chance of restoring Ashi back to existence, having found many time portals that would have otherwise made him feel entirely hopeless and in despair had he not found them within the future, the basis that Jack forms inside his head is that just, as there were multiple time portals, there must be multiple ways to bring back Ashi, thus Jack sets out on a quest around the world, leaving behind both his motherland and his birthright to rule, to revive his one true love, however, knowing that no one will know him by the name of Jack, Jack decides to discard the identity of Jack and travel simply, as "The Samurai", as known to everyone that encounters him, Jack will meet counterparts to familiar faces that he once knew from the future and at the very same time, he will also encounter a all brand new enemy that seeks to disrupt his quest for closure, this new enemy appears in the form of 7 Oni like beings that calls themselves "The Seven Sins of Man" and very shockingly, they bare traits of Jack's deceased arch-nemesis: Aku! The Seven Sins of Man call themselves "The keepers of the peace" and that they preserve the time-space continuum, due to Jack returning to a past he never should have returned to and his destroying of Aku in this era when Aku still existed in the future, the remnants of Aku from the future have now traveled back to the point in time where he was finally killed and have taken Human more or less like forms, those remnants are what Jack sees before him: The Seven Sins of Man, although they are born from Aku, they proclaim that they only wish to preserve history, as they see it "In the correct way", emphasis being on the word "correct", although they share Aku's hatred of Jack, they show it more intensely and wish nothing more then to end his life both once...and for all time ever, past, present...and future alike altogether, they proclaim that Man is weak and thus, they show a desire to rule over all of Humanity itself, just like Aku before them, to further state their belief that they think Man is weak, they took their names from after The Seven Deadly Sins of Man in Japanese, proving to them that Man truly is weak and that each one of the Seven Sins they chose to pick a name after for themselves represents their personality and appearance the most, The Seven Sins of Man have powers beyond the likes that not even Aku himself knew of and are now hellbent on destroying Jack before "he can upset the time-stream any further", Jack must now deal with these new adversaries, all the while dealing with both a self proclaimed spirit of Ashi and a self proclaimed ghost of Aku, serving, as his both angel and devil respectively, as Jack makes choices on his journey of closure that he finds himself struggling to deal with, no longer wielding the magic Katana that he once used to kill Aku with, having left it back with his parents in his motherland, Jack uses instead a ordinary Katana to fight with and other all kinds of weapons he can find to fight with, learning that The Seven Sins of Man, unlike Aku, can be harmed by ordinary weapons, knowing that this may very well be his final journey into the unknown, Jack moves forward, never looking back, hoping that by not looking back, he will not doubt himself in his quest to find Ashi and to finally bring closure to his tormented soul that has endured all the suffering and damage that it has, his final battle awaits him...this, is the final story...of Samurai "Jack.". The Role-Play will have a "Logan" based feel and theme, as Jack goes on his journey of closure, although there will be comedy within the Role-Play, it is more that Jack solemnly faces his journey head onward, without thinking too much about the comedy itself and happy things, until he has revived Ashi, he at times thinks of nothing other then that, although his desire to help and save people remains the same, The Seven Sins of Man are based on The Deadly Six from Sonic the Hedgehog's Sonic Lost World but are far more menacing and dangerous, they are the primary antagonists of the Role-Play, working with other antagonists to see that Jack ultimately fails in his quest and that his results of altering the timeline by killing the current era's version of Aku are both "cleansed" and "purified", in other-words, total genocide of both everything and everyone connected in anyway whatsoever to Samurai Jack, their goal is not to revive Aku but are instead pieces of Aku himself, so they are basically the "Aku" altogether of the Role-Play, can't have Samurai Jack without Aku now can we? Jack travels across the whole globe, he visits places like Scotland for example, France and all other kinds of places during their early times in history, although he may have visited these places before during his childhood training in preparation to fight Aku later on, there may have been places that he had not fully explored beforehand and thus will find himself in all new, bizarre, frightening but also maybe wondrous situations, fighting huge creatures of extraordinary kinds, discovering ancient lost ruins of civilizations that may have existed long before Aku's take over of the future and finally, the key to restoring Ashi which is his primary motive for his journey throughout the Role-Play, you might want to watch the TV show or at least season 5 if you want to understand better the concept behind the Role-Play, this is meant to be the final "season 6" of Samurai Jack and it will provide an ending where we see Jack finally happy at last after all that he has gone throughout his entire life after Aku had entered it, that should be all for the basic concept behind the story, i'll now get to the Character Sheets and Rules.). Character Sheets: Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: History: Weapon: Sub Weapon: Alignment: (To show if you are acting on the side of Good but are Neutral at the very same time, put Neutral Good to show that you are a Good Character but are working on your own and are not aligned with anyone, like Samurai Jack for example, the options are Good, Neutral Good, Evil and Neutral Evil, the Good Characters are working with Jack whilst the Neutral Good are working on their own and might even oppose Jack on his journey but at the end of it all, when it comes down to it they would work together if they had to, same goes for both Evil and Neutral Evil Characters, either working with or are against The Seven Sins of Man but Evil all the same, know what i mean?). Nationality: (If you are a Human, whereabouts is your Character based from? is he like the Scotsman for example?). Species: (Human, Robot or Alien.). To show that you have read the Rules, please put down at the end of your Character Sheets all in capitals "JACK.". Rules: No Swearing above Age 15. No Romance above Age 12. No Godmodding. Please stay true to Samurai Jack mythos. This Role-Play takes place after the events of season 5 of the TV show, just in case so please don't create Characters that are from the future since that timeline has been altered, you can still create Characters like both Robots and Aliens that existed within the future only, since Jack has altered the time-stream and now all kinds of things and Characters are popping up everywhere. It is recommended that you watch the TV show or at least season 5 to know what is the story behind the Role-Play. You can have up to 3 Characters each, however, unless requested, Characters from the TV show like Ashi for example will be portrayed by me so please message me if you want to portray Characters from the show. The starting point for the Role-Play will be Scotland, Jack will first travel here and meet the ancestor of the Scotsman who looks just exactly like his latter descendant, also named the Scotsman, however, to differentiate between the two the ancestor is called "The Great Scotsman", all of our Characters will meet up or at least converge in Scotland or another well known location of the world like both China or early America for examples, in the former case, everyone meeting up at China will meet up at the Great Wall of China, Jack will start off in Scotland while everyone else can decide if they want to start in Scotland or another well known location of the world. The main antagonists of the Role-Play are The Seven Sins of Man, however, other antagonists can appear that aren't even aligned with The Seven Sins and wish to obtain their own objectives, be they allied with The Seven Sins or against them, if so, please put Neutral Evil in the Alignment section of the Character Sheet to show that your Evil Characters are not working with The Seven Sins. Time travel will not be allowed until we reach a certain point within the Role-Play. The primary theme of the Role-Play is "closure" and the feel of the Role-Play will be based after the film "Logan", the story will have a "Semi/Pseudo-Noir" setting to it, although there will be moments of comedy within the Role-Play, the story will primarily be focused around the theme of life itself, how life lives, how life is born, how life dies and if there is a afterlife, does reincarnation exist also, things like that, the story will be dark but not so very dark that Role-Players won't enjoy it, it will basically be like a western Samurai Jack which the TV show already was to say basically more or less. Have fun, i hope everyone will enjoy this Role-Play if they like to Sign-Up for it :]. This is the Theme Song for "season 6" of Samurai Jack-https://youtu.be/ybIIdMVGxgA.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzIxLwVwtiQ Samurai Jack is back, baby! 2016 on Adult Swim! Maybe we could get a mature Samurai Jack that they couldn't do while on Cartoon Network. Bring on the hype! http://www.polygon.com/2015/12/2/9835790/new-samurai-jack-adult-swim
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